~.~,..~.’ i -.-fJJ~w FRIDAY, JANUARY10, 1964 YosemiteNational Park, Calif. NATIONALSKI PATROL VILLAGESTORIES SPECIAL AGENT ENGAGED Anyoneinterested in joining a local by Andy Mr. Tom Thomas has accepted the i.:. chapter of The National Ski Patrol is There are times when a person position of Special Agent for YPCCo., ¯ invited to attend a meeting in the gets the urge to write; then there are according to Harold Ouimet, personnel training room at the Museumon Fri- times when a person is delighted to department head. day, January 17, at 8:00 p.m. write. Again, there are times whenhe Thomaswill be responsible for the DougLarabee, Section Chief of the feels, "Someonehas to do it, and I investigation of possible misappropri- National Ski Patrol, will .be present to guess it’s me." This is one of those ation or misuse of companyproperty discuss the advantages and responsi- times. and with investigation of cases invol- i: bilities of this organization. Last May whenMr. Walter Fitzpat- ving the conduct of guests or em- rick retired, a large vacancy was .i ¯ If there is sufficient interest in a ployees thought to be contrary to .r. created in our community. The Lions i Junior Ski Patrol, steps will be taken accepted local standards. to organize a junior group. Club had to search desperately among It is felt by Ouimet that a company Bill Cooper, head of the regular its remaining membership to find with as widely diversified activities ) Badger Patrol will also be present to someoneto take the place of Secre- and so widely scattered as YPCC o.’s., answer questions. tary-Treasurer (which required some- is normally subject to a certain a- one whocould write and also balance 4 Ski movies will be shownand there mountof misappropriation of its pro- the books with the proper flourish to will be an election of officers. Every- petty. This likelihood is increased by makea desperate situation look like the great numberof short-term sea- one, (including family groups) a well-planned success). cordially invited to attend. Anyone sonal employeeshired and the hundr- The MasonicLodge feels that it has with questions in regard to the above eds of thousands of park visitors. lost a master of spontaneous oratory may contact ¯George Briggs or Dave (Continuedon page two) whocould maintain the interest of an -"’0~ Huson. audience from a period of two minutes HOUSING STUDY to two weeks. Membersof this caliber A detailed lemployee .housing study SAFETYREPORT are prized very highly. The Irish have is being conducted under the super- a gift for it. For the First Quarter of the year, vision of HousingDirector NedEnglish. Mr. Fitzpatrick was also postmaster October through December, YPCCo. in this project he is being assisted by for many years. Everyone loved him, Safety Director Ned English reports a John Curry, Dick Ditton and Gene including his secretary, Mrs. Fitz- 100%reduction in industrial injuries Ewing. The aim of the report is to patrick. compared to a year ago. On a Com- determine the need for improvement But the position he vacated which pany-wide basis there have been but of married employee housing and the caused most concern, to a very select 3 disabling injuries this year as com- increase in the capacity of single em- group, was that of head of the Audu- pared to 8 a year ago. Lost time re- ployee housing suitable for all year bon Society in this area. cords, too, are improved, with a total use. Folks whoare not familiar with the of 27 days this year, 162 last year. The survey is basedon four aspects: AudubonMovement ask whether it is The Maintenance Dept. and Hotel Div- Curry is gathering ’information from a right-wing or a left-wing organiza- ision, English stated, have been part- similarly situated areas on the numer- tion. Thefact is, it is a right wing AND icularly successfulin injury prevention, ical relationship betweenguests and a left wing organization. Actually, with Maintenance having no disabling employee capacity, along with the it is a sort of PERCHSociety which injuries or lost time days, as compared standards of quality maintained in usually leaves its membersout on a to 4 injuries and 32 lost time days last employeehousing; Ditton is document. limb. We may add the organization .year; Hotel Division has had 2 disabl- ing the present living conditions of is strictly for the birds. employeesduring the off-season; Ew- ing injuries and 20 lost time days as Everyone is invited to join. It’s comparedto last year’s 3 injuries, 102 ing is correlating off-season employee national and gets a lot of publicity. lost time days. turnover to housing, housing effect (Continuedon p,’:gc three) (Continued on page two) . ,.j..,. ;’, , .. !i. .... ,..’ r ¯ .’./ ";. ": ~.. ... ¯ .-.., ¯ . \ YOSEMITESENTINEL e . ¯ . ~l’e’¢’. ~ e.~e.e. e e. e ¯ e.e e ¢.~l.e ¢.o,,,,,O4 FROMMAINTENANCE SPECIALAGENT ~i~,-.-.;: : Y.OS EMITE SENTINEL Makingtime while the sun shines, (Cominucdfrom page ’one) (Con :"" " Published by Youpeople frol [ ’ .. ¯ : YPCCo.’s maintenance menare en- Since 1945, Thomashas .been en- . i Yosemite Parkand CurryCo. ’ . ... gagedin several projects of plant pre- gagedin various fields of investiga- " ¯ for the information of i servation.Most activi.ty is in the Lodge tion for the united States Marine colonels, ~: Yosem.ite Valley residents. area, where TomRennels has a crew Corps,for the CalexicoPolice Depart- Mr. Gear i H. Oehlmann Advisor i charge of !. ¯ of ten carpenters, ¯plumbers and merit and for the Imperial County : H. K Ouimet Advisor electricians remodeling bungalows Sheriff’s Office. Whilewith the last or- (Birdwatch~ ’ H. Berrey .......... Advisor with bath. Scheduledfor completion ganization, he also servedas an in. It’S educatic ~. Mail communicationsto Yosernite by May 20 (when guests will move vestigation consul.tant for the Calif: the open.It Sentinel, C/o Y. P. & C. Co., or inl) twenty bungalowsare getting new ornia State Committeeon Narcotics, ¯ quires mar. i .... phone 372-4411. suspect, so ; ~eeeeee:ee,~.eeeeeeeeeee~4eeee e, tile floors, newwalls are goingup in helping write someof the present ten alcoves and six bathrooms are laws on the unlawful use of narcotics George,pro :. " READERSWRITE L being refurbished with new wash- and dangerousdrugs. Thomas’further " .little wood ’ In addition to the 1,400 SENTINELSbasins and formica-topped dressing qualifications include a credential around. i~ which are distributed in Yosemite, tables. All the spring-loaded water from the California State Department i " 330 are mailed to former employees. CHRISTMAS i’.. ¯ .. faucets (the kind that won’t stay on) of Industrial Relationsto instruct police ~ The Gueh ’ ..’. With a recent issue, went a note ask- are being replacedwith the kind that subjectsat the junior collegelevel, and : i ngfor chit chat about the life and whichis ,bei i ... youdon’t needthree handsto operate. a credential from the California State r times of former residents. 50 replies Ten bungalowswithout bath are hav- Institute of JuvenileControl. Women’s I iwere received and, from time to time, ing their interiors painted. All cabins A.t the present,Thomas’ family, his masgreetin! ~ parts will be reprinted in these that have saggeda bit .through the wife and two daughters, are living 9 from the columns.Herewith is the first instal- yearsand the floods are beingstraigh- in the SanJoaquin Valley, but will mothers:I iment. tenedup to level. movesoon to a homein El Portal. write you. I! FromJim Barbour, 1336 Lake Street, Electriciansare c o mpl e t i n g an -o- take the SanFrancisco. $8,000 job of replacing the old-type HOUSING arum, and "1 worked for Hilmer Oehlmann fuse boxes with new breaker-type (Continuedfrom page one) who make ba~k in the years 1927-34A.D., but electrical panels. And,four housekeep. on morale and housing effect on em- threequa’rtc neverfor a minutehave I lost interest ing bungalowswith bath are receiving ployeerecruiting. Englishis compiling having very in glorious YosemiteValley. I’m em- a newunderground electrical supply. a ten-year statistical history of the you a ployed by AmericanForest Products, -o- increase in off-season housecounts and happy although I’m beyond the usual th and the FORSALE and mealsserved, as comparedto the retirementage. I’m active in the Photo- of you and .? capacity of off-seasonemployee hous- chromeClub and CinemaClub of San 1957 Great LakesMobile Home,8x ing. Daniel are 27. Excellentcond., new tires, air cond. Francisco...Last winter I led a bus small card. $1695.Dick FreedVillage Station. Uponcompletion of the study, solu- trip’’ . to theValley tions will be sought to whatever And pret Bedroomset, davenport and chair Goodfor you, Jim Barbour. problemsappear to exist. the youngst FromMrs. TomKnowles, 215 Virginia. name your price. Audrey. Ewing, mothers:I 372-4481days, 372-4859evenings. Ave., SanMateo THE BURNINGTOWER AT BADGER mas, Happy "1 amstill in our apartmentwhere Underwoodtypewriter, office style, th for you 14" carriage. Dignified age, but re- The guard’s houseatop tower four we movedbefore Tom passed away. kisses." cently reconditioned. $18.95. Phone of the No. 1 Constamat Badger Pass ...... I aminterested in helping out 372-4776. caughtfire at aboutthree p.m., Jan- at a newChristian Science Homefor uary 5 sending its occupant, Mike ¯ MA~ Senior Citizens and manageto keep every day and whenI am alone, she The Mamr Soboslayscurrying for help. Apparent- reports that busY. I do wish someof the Yosemite spendsa night or two with me. There ly the oil stove in the housebecame Junior "Poinl friends would stop by when they are so many pleasant memories of overheated,causing the blaze. Several uary 18 are down my way~As for my family the Valley and myassociates". of the cross-membersat the top of ,- Bob and Sally KnowlesPlumb and From Tillie Sample, 709 W. Lemon Saturday, the tower were damaged,necessitat- Drawing for the four grandchildren,they are living Ave.
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