European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2021; 25: 4999-5005 An enigmatic case of cardiac death in an 18-years old girl G.A. LANZA1, M. COLL2, S. GRASSI3, V. ARENA4, O. CAMPUZANO5, L. CALÒ6, E. DE RUVO6, R. BRUGADA7, A. OLIVA3 1Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy 2Cardiovascular Genetics Centre, University of Girona, Girona, Spain 3Department of Health Surveillance and Bioethics, Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy 4Department of Woman and Child Health and Public Health, Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma, Italy 5Centro Investigación Biomédica en Red Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV), Madrid, Spain 6Division of Cardiology, Policlinico Casilino, ASL Rome B, Roma, Italy 7Department of Medical Science, University of Girona, Girona, Spain Abstract. – We report a case of unusual and of death related to severe abnormalities of the unexplained cardiac death in an 18-years old electrical activation of the heart, eventually re- female patient with congenital neurosensori- sulting in hemodynamic compromise and death. al deafness. The fatal event was characterized by an initial syncopal episode, associated with Clinical Case a wide QRS tachycardia (around 110 bpm) but stable hemodynamic conditions. The patient, An 18-years old girl was referred to the Emer- however, subsequently developed severe hypo- gency Department (ED) of a hospital in Rome, tension and progressive bradyarrhythmias until Italy, after a syncopal episode, occurring while asystole and lack of cardiac response to resus- she was at school. Syncope was preceded by sub- citation maneuvers and ventricular pacing. jective dizziness, blurred vision and chest pain, Key Words: lasted, as referred by witnesses, about 20 minutes Cardiac death, Tachyarrhythmias, Bradyarrhyth- and was associated with paleness and sweating. mias, Syncope. Clinical history revealed that the patient was born prematurely, with a Caesarean delivery, at 34 weeks of pregnancy due to the detection of fetal “tachycardia”. During delivery she suffered Introduction from asphyxia needing orotracheal intubation. After birth a diagnosis of paroxysmal supraven- Unexpected (sudden) death in young people tricular tachycardia related to a Wolff-Parkin- is a dramatic event which is usually related to son-White syndrome was done. She was effec- cardiac arrhythmias, mainly ventricular tachy- tively treated with sotalol up to 2 years of age, cardia/fibrillation1. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias when the drug was stopped. She referred sporadic in some subjects are related to the presence episodes of dizziness and some short episodes of of channelopathy (mainly, long QT syndromes syncope in the previous years, but cardiological [LQTS] and Brugada syndrome [BS])2,3, whereas, controls always showed normal clinical and elec- in others, heart diseases associated with increased trocardiographic findings. An electrophysiologic arrhythmic risk (e.g., right ventricle cardiomyop- study was proposed several times, but her parents athy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy)1,4 are respon- always declined their consensus. sible. In a number of cases, however, no clear When the patient was 2 years old a bilateral mechanism and cause of sudden death can be deep neurosensory deafness was diagnosed, fol- found4. In this article we report an unusual case lowing the evidence of speech disorders. At age Corresponding Author: Gaetano A. Lanza, MD; e-mail: [email protected] 4999 G.A. Lanza, M. Coll, S. Grassi, V. Arena, O. Campuzano, et al of 17, she suffered from a diffuse bullous and tachycardia (135 bpm) with a further widening erosive dermatitis, but no specific diagnosis was of QRS complexes (200 ms), resulting in a sinu- achieved despite skin biopsy and immunologic soidal aspect of QRS-ST/T wave complexes in screening. The patient was only taking cetirizine some leads (Figure 1, right). di-chloro-hydrate because of pruritus related to In the following hours, the patient showed the persistence of mild skin lesions at limb ex- frequent changes in morphology and duration tremities. of QRS complexes, as well as heart rate (HR) On admission, the patient was conscious and (Figure 2), with phases of bradycardia up to 30 only declared difficulty in image focusing. Neu- bpm. When visible, P waves most often appeared rologic examination revealed a mild motor defi- dissociated from QRSs, but short phases of ap- cit in her left limbs, and a rotatory nystagmus. parent sinus rhythm, with episodes of 2nd degree Blood pressure (BP) was 120/80 mmHg. Routine atrio-ventricular (AV) block and wide QRS were haemato-chemical exams, including electrolyte noticed. A temporary pacemaker (VVI 40 bpm) levels, were normal. Brain computed tomography was inserted with the electro-catheter in the right (CT), cerebral CT angiography and electroen- ventricle. The patient was transferred to the in- cephalogram also showed normal findings. A tensive care unit, where, due to the detection of transient reduction of her consciousness state, hypotension (BP up to 70/40 mmHg), intravenous associated with stereotyped movements of the norepinephrine was started. BP normalized after arms, paleness and sweating, lasting a few min- 3-4 hour and the drug was withdrawn. In the fol- utes, was noticed after cerebral CT angiography. lowing 12 hours the patient remained stable. The Echocardiography showed normal structures ECG showed restoration of sinus rhythm with and function of the heart, except for an atrial a 1st degree AV block and an RBBB with RAD septal aneurysm without any apparent interatrial QRS pattern (Figure 3, left). shunt, which was confirmed by transesophageal On the day after admission, the patient was echocardiography. transferred to another hospital in Rome, Italy, The electrocardiogram (ECG), however, specialized in the treatment of rhythm disorders. showed a wide QRS tachycardia (rate 120 bpm; There she maintained stable clinical conditions. QRS duration 160 ms) with a right bundle Telemetric ECG monitoring showed only noc- branch block (RBBB) pattern and right ax- turnal phases of sinus bradycardia (up to 35 is deviation (RAD) (Figure 1, left). An ECG bpm) and the temporary electrode catheter was performed after a few hours showed a faster removed. The ECG continued to improve and Figure 1. Left: ECG on admission. A wide QRS (160 ms) tachycardia (heart rate 120 bpm) is observed, with a right bundle branch block pattern and right axis deviation. Right: ECG recorded 2 hours after admission. A wide QRS tachycardia (QRS duration 200 ms; heart rate 135 bpm) with a right axis deviation, an undefined morphology in V1 and an almost sinusoidal aspect in some leads (e.g., DIII, aVL, V2, V6) is observed. 5000 An enigmatic case of cardiac death in an 18-years old girl no arrhythmias; mean HR was 60 bpm and the lowest, nocturnal HR 36 bpm. The patient underwent an electrophysiologic study. No ventricular tachyarrhythmias were in- duced, even during fast ventricular stimulation with triple extrastimuli, both in basal conditions and during isoproterenol infusion. Similarly, no atrial tachyarrhythmias were induced with atrial stimulation under the same conditions. An AV conduction time up to 480 ms at baseline and 260 ms under isoproterenol infusion was recorded. No changes in QRS morphology were noticed Figure 2. ECG recorded some hours after admission (peripheral leads). The ECG shows short phases of a wide during atrial pacing. A prolongation of cQT to QRS rhythm with right axis deviation (rate 75-85 bpm; 510 during isoproterenol was observed. Genetic QRS duration 200-240 ms), with small pauses (max 2.0 s) testing, however, was negative for the presence of followed by tighter QRS complexes. gene variants responsible for known congenital long QT syndromes. In the hypothesis that syncope was caused by a transient rapid ventricular tachyarrhythmia, a 2 days later showed a normal sinus rhythm, subcutaneous automatic implantable cardiac de- with normal AV and intraventricular conduction, fibrillator (ICD) was implanted (Emblem MRI, which remained stable throughout the remaining Boston Scientific, Marlborough, MA), which was period of hospitalization (Figure 3, right). programmed to deliver shock therapy for HRs Neurologic examination and a new brain CT higher than 170 bpm. Furthermore, a subcuta- scan were normal. Transthoracic echocardiogram neous internal loop recorder (ILR; Confirm RX, and cardiac magnetic resonance confirmed nor- Abbott Italia, Roma, Italy) was also implanted for mal anatomy and function of heart chambers. A long-term ECG monitoring. maximal bicycle ECG exercise stress test (peak Forty-two days after discharge, the patient was workload 150 W, HR 164 bpm) did not show any readmitted because of recurrence of syncope, remarkable abnormality, although a corrected QT that, again, occurred while she was at school interval (cQT) of 506 was calculated at peak ex- and was associated with an ICD discharge. On ercise. A 24-hour ECG Holter monitoring showed admission the patient was conscious, asymptom- Figure 3. Left: ECG recorded the day after admission; a sinus rhythm 75 bpm, with a 1st degree atrio-ventricular block (PR interval 250 ms) and a QRS with a right bundle branch block is observed. Right: The ECG, recorded 3 days after admission, shows a normal sinus rhythm with normal atrio-ventricular and intra-ventricular conduction. 5001 G.A. Lanza, M. Coll, S. Grassi, V. Arena, O. Campuzano, et al Figure 4. Left: The first ECG on the second admission shows a wide QRS (160 ms) rhythm similar to that of the first admission, but with a lower heart rate (84 bpm) and some short pauses (initial RR interval 1,320 ms). Right:Peripheral leads recorded some minutes later; a slowing down of the wide QRS rhythm, which appears irregular and with narrowing of QRS complexes after pauses, is observed. atic and in stable hemodynamic conditions. BP Autopsy Study was 120/80 mmHg and peripheral oxygen satu- Autopsy was performed three days after death. ration 100%. Routine haemato-chemical exams, Heart weight and dimensions were normal.
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