H0/,C « SONS- SPR iNGPonr 0C B"'D£r'J 492 The Grand Valley Ledger84 9 Volume 7, Issue 46 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 September 21,1983 Lowell City Council okays six digit sewer project The Lowell Cit) Council gave ing ground and will be near ready fund.- their nod of approval to a for the construction of the pro- City manager Ray Quada said $163,966.30 sewer project for posed M-21 to Gee Drive con- that construction could begin as the west side during their meet- nector street. The proposal also early as ten days from now. ing of Monday, September 19. calls for the extension of Sibley thanks to the County Board of The project involves the installa- St. to hook up with the new con- Transportation approving the tion of cement pipe storm sew- nector giving Valley Vista a new project pending Lowell City ers, sanitary sewers and water entrance to the subdivision. Council's decision. lines in a fifteen foot deep drain- The contract was awarded to age ditch near Valley Vista Sub- Dykema Excavating, Inc. of division. The ditch runs 680 Grand Rapids, low bidder of TwoLbwell north from Main St. near the en- thirteen companies submitting trance to Valley Vista Trailer bids. Of the total cost, Park and then turns ninety de- $92,000.00 is grant eligible. The men killed grees to the east and runs into the city also has approximately Two twenty-year-old Lowell west end of Sibley Street. $20,000.00 in a fund at the Kent men died in separate accidents in The contract specifications County Department of Public the Lowell area recently. Lance call for the installation of the Works thai is earmarked for Cpl. H.M. Raymor home on above mentioned utilites and a sewer v. >rk. The council voted leave from the Marine Corps backfill of sand with a gravel sur- to use those funds, leaving about died on Monday. September 12 face. When completed, the ditch $17,000.00 to be paid out the from injuries he sustained after will be level with the surround- city's Federal Revenue Sharing falling from a moving pickup truck at about 1:45 A.M. on Saturday, September 10. Jeffery Lynn Jousmh of 10527 52nd St., ytedi Lowell was pronounced dead at the scene of a one car accident at about 1:15 A.M. on Sunday, This fifteen foot deep drainage ditch will soon be devetoped into a roadway, complete with storm September 18. sewer, sanitary sewer and water lines. Raymor and a friend were rid- ing in the rear of a pickup truck lift driven by Leo Ryan, Jr., 20. of Fallasburg Festival this weekend Lowell. The truck, was traveling on Cascade Road near Snow This is the big weekend! The The display has been or- led to mail or for a souvenier. Ave. when the accident hap- fifteenth annual Fallasburg Fall ganized by Special Events Chair- and to sell other philatelic offer- pened. flie other passenger in Festival gets underway Saturday man Laura Garcia. Original de- ings. "MEN S BASKETBALL STARTING" the rear of the pickup had been morning. Over 70 artists and signs for a special cancel and a talking to the driver and another craftsmen will display their crea- cachet cover were designed by Grafton Twp. The Lowell YMCA Men's Basketball will be meeting at the Low- passenger in the cab, when he tions for those attending the fall Jan Johnson of Lowell. Jan de- ell High School Gym every Monday night from 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. turned to speak to Raymor. he extravaganza. Also on hand will signed the orange and yellow honors the late The fee is $2.00 per night and is open to all men. was gone. Foul play has been be assorted food booths, antiuqe logo used to advertise the Fall ruled out by Kent County autos. children's activities and Festival. This design adoms the Bob Lamoreaux WOMEN OF THE MOOSE. BRING YOUR PIES! Sheriffs deputies and pro- games, a replica Civil War En- Chamber of Commerce secutors. Raymor's blood al- campment and much, much fiillboard on Main Street in Low- On Tuesday. September 13. Women of the Moose,-please bring your home made pies to our cohol count was tested to be more. There is no admission or ell. Using this design. Jan has 1983. at the Grattan Township booth at the Fallasburg Fall Festival Saturday and Sunday. Sep- above the level of intoxication. parking fee. so come on out to created an orange cachet featur- Hall, a dedication ceremony was tember 24 and 25. You can deliver your pies to the north porch of the Units from Kent County Fallasburg Park this Saturday ing the bridge to IK* printed on held honoring former Supervisor Fallasburg Pavilion or in advance* to 516 W. Main Street. Lowell. Sheriff s Department and Lowell and Sunday where there will be special yellow envelopes These Robert C. Lamoreaux ol Grattan envelopes will then be stamped Police Rescue responded. lots to see and do for the entire Township. HARVEST SHOWBOAT SHINDIG Jousma was driving his vehi- family. with the special Fallasburg can- Bob was bom on the family cle alone, and had left a bachelor The Lowell Area Arts Coun- cel which features the rest of farm in Comstock Park. MI. MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! On Saturday November 12. party for a friend when he cross- cil. with the cooperation of the Jan's design, a small child hold- From a family of eight children, " 1983 the Lowell Area Jaycees and Jaycee Women will be sponsor- ed the centerline while north- U.S. Post Office through Lowell ing a balloon. A poM office em- he was the only one interested in ing a Harvest Showboat Shindig at Deer Run Golf and Country- bound on Timpson near 52nd St. PostmaMer Charlie Doyle, will ployee will be at the information farming, so he was the farmer of Club from 8:00 P.M. • 1:00 A.M. A popular DJ will be spinning re- Jousma continued off the road- have a philatelic display at the booth at the festival to cancel any the family . He went w ith Bertha cords from the 40's to the 80's. All proceeds will go toward the way. and sideswiped a tree be- 15th Annual Fallasburg Fall Fes- mail brought to be mailed, to sell (Bert) in high school and two Lowell Showboat. Stay tuned for more information. fore slamming into another. tival. Saturday and Sunday. the cachet which can be cancel- years after graduation they were Kent County Sheriff s deputies married. He attended Michigan OFF THE BLOTTER responded. Jousma was pro- Cystic Fibrosis campaign State, where he took a course in nounced dead at the scene by agriculture. They lived in Com- ' Involved in a property damage accident was Joyce Marie Medical Examiner. Dr. Steven The Breath of Life Campaign of thousands of children and stock Park on the family farm Sargeant, 43, of Lowell. Sargeant failed to yield the right of way to Cohl. The accident remains for the Cystic Fibrosis Founda- young adults. where their six children were a vehicle driven by Bryan Rector. 20, also of Lowell. The accident under investigation. tion is now underway and con- Unfortunately one of every bom. In 1960. the expressway occurred on E. Main St. near Lafayette Tuesday, September 13. Both men were 1981 tinues through next Tuesday. 1.600 babies is now bom with went through their property so r Scott George. 22, of Greenville and Delene Carlson, 46. of field- graduates of Lowell High September 27. Canisters have cystic fibrosis and one out ot they decided to move. Wanting ing collided in the parking lot of the Admiral.Gas Station on Friday School. Their obituaries appear been placed in stores and restau- every 20 people are actually un- their children brought up in the aftemoon of September 16. Both vehicles were damaged, but there in this issue of the Ledger. rants throughout Lowell and knowing and symptomless car- country, they eventually purch- were no injuries. Junior Girl Scouts will help fight riers of the heredity factor that ased the Gilbert farm in Grattan A 16 year old juvenile from Clarksville turned left in front of a ve- Appointments not always this children's disease by pro- may result in passing on the dis- Township. hicle driven by Todd Molag, 19, of Lowell Friday, September 9. •ceded at Vanity Hair Fash- moting collections on Saturday. ease. At this point there is no Bob was very active in the causing a collision at Main and Hudson Streets. Vehicle damage re- ions, Open five days I^well, "Every little bit helps." is the cure but early diagnosis and community of Grattan. farm re sulted. motto of this year's co-chair- specialized medical treatment is W7-7506. Continued on back page ... Early Friday morning of September 16. Tammy Stepek. 18. of men. Ruby Lecman and Olive at least lengthening and improv- Lowell and Jamie Nagy, 19. of Ada collided on West Main Street PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS - Courser, who assure all who do- ing the lives of affected children. near West St. There were no injuries. Basic 35mni photography, nate that it's actually the totaling The continuation of this care for PRECISION & FASHION Lodged in the Kent County Jail until he was arraigned Tuesday. Thursday nights starting Sept. up of a lot of small donations thai the necessary research is made HAIRSTYLING - For both September 13, was David Hayes.
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