THURSDAY'S TIDES WATER CONDITION HIGH LOW Charlie V 6:05 a.m. 5:52 aam. U.S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA STORAGE ASHORE 12:28 p.m. 12:03 p.m. 12.9 Million Gallons Phone 9-5247 liate THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) GOP's Take Governorships in Virginia, New Jersey NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-- Republicans scored an upset in Virginia South Viet Forces and New Jersey in Tuesday's elections to take over govern- Take Heavy Losses orships now held by Democrats. President Nkxon, who spoke on behalf of Linwood Holton in In Central Highlands Virginia and Representative William Cahill in New Jersey, tel- SAIGON (AP/AFRTS) - - South ephoned his congratulations to both men. Republican headquart- Vietnamese forces suffered ers declared the putcome of the elections a hearty ehdorsement their heaviest losses in -four of the President and his Vietnam policy. months Tuesday in a 10-hour The Virginia and New Jersey victories give the Republicans battle in the Central High- 32 governorships and leave the Democrats with 18. lands. They reported three Democratic Mayor Cirl Stokes of Cleveland-- the first elected times as many North Vietnamese Negro mayor of a major American cityi--won a narrow victbry over killed with the help of Ameri- Republican Ralph Perk. The two engaged in a see-saw battle un- can planes and artillery. til late in the evening when returns from predominantly Negro South Vietnamese Army offic- areas gave Stokes his victory. ials reported 24 of their sol- Mayor John Lindsay of New Hijacker's Extradition diers and 80 enemy troops York, running' without major killed in the fighting. An- party support, won re-elec- Remains Unsettled other 38 South Vietnamese.were tion easily against two oppon-- NEW YORK (AP/AF R T S)-- The wounded and several were re- ents who called for safety in mother and sister 6f Rafael ported as missing. the streets. Lindsay defeated Minichiello, who hijacked a The only American participa- Democrat Mario Procaccino and TWA airliner from CAlif6rnia tion in the fighting was the Republican-Conservative State to Rome last week, flew to Rome air and artillery support. Senator John Marchi, who de- last night. The U.S. Command viewed the feated Lindsay in the GOP prim- Meanwhile, the judicial fate fighting as a test of the Amer- ary. of Minichiello remains up in ican plan to turn over gradual- Wayne County Sheriff Roman the air. Both Italian and ly the major part of the fight- Gribbs was elected mayor of American legal experts working ing to government forces. Detroit, defeating Negro ac- on the case have refused to Elsewhere, enemy sapperq- countant Richard Aubtin in a comment for -the recotd on the slipped into a provincial cap- close race that brought out question of extradition to the ital 80 miles southeast of Da voters in record numbers. United States. Nang and threw grenades into a Austin conceded defeat about Italy has charged the hijack- church, a school and seven five hours after the polls er with bringing military wea- houses. A gasoline service closed in the -non-pattisan pons into the country, kidnap- also was reported to have been election. ing the plane's crew and'threat- struck. In Pittsburgh, Independent ening them with violence. A government spokesman said Democrat Peter Flaherty, run- If convicted, he could get he had no report of the casual- ning without organization sup- up to 30 years in prison. If ties, although one house was port, defeated Republican John he is extradited to the U.S. destroyed and most of the Tabor for the mayor's office. and convicted of hijacking, lie other buildings were either In Buffalo, N.Y., Democratie would face a possible ddath badly damaged or demolished. Mayor Frank Sedita won elec- sentence. Action in other areas of Vi- tion to a second term, defeat- etnam was reported to be light. ing Republican Conservative to Alfreda Slominski. Thursday, November 6, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 2 WASHINGTON (P/AFRTS)-- The Senate Commerce HAVANA (AP/AFRTS)-Cuban Premier Fidel Castro Committee voted yesterday to ban all cigarette announced yesterday he is mobilizing 101,000 advertising from radio and television by Jan. army troops to harvest the island's sugar cane 1, 1971. The vote was 10-9. crop. The committee approved two provisions sup- Castro said the action is almost a total mo- ported by the tobacco industry. The measures bilization, but that there will still be enough would prohibit the Federal Trade Commission forces available to defend the country against from requiring health warning in newspaper and any aggression. magazine advertising before July, 1972. The announcement came over Radio Havana. The The committee also decided to alter the pre- mobilization precedes a harvest which Castro sent warnings on the packages, adding the word hopes will total 10 million tons. "excessive" to "Cigarette smoking may be hazard- out to your health." CAMBRIDGE, Mads. (AP/AFRTS)-- Riot-equipped A fight is expected on the floor of the Sen- police waded into some 300 retreating anti-war ate. If so, the measure will have to be recon- demonstrators who had been picketing a Massa- ciled with the House version. chusetts Institute of Technology laboratory iere yesterday. The lab does defense research. STANFORD, Clif. (AP/AFRTS)-- A moderate Several persons, including two newsmen, were earthquake shook the Central California coastal iurt as police clashed with demonstrators. One area around San Luis Obisp6 just before 10 a.m. person was arrested. yesterday. No damage was reported. The police moved in after MIT was granted a Some said there appeared to be two mild court order against the group in an attempt to shocks about 10 minutes apart . head off violence and despite the fact that MIT did not request police action. A police SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP/AFRTS)-- The Space official said, "We:made that decision (to move Agency yesterday successfully tested a color in) because the situation warranted it." television camera, but it delayed a decision on whether to let the Apollo 12 astronauts take WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- Senate Majority Leader it to the moon. Mike Mansfield said yesterday it appears there The camera had problems with earlier tests, will be another delay in the Senate confirmation but yeste' day's experiments were described by )f Judge Clement Haynsworth to the Supreme Court. one space official as "clear and beautiful." Mansfield told reporters his latest information A NASA spokesman said the decision on whether Ls that the nomination cannot be taken up on the the camera will go on the Apollo.12 mission may floor next week and probably will have to go be made today. Apollo 12 is scheduled to blast over to the week of November 17. off for the moon's surface Nov. 19. Mansfield apologized to the reporters in making the announcement. He said in his opinion, CAIRO (AP/AFRTS)-- There are-reports of a new tthere had already been too much delay. peace plan for the Middle East, but the conflict shows no signs of easing. 0 The semi-official newspaper, Al Ahram, said yesterday the peace plan was offered to Egypt by the United States. It gave no details. Guantanamo Gazette Lebanon is worried about Israeli threats of reprisals against any Arab guerrilla attacks from Lebanese soil. The warning of retaliation ComavBase RAda J.B. Bildreth was delivered by Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach Eban. Egyptian commandos struck across the Suez Editor .J02 Mike Nash Canal and repczted killing nine Israelis. Tel Staff Writers.J03 Phil Jordan Aviv confirmed the attack, but reported casual- J03 John Bell ties as two killed and two wounded. The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published according to the rules Israeli Air Force planes struck back. They and regulations for ship and station newspapers as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction of attacked Egyptian mortar emplacements and army the Naval Base Public Affairs Officer. It is printed camps from which the Egyptian attack was four days a week at government expense on government launched. equipment. The opinions or statements in news items that appear herein are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of ComNavBase or the Depart- ment, of the Navy. Page 3 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, November 6, 1969 CO of Hospital Warns of Danger in Cigaret Smoking By Capt A.C. Hering, MC, USN The warnings we have heard for the past 15 That "smoking may be harmful to your health" years or longer are sincere and very real. They should be no news to anyone in 1969. It was ap- are based on sound experimental research as well preciated by many physicians long before the as statistics accumulated-from years of clinical first experimental evidence began to appear in practice. My own medical and surgical practice the early 1950s. These practicing physicians of 26 years has confirmed for me the truth of found that patients with heart, circulatory, these warnings. Articles in medical and surgic- lung and stomach disorders improved after al journals bearing on my own area of speciali- stopping smoking. zation (heart, lungs and -circulatory system) In the early 1960s there came a steady accum- continue to affirm and confirm the harmful ulation of scientific evidence (far more than effects of excessive cigarette smoking. should have been necessary to convince the A pack-a-day is considered excessive. For skeptical) that excessive smoking of cigarettes some, half a pack might produce serious trouble. could produce or aggravate certain nose and Two packs is dangerous. More than two packs throat conditions, peptic ulcer, heart disease guarantees an early demise .if continued for more O such as angina pectoris, circulatory problems than 10 years.
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