7668 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 6 May 1, 2008 3 new high schools, and countless moderniza- she demonstrated her mastery of mathematics NEDY and many other people who have played tion and improvement projects. For these ac- content, and that her teaching methods in- an active role in both the initial establishment complishments, Mr. Walker was recognized by crease student achievement. In addition, by of the National Park and in the preservation the Builder’s Exchange in 2007 for ‘‘Out- winning the award, she has demonstrated that and restoration of the Corson Building, an im- standing Industry Achievement’’ and by Dar- she evaluates and improves not only her stu- portant historical structure which was nearly den Architects for ‘‘Excellence in Building’’. In dents’ achievement, but how she teaches the destroyed by fire in 1997. Through a combina- addition, Mr. Walker has been a member of material. Finally, Mrs. Hutchinson is committed tion of Federal, State and local government fi- the District’s Career Technical Education Advi- to improving her personal mastery of the con- nancing, along with non-profit funds and ef- sory Committee. tent she teaches. She is also committed to forts, the building, now attached to the existing Clovis schools have received many honors mentoring and supporting other teachers at Visitors Center, will serve as a major edu- over the years, including being named numer- her school. cational facility with valuable public meeting ous times as a California Distinguished Providing quality education is a key to in- space that will be available for both National School, a National Blue Ribbon School and creasing America’s competitiveness and cre- Park programs and community meetings. National Drug Free Schools Program. Mr. ating a skilled, 21st century workforce. Today, Among those who will be recognized at the Walker’s dedication to providing exemplary over half of China’s undergraduate degrees celebration on May 16 for their efforts in mak- school facilities and grounds has assisted Clo- are in math, science, technology and engi- ing the Corson project a reality, there is one vis Unified in attaining these achievements. neering. Yet, only 16 percent of American un- individual whose contributions over the years Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend dergraduates pursue these fields. To meet the were crucial and deserve special mention. I and congratulate Gerald Walker upon his re- demands of an increasingly advanced, global speak of New Bedford native Tony Souza, who was the long-time Executive Director of tirement from Clovis Unified School District. I market we must better train and equip our na- the Waterfront Historic Area League, WHALE, invite my colleagues to join me in wishing Mr. tion’s workforce and Mrs. Hutchinson is doing the city’s leading historic preservation organi- Walker many years of continued success. just that. Shadle Park High School is fortunate to have such an inspiring and committed zation. f While Tony and his wife Elsie (who did teacher. great work as the Deputy District Director of PERSONAL EXPLANATION Madam Speaker, I rise today to commend my Congressional office) moved a couple of Linda Hutchinson for her outstanding work as years ago to Florida to pursue other opportuni- mathematics teacher. What an honor it is to HON. TOM COLE ties, it is his vision for both the National Park receive this recognition from the President. I OF OKLAHOMA and the Corson Building that we will to a large invite my colleagues to join with me in con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES extent be honoring at the ribbon cutting event. gratulating Mrs. Hutchinson on this great Thursday, May 1, 2008 A little known aspect of Tony’s efforts to re- achievement. store the Corson Building and convert it into Mr. COLE of Oklahoma. Madam Speaker, f an educational facility is that he took much of on Wednesday, April 30, 2008, I missed the his inspiration for that work from his late son, first vote in a series of two votes. I missed roll- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Christopher Souza, who had been a member call votes Nos. 230, 231, 232, and 233. of Senator KENNEDY’s staff. Had I been present and voting, I would have HON. JEFF MILLER Chris, who shared his parents’ commitment OF FLORIDA voted as follows: Rollcall vote No. 230: ‘‘aye’’ to both improving New Bedford and preserving IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (on agreeing to the Miller, George amendment its wonderful historical legacy, sadly passed to H.R. 5522); rollcall vote No. 231: ‘‘aye’’ (on Thursday, May 1, 2008 away at the age of 26 in 1994. This was of agreeing to the Wilson (SC) amendment to Mr. MILLER of Florida. Madam Speaker, I course a tragic loss for his family, but it was H.R. 5522); rollcall vote No. 232: ‘‘aye’’ (on would like to offer a personal explanation of also a loss to the broader community because motion to recommit H.R. 5522 with instruc- the reason I missed rollcall Vote No. 146 on we were deprived of the talents of a young tions); rollcall vote No. 233: ‘‘no’’ (on final pas- March 14, 2008. I was meeting off Capitol Hill man who had chosen to dedicate himself to sage of H.R. 5522). with over 100 World War II veterans from my public service. Despite his grief over his son’s f district who flew up on the Emerald Coast passing, Tony gave some thought to steps he SPOKANE TEACHER RECEIVES Honor Flight. might take to honor Chris as an individual and PRESIDENTIAL AWARD If present, I would have voted: Rollcall vote also as someone who exemplified the next No. 227, Previous Question on the Rule for generation of young leaders. This consider- H.R. 5522—Worker Protection Against Com- ation led ultimately to the idea of establishing HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS bustible Dust Explosion and Fire Act, ‘‘nay’’; the Corson Building, once it was rebuilt, as a OF WASHINGTON Rollcall vote No. 228, Rule for H.R. 5522— facility with a primary focus on education, so IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Worker Protection Against Combustible Dust that it could, among other purposes, play a Thursday, May 1, 2008 Explosion and Fire Act, ‘‘nay.’’ key role in helping tell the young people of f New Bedford the remarkable history of their Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Madam city. Speaker, I rise today to congratulate Linda CORSON BUILDING RIBBON CUT- Like many complicated projects involving Hutchinson, the Mathematics Department TING CEREMONY—FITTING TRIB- older structures and various levels of govern- Head at Shadle Park High School in Spokane, UTE TO TONY AND CHRIS- ment—not to mention both the vagaries of the Wash., on her outstanding performance as a TOPHER SOUZA Congressional appropriations process and the mathematics teacher. In recognition of her ex- National Park Service’s property management ceptional contribution to the academic HON. BARNEY FRANK regulations—getting the Corson Building to wellbeing of her students, Mrs. Hutchinson OF MASSACHUSETTS where it is today involved a slow series of has been awarded the ‘‘Presidential Award for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES steps with numerous detours. Along the way, Excellence in Teaching Mathematics and it was necessary to stabilize the building after Science.’’ Thursday, May 1, 2008 the fire; develop the necessary design for the The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Madam renovation; and begin to assemble the req- Mathematics and Science Teaching, PAEMST, Speaker, on May 16 there will be a very im- uisite funds, all of which took time. Tony was is the highest recognition that a kindergarten portant event in New Bedford, Massachusetts: consistently the driving force behind the efforts through 12th-grade mathematics or science the ribbon cutting for the newly renovated to overcome the obstacles that emerged, and teacher may receive for outstanding teaching Corson Building, which will be dedicated on I know that his desire to see the project com- in the United States. Mrs. Hutchinson is one of that date as a key component of the New pleted was to a large extent a reflection of his just 108 teachers to receive this honor each Bedford Whaling National Historical Park Visi- love for his son. Indeed, he only decided to year. tors Center. seek new challenges outside Massachusetts Mrs. Hutchinson was evaluated on five di- I look forward to being joined at the cere- when it was clear that his vision for the project mensions of outstanding teaching. She proved mony by my colleague Senator EDWARD KEN- was well on its way toward completion. VerDate Mar 15 2010 13:39 Nov 08, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR08\E01MY8.000 E01MY8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 1, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 6 7669 So, the Corson Building ribbon cutting cere- ant to the City Manager in Pasadena, Cali- Valley Bluegrass Festival, and the Arcadia mony will be both a physical and a much more fornia. She has received numerous awards in Music Festival. He also produces 15 hours of personal homecoming for Tony and Elsie. I recognition of her works in the Santa Cruz bluegrass music each week for WAMU’s Blue- join with Senator KENNEDY, and the elected of- community and has served on the Board of grass Country. When he’s not acting as pro- ficials, National Park Service representatives Directors of several local charities. gram host or concert emcee, chances are and area preservation activists and residents Madam Speaker, the City of Santa Cruz will Davis is holed up in his basement studio pro- who will also be attending the event, in paying miss Ceil’s vision and leadership, but there is ducing CDs from hundreds of bluegrass tapes tribute to Tony Souza’s vital contributions to no doubt that she has left the City in a better he’s recorded over the years.
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