I Med Genet 1992; 29: 663-666 663 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.9.663 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from X inactivation patterns in females with Alport's syndrome: a means of selecting against a deleterious gene? David Vetrie, Frances Flinter, Martin Bobrow, Ann Harris Abstract sensitive enzymes which will not cleave The patterns of X chromosome inactiva- methylated DNA. tion in 43 females from families segreg- In order to establish whether skewed ating classic Alport's syndrome (AS) (X inactivation possibly resulting from selection linked hereditary nephritis with deaf- against cells expressing a mutant AS gene has ness) have been analysed. AS carrier any effect on disease severity in Alport's syn- females have a most variable clinical drome we have now investigated X inactiva- course. The aim ofthe study was to estab- tion patterns in a group of 22 families segregat- lish whether there was any correlation ing for AS. These families were selected from between the X inactivation pattern of a 30 that were previously subjected to extensive carrier female and the severity of her linkage analysis3 because one or more female disease. No correlation was found in DNA members was heterozygous for polymor- derived from peripheral blood lympho- phisms in either of the two X linked genes for cytes. However, it remains possible that HPRT or PGK. X inactivation patterns were differential patterns of X inactivation established in both AS carrier and non-carrier may occur in the tissues affected by AS, females by the analysis of methylation patterns namely the basement membrane of the of one of these two genes. kidney, eye, and ear. Forty-four females from 22 AS families (J Med Genet 1992;29:663-6) were studied. Thirty subjects were classified as AS carriers based on clinical and genetic evid- ence. This group included 25 AS carriers with Classical X linked Alport's syndrome (AS)l2 normal renal function and five subjects with which maps to Xq2l-22'' is caused by muta- impaired renal function (IRF). The remaining http://jmg.bmj.com/ tions in the gene encoding the a5 chain of 14 females were clinically normal and did not basement membrane collagen type IV carry a mutant AS gene (table 1). (COL4A5). Female carriers show a wide Details of the HPRT and PGK polymor- spectrum of severity of expression; some show phisms are described elsewhere.'1-4 Briefly, all the characteristic signs of the disease seen in the HPRT probe detects a polymorphism after male patients, namely chronic renal failure, simultaneous cleavage with BamHI and PvuII high tone sensorineural deafness, and specific giving band sizes of 18 and 12 kb. The PGK on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. eye defects (lenticonus and macular flecks), probe detects a polymorphism after simultan- others may only be minimally affected, and the eous cleavage with EcoRI, BglI, and BglII majority remain healthy throughout a normal showing polymorphic fragments of 1-7 and life span, the only sign of AS being micro- Paediatric Research 1-3 kb. The methylated polymorphic allele Unit, Division of scopic haematuria.9 (that is not cleaved by HpaII) has been shown Medical and It has been suggested that the variable phe- to be on the active chromosome for the HPRT Molecular Genetics, notype in carrier females might be related to X United Medical and probe1215 and on the inactive chromosome for Dental Schools of inactivation patterns. Selection against cells the PGK probe."3 Guy's and St expressing the mutant AS allele might result in Total genomic DNA was extracted from Thomas's Hospitals, a less severe disease. Alternatively, inactiva- peripheral blood cells as described previously.3 8th floor, Guy's tion of a Tower, London SE1 high proportion ofnormal X chromo- Digests, Southern blotting, and probing for 9RT. somes in the critical tissues could lead to a HPRT and PGK were carried out as described D Vetrie more severe clinical manifestation. in the accompanying paper.'6 F Flinter It is known that at the DNA M Bobrow level the A Harris phenomenon of X inactivation can be assessed in terms of methylation of certain base se- Correspondence to Dr Harris, Paediatric Molecular quences. Polymorphisms in the housekeeping Table 1 X inactivation patterns in AS females and Genetics, Institute of genes hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transfer- their normal relatives Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, ase (HPRT)'0 and phosphoglycerate kinase AS females Normal relatives Headington, Oxford OX3 (PGK)" have been used to distinguish mater- 9DU. Symmetrical 16 7 nal and paternal X chromosomes. The methy- Moderately skewed 13 6 Received 7 March 1992. lation state of the two polymorphic DNA frag- Extremely skewed 1 1 Revised version accepted Total 30 14 8 May 1992. ments is then investigated using methylation 664 Vetrie, Flinter, Bobrow, Harris X inactivation patterns in subjects were clas- respectively). All four AS females with IRF sified as being symmetrical, moderately who show skewed patterns of X inactivation skewed (that is, an inactivation pattern that have preferentially inactivated the HPRT or deviates noticeably from a 50:50 maternal:pa- PGK locus cosegregating with the mutant J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.9.663 on 1 September 1992. Downloaded from ternal ratio), or extremely skewed (that is, one allele. Cosegregation of the Alport locus with parental allele being virtually completely in- the HPRT or PGK loci for representative active). Autoradiographs were scanned on a families is illustrated in the figure. The poly- Biorad Model 620 video densitometer and the morphic band sizes are shown for the HPRT symmetrical pattern included subjects with a or PGK markers in the informative family ratio of fragment intensities after HpaII diges- members. The maternal (M) and paternal (P) tion of 50:50 to 65:35, the moderately skewed X chromosomes are shown as having the mu- group included ratios of 65:35 to 80:20, and a tant (AS) or normal (N) COL4A5 allele. In ratio of more than 80:20 was defined as ex- pedigree A, subject 5 has IRF and has prefer- tremely skewed. entially inactivated the X chromosome carry- The X inactivation patterns in Alport's syn- ing both the 12 kb HPRT allele and the mutant drome females and their non-AS relatives are AS gene. Pedigree B shows two subjects (3 and summarised in table 1. Data for HPRT and 4) with IRF who both show moderately PGK have been combined. It is clear that skewed inactivation of the X chromosome about the same proportion of AS (16/30) and bearing the 1 7 kb PGK and mutant AS alleles. non-AS (7/14) women show completely sym- Pedigree C shows subjects without IRF (3 and metrical patterns of X inactivation. Of those 6) who have preferential inactivation of the X showing skewed patterns, 13/14 (93%) of AS chromosome carrying the 17 kb PGK and women and 6/7 (86%) of non-AS females have mutant AS alleles, while pedigree D shows two moderately skewed patterns. The remainder family members without IRF who have sym- show inactivation of the same parental X chro- metrical X inactivation (2) or extremely mosome in all their peripheral blood cells. skewed inactivation (1) of the X chromosome Data relating X inactivation patterns in AS carrying the 17 kb PGK fragment and the females to the severity of their renal disease are normal AS gene. shown in table 2. Subjects with impaired renal In an analysis of 44 females from kindreds function (IRF) are compared with those who segregating for Alport's syndrome we have not merely have microscopic haematuria. In the observed evidence for selection against cells former group, one of five (20%) shows a sym- expressing the mutant Alport's gene as deter- metrical pattern while the remaining four mined by patterns of X inactivation in peri- show a moderately skewed pattern. In the pheral blood cells. The ratios of symmetrical, latter group, 15 of 25 (60%) show a symmetri- moderately skewed, or extremely skewed inac- cal pattern, 9 of 25 (36%) show a moderately tivation patterns among AS females are skewed pattern, and one of 25 (4%) are ex- broadly similar to those seen in their female tremely skewed. relatives without AS (table 1). Furthermore, The X inactivation patterns in AS females they are not substantially different from the have with or without impaired renal function ratios we have observed in a large group of http://jmg.bmj.com/ been further analysed with respect to whether control females, either normal or carrying non- the inactivated HPRT or PGK locus cosegreg- X linked diseases.'6 ates with the Alport lesion. This correlation There does not seem to be any correlation of was possible in 14 families and the data are X inactivation patterns with disease severity in shown in table 3, and illustrated in the figure. AS females (table 2), and since we could only AS females without IRF are seen to inactivate examine five AS females with impaired renal the HPRT or PGK locus cosegregating with function (IRF) the small numbers are likely to the normal allele or the mutant allele at ap- account for the differences between IRF and on October 2, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. proximately equal frequencies (two and three non-IRF groups (specifically the low percent- age of females with IRF who show symmetri- cal inactivation patterns). This explanation is Table 2 X inactivation patterns in AS carrier females supported by the data in table 3 where X with or without impaired renal function (IRF). inactivation patterns in AS females have been AS without IRF AS with IRF investigated further to determine whether the locus with Symmetrical 15 1 inactive HPRT or PGK segregated Moderately skewed 9 4 the AS mutation or the normal allele.
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