7 V Itr 1JHE WASHINfiTOJS HERALD: JEIUPAY. MAY 24. 1912. NATIONALS GRAB GET-AWA- Y GAME FROM THE TIGERS CORNELL'S CREW DEFEATS HARVARD AND PRINCETON SPORTS WILLIAM PKET, tpnttmg Paltoty SPORTS run line for our heroes. Detroit amassed BAITED-OD- a tally In the seventh on a couple of hits BDRN8 IS and McBrlde's error. Danger lurked near J0II0W THE NATIONALS CORNELLCREWPS In ..one down Bam the sixth, when with JTZ RgAMKQ THE HEBALD ' Crawford 'drove the ball to deep left for Greatest Shirt OF THE BOX a double, and in the eighth Gainer singled TRIAHGDLAR RACE Straw Hats with one down, but Hughes waa equal to William Feet, sportlns; editor the task of stopping further trouble. of The Washington Herald, ac- Hoeller'a Great Play. companied the Nationals to Tferr New Braids BY THE NATIONALS York ulghf, and trill remain Values We Have One of the prettiest plays of the game last Defeats Harvard and Princeton on' was furnished by Danny Moeller Jn De irtth them dnrluc their whlrx Eigkt-oare- d New Bands troit's third inning. Jones was on first around the circuit. The Wash- Charles Xiver ia ington Herald will carry eom-- y with one out Crawford lined safely to Griff's Climbers Capture - Race. left on the hit and run play. Davy Jones plete and breesy accounts- of" . New Shapes Ever Offered Game by" the Score of dashed for third. .Moeller, quick as earh name, also nerrs notes and Boston, Mass, May 51 In the presence .'" flash., saw he could not get Jones and aisln dlreet from the team. of 20.000 people, on the. banks of the The style designers have been more than We have purchased the entire sample line of , 5 to 2. slammed Ihe ball to Knight at second Baseball fans In ihe Capital Charles Hirer. Cornell this afternoon van- with the result that Crawford was neatly can keep In touch with the team quished In Usually prolific this season, and an- one of the foremost' shirt manufacturers. The caught trying to stretch the blow into Harvard and Princeton their by reading The Washington triangular rowing contest, have-eve- a double. It was one of those quick nounce the finest collection of straws we r ijlotincludes all of the season's newest patterns TOM SUGHES IN 'RAEE TOEM tmnKing plays which Indicate consider Herald. covering the 'mile and ' able gray matter above a ball player's course In 9:26.5. Harvard finished second, shown. and the soft French cuffs. The proper shirt for cyem-ow- three lengths behind Cornell, and half a IJest choice is here now there will be fewer summer wear. Soisettes, Russian cords, silk, and peet. Clarence Walker pla)Td right field length ahead of Princeton. By william and connected for a single. He also AMERICA LEAGUE. Wind and water were Ideal for racing styles, linen, in all sizes. Southpaw Sill Burns, who pastlraed made a pretty throw to Foster in the with the exception of a flight southeast with the Nationals during Joe Cantll-lon- 'a first Inning, retiring Bush at third on YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. breeie, which stirred up the water to Sennits, Splits, Milans, and Rough Braids. $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and some that were' made reign, and who now belongs to the clean single by Jones. The secret some extent, but not enough to affect Washington, B Detroit, Z. to sell as high as $3.00, Detroit Tigers, was a welcome little The Score. the time of the crews. concrete coliseum yes- V Philadelphia, 0 St. J,ouls, 3. Cornell had the trrstde course, and stranger at our caught .'$1.50 to $4.00 terday. Morllcr. If. I. Chicago, 10 tt York, 4. the water with the crack of the FMer. Jb....... gun. Harvard and Princeton were off The Griff gang waited until the bases Milan. ,U.... 3 fl Cleveland, tj lead, Special In fh and then tf Boston, together. Cornell look a nose and at $1.15 am lnr,t fnnrth Schaefer, 0 0 It a Panamas, $5.00 to $10.00 a off the lb........ at Harvard Bridge had Increased to Danny Moeller rattled board Walker, rf...., . I 1 length a half. Ithacan'a row- xe . GAMES and The s, right Held fence. Burns cunea a' Krisht. In form ' 50c Reversible Silk in paper. game wound up HcBridr. as.......... ing .better than either of the - OT piece of fly The Washington at Xew York. other contestants, rapidly Increased their Bangkoks, $6.00- the season newest stripes, at 5 to 2 with we'uns hugging the right end Henry, c. V mOC Ainsmita. c:........ Philadelphia at Boston lead to three lengths, and crossed the of the score. easy 'Moellcr's timely rap was the feature, Hatnea. TAi. line an winner. was timely, the etandi.no or clubs. The Cornell freshmen beat the Harvard for the reason that It TotUv, ... ... n 5 10 10 1 the jrlritT baseball bugs pray for, S Tdl7- -' first year crew In the other race of the of swat icTBorr. Won. Win. Lost. often In vain. Then there was Long ab. R. IU I'O. A. E. lost. Feu meet, finishing a length In the lead In Bath. is.......... Ctlciio.. .TM 9.53. Tom Hughes, the wily eteran, of Jones, Jf...,... Boston. ........... a m .es .rr jib whom It has been said that Detroit Perry, cf.. WASni.VOTOX, 14 14 133 .MS Jl greets blm with great glee every time he Crutlcrd. Philadelphia..... u u ja si CINCINNATI NOSED OUT. - if.. ja BENJAMIN CLOTHES Jumps on the mound against- thera. Ddchantr. 2.. Detroit 11 II .K .iS .153 Huehes was at his best and the Junga- - Gainer, lb- .- Oeroland...- -. ..,. 13 IS TtU .3 Beat Reds, 11 to 10, helpless. Eight hits! JlotUrtr. jn.1... Xew York.'....... S M .36 JB Cardinals Win. you want to have a prosperous air, be sure you wear a Benjamin garment leers were scattered,, Louis - If - get. was Stanaje, &.,..... St. I n so Sending; Over Winning- Runs. as ,aa- Detroit could and as Burnt, p.. ........ ;i ji Skillful tailoring, style, expert workmanship, beautiful fabrics these and a thousand other fea- Ihe case againtt Groom on Wednesday, Irobne. p......... SL Louis, May 23. Both the Cardinals fong Tom would havo had a shut-o- llulttn ....., 0 0 0 and Cincinnati played loosely make Benjamin Clothes leaders in wearing apparel. misconduct by the men behind NATIONAL LEAGUE. tures ut for won. 11 to 10. 33 I C4 15 but the Cardinals Sallee tilm. Totals..,;. i YESTERDAY'S saved the game by stopping the Reds The Nationals' victory not only gives .'Batted for Burns In the fifth. RESULTS. 1, In- In the eighth when they grew dangerous them the Detroit series. ! to but W.diliMon. -5 Plttsburar, 3 Boston, 1. stronger In 00140000 again. In the seventh the Cardinals fell r trenches them all the third -t Detroit........ ............. 01000010 St. Louis, 11 lO. on Smith and drove him from the box. place. Incidentally leaving a pleasant . Cincinnati, for Suits Washinc-ton- Up nros by and Earned errors $20.00 L First bue taste in the mouths of every Capital The second ball Humphries threw was --Detroit J. Left on hsae- a-Wassinston. S: De a home run by Wlngo, scoring fan and added confidence In the ranks S. cm . GABIES hit for troit First cue tails OS Bums. I: off two and giving the Cardinals the tallies to ace the perilous uudoc. ; otr llncnea. 3. innlnss xatened Br Cincinnati at St.Louls. Journey" which starts In Gotham Barm. (; by, Dubuc. (. Hits nude OS Bams. ; that won. Score: New D Alter BUI Bums had'been relegated to oS Dabae. 2. Strnck oot By Hushes, 5. Three-ta- Boston at Philadelphia. I y7 r?f7 the clubhouse, Dubuc formerly of Mon- hit Uoeller. Stolen s? Double to Knicht Xeir York at Brooklyn. Mariana, rf.. 3 1 0 ?Ir..tuna. a l s o o up Dubuc fiererold S !...... 3 treal, took the burden. Had to Sohaeier. Wild FaiMd balls IK. IB 0 Mowrer. 3b.. 10 10 game, might Chicago at Mltrt!l rf. ( 2 2 0 rtonetcnr, so. i started the the result have Henry, Z. UmrarraSlesara. Hart and ConnoUT. Plttsburtr. t u 0 big rjcin. .... Krana. rf...... 12 2 0 been different, for the Frenchman Time of came 1 hour and 30 minutes. 3b... Ill(3020II Haner, as.... 3 12 4 1 only allowed one member of the home 6TA.NDI.Na OF THE CLUBS. Earnond. flakes, cf.. 1 I 0 o s.111114 1 S O....J-- during Toaj-Wo- n. JleLean. 2 I Wtapj. 2 team to reach second base the Caspar, c. Stfrfr. p. 2 0!!!0 1 0 four remaining innings. Lost. Pet Win. Lose. Smith. n. ..30020 Wnndburn, p. 0 0 0 0 FRA CMENT30FTHEFI New York... S .TH .TJ3 .730 Hum panes, ...00000 Catcher Henry Jlnrt. OneinnaU S 10 .BS .637 .07 plllll gallre. p.- - Chioaro 13 II J33 Jn) Totals...... 43 13 a 13 2 John Henry started, behind the ASSEEWFROM Jit! 11 bat Pittsburj.................. U. II .IH J00 .fM Totala. S 15 I but had an off day. Two passed bajs PtOUdelroia..... ......... 43 .IH .KC Batted for Eteelt la the sixth. UNITED STATES LEAGUE. helped run In second. St. US39 ,11 Detroit to a the THE PRESS BOX" Louls................ II .43 .r Cincinnati 03000700 10 WIN A foul tip put the collegian's rlghrhand Boeton............ 11 a JO Xi St. Loots. U FAVORITES Brocilrn..."...- .- I II 20010110 YESTEnDAVS ItESULTS. 'The Talk of the Town" out of commission in this Inning, and S Bans Beaeher O.
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