u s t a n g a i l y 2 0 0 5 - Mc: A L. 1 F C') K N I A O L Y T E C FI N I C S F A DT E U N I V E R S I T Y TODAY’S WEATHER Coming tomorrow Kylie Atherstone earns High Player of the Week 67 to SLO: The Juliana Theory honors L.OW 48 IN DIVERSIONS, 5 IN SPORTS, 8 Volume LXIX, Number 41 Wednesday, November 2, 2005 w w w. Ill II s t a II g d a i I y. II e t CSU students rally against fee increases James Mellor “We wanted to attend the meeting u MUSTANC; DAIIY to have a strong presence to let our trustees know that the state fee IW Seven Cal Foly students, including increases were getting to be too ASl President Tylor Middlestadt, trav­ much,” Middlestadt said. eled to Long Beach Thursday to par­ The lone “no” vote came from ' ■ S ticipate in a rally to oppose the latest ( ’orey Jackson, the student trustee on fv.pT51 C'SU fee increase. the Board ofTrustees. Despite the presence o f over 2(M) Jackson w’as persuaded to vote students representing all 23 C'alifornia against the increase by students in State Universities, the C'SU Board of tears, who said they didn’t know what Trustees voted 13-1 to pass an 8 per­ they would do if there was another cent fee increase for 2(M)6.This is the increase. ^ # sixth time in five years fees have CALIF “We’re realizing how much the fee increased. increase is hurting our fellow students Students attending ('SU s will now throughout the state,”Jackson said. OVf Vo«*, Www.joi- t. il pay $2,724 in statewide fees per year. Jackson was also inspired that stu­ The $204 increase brings the total to dents from every C'SU came to 90 percent more than fees were in 2(M)1. see Rally, page 2 NICK COURY MUSTANG DAII Y Protesters assembled at Apple Farm Inn in response to a visit by Gov. Schwarzene^er to San Luis PolyProgress aims to help Obispo to gain supporters on Propositions 74, 75, 76 and 77. students graduate on time Schwarzene^er visits SLO Karen Velie begin e-mailing PolyProgress reports Louise Dolby special election because we feel it’s require public employee unions to MUSTANC; DAIIY to approximately b,(KK) students at MUSIANti DAILY an unnecessary election and a obtain written consent from all the end o f each quarter beginning waste o f taxpayers’ money,” said employees before using the fees for Winter quarter enrollment is Protesters gathered outside this fall, with more students being Erik Baskin, president o f the San political purposes. underway and students are frantical­ Apple Farm Inn in San Luis included as evaluations are complet­ Luis (')bispo City Firefighters. “Arnold wants to make each ly studying their degree require­ C'ibispo Tuesday where Gov. ed. “We’n* against all four primary union get 1(H) peR'ent signatuR*s ments to find which classes they Arnold Schwarzenegger made a The program tracks students’ pmpositions on the ballot because fiom all employees, and in a large need to take. brief visit as part o f a campaign trip they aR' another attack on orga­ progress toward graduation, just as union it’s going to be hard to gar­ Unfortunately, many students are to urge C'alifornians to vote for nized labor that would push labor an adviser would do. ner every signature,” Baskin said. unsua' what courses they need to propositions 74, 75, 76 and 77 in back into the Dark Ages and make It helps to insure that students “Proposition 75 wall put in more graduate on time. the upcoming special election it harder for union members.” avoid graduation dilemmas. bureaucracy and silence our voice. “One o f my paiblems is that the Nov. 8. Currently, all public employees “If w'e can give students thorough The beauty of the democratic old guides are not up. so it s hard to Over 100 firefighters, teachers (both union and non-union mem­ process is fivedom o f speech. It’s audits before they register, they will know what 1 have to take,” said Ian and community members booed bers) pay dues and fees annually, our constitutional right.” be better aware o f what classes they and a portion o f these dues goes to Sizto, a computer science senior. the governor, chanting, “SLO says Schwarzenegger supports Prop need to take,” said Tom Zuur, Regis­ various political purpcises like sup­ “When classes are offered only once no” on all four propositions, pri­ 75 because it allows “paycheck trar and director o f Academic porting or opposing candidates and a year, its pretty important that you marily Proposition 75. pmtection,” meaning government Records. “We’re out here pmtesting the issues. Proposition 75 would know when to take them.” see Governor, page 2 Help is on its way. Cal Poly will see Progress, page 2 \blunteers fight agmnst polio in Nigeria Brittany Ridley " National Immunization D.iy MUSTANI. DAIIY occurs throughout the year m is the most polio-cmicmic numerous Third World coun­ Twenty-five local Rotary place on the planet. Xij^eria is tries that lack the means to Club volunteers will where the problem is. 79 immunize their children. embark on a lO-day trip to “In the late 80s, there were Kano, Nigeria to participate 350,000 new cases o f polio,” — BRUCE HOWARD in West Africa’s National Howard said. “This year we are kotary ('liih team leader Immunization Day from _ at a ground 1,200 cases o f polio Nov. 8 to 18. worldwide. It’s almost licked.” trip, will partake in the efi'orts to The local group, along with Volunteers like Howard travel eradicate polio in Nigeria, as part é hundreds o f other volunteers, will throughout India, Africa, o f an overall Rotary C3ub efi'ort to participate in their goal to immu­ Indonesia and the Philippines m eliminate polio worldwide. V nize every child 5-years-old and order to immunize as many chil­ “Nigeria is the most polio- li_l younger, for a total of over 80 mil­ dren as possible. COUKITSY I’MOro endemic place on the planet,” lion children. Ilowaril said the population is Bruce Howard administers the OPV (Oral Polio Virus) to children in Bruce Floward, a local Rotary Howard said. “ Nigeria is where India. He will be doing a similar service trip in Nigeria Nov. 8 to 18. (3ub team leader fi>r the Nigeria the problem is.” see Nigeria, page 2 NEWS 2 'X'edncsdav, Novcnibor 2.2005 University. more funding. Jennifer Reyes, a politic.il science “We needed to show up because ‘‘Hut, we .list) knew if we didn’t Governor junior and member of C'al Holy continued from pnge / this is an issue that etiects every start advocating for the hudget early continued from page I Ckillege Republicans, agrees with the propositions since she thinks they will oppose the tee increase. single student,” said Ruthie on, we were just shotitiiig ourselves employees can decide how their fix the hudget problems, improve the ‘‘It slu>\ved students do eare and Osorio, a member of the ASl in the foot,” he said. wages are spent in regards to sup­ public education system and give they're willing to tight the whole Hoard of Directors and .m attendee 1 he students who attended the porting political candidates or issues, union workers a vote. year to educate the public on w hat o f the rally. “ Fveryone has to pay rally aren’t done fighting. because it requires employees to give “He’s like an action-hero in every the state legislature is doing tt> t)ur fees.” The event marks the heginmng t)f their permission before their money sense of the won!,” said Tiylor Scott, system,” he said. Supporters o f the fee increase a long year o f fighting for higher IS used for political contributions. business junior and member ot the ■Middlestadt initiated the rally at argue that CiSUs need the nu)iiey educatit)ii. Students h.tve plans to “Arnold wants to take away our C'.al Holy C College Republicans. “The the special hudget meeting for the to ensure a i.]uality education, continue lobbying in Sacramento to First Amendment rights,” said propt)sitions benefit the people, not ( 'SU Hoard lifFrustees by proposing Middlestadt said. get legislators to prioritize the C!SU Cheryl C;onw.iy, an electrical office the party, ami there are no special to get represent.itives from all 23 “VC'e knew we weren’t going to system. union member. “Everything the interests. They just make sense.” CiSUs to Long Beach in supptirt ot' stop the fee increase. Honestly, we “.'\lthough we didn’t accomplish national Republicans want to do Ciov. Schwarzenegger will return Jackstm. The motion to coordinate didn’t really want to because we anything tangible by going to this destroys the middle class.” to San Luis Obispo on Thursd.iy at such an event was started in response knew we needed that revenue,” meeting, it really unified the students Many members o f the C'al Holy 7:.^0 p.m. to speak at the Madonna to an emotional meeting at the last said Middlestadt who commented of ('alifornia,” said Darcy Kinney a Clollege Republicans also assembled Inn to urge voters to support his conference of the Cial State Student on how the students used the forestry junior, who also attended outside Apple Farm Inn to support reforms.
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