INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19 DELHI Police Headquarters, I. P. Estate, ITO, New Delhi-110002 | Web : IWHUWKHORFNGRZQZDVHQIRUFHGSURPXOJDWLRQ ZDVDYDLODEOHLQWKHDUHDRI6RXWK'HOKL6K3DUPLQGHU RIORFNGRZQWKHSROLFHKDYHQRWRQO\HQVXUHG Singh, Addl. DCP/ South immediately responded and Athat the people shall not come out of their SURFXUHG WKH PHGLFLQHV IRU RQH ZKROH PRQWK +H KRXVHVDQGYLRODWHWKHSURYLVLRQVRIORFNGRZQEXW also ensured supply of the medicine to Bahraich, UP. the supply of essential services including ration/ 'DLQLN-DJUDQZDVRQHRIWKHQHZVSDSHUVWKDWJDYH PHGLFLQHVZDVDOVRWDNHQFDUHRI'XULQJVXFKWU\LQJ coverage to the above incident. times, Delhi Police took several initiatives and the personnel of Delhi Police emerged as heroes to $6, ([H 1DUHQGHU 5DQD GLG H[HPSODU\ ZRUN LQ PDQ\SHRSOHE\KHOSLQJWKHPLQYDULRXVZD\V7KH handling all the COVID-19 positive police personnel HʏRUWV RI RXU SHUVRQQHO ZHUH ZLGHO\ DSSUHFLDWHG at the time of hospitalization. LQSULQWDVZHOODVHOHFWURQLFPHGLD6RPHRIVXFK Curfew Passes to the needy/ Reuniting families success stories are as under:- $QROGODG\DJH\HDUVZDVUHVLGLQJDORQHLQWKH Community Kitchens/ supply of essentials to the 3DKDUJDQMDUHDDQGKHUVRQZLWKIDPLO\ZDVUHVLGLQJ needy LQ,QGRUH0DGK\D3UDGHVK7KHVHQLRUFLWL]HQZDQWHG $KDQGLFDSVHQLRUFLWL]HQ3UDWLEKD9HUPDZDVLQQHHG to go to Indore. SI Lalit, IC/PP Sangatrashan took of some eatables. She contacted Beat Constable WKH LQLWLDWLYH DQG DUUDQJHG FXUIHZPRYHPHQW SDVV Ct. Bijender, PS Greater Kailash and requested to thus helping the mother and son united. The above SURYLGHVRPHIUXLWVDQGHDWDEOHVDQGVRRQWKH\ZHUH PHQWLRQHGLQFLGHQWZDVSXEOLVKHGLQWKH+LQGXVWDQ SURYLGHG 7KH VDPH LQFLGHQW ZDV UHSRUWHG LQ WKH in the month of May. SULQWPHGLDLQFOXGLQJ3XQMDE.HVDULQHZVSDSHU $Q ROG ODG\ ZDV VWXFN DW 5. 3XUDP 'HOKL DQG KHU Inspector Suman Kumar, Investigation, PS Sarita Vihar SUHJQDQW GDXJKWHULQODZ ZDV DORQH DW )DULGDEDG VDZVRPHSHRSOHURDPLQJDURXQGIRUIRRG+HWRRN 'HOLYHU\ZDVGXHDQGQRIHPDOHIDPLO\PHPEHUZDV WKHLQLWLDWLYHDQGDFRPPXQLW\NLWFKHQZDVVWDUWHG DYDLODEOH ZLWK KHU GDXJKWHULQODZ 6+2 WRRN WKH $QRWKHUFRPPXQLW\NLWFKHQZDVVWDUWHGE\,QVSHFWRU LQLWLDWLYHDQGVHQWDFRQVWDEOHZLWKWKHROGODG\WR 6XQLO0LWWDO6+21DMDIJDUKDQGWKHSROLFHVWDʏRI36 KHUKRXVHLQ)DULGDEDG7KLVHSLVRGHZDVSULQWHGLQ 1DMDIJDUKZKHUHIRRGZDVGLVWULEXWHGDPRQJ WKH 3XQMDE .HVDUL QHZVSDSHU LQ WKH PRQWK RI 0D\ SHRSOH GDLO\ ,Q DGGLWLRQ DERXW PDVNV ZHUH 7KHUROHRI6+25.3XUDPZDVDSSUHFLDWHG VWLWFKHGGDLO\E\WKHVWDʏDQGGLVWULEXWHG$PHQWLRQ $UHVLGHQWRI-DXQSXU83WZHHWHGWKH&RPPLVVLRQHU RI WKH VDPH FDQ EH IRXQG LQ VHYHUDO QHZVSDSHUV RI 3ROLFH 'HOKL UHTXHVWLQJ WKDW KLV PRWKHU ZDV including the Hindu. VWXFN LQ :D]LUDEDG 'HOKL LQ ORFNGRZQ ZKHUHDV KH 0HGLFDO$VVLVWDQFH ZDV VWUDQGHG LQ 0XPEDL +H UHTXHVWHG IRU KHOS Commissioner of Police, Delhi arranged movement $VHQLRUFLWL]HQORQHO\ODG\DJHDERXW\HDUVZDV pass for him. He came to Delhi and took his mother VXʏHULQJIURPNLGQH\SUREOHP'XHWRORFNGRZQQR ZLWK KLP 7KH QHZVSDSHU $PDU 8MDOD QHZVSDSHU PHGLFDODLGZDVDYDLODEOHWRKHU7KHEHDWRʒFHU&W highlighted this incident in the month of May. Kapil Kumar learnt and arranged a doctor and saved her life. Punjab Kesari covered this story. $ODG\DORQJZLWKKHUPRQWKVROGVRQKDGJRQHWR her house in Sardhana, UP. The child caught a fever A person resident of Bahraich, UP requested South EXWGXHWRORFNGRZQVKHZDVXQDEOHWRFRPHEDFNWR Delhi Police to provide medicines for his grandfather Delhi for his treatment. Sh. Jasmeet Singh, DCP/ East ZKRLVVXʏHULQJIURPDKHDUWDLOPHQWDVWKLVPHGLFLQH Bureau of Police Research and Development 59 INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19 arranged passes for their return. The said incident Bharat Scouts &Guide, he organized several skill ZDVSXEOLVKHGLQ3XQMDE.HVDULQHZVSDSHU GHYHORSPHQWSURJUDPPHVIRUWKHVHODERXUV,WZDV OHDUQWWKDWODWHURQWKLVLQLWLDWLYHZDVLPSOHPHQWHG Police vans became ambulances for women in in several parts of the country. The aforementioned labour pain incident found its place in Times of India in the In response to a call from a pregnant lady of month of April and in Punjab Kesari in the month *RSDO 3XU 3&5 VWDʏ UXVKHG KHU WR 7LUDWK 5DP of May. +RVSLWDO EXW KHU FRQGLWLRQ GHWHULRUDWHG DQG ZLWK the help of W/Ct Resham, she gave birth to a child $6,66DʐXGGLQ+&$FKHWDQDQG$6,9LQRG.XPDU during transportation to the hospital. The prompt +& 6KHNKDU ZHUH GRLQJ UHJXODU YHKLFOH FKHFNLQJ UHVSRQVHRI:&W5HVKDPKHOSHGWKHODG\ZLWKDQ GXW\ E\ LQVWDOOLQJ SLFNHWV ZKHQ WKH\ LQWHUFHSWHG HDV\ GHOLYHU\ 6HYHUDO QHZVSDSHUV SXEOLVKHG WKH a vehicle carrying 8 persons including one lady incident. DQGWZRFKLOGUHQ7KHWUDYHOHUVZHUHWKHQDWLYHRI %LKDU DQG ZHUH WU\LQJ WR PLJUDWH WR %LKDU IURP D During night patrolling ASI Sheikh Saifuddin, PS FRQWDLQPHQWDUHDLQ'HOKLE\VKRZLQJDFXUIHZSDVV DBG Road heard the cries of a pregnant lady. He LVVXHG E\ '&3 RʒFH 1RUWK 'LVWULFW 7KH VWDʏ JRW immediately arranged for a vehicle and shifted her VNHSWLFDODVQRRQHZDVDOORZHGWRPRYHRXWRIDQ\ WR/DG\+DUGLQJH+RVSLWDO,WZDVFDUULHGE\'HOKL zone declared as containment zone. Accordingly, 1HZV/LYH WKHFXUIHZSDVVZDVH[DPLQHGWKRURXJKO\DQGWKH VDPHZDVIRXQGWREHDIDNHRQH7KHUHDIWHUDFDVH 2QH ODG\ ZHQW LQWR ODERXU EXW QR YHKLFOH ZDV ZDV UHJLVWHUHG XQGHU ,3& 'LVDVWHU 0DQDJHPHQW available. Her husband reached PS Ashok Vihar and Act & 03 Epidemic Diseases Act. one Ct. Dayavir took them to Hindu Rao Hospital in DJRYHUQPHQWYHKLFOHZKHUHWKHODG\JDYHELUWKWR Inspector Madhukar Rakesh, HC Murari Lal , Ct. a baby boy and to honour the help provided by Ct. Shankar motivated some organizations and Dayavir, the family named their son after the name institutions to arrange ration and cooked food for the RIWKHFRQVWDEOH7KLVHSLVRGHJDUQHUHGZLGHPHGLD poor and migrant people. They also coordinated and DWWHQWLRQ DQG QXPHURXV QHZVSDSHUV SXEOLVKHG LW managed the distribution of ration and cooked food including NavBharat Times, Hindustan and Dainik for the needy. In this process, 1000 food packets Jagran. ZHUHGLVWULEXWHGRQDGDLO\EDVLVIRUDSHULRGRIWZR months and a half. $ODG\0LQLZDVUHVLGLQJLQ5DJKXELU1DJDUDQGKDG ODERXUSDLQVDQGQRYHKLFOHZDVDYDLODEOHIRUWDNLQJ The Humane Side her to hospital. W/Ct. Suman of PS Khayala along &W ([H 3XVKSHQGUD<DGDYKDVGRQHH[FHSWLRQDOO\ ZLWKWKHVWDʏWRRNWKHODG\WRWKHKRVSLWDOEXWRQ ZHOO DQG FRXUDJHRXV ZRUN ZLWK D JUHDW ]HDO KLJK WKHZD\WRWKHKRVSLWDOVKHJDYHELUWKWRDFKLOGLQ sense of responsibility and devotion to humanity. WKHSROLFHYDQRQO\ZLWKWKHKHOSRI:&W6XPDQ He successfully recovered from COVID and 7KHUROHRIWKHSROLFHZDVZLGHO\DSSUHFLDWHGLQWKH thereafter, he donated plasma to an ailing patient PHGLDDQGYDULRXVQHZVSDSHUVSXEOLVKHGWKHVDLG taking a suo moto initiative. incident. Miscellaneous &W ([H 6XPLW H[WHQGHG DOO DVVLVWDQFH WR 2QH GRFWRU FDOOHG WKH ORFDO SROLFH RI 'ZDUND COVID-19 positive police personnel at the time of WKURXJK:KDWV$SSDQGLQIRUPHGWKDWKHZDVEXV\ their admission to LNJP Hospital. He paid utmost ZLWK PHGLFDO GXW\ LQ D KRVSLWDO DQG LV XQDEOH WR attention to the problems raised by hospitalized celebrate the birthday of his mother. Sh. Anto SROLFH SHUVRQQHO DQG FRRUGLQDWHG ZLWK KRVSLWDO $OSKRQVH'&3'ZDUNDDORQJZLWKWKHVWDʏUHDFKHG DXWKRULWLHVIRUZHOOWLPHGUHGUHVVDO WKH UHVLGHQFH RI WKH GRFWRU ZLWK FDNH HDWDEOHV +DQGOLQJRI0LJUDQWODERXUV and celebrated the birthday of his mother. The old ODG\WKDQNHGDQGEOHVVHGWKHP7KHVDLGQHZVZDV $ERXW PLJUDQW ODERXUHUV ZHUH VWD\LQJ LQ D SXEOLVKHGLQ$PDU8MDODQHZVSDSHU VKHOWHU KRPH DW .DURO %DJK 7KH\ ZHUH DERXW WR JR WR WKHLU QDWLYH YLOODJH GXH WR ORFNGRZQ IHDULQJ A lady used to reside in a rented accommodation shortage of supplies. Inspector Maninder Singh, LQWKH3XO3UDKODG3XUDUHDEXWGXHWRORFNGRZQKHU SHO/ Karol Bagh took the initiative for all round husband abandoned her. The landlord also asked development of the inmates. He provided ration her to vacated the room. As she ran out of essentials, DQG RWKHU HVVHQWLDOV WR WKH ODERXU LQ OLDLVRQ ZLWK VKH DORQJ ZLWK KHU FKLOGUHQ ZDV VWDQGLQJ LQ WKH Ramjas Foundation. With the help of volunteers of queue for ration. During patrolling, the lady told the 60 Bureau of Police Research and Development INDIAN Police Response to Covid -19 PDWWHUWRWKHEHDWRʒFHUV&W%KLPDQG&W5DQYLU Twitter 1DJDU 7KH\ WRRN XS WKH PDWWHU ZLWK WKH ODQGORUG ZKR DJUHHG WR DOORZ KHU LQ WKH URRP 0RUHRYHU DCP North Delhi Jul 11 WKHEHDWRʒFHUVDOVRSURYLGHGHVVHQWLDOVHDWDEOHV Meeting the senior citizens at their home. to the lady. Both Dainik Jagran and Punjab Kesari covered this incident. 'XULQJ ORFNGRZQ D ODG\ 6XGKD SDVVHG DZD\ GXH WR LOOQHVV 1RQH RI KHU QHLJKERXUV FDPH IRUZDUG to help the family in her cremation fearing death IURP &RURQD ,QVSHFWRU $QDQG 6ZDURRS 6+2 Jaitpur and his team assisted the family members in cremation. The incident received huge attention LQWKHHOHFWURQLFPHGLDDVZHOODVWKHSULQWPHGLD like Hindu, NavBharat Times etc. Due to the increase in Corona positive patients, WKH %HQJDOL 0DUNHW DUHD ZDV GHFODUHG D KRW VSRW 7KH UHVLGHQWV ZHUH DSSUHKHQVLYH DERXW VXSSO\ of essentials. At this, Inspector Prahlad, SHO/PS Barakhamba Road took the initiative and provided contact details of the local police, volunteers, home guards, civil defence personel to the residents of Bengali Market. Also, a list of items available in the shops for home delivery, contact details of WKH VKRSV YHQGRUV RI WKH QHDUE\ DUHD ZHUH DOVR SURYLGHG WR WKHP 7KLV QHZV ZDV SXEOLVKHG LQ Navbharat Times in the month of April. 'XHWRORFNGRZQDVHFXULW\JXDUGORVWKLVMRE+H ZDVXQDEOHWRWDNHFDUHRIKLVIDPLO\DQGFKLOGUHQ Out of frustration, he decided to commit suicide and SRVWHG WKLV QHZV RQ :KDWV$SS 7KLV LQIRUPDWLRQ DCP Shahdara Delhi @DCP_SHAHDARA Jul 11 FDPHLQWRWKHNQRZOHGJHRI6K0DQLVK$JJDUZDO ,QVSHFWRU 5DMHVK 'DQJZDO 6KDKGDUD 'LVWULFW ZKR -W&31RUWKHUQ5DQJHZKRLPPHGLDWHO\VHQW6+2
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