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Orient., 1719 525, 352) (Prol. in Nahum) 06 Hitzig (= 1'4'> 1,1) 28'1 18) , 'i<;J iJ'Jv Lveu"t 'i<;J 667 612 '10\)'10 ' (632 Kaiser). (745-727 (609 ), 11' (722 17,29-31), ' 'i<;J \ , .), ' ' \ , , 3 ' ' · 1 " ) , 282 ('1,2-8), BHS). , (1,9-2,1+3) (2,2+4-14: 3,1-7 : 3,8-19: ). aL' aL' (3,8-17), (3,18-19). (1,1). (1,2-2,1+3). 1. (1,2-8). 2. ('1,9-2,1+3 ). (2,2+4-3,19). 1. (2,2+4-14). 2. (3,1-7). 3. (3,8-19). 1) 3,8-17. 2) 3,18-19. 612 283 umbert) (Horst: Kantate) (612 (Haldar, Humbert, Watts, van der -Woude (Horst, Keller, Rudolph (Wellhausen, Gunkel, Duhm, Elliger, Jere- l ' mlas. ,\ Jerem ias, 2,1 52,7 (1,11,14. 2,2 3,1-5 , 8-11), (696-642 2,4-14 3,12-19 Schu]z, ' Kaiser Schulz J erem ias (1,2- 2,3) (2,4-3,19). 284 "4J 1,12) 0- ). 2,1). "4J 28). 't'jj ; ) (MPG 66), (MPG 71), (MPG 81) MPL 25, 1231-1272). 285 (MPG 126). 22 (1963), 227-249. 8' (1,2b-3a,10. 2,9. 3,8,15 (1,6. 2,2. 3,16 (1,4. 2,4,12. 3,8,16 1,8,12. 2,4,6,9. 3,7,9,18 ) 0'. Rndolph 1,5,10. 2,6,8,9. 3,8. 4QpNah, 1. J . 1\'1. e g FUI·ther Ligltt of Quml'an JBL 75 (1956) , 90 - R 4QpNallum and the Teacher of Righteous- ness, JBL 75 (1956), 188-193, - D. L e ib Some R emal'ks [4QJ Com- th e Book of 27 (1957/58) , 12-16. -J. e g unpubIished Pie ces a Quml'an Commentary Naltum (4QpNah), JSS 7 (1962), 304-308. - J. a e Weitel'e zum Nallum - Kommental' del' 4 Qumran , Jud 18 (1962), 215-250. - D u t - S m m r, Le commentail'e de Nahoum decouyert de Mer Morte (4QpNah), tl'aduction et not es, Sem 13 (1963), 55-88. -R. We s Compal'ison between tlle and the Qumran Texts Nahum 1-11, RdQ 4 (1963), 433- 439. - a d Peshel' Nallllm J'econsidered, IEJ (1971), .
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