prefrontal muse prefrontal muse o date, competitive gaming has not been widely researched or recognised in the scientific and professional literature on video games. As the name Tsuggests, competitive gaming comprises players who regularly compete in tournaments organised and run by the gaming community, often for large mon- etary gains. Secondary benefits include the recognition and admiration of other gaming community members. Such tournaments are now often run by companies that host the events at large convention centres in major cities (New York City, Los Angeles, Seoul, etc.). 48 The Neuropsychotherapist Vol 5 Issue 5, May 2017 prefrontal muse prefrontal muse Work stressed and play? A brief look at competitive gaming Mark Griffiths tinx/Bigstock.com www.neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 49 prefrontal muse Despite three decades of worldwide growth in com- levels of play in video games. For instance, research has petitive gaming, little empirical investigation has cata- demonstrated measurable differences between novice logued these activities. Although empirical studies are and expert game players, the latter group often demon- lacking, studies have noted that competitive games strating enhanced short-term memory, executive con- now use Internet radio coverage with play-by-play com- trol/self-monitoring, pattern recognition, visual–spatial mentaries, large-screen televised projections of game abilities (e.g., object rotation), and task-switching effi- footage, sizeable live audiences, and cash prizes in the ciency, along with more efficient problem-solving skills. hundreds of thousands of dollars. For elite competitive Competitive gaming has the potential to change the gamers (i.e., professional gamers), the activity is a full- dynamics and motivations of gaming. If a player can time job. Many games played competitively appear to make a financial living and career from playing a video demand high levels of sophistication in strategizing, game, for example, it becomes an occupation rather planning, multitasking, and timing to master. than a hobby. This raises interesting questions about Academic studies have shown that, if used properly, the role of context in excessive gaming and potential certain competitive games can also promote prosocial addiction. Although there is ongoing scientific debate behaviour and skills development. Furthermore, profes- on the nature and extent of adverse consequences as- sional success in competitive gaming seemingly requires sociated with excessive digital technology use, I have persistent practice and sophisticated skill sets. It is likely previously noted that long hours of video game use that these positive effects are more substantial than alone do not indicate video game addiction; in other the effects of games played on a casual level. Numer- words, heavy use on its own is not a sufficient criteri- ous studies have demonstrated the benefits of gaming on for addiction (Griffiths, 2010). Therefore, in order to more generally, in lieu of any specific information on the evaluate problematic video game use, researchers must positive effects of competitive gaming, particularly in first consider what negative consequences players are relation to improved spatial cognition. Studies have also experiencing in their lives. When video game players are suggested that video games can provide an enriched capable of financially supporting themselves from their medium for strategic problem-solving. Other studies play, this matter becomes more complex. For example, support the differences between novice and advanced how would one categorise a professional video game inx/Bigstock.com 50 The Neuropsychotherapist Vol 5 Issue 5, May 2017 prefrontal muse prefrontal muse player who was making over $100,000 per year playing or as over-concerned with their work and neglectful of video games, but was also experiencing social difficul- other areas of their lives. Some of these may indeed be ties as a result of excessive video game use? This point is applied to competitive gamers (particularly the refer- not meant to imply that a successful professional gamer ence to hyper-performers and the fact that other areas is incapable of suffering pathological effects from game of their lives may be neglected in pursuit of their ulti- use, but rather to raise the distinct possibility that pro- mate goal). Some authors note that there is a behav- fessional gamers will view their use as non-problematic ioural component and a psychological component to due to the success they experience. workaholism. The behavioural component comprises When it comes to competitive gaming, many players working excessively hard (i.e., a high number of hours will play excessively and spend hours and hours every per day and/or week), whereas the psychological (dis- single day either practising or competing. For many positional) component comprises being obsessed with competitive gamers, their whole life is dominated by work (i.e., working compulsively and being unable to the activity, which may impact on their relationships detach from work). Again, these behavioural and psy- and family life. However, this does not necessarily mean chological components could potentially be applied to they are addicted to playing the games; the excessive competitive gamers. game playing is clearly a by-product of that activity be- I have also noted that there are those who differen- ing their job. However, it could perhaps be argued that tiate between positive and negative forms of worka- they are addicted to their work—and, in this case, their holism. For instance, some researchers (like myself) work comprises video-game playing. view workaholism as both a negative and a complex Workaholics have been conceptualised in different process that eventually affects a person’s ability to func- ways. For instance, in a review I published in The Psy- tion properly. In contrast, others highlight the worka- chologist (Griffiths, 2011), I noted that workaholics are holics who are totally achievement-oriented and have typically viewed in one (or a combination) of the follow- perfectionist and compulsive traits. Here, the competi- ing ways: as hyper-performers, as using work to avoid tive gamer might be viewed in terms of a more positive thinking about their emotional and personal lives, and/ form of workaholism. Research appears to indicate that inx/Bigstock.com www.neuropsychotherapist.com The Neuropsychotherapist 51 prefrontal muse there are a number of central characteristics of worka- As noted above, competitive gamers are likely to play holics. In short, they typically (a) spend a great deal of for extended periods of time and sacrifice other areas of time in work activities; (b) are preoccupied with work their lives if they have the potential to make a living from even when they are not working; (c) work beyond what gaming. This single-minded dedication may become a is reasonably expected from them to meet their job re- problem for some players because the goal of becom- quirements; and (d) spend more time working because ing a professional gamer is often unrealistic. There are of an inner compulsion, rather than because of any ex- currently no precise figures relating to the number of ternal factors. Again, some or all of these characteristics competitive game players, but anecdotal evidence sug- could be applied to competitive gamers. gests that few professional gamers generate sufficient Furthermore, competitive gaming is not the sole income to support themselves financially. Although vi- means by which proficient gamers can financially sup- ability may change in the future, at present, the great port themselves. Researchers (see, e.g., Castronova, majority of competitive gamers have little chance of be- 2005; Castronova et al., 2009) who study the economics coming successful and financially independent profes- of “synthetic worlds” (e.g., digital gaming environments) sionals. The very motivation to break through into these have observed that gamers also procure income by mar- rarefied ranks may make a competitive gamer more keting virtual objects in massively multiplayer online susceptible to excessive use than the average video role-playing games known as MMORPGs. These digital game player. Additionally, even successful professional objects often include avatars—characters controlled by gamers are likely to play for extended periods of time, players—that interact with gaming environments and since playing less than eight hours each day could mean other players. Each avatar has unique physical attrib- that they are not practising enough compared to other utes and skills that a player may select, purchase, and/ professional players. Those who work with (and treat) or develop over many hours of game play, such as the problematic video game players should keep this factor gradual enhancement of strength, speed, and weapon- in mind, especially given that excessive video game use wielding abilities. may increase as competitive gaming receives more rec- ognition as a bona fide career choice. John Williams/Bigstock.com D. 52 The Neuropsychotherapist Vol 5 Issue 5, May 2017 prefrontal muse prefrontal muse Competitive gaming, as with video game playing References more generally, has psychosocial advantages and dis- Castronova, E. (2005). Synthetic worlds: The business and advantages and is thus an important area to consider culture of online games. Chicago, IL: University of Chi- when evaluating gaming as a whole. It may be critical to cago Press.
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