National Park Service Joshua Tree U.S. Department of the Interior Joshua Tree National Park Superintendent’s Annual Report A summary of park operations during 2009 2 Superintendent’s Annual Report Superintendent’s Office On Kaiser lands outside of the park, there has been a project proposal known as the Eagle A major focus of the year has been planning Crest HydroPump Storage Facility. With the and strategizing about the protection of lands hiring of a new chief of resources, the park along the north park boundary. The Morongo has been very proactive in communicating our Basin Open Space Group continues to work to- concerns about this project, including fugitive wards understanding Basin agencies’ missions, dust and air quality, fragmentation of habitat finding common goals, preserving open space, for a number of species, and night sky and view determining locations that might best be served degradation. by development, and communicating with all Along the southern edge of the park, the vested agencies and organizations. Paradise Valley development has continued on Lands track. Staff members from the Glorious Land A number of The park continues to parter with NPS Land Company continue to keep the superintendent alternative-energy Resources staff, the Mojave Desert Land Trust, apprised of its status. projects are being (MDLT) Douthit Consulting, and the Com- The Los Angeles Department of Water and munity Affairs office of the Marine Corps Air “fast tracked” Power has proposed expanding an existing util- Ground Combat Center, (MCAGCC). ity corridor to run 500KV power lines from the north and east of The park worked with MCAGCC and the I-10 corridor north through the Big Morongo the park. MDLT to assist with the application for Readi- Preserve. The California Desert Colalition ness and Environmental Protection Initiative continues their fight to protect the Preserve by (REPI) funding to acquire 955 acres outside hosting fundraisers and offering educational of the park. MCAGCC’s goal is to protect the workshops. The National Park and Conserva- flight zones used regularly for USMC missions. tion Association has started to lobby for the The MDLT has the support of the US Fish and Preserve to be added to Joshua Tree National Wildlife Service to protect this land, since it Park to prevent utility corridors being desig- is pristine desert tortoise habitat. The park is nated. interested in seeing this area protected, as the With the housing market slump continuing Quail Mountain Ecosystem extends beyond through 2009, there have not been new devel- the park boundary. MCAGCC submitted the opments proposed that could threaten park application for REPI funding. MDLT is the resources. The Century Vintage Homes de- partner for this current proposal; orientation velopment that called for 1600 homes on 476 tours were held with The Nature Conservancy acres two miles from the park boundary has as a potential future partner. had all of their environmental studies expire. A number of alternative energy projects are There has not been any activity regarding the being “fast tracked” north and east of the park. Sky Harbor Ranch development, a community Communications regarding these proposals are of 428 homes on 640 acres contiguous to the being coordinated with NPS Regional Lands park boundary. Resources Office and with the Chief of Plan- During 2009, there has not been any news on ning, Evaluation and Permits Branch of the the Katz development, an entire section of land Geologic Resources Division in the Natural Re- at the western boundary of the village of Joshua source Program Center in Denver. Joshua Tree Tree. continues to communicate our concerns with regard to land use, cumulative environment The proposed NuWu Casino in Twentynine impacts such as water use & hydrology issues, Palms is currently inactive. It has been sug- fugitive dust & air quality, and wildlife mobility gested that the Tribe seek an alternate location & degradation of habitat. within the city limits for this facility. The Metropolitan Water District (MWD) owns In 2009, the management assistant and the land within the eastern and southern areas superintendent participated in the quarterly Cover: Archeologist Land Resources meetings. The management Caitlan Mars screening of the park. A written request was sent to the soil for a test excavation. MWD via a third party requesting that MWD assistant continues to be active in the Morongo transfer or sell any unused parcels to the NPS. Basin Open Space Group, and the Conserva- tion Land Acquisition Work Group. Left: Helicopter support MWD declined our request. We have not for the closure of the determined whether or not we will appeal this Desert Queen Mine decision. The Los Angeles Sanitation District’s proposal to develop Eagle Mountain Landfill has still not been approved. One lawsuit is still pending. Joshua Tree National Park 3 Administration • JOTR HR staff will adjudicate all SACs, NACIs and ANACI background investiga- The administrative officer spent a reward- tions for the M&M Network, which consists ing three-month detail in the regional office of 10 parks. This is in addition to the ser- working with line item funding requests. The vice-wide adjudication of all money handler park prepared for the retirement of its budget SACs and ANACIs. analyst. Functional areas continued to work Property & Procurement within their network groups: Mediterranean Sixty-five items of excess IT and electronic and Mojave (M&M) Network Information property were disposded of through the Technology (IT) work group, M&M SHRO UNICOR Federal Prison Industries recycling for Servicing Human Resource Office and the program.The park property report was updated MABO for Major Acquisition Buying Office. and verified. Business Center The Contracting Officer obtained the Fed- The business center has now been in place for eral Acquisition Certification in Contracting a full year. Work has been assigned to individu- Program (FAC-C) and Level II Certificate of als familiar with working for a specific division Appointment. Assistance was provided to the as this has been found to work best. Overlap of regional contracting office to support other skills has been stressed for backup coverage. parks with their end of fiscal year procurement The reception functions for the superintendent needs. were also absorbed into the business center. Regular meetings have allowed us to resolve Budget and Finance issues and disseminate information among Base funding for FY09 was $5,504,042. An members. increase of $498,000, focused on resource man- agement, was reduced to $356,000 due to the Housing delayed implementation of the ONPS appro- The number of The Housing Management Plan was approved priation. With the talented administrative staff required occu- on July 24. The number of required occupants and energized program assistants front and pants in park in park housing was reduced to the two law center through the close out, the park ONPS enforcement positions at Cottonwood. Excess closed, again, at $0.00 (only ten of the 66 parks housing was park housing was utilized for centennial hires, in Pacific West Region managed to do so). reduced to the eliminating the need for commercial rentals to house seasonal staff. Housing revenue for the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act two law enforce- of 2009 brought the park $3.8M; 3.2M will be ment positions at year was $25,800. A staff member was given training in housing then assigned as backup for used to chip seal roads. Cottonwood. the housing program. Credit card transactions were not downloaded Human Resources to the park until late in the 2nd quarter. This Many processes were in transition within the led to an inaccurate status of funds prior to that HR function in 2009. time period. Continuing the tumble, staff held • The Human Resources Operations Center back on purchases resulting in 46% of non- (HROC) was up and running on July 1. personal services being expended in the 4th Phase 1 included classification, employee quarter. notices, and length of service awards. Budget operations were streamlined: third- • USA Staffing licenses have been purchased party checks can now be computer generated, and training is underway. fee revenue is deposited in a clearing account, • QuickTime was implemented for payroll and newly acquired coin counting machines processing. expedite donation box counting. • Seasonal Recruitment Operations Center (SROC) began advertising summer seasonal GovTrip was used for 297 travel authorizations, positions for a limited number of series. including two work details for the YCC (which Additional series and fall and winter sea- equates to 38 travel authorizations for docu- sonal recruitment will be added. mentation purposes only with no claims). • The M&M Servicing Human Resource Information Technology Office (SHRO) charter was signed. Work The park invested 30k in equipment in prepa- continues to consolidate all Servicing Per- ration for the Voice over IP transition and three sonnel Offices (SPO) in the M&M Network servers. Conduit and fiber was installed at Cot- under one SHRO. Meetings and pro- tonwood to expand internet and radio service cesses to implement our new organization and at Indian Cove to expand the alarm system. continue. 4 Superintendent’s Annual Report Facility Management “Night Sky” friendly exterior fixtures. 122 fixtures were retrofitted and over 200 incan- The primary focus of the facility manager was descent bulbs were replaced with energy the design for the Oasis of Mara VC, so much efficient CFL’s at 30 locations. of the standard O&M of the park was entrusted • The interiors of the Indian Cove carport, to the branch supervisors and maintenance Administration building, Artifact Storage, administration team. The chief of maintenance and Pinto Wye Maintenance office were performed a 70-day detail in the WASO budget painted. office as well as a number of shadowing as- • Eight assets received pumps, evaporative signments associated with participation in the pads, bearings, motors, and temperature USDA Graduate School Executive Potential controls.
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