A Weekly Journal bf the Ringing Exercise; and Compendium of information fo f tht Clergy and Churchwardens. No. 1553.-F O L . XXX.] SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1912. TPricb One P enny GILLETT & JOHNSTON, GEORflEH.COLDWELL M A K ER OF CROYDON, Surrey. CHURQH, TURRET, CLOCKS— BELLS —CARILLONS. a n PUBLIC CLOCKa^ MIBFIBLD, TOBK8, ■•TIMATBS rRBB. JAMES SHAW,SON a Co. GHUBCH A CAKCLXiOM g e l l CHURCH BKLL HANQBRSj LEEDS ROAD. BRADFORD, TO KII., ■•¥ABUHM M. BeUs OMt Sludy or ia Riagi. ChirekBellft SohooIBallii and Ftototf BaUs. OLD BBLL8 RECAST OR RBHUNO* WIMBORNE MINSTER TENOR (30 cwt.) OF THE NEW RING OF 10. Mosioal Hand Bella In Mti, Diatonio M Chromatis Soalw; Wutaal Olott Britt OylUoM to ESTABI.I8HED 1820 John Mey ani Stm, Ltd. MmmftKtmm ^ SU m Power 0/ n u y ituripUtHtf JOHN PrT t GHARD, HAVE HADE CHURCH TURRET k PUBLH! CHURCH B E L L R O P E S CLOCKS. BELL ROPE, Since the Reign of Qeorge III. ppiaa Llata aid catlmatN i-Ni. For Estimates send weight of Tenori and aOCK ISD GHlMUVe ROPE nnmber and length of Ropes required to M a.nufao1:urer, Greenleaf ft Tristram JOHN ASTLET & SONS, Ltd XiU f uftn, LOUGHBOROUGH. Rope Makers, COVENTRY. P. has had many years' experience And QUAZiIF IB D B BD Ii TUNBRB t making Bellropes, and makes them ILK WRAPS, HANDKERCHIEFS, H B R K F O R D .8 only of the best quality. S and other Goocis of oripnal design, Beantifol Silk Peal Records, very attrao. Hi. aniMLMT II t BbHn itaHCi iM bu Iwd on • tain' MperliDN u Ball B h h k lad U U T oM t' tive. W. Matthews, ChaQge-Rineeri Mparu Md r “ PBIC« USX 011 AFFUCATIONi Bond|Straet.lMaccleifield. r a n b b ll nbws and ringers* RSOoRDi LLEWELLINS ft JAMES, l t d . c a s t l e g r e e n , BRISTOL Church Bells ^ell Frames Siiglf & ii Rings. IN Bells recast to Note STEEL, and MeJvwng. IRON, INSCRIPTIONS 'TFAITHFULLY o r O A K . REPRODUCEOr <^L.E:W£UL.IfNS U ^ f ^ E . 3 & R J S T O L - . ■uHo art also accamtlishtd CHANGE RINGERS, to examine Betts and FiUngs, and report thereon. HARRINGTON'S WEBB ft BENNETT, J. WARN ER& SONS, Ltd. PATKMT Clinreh Bell Hangers k Toners, ■V ROYAk WARRANT Tubular Bells MIkU STRKKT. §fU«^rassJiraiitos FOR CITOBCHES. K lDLIJfQTOJf, OXFOBD- TO m s MAJBSTT TBM KENQ, W. A B. are pnotioal riagan, and having THB CREBCEHT FOUNDRY, rubular Bells are better and eheaper had coasiderabla uperienee in Cbarch Bell than the eld form ef Bell; Banging and Toning with confidence solicit SPELMAN^STREET, LONDON, N£. the patronage of Clergy, Chnrchwardens and Ringers generally. :3FEAL8 OF EIGHT BELLS- W. and B.'s Wrought Iron X Frames tor OsimI Sixo •• •• •• £160 Chnroh Bells are acknowledged to be one o< Large do £810 to £260 the best kinds. Towers inspected. Reports and Estimates TtUgratlHcAtUrttMt— Bia Bm," Lradon. given. Ellacombe Chime Hammers fixed. Foi TeMimenlali and Pcoapeotni apply to Mniioal Bell FonnderB. Bell Ropes snpplied. Haod-BoUa Id SaM, In DIataolo or Chiomallo Soaiei Harrington, Latham & Co., W. and B. hang the Bells npon which the Q ookt, Belli, and CatiUoni in any ilie or nambat. IxiDgest Peal yet ever rung single-handed, viz., Belli of a^’ory deiotiptlon and ilce. EARkSDON, COVENTRY. 17,024 changes, time eleven hours fifteen A Large SeUaticno/Sell LUerature in Stock tHB BBU B T H MOK. by W. H ai.i t , for obimint minntes. Weight of tenor 26 cwt. Rnng at innea an Chnroh Belli. Prloa. paper Dovari ]i. eaoh. Kidh'ngton, May 22nd, 1S99, by eight members Clathooven 51. A New Singers' Badge of the Oxford Diocesan Gnild. TWBLTB OAIOU lar Handbell RIngeri, by « HauT, Prise II. or Medal, tl V O P U U I a m , for HaadbeU Klngari, by W H albt, Price It. In Gold, Silver,, or Bronze. tBB H aiD B U a TOtOK.—A Colleatlen of Tnnei This arrangsment of badge is io the form J. F. MALLABY ft GO. for B or 10 belli. By W. H a l i t , Price 11. of a Chnrcb Bell, of a trne and coirect sbape, and can be worn as a pendant, meaali brooch, or badgQ. On the waist of the bell fliere is a handsomely-engraved BELL ROPES. shield, suitable for an inscription. The bell is ins. deep from headstock BELL ROPES. to clappet-fiigbt i three quarters of an Inch BARNBY DON, DONCASTER broadt and can be had with ring orpin TH« VKRY BKST attachment. Are made by Messrs. CHDRCH BELLS hung with every des­ JPLB4IB Notbi—This handsome jewel cription of the latest approved fittings,in is made in the CORRECT FORM of a CHDRCH BELL. WM. SMITH & SON, Sllvar (^na iida) . - • • I s OAK OR STEEL FRAMES. (Established 1768.) C.„MiidM allka . _ - « ■ I 0 BrOOM .1 m. m. m. -^ . o i l GOMERSAL, LEEDS. I to 0 HANDBELLS) of excellent tone, made to - o u t diatonic and chromatic scales, in sets any number and to any sin. Our Ropoe are the First Favonrites of the Exercise. QKO. H. OOLDWBLM Ringers an invited to try Torkehite ■urMMtw M Mo M ffM c mumtm FREDERICK WHITE, Ropes with Yorkshire Bnd-Pioces. • i m M H O L 0 CK M AOB, AMI wvanilnm iH i C h u rch Bell Htmger, COFFIN WEBS T O R B i a i B B A|rP(.BTQN, BERKS. 01 oitbef CotioB. Flax, or Hemp. Itll llthrs anil |liMers' No. 1553. SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1913. [Vol. XXX. RESTORATION OF THE BELLS OF ST. Bells of Dorset,” the first three bells are giveo as blank. MATTHEW’S, UPPER CLAPTON. The fourth was evidently by John Wallis, of Salisbury. An appeal was published in these columns some weeks The W . P. on the tenor, no doubt means William Purdue, back for subscriptions toward the restoration of the above who probably lived at Closworth, not a great distance bells, but unfortunale’y there were none to acknowledge. from Holwell. This, no doubt, is due to the fact that a good many other appeals have been issued of late, and it is only natural THE CENTRAL COUNCIL. therefore that some of them should not be successful. The First Session of the Eighth Council (twenty- However, owing to the generosity of the parishioners, second annual meeting) will be held in London on Whit’ a sufficient sum was received to justify the order being sun Tuesday, May 28th, 1912. Nominations for the placed with Messrs. Mears and Stainbank, who have office of President and for that of Honorary Secretary thoroughly strengthened the frame, and rehung the bells and Treasurer, as also Reports of Committees, Notices of in new fittings. The louvres have also been boarded up a Motion, and any other matter should reach me not later considerable distance, thus sending the sound fuither than Saturday, April 27th. afield, and it is hoped that no complaints will now be Honorary Secretaries of Diocesan or County Guilds or received (as has hitherto been the case) from persous re­ Associations are earnestly requested to forward the siding within the shadows of the tower. The re-opening names with full postal address of each elected representa­ took place on Christmas Eve. A choral celebration of tive of their Associations as soon as possible, with a view the Holy Communion was held at g.30 a.m., at which the to the early completion of the official list of the new old custom of chiming a Sacring bell at the Consecration Council; and in cases where no elections have yet taken Prayer was carried out, so that the sound of one of the place it is sincerely hoped that a meeting of the A sso ci­ bells was first heard at the most holy part of the church’s ation may be speedily summoned for the purpose, or that services. in any meeting shortly forthcoming this item may not be After the celebration, the clergy, choir, ringers, and as forgotten in drawing up the Agenda. A remittance o f many of the congregation as could possibly be accomoda­ 2s. 6d. is due for each representative, the rights of repre­ ted, ascended to the ringing-room, where the Vicar con­ sentatives being in abeyance until their quota has been ducted a short service of benediction. After the hymn, paid. C h a r l e s D. P. D a v i e s , Hon. Secretary. " Lift them gently to the steeple ” had been sung, the bells Fretherne, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, Janus^ry, 1912.- were raised, and were kept going by the local ringers until Postal Orders should n o t be made payable at Stone* the next service. A quarter-peal was attempted in the house, which is six miles from Fretherne. , evening with Mr. J. Thomas ringing 2-3, but unfortunately this came to grief after ringing 35 minutes. A peal was hower scored on Boxing Day, in which four of the local THE LATE JAMES HINTON, OF BRISTOL. band took part, and which is recorded in its proper place. The “ g o ” of the bells is excellent, and reflects the It has been proposed by a number pf ringers that an highest credit upon Messrs. Mears. In fact it is no appeal should be made for funds to erect a fitting memo­ exaggeration to say that it would be impossible to make rial to the memory of the above-named ringer, who was bells go better, for so many years the central figure in the ringing circle off Bristol and the neighbourhood, and well-known*also in: London andmany other nnging centres.
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