NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION r{Hn r s*c errJEq 3rid{@ Office of District Health Officer, Zilla Parishad Gadchiroli q€RIE €s+qqqe Phone No. 07 132-223!37 , E-mail - dpmgadchiroli2}lT @gmail.com District.Health Society NHM Gadchiroli invites applications from eligible candidates for filline up the following post on contractcon uarl basis asAS indicated below. Place of Submission of No. of Posts Name of Post Qualification Remuneration Posting Application and Catesory Community Health As per O/o District B,A.M.S. Base Salary Rs.25,000/- Per As per Provider (CHP) at attached Health Officer, month consolidated + attached Health Sub centre list. Zilla Parishad Performance based incenti ve annexure. (Health & Gadchiroli & other allowances upto Wellness Centre) Rs. 15.0001 Terms & Conditions for appointment: l. Shortlisted candidate will be initially sent for six months training at any Hospital in the state' 2. Candidates will be paid a stipend of Rs.10,000/- per month during the training period. a exam. Candidate successfully J. After completion oi six monih training candidate will have to appear for exit completing the exit exam will be appointed as Community Health Provider sub centres. 4. Candidate-is expected to do home visits to atleast ten households in his/her area daily. 5. Candidate successfully clearing the exit exam will get a certificate which will be applicable only for working as a Community Healtn Provider at sub centre. This certificate does not make the candidate eligible for any specialisation/ private practice. 6. Thire is no seprate provision for accommodation and other allowances during training period. o General Terms & Conditions : l. These posts are purely contractual and not state government's regular of 2. During the seleciion pio""s I .5 times candidates will be selected, But after the exit exam if the number candidates passing the examination are more than the available posts then the extra candidates will be treated as waiting candidates. 3. Criteria for selection will be the BAMS final year marks of candidate. (PG 4. Candidate holding higher qualification will be eligible for maximum of 5 additional marks Diploma-2 & PG Degree-5). 5. Candidate having experience of working with Government/NHM/Semi government organisations are eligible for 1 additional mark per year, maximum upto 5 marks' of 6. Candidate from the same Taluia will be given 20 additional marks. For that candidate must attach copy residencial proof with application. Candidate have to clearly mentioned Taluka Name in there application for which he is willing to apply. (Candidate should apply only in one taluka). 7. Vertical and horizontal reservation will be applicable for appointment to Community Health Provider Post. g. The candidate clearing exit exam will be appointed initially for I I months, likely to be extended subject to continuation ofthe pr6ject from Gol. Ifthe Project is not extended, candidate cannot claim any right on the post or perrnanency'oflob or job protection by government or any litigation regarding the employment protection. g. Age criteria for open category will be 38 years and for reserved categories it willbe 43 years. 10. Age criteria will be relaxed by 5 years for existing NHM Employees. mentioned criteria I l. The selection committee reserves all the rights to modifo or change all the above without any prior intimation. Application form should be submitted in prescribed formate along with photograph and one set of self attested photo copies of mentioned in the form to the District Health Officer, Zilla Parishad Gadchiroli upto 24/ti7l20l8 on 5.45pm (Working days). Application form received after last date will be not considered. Candidate are advised to keep their e-mail ID active atleast for one year' A future . correspondence shall be sent via e-mail. Distr th Officer Zilla Gadchiroli submltted wlll be tfested as Exact Name of positlon applled for: Fathe/s / Husband's Name; Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY): Apply!ns Existing NHM category& Taluka (Yes/No) Nationality: Address / Contact Detellsr (Name Address (Present): Address (Permanent): (Write Same it r"me present aaCGi "s State: State: Pin; Pin: Contact Nol Contact No: ror Lorresponoence: Alternate E-mail ld for Corresponaence 1tf any;. [anguages Known: English Hindi Marathi Others (Please Specify belowl (Write "Y" / "N") Professional Education Flnal Year Total Marks & Obtalned Marks Work / Experlence Summary: (Starting from current / most recent) 5r.No From To Organization Deslgnation Responsibilities (MM/YY} (MM/w) (Mln.30 and Max.50 Words) Total Experience (ln Years & Monthsl: Relevant Experience to the post applled (ln Years & Months): Notice Period/olnlng Tlme (Days): Details of Internship / Workshops/Conferencesfiralnings Attended (lf any): Declarotlon: I hereby declsre thot oll statements mqde in the applicotlon ore true, complete ond correct to the best of my knowledge and betief. I understond thot in the event of ony informotion belng found untrue/fotse/incorrect or t do not sotisfy the etigibility criterio my condidature wilt be cqncelled, without assigning ony reoson thereof. I have reod the content of the odvertisement ond ogree to obide by the rules, regulotions ond procedures for oppointment to the post opplied for. Narne: Place : Date : Dlsclalmer: The appllcants are requlred to submit th€ duty filled applicatlon on or before the due date and time, falling which the applicatlon of the said applicant shall be treated as non-Fesponslve. NHM shall not be responslble for late receipt or non-receipt of appllcatlon/s for any technical reason or whatsoever, The appllcations received after due date and time shall not be considered. g\ \o tri \o s s o\ o| (\.| \o \o 8$ c.l co 6l Is N c.) o C\ \r c'.1 6l o e HS o as e o zlrj us a.l o c! o o Fci zv F A>S z c,! o o Q o o L <G I o o o o o o Eqt tc) fl t a-l 0 ^ € c{ c.| t*. (\l lat rn a o\ (.1 (r1 a[r c\ FI s (n C\t F.^ (\t (n c.l (o t\ a5s 11 . .: (, t.t i.) $ o\ N o\ (n (fl o\ (\ (\t CO (N t) (\ c{ s GI c{ (\l o\ \o GI (fl N ol s N F)ier lr 9, 6t o o\ (a \o € zd-:gE ol CO t c{ c{ rO s s N o\ s s rn ra rJ1 !n \n tn att 't, E I E 0) o o c) L o <J O () <) c) s ,!) s s s ,o s ,o ;< a 0 o .9 o ts H .!) i.l s atr co (as cn N - a (-l (ns € (-l s ?.| s {i !n s s G \n s L s L r s $t L rn 6 c) G) q) q) s .a (.) L (a (a (rI o h (n e ta a rn (B o o (! c o o I o o q) a L E o U E o) E k q) E () t c) Q) ,n 'd E il al 6 d It 't o (u Y t o k I n) I tr C) o 0) 0 E () o k Ti€ H .AI a- Or 4, 6, tc t! U lJ- (t) tr; Irr rt) i a rn 6l o\ aa F. o.l (o 85 a t\ tt (\l F lv, ro 6o\ o I o o,l 6l <) 6l =\o o N 19 l l J I rc o I ES e o ,l o t- I l l I I as o I o o o -: I lz| I lt la I I gf I -l o o Q 1 Iti I I I I o o lf re I ll I I l:s o o o It l, I Its' I Ir (.) Io .sfld rf t oo (\ $ (fr €\o 4 l' c t N (\ | ;s -lQ $ a N o P-- l' IF Fl .. f,E cn € ( a.l (\ tf F -lh ca a.l r + |.a F9X (? o3a,-E ^.tro F\ C\l 6l o\ (a€ aa FI I I I I I I I I (ns s N at I ra !ns E s I s ! F l ro e ! o/ l^ o a l^ c) v € E tr :R o o € o a O s o <) o G a) O F{,9 q! o a s ,c) s (9 s t) trt () tf) s a.) F q ,q) O ,o s L (') ql tl s e.l s (tl s )tl (+t t.H |l .o o c) ln d t !n lf-) s AI q) s q) o\ (sl e ta m s 0 I o c.) q) s 6 E ct C) o t) E d1 ci q) 9 o ct o s L I N e lil 6) r! G (. @ v2 co o rA L .F L E t) i.) (ll,I !tl O (dr q ot o ql al tr Y tl o L E E o E (lll !)l -l ol .c) a ! o fr ttl o el tl CI Fi 'Ft t( E rAl o-i u)) '.':l trl o kl 'll v lrr / al AI n 5l o rgl sl F at)l r.l ,xl JI il 'g/ 'gl List of Proposed Health & Welnesselness Centres in 201g-192018-19 ((Gadchirol Sr.No. District Block PHC Name of Facilifv I Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Dechalipetta SC Kalled 2 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Dechalipetta SC Petha 3 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Jimaleatta(24X7) SC Govindsaon 4 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Jimaleatta(24X7\ SC Gundera 5 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Jimalsatta(24x7\ SC Marpalli 6 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Jimalgatta(24X7\ SC Suddasudam Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Kamalapur(24X7) SC Challewada 8 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Kamalapur(24X7) SC Damrancha 9 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Kamalapur(24X7) SC Guddigudam 0 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Kamalapur(24X7 SC Mandara I Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Kamalapur(24X7 SC Mosam 2 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Kamalapur(24X7 SC Repanpalli 3 Gadchiroli Aher Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli) SC Alapalli 4 Gadchiroli Aher Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli) SC Indaram 5 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli SC Kannepalli 6 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadch ro SC Khamancheru 7 Gadchiroli Aheri Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli) SC Nagepalli 8 Gadchiroli Aher Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli) SC Navesaon 9 Gadchiroli Aher Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli) SC Pusukpalli 20 Gadchiroli Aher Block PHC Mahagaon(Gadchiroli) SC Yelchil 2l Gadchiro Aheri Block PHC Permili SC Medpalli 22 Gadchiro Aheri Block PHC Permili SC Talwada z) Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Bhakrondi SC Koresaon 24 Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Bhakrondi SC Kurandi Mal 25 Gadchirol Armori Block PHC Bhakrondi SC Pisewadadha 26 Gadchirol Armori Block PHC Bhakrondi SC Yeneada 27 Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Delanwadi IPHS Q4X7) SC Kulkuli 28 Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Delanwadi IPHS (24X7) SC Manapur 29 Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Delanwadi IPHS (24X7) SC Mohazari 30 Gadchirol Armori Block PHC Delanwadi IPHS (24X7\ SC Sukala 3l Gadchirol Armori Block PHC De anwadi IPHS(24X7) SC Mangada )Z Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Va ragad(24X7) SC Arsoda aa JJ Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Vairaead(24X7) SC Asta 5+ Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Vairagad(24X7) SC Joeisakhara 35 Gadchiro Armori Block PHC Vairaead(24X7) SC Pathersota 36 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Vairaead(24X7) SC Shesaon a- JI Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Vairaead(24X7) SC Shivni 38 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Vairaead(24X7) SC Saygaon 39 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Vairagad(24X7) SC Palassaon 40 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Wadadha SC Bodadha 41 Gadchiroli Armori B ock PHC Wadadha SC Chamorshimal 42 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Wadadha SC Injewari 43 Gadchiroli Armori B ock PHC Wadadha SC Kital 44 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Wadadha SC Kosbi 45 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Wadadha SC Thanesaon 46 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Wadadha SC Churmura ( 47 Gadchiroli Armori Block PHC Wadadha SC Deloda Sr.No.
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