WASHINGTON UMMER STATE UNIVERSITY ;VERGREEN Wednesday, June 27, 1984 Established 1894 Vol. 90; No. 155 Recent senate action by Gina Jausoro Evergreen Staff Congress recently initiated two forms of "bribery" to state govern- ments in an attempt to lessen the nationwide concern with drinking and driving, according to a Representa- tive's spokesman. The first attempt to solve the prob- lem of driving while under the influ- ence of alcohol is a proposed Constitu- tional Amendment which would unify the nationwide drinking age to 21. The Lautenberg Bill, sponsored by Senator Frank Laurenberg, 0- N.J., proposes withholding highway funds to states that do not raise their drinking age to 21 within a two-year time period. The government will withhold five percent of funds the third year for failure to comply, and ten percent the fourth year. Presently, 22 states have 21 as the legal drinking age, three at 18, and the rest at 19. Idaho is one of the states enforcing the 19-year-old minimum age for the purchase of liquor. "Is it fair for the federal government to blackmail states this way?" Greg Casey, Staff Director for Representa- tive Larry Craig, Rvldaho. said. "It's always been a state issue," he added. Washington state Representative Thomas Foley echoed Crain's opinion. "He is totally against the idea of the government intruding into an area which should be decided by the Daily Evergreen Scott Griffis states," Bill First. a spokesman for Foley said. Proprietors of local taverns and bars are startled by the proposed amend- ment. "The matter should be left up to the state," Brad Bredesen, manager of The Spruce, a Moscow tavern popular Minors will try to drink to WSU students said. Many students travel eight miles to to stay away from The Coug if they're Moscow to drink liquor. This type of one person get away with it, we have to Total fines for apprehension or fake by Gina Jausoro let everybody do it too," he said. identification usually cost $125 to under 21," he said. "We don't need travel, occurring in many states border- Evergreen Staff ing others with younger drinking ages, "But, there will always be people we $250, according to Miller. "It's an ex- minors in here." would end, cutting revenue for drink- can't catch," he said pensive process," he said. The police procedure, if charges are ing establishments. "We are not for Although minors are not allowed to The Coug confiscated five different It is not illegal to reach into a wallet pressed by the establishment, involves it," Bredesen said. drink in bars and taverns, some will try identifications last year. "The most and take out a person's identification, transporting the person to the police to do so, according to area bartenders, common one we get is an altered identi- according to Paul Hildebrandt, co- station. "We take a statement. read MUltiple issues stem from the mea- proprietors, and law enforcement offi- fication," he said. owner of Pelican Pete & Toucan Sam' s Miranda rights, fingerprint; photo- sure, according to Casey. One is the cials. Women are harder to catch with fake and The Coug. graph, and issue a citation to the per- theory that teenagers may still go out According to the Revised Code of identification, according to Picha. "We had a problem with this tech- son," Miller said. and drink alcohol in their cars. "Do we Washington, it is illegal for minors to "Because they change their hairstyles, nicality when [ reached into a girl's "The person will be transported to think that by raising the drinking age, it frequent a tavern, which is a "com- jail if he doesn't live here, or go to will stop drinking?" Casey asked. monly violated law," according to school here," Miller said. This may "The evidence is not there," he said. Sergeant Ron Miller, of the Pullman explain why WSU minors are taken to The question of whether 21 should Police Department. jail if caught drinking alcohol in Idaho. be the best nationwide age to drink The manner in which persons caught Another campus tavern, The Cam- alcohol was raised by Casey. "Should with fake, altered or borrowed identi- pus Cavern, doesn't confiscate the fake they vote at 21 if they drink at 21 too?" fication varies among bars and night- identification, according to Merlin he asked. "It's a philosophical ques- clubs here. All persons interviewed Vickerman, a bartender. "If I catch tion," he said. agree that allowing minors in bars someone with borrowed ID, [just say, While some legislators are against "provides problems for everyone in- 'sorry, but this isn't you." "They the idea of Congress mandating a volved," Russ Picha, night manager of usually leave at that point." nationwide drinking age, many agree The Coug said. Bartenders must make a reasonable that the concern with alcohol is a tough If a person enters The Coug with effort to enforce these laws, according issue. "It's a justifiable concern," false identification, bartenders im- to Miller. "A statute says if a crime has Casey said. mediately confiscate the identification. been committed, you must do some- This concern lead a Connecticut .The document is then given to the man- thing about it if you know about it," he Senator to sponsor a proposed Amend- ager, who turns it over to police. said. ment that would require states to set jail Law enforcement officials have a "They are making this effort, terms and the loss of driving privileges number of options available to them, though, because they won't let minors for anyone convicted of drunken driv- according to Miller. "We can write in," Miller said. "It's a fine line of the ing. [f states failed to comply, they them up on a number of charges," he law. " would lose highway funds, just as in said. A patron who has no identification the Lautenberg Bill. Along with the charge of a minor showing date of birth will not be "It isn't fair to dump all the blame on frequenting a tavern, one cannot purch- allowed in The Campus Cavern or The the kids," Senator Charles Mathias, ase liquor until the age of 21 has been Coug, "even if he or she swears to be R-Maryland, said, explaining why he reached. "We want minors to know 21," Vickerman said. "I will boot was supporting efforts to broaden the they can't come in here," Picha said. your mother out of here if she doesn't legislation. "We have to be consistent." their identification may not even look wallet and took her ID out," Picha have 10 when [ ask for it." Just as in their varying drinking This consistency often leads to like them," he said. said. "She warned me that she would "I don't worry about the sob story, ages, states differ in punishment for embarrassment for those who do get If a bartender or a doorman canot call her lawyer. " even if it's a really good one," he said. those convicted of drunken driving. caught, according to Picha. "A girl [ prove that the identification is not real, Hildebrandt researched the problem The Campus Cavern doesn't have Washington residents, convicted on know came in with someone else's the patron signs a card releasing the and confirmed its legality after the inci- many problems with false identifica- charges of driving while intoxicated, identification," he said. "I saw her get establishment from responsibility if the dent took place. "It makes it easier for tion, according to Vickerman. "We must serve from 24 hours to a max- past the doorman, so I went up to her person is caught by an official. If us to confirm that the person isn't 21, " generaIlly have a regular crowd here," imum of 365 days in jail, pay up to a table and asked to see her identifica- caught, the patron will face a jail term Picha said. he said. $750 fine, lose driving privileges for 90 tion," he continued. of not more than 90 days, as well as a "If we don't decide to press charges, "I have more problems with trying days, and complete an alcohol informa- "I felt really bad when I had to take $500 fine. "This card scares them," we make then put an-advertisement in to throw drunk people out of here than [ tion program. her identification away, but if we let Picha said. The Daily Evergreen, telling students do with false lO's," he said. Page 2 Summer Evergreen Wednesday, June 27, 1984 TheHILLTOP Panel seeks . Has 2 for 1 Burgers in the superhuman o~;!F!e~~~s'::r" president Every Monday through Saturday an understanding of the role of a re- by Gretchen Hanna search university. sensitivity, excellent From 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Campus Editor Ph. 334-2555 interpersonal skills. an understanding Imagine a person who is better than of the political processes relating to anyone else. is known on the interna- state supported Higher Education and tional level. has earned an academic an ability to communicate well with all degree. has been the president of a pre- university constituents. she said. stigious university and can teach others Robert Little. anthropology profes- to walk on water. This imaginary per- sor. said the president needs to have an Kt1Ituek~fried Ckiekelt® son will be the next president of this academic degree and managerial skills. university. But he also stated that the president's roll at this university needs to be de- These virtues were uttered by several fined.
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