Street Sweeping Street Sweeping is Important So How Do I Get Rid and Fall Leaves Because it: of My Leaves? This brochure is being sent to neighborhoods • Keeps storm drain catch basins from The City of Redding offers residential custom- that historically have a lot of leaves. Though clogging ers weekly curbside green waste collection. If residents may have up to two 96-gallon green one green waste cart is not enough, simply yard waste carts collected each week, some • Prevents street dirt and dust from entering call the Solid Waste Utility at 224-6201 to re- residents still sweep leaves into the gutter. City the public’s eyes, ears, noses, and throats. quest a second green waste cart. crews do not pick up leaves that are swept into streets and gutters and street sweeping equipment is inadequate for this job. • Promotes safety and compliance with Na- If two carts are not enough capacity for your tional Pollution Discharge Elimination leaves, you might consider storing them in Current regulations do not allow leaves System (NPDES) regulations. bags or piles until there is space in the green placed in streets and gutters to be used for waste carts. If you use bags, be sure to empty compost. These leaves can be contaminated • Enhances the appearance of the commu- the bags into the green waste carts and dis- with petrochemicals and street debris. Instead, nity pose of the bag itself in your gray garbage cart. the leaves must ultimately be landfilled, which Over time, the two 96-gallon green waste carts is costly to you - the rate payer - and is a waste Street sweepers are designed to collect only should be sufficient for all of your leaves. of a natural resource. small amounts of dirt, rock, dust, paper, and A better alternative is to put leaves in green scattered leaves - not large piles of leaves swept You can also bring leaves to the City of waste carts and set them out for collection, into the gutter. Redding’s Solid Waste Transfer/Recycling like other yard trimmings. Then, they can be Facility (see map on reverse). We will accept made into compost at the City’s compost fa- This causes the following problems: leaves from City residents at no cost from No- cility. A street sweeper can become full after sweep- vember 1 through January 31st each year. You ing only one block of a residential street with must bring your most current City of Redding As new State and Federal mandates are imple- excessive amounts of leaves in the gutter. This utility bill and a driver’s license to show you mented to protect the quality of water in means extra trips to and from the disposal site are a City resident. The facility is open Mon- streams and channels, it is important for the day through Saturday from 8:00 am to 4:30 street sweeper to concentrate on street sweep- before resuming street sweeping duties. More pm, excluding holidays. ing rather than spend much of the fall picking time spent traveling means less time sweeping up leaves. The street sweeper will pick up streets. most of the leaves that fall on the street natu- rally, but street sweepers are too low to the Landfilling leaves rather than composting re- ground to be effective on large piles of duces the City’s waste diversion rate. This Compost Leaves at Home leaves. They’re designed to pick up small results in the City having to operate more recy- amounts of dirt and debris. Keeping leaves off cling programs to meet the State’s 50% waste Another option is to start a backyard compost the streets and out diversion mandate. Landfilling is costly to you, bin. You can buy a compost bin kit or you can of the gutters helps the rate payer. make your own. Homemade bins can be con- to free up street structed out of scrap wood, chicken wire, pal- sweepers to con- lets, snow fencing or even old plastic garbage centrate on sweep- Leaves left in the gutter can enter the storm drain ing more areas. system and clog catch basins, which can cause cans that have holes punched in the sides and flooding during heavy rains. bottom for aeration. City of Redding Solid Waste Utility P.O. Box 496071 Redding CA 96049-6071 For more information about building your own home compost bin, contact the City of Red- ding Solid Waste Utility and request a copy of the brochure, “Building A Backyard Com- StreetStreet recycled content paper, of course! post Bin” or visit the CalRecycles’s website Printed on 30% post-consumer at http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/organics/ homecompost/. SweepingSweeping andand FallFall LeavesLeaves Map City of Redding Solid Waste City of Redding Solid Waste Transfer & Recycling Facility Transfer & Recycling Facility 2255 Abernathy Lane 2255 Abernathy Lane, Redding Check outourwebsite:http:// Check outourwebsite:http:// www.cityofredding.org/departments/solid-waste www.cityofredding.org/departments/solid-waste Check outourwebsite:http:// www.cityofredding.org/departments/solid-waste Check outourwebsite:http:// Check outourwebsite:http:// www.cityofredding.org/departments/solid-waste www.cityofredding.org/departments/solid-waste Redding CA 96003 530-224-6201 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Transfer Station: Monday - Saturday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.
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