Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(2): 412-418 ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 4 Number 2 (2015) pp. 412-418 http://www.ijcmas.com Original Research Article Effect of Pesticides Alone and in Combinations on Sulphur Oxidation in Soils M. Srinivasulu1,2*, G. Jaffer Mohiddin1,2, Klever Quimbiulco2, Darwin Rueda Ortiz2, Juan Ortiz Tirado2 and V. Rangaswamy1 1Department of Microbiology, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur-515 003, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2Department of Life Sciences, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas -ESPE, Sangolqui, Ecuador, South America. *Corresponding author A B S T R A C T A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the interaction effects of K e y w o r d s insecticides alone and in combination with fungicides on the sulphur oxidation in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) soils collected from the Anantapur district of Sulphur Andhra Pradesh, India. The rate of sulphur oxidation was dramatically increased at oxidation, 2.5 kg ha-1, whereas increase in the concentration of pesticides at 7.5 to 10 kg ha-1 insecticides, level drastically decreased the rate of sulphur oxidation. The sulphur oxidation was fungicides, pronounced more at 14-day of incubation with pesticides alone and in combination soils in both black and red soils. The oxidation of sulphur was significantly enhanced by the application monocrotophos in combination with mancozeb after 7 and 14-day of incubation in black soil. Introduction Sulphur is an essential component for knowledge about pesticidal influence agricultural crop production. In view of towards these microbial activities is scarce plant nutrition, sulphur stands next to (Min et al., 2001; Rohwerder et al., 2003). nitrogen and phosphorus. Sulphur enters soil Sulphur is an important component of the primarily in the form of plant residues and environment, and there is a usual cycle of chemical fertilizers. A large part of the oxidation and reduction reactions which sulphur in the soil profile is present in transforms sulphur into organic and organic matter. Sulphur transformation is inorganic products. Elemental sulphur is mediated by chemolithotrophs and has gradually converted to sulphate in soil by become increasingly apparent in recent the action of bacteria. years, since sulphate is the plant available source of sulphur and demand for high Sulphur is an essential element for all sulphur content by commercial crops has biological systems and has been recognized been reported (Wen et al., 2001). Despite as a major nutrient for optimal plant growth. the economic importance of sulphur, It is used by plant for synthesis of amino 412 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(2): 412-418 acid, biotin, thimate glutathione, co- Pesticides enzyme A, formation of chlorophyll, glucoside oils, disulphide and sulphuryl In order to determine the influence of groups and activation of sulphurylase. pesticides on sulphur oxidation, Sulphur fertilization is a vital part of modern monocrotophos, chlorpyrifos alone and in agriculture (Pradip et al., 2011). It leads to combination with fungicides increase the crude protein content of (monocrotophos + mancozeb and forages, oil content of oilseeds, persistence chlorpyrifos + carbendazim), were selected of legumes stand and winter hardiness and in the present study. For incubation studies drought tolerance of crop plants. It also and estimation of sulphate in soils, improve quality of cereals, uniformity and commercial formulations of the tested quality of vegetables, control of some soil pesticides dissolved in distilled water were borne diseases and ultimately to higher used. Chemical structures of the selected yield. pesticides were represented in Fig.1. Total sulphur may indicate the total pool of Soil incubation available sulphur in soil but it has got little value in describing short time availability of The soil ecosystem stimulating non-flooded sulphur in soil. Therefore, the element, to conditions consisting of ten gram portions of get available to plant, is readily metabolized soil samples were added in test tubes (25 x in soil in a cyclic manner (Pradip et al., 150 mm) and soil samples were moistened 2011). There are four distinct processes of to maintain at 60% water holding capacity. organic compound decomposition; microbial Same model was used previously, to assimilation or immobilization of simple elucidate the effects of insecticides on compounds of sulphur; oxidation of microbial activities by Tu et al. (1996); inorganic compounds such as sulphide (S2-), Rangaswamy and Venkateswarlu (2000); - 2- thiosulphate (S2O2 ), sulphite (SO3 ), Raymond et al. (2003) and Jaya Madhuri polythionates and elemental sulphur; and Rangaswamy (2003). reduction of sulphate and other anions of sulphide. Apart from these abiotic factors, Statistical analysis one of the major process to convert sulphur in available form for plant uptake is All data are averages of three replicates. The microbial oxidation, mainly by thiosulphate data were analyzed for significant oxidizing bacteria, of the unavailable differences (P 0.05) between pesticides element and reduced sulphur to plant treated and untreated soil samples using 2- available SO4 (Jensen et al., 1995). Duncan s multiple range (DMR) test (Srinivasulu et al., 2012). Materials and methods Estimation of sulphate Soils Ten gram portions of soil samples were Samples of black and red soils, collected suspended in 100 ml sodium acetate - acetic from groundnut cultivated fields of acid buffer solution, thoroughly agitated in a Anantapur District in a semi-arid region of wrist action shaker for 30 minutes, and the Andhra Pradesh, India from the depth of 12 soil suspensions were passed through cm, were air-dried and sieved through a 2 Whatman filter paper No. 42. Suitable mm mesh screen before use. 413 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(2): 412-418 aliquot of the filtrate was pipetted into 25 ml increased when applied the insecticides volumetric flask. Then 2.5 ml of 25 HNO3 alone and in combination with fungicides. and 20 ml acetic phosphoric acid (3 parts of AR grade acetic acid + 1 part of AR grade The significant enhancement in the H3PO4) mixture was added to each flask and formation sulphate from sulphur was diluted to about 22 ml. After shaking the observed in black soil than in red soil due to contents thoroughly, 0.5 ml of BaSO4 seed the presence of highest organic matter suspension (18 g AR grade BaCl2 was content in the black soil. The oxidation dissolved in 44 ml of hot distilled water and sulphur was initially low and then gradually 0.5 ml of standard sulphate solution (2 mg increased up to 2.5 kg ha-1 of insecticides /ml) were added and the solution was then (monocrotophos, chlorpyrifos) alone and in boiled, cooled and 4 ml of gum acacia - combination with fungicides acetic acid solution was added. Then 0.2 g (monocrotophos + mancozeb, Chlorpyrifos AR grade BaCl2 crystals (passed through a 1 + carbendazim) and decreased gradually by mm sieve) were added and mixed the increase in the concentration of thoroughly. After 10 minutes, 1 ml of gum pesticides up to 7.5 and 10 kg ha-1. The acacia - acetic acid solution was added (5 g oxidation of sulphur was increased in case of gum acacia was dissolved in 500 ml hot of all individual and binary mixtures of distilled water, filtered through Whatman pesticides significantly after 14 days of No. 42 filter paper and the filtrate was incubation in comparison to 7-day incubated cooled and its volume was made to one litre soils. The results of the study indicate that, with AR grade acetic acid) and set aside for application of insecticides alone and 90 minutes. Then the flasks were inverted combination with fungicides profoundly ten times and the absorbance was read in a enhanced the rate of sulphur oxidation when Spectronic 20-D spectrophotometer at 440 applied the pesticides at recommended nm. levels. Result and Discussion Microbial transformation of sulphur regulate the bioavailability, toxicity and Soil application of pesticides, singly and in environmental impact of these elements in combinations, significantly enhanced the the biosphere. Sulphur oxidation provides oxidation of sulphur in terms of sulphate microorganisms with nutrient or energy formed when applied at 2.5 kg ha-1, whereas source (Germida and Siciliano, 2003). increase in the concentration of pesticides up Sulphur oxidation in soil is restricted by a to 10.0 kg ha-1 resulted in a decrease in the number of factors like aerobic, anaerobic sulphur oxidation was observed in black and conditions, presence of chloride ions, carbon red soils (Table 1 and 2). Significant dioxide level etc. Large scale applications of stimulation in sulphur oxidation occurred the pesticides in agricultural soils seldom after incubation for 14 days in both soils. effect the sulphur oxidizers, in particular Treatments receiving monocrotophos, species of thiobacilli. Any such treatment chlorpyrifos, monocrotophos + mancozeb, which alters the number of sulphur oxidizing and chlorpyrifos + carbendazim, showed a bacteria, is likely to influence the rate of highest sulphur oxidation rate at 2.5 kg ha-1 sulphur oxidation and the amount of plant relative to the control after incubation for 14 available sulphate-sulphur. Despite the days in both black and red soils (Table 1 and major role played by sulphur in soil 2). Overall the rate of sulphur oxidation was biogeochemical cycles, only few isolated 414 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(2): 412-418 studies were made on the effect of pesticides after pesticide application, reports of towards microbial activity implicated in inhibition at high concentration was sulphur oxidation. Initially, supported by Tu and Bollen (1968). Tu Sivasithamparam (1969, 1970) found that (1968) noticed that aldrin and dieldrin at chlorpyrifos treated soil showed a distinct 2000 ppm reduced the rate of sulphur. Tu increase in the number of sulphate oxidizers and Bollen (1968) observed that paraquat thereby stimulating microbial oxidation of inhibited sulphur oxidation when applied at sulphur, predominantly after three months.
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