AVEKAOB DAILY OntOTLAtlON for the Month of AprU, ISSS WEATHER Feeoeaat of u. 8 . W e a t b o r B m e a n . 6,124 Bartford Member of tbs Andit Bursao of OIroalatloaa Increasing cloodineM and' not lE u F t t i i t n f e r a l h M A Mf'U1?0'l'E''D A rvurwev - _______ _____ B q n ^ so cool tonight, followed'by •®wers Tfannday. AdvwlWag on Pm f i«) (SIXTEEN PAGl PRICE THREE CENTSl REPORTS CZECH Tugboat Captain G ^g Down With His Ship .4 -J-T.. PLANES FLYING C O LLUSIO N , PLO T TIN ACROS^ORDER 'v' ^ • -M- 'c - J* 4 BIG JWJORITY ICH ARGES A G AINST TV, ^ German News Agency Says Bnt Measure Faa’ng Stiff Frojitier Rules Have Been Opposition From Sonlh- Broken Five Times With- M A DE BY A . E. M ORGA em Senators; Barjdey Is in The Last 24 Honrs. Seek to Suspend VVaterbury Mayor Now Seeking Compromise Former Qiainnan TeDs Berlin, May 25.— (A P I —Reporta that Czechoslovak military planes Washington, May 25.__(A PI__ gressional Frobers have flown over German territory The revamped wage-hOur bill, swept have caused the German govern- through the House by a triumphant tors Falsitied Report ment to lodge a strong'^protest at combination of northern Democrats Praha. and Republicans, encountered last- Purchase Of Uti Deutsches Nachrichtenbucro (D ditch opposition today from south N. B.), official German news agen- ern Senators. cy, today reported five alleged bor Senator Barkley (D., Ky.), the Amplifies His Char der violations by Czechoslovak administration leader, said he would planes within the laat 24 hours. seek to have a Senate-House com- Dr. Ernest Eisenlohr, minister to mittee appointed at once In an effort Wa.shington, May 26.— (> Praha laid the matter before For- to work out a compromise between eign Minister Kamil Krofta, who the House bill and the version passed — Arthur E. Morgan cl_ by the Senate laat July. expressed regret and added that today that two Tennessee There were Indications, however everything waa being done to pre- ley Authority directors-—! vent recurrent of the reported vio- that Senate foe.s of the Inflexible Morgan and David E. __ lations. (Praha reported these as- ta Lake Erie, not far from Buffalo! ^TTie^apr^n TueLiat” *' M ^'’ ® ''^***' capsized labor standards In the House meas- ure would try to route It back to thal— participated in falaif surance were given In an interview States Dredge Burton, waa drowned but the Coast Gimrd re^"ed "ta'of The* - the Senate labor committee. Sen- a report on T V A negoti»' at the Czechoslovak foreign office ator Thomas (D.. Utah), chairman last night.) for the purchase of util of that group, haa contended the German anger flared up at what propertieis owned by the legislation should establish varia- Berlin newspapers called brazen tions In wages between the north monwealth and Southern provocations by the Czechoslovaks CARDENAS ORDERS ajid the south or between industries poration. at a time Germany was observing TEN PERSONS DIE where conditions warrant. A. E. Morgen, ousted C— the strictest reserve. Although there has been no defi- The Boerscnzeltung said the mOOP ADDIUONS nite threat of a Senate filibuster, man of the T V A , testified . Czechs were following a "policy of opponents made no secret of their fore a ten-man Congressli pin pricks" and declared the border hope that Imminent adjournment inquiry committee, elaboml violations could only have been AS BIG AIRLINER would prevent agreement on any on charges he had made pi committed on order of the Praha wage-hour bill. government. Gorenment Action Dis Smashing Victory. ously against the other twi Tension Increased Proponents of the legislation rectors. Tension along the German-Czech CRASHES IN OHIO connls Reports Mexican scored a smashing victory In the After making a gi border was Increased by the funer- House laat night, showing the meas- al at Eger, just inside Czechoslo- ure to final passage by a vote of charge that “collusion, vakia, of two Sudeten Germans shot Reroll Is Nearing An End 314 to 97 just about a year after racy and mismanagement" Saturday In a border incident. ^ilots, Stewardess And Sev- the original version reached Con- characterized the adminial Relchsfiiehrer Hitler’a wreaths of •rcsB. attain T a n ^llegerconM^acy P* *'l"' “ <> £«>er city tion of T V A , the tall, pine branches were prominently Forty-six Republicans joined 258 j _ - - — defraud Waterbury. <3onn.. of en Passengers Are Killed; LA TE NEWS Mexico (Tlty, May 25.— (A P ) — over a million ’ " - displayed on the coffins. ^mocrats, 7 Progressives and 5 haired former chairman Latest of the border violations The Mexican government today Farmcr-lAborltea In favoring the Governor of the Stato!’ Jp,c?u“rcS a W t a ^ J ^ ‘?e“ art^v“ ‘‘ aV“t^^ Lilienthal made a “peraisi reported by D. N. B. was said to Flames Destroy Wreck; ordered fresh troops Into .San Lula bill. Ofipo.slng It were 56 Demo- courthouse. Hayes ts In the position of vetoing Aldermantc resolu- attempt’’ to convince the have occurred northeast of Vienna. crats and 41 Republicans. F L A S H E S! Potoal state and acted to cut off 'passed following the g r a n d ^ r y The agency said an armed Czecho- The vote was a reversal of a charges against him. Seated in the car, at right. Is the M a v o ^ lie that Commonwealth retreat of the rebel chieftain. Gen- slovak plane waa sighted at Jeden- Accident Still A Mystery. House decision last December, when c M r ’ smi 1®®''®’^.®''^’ 'Thomas P. K elly, also under $25,000 bond In the Southern “was arbitrarily spetgen on the March river, where F A L L RIV-ER BLAST eral Saturnlno Odlllo, northward Republicans and southern Demo- case, and. In uniform, .Sergt. John Mates, chauffeur for Hayea. fusing to sell its propertiei -JL through Tamallpaa. Germans are erecting dams agalnat FaU Blr-er, Maas., »la y 35— (A P ) crats shelved a different wage-hour Had Offered to SeS. floods. It said the plans flew at 600 A t the same time President bill. The new measure was forced Clewlsnd, May 25—(A P )—Fire- — Several persons were Injured ear- feet over the river, which marks the Lararo Cardenas issued a procla- to the floor over the opposition of Through Wendell L. Wi men lay the bodies o f nine men and ly tUs afternoon wbra a taaik president, Commonwe^th . German-Czech boundary. photo- aboard the oil tanker Elwood ex- mation asserting the "revolution the rules committee. graphed the dams and returned to a woman on the bottom of a muddy Oowded galleries witnessed the Southern repeatedly offered to ploded while unloading at a dock. Iwka justification” and urging ce- SEEK CHANGE OF VENUE "anjr-or^aH" of lU properUeov ‘ Czechoslovak territory. blira final passage about 10:30 p. ravine today alongside the torn and A heavj’ rlood of black smoke set- l^IIloua Cedllllataa to lay down gan said. Earlier D. N. B. In a Dresden dis- charred remnants of a twln-raotor- tled over the dty and two alarms ■their arms under full guarantees If ra, after the longest session of the year. Supporters of the measure He tratjficd at length patch said Chscchoslovak military ed airliner which plummeted Inex- of fire were sounded aa police rush- I th^v returned to "a life of honesty." sat way past Ihcir dinner hour to negotiations with the con or police planes had been sighted plicably to earth only eight miles ed to the scene. Division General Antonio Guer- IN WATERBURY SCANDAL defeat almost every major attempt which he said wore carried on over German territory at three rero, commander of the Tamaull- points. from a scheduled landing. The number of persons hurt could to amend It. ly by Ullenthal. After a mu. The two pilots, the stewardess not be learned Immediately aa am- paa garrison. left Tampico with ProvMona of Rill. of Willkle and the TVK boardl and all seven paasenger." died as bulances tranaferred members of Governor Marte Gomez for Antiguo As approved, the bill would eatab- January, the former chalrmaa i GERMANS’ rUNEBAL flames leapt at the wreckage of the Morelos near the Tamaullpaa bor- Defense Lawyers Discuss the crerv to three Fall River hos- Ilsh a graduated minimum wage for FISHERMEN READY Lilienthal Issued a news re Eger, Czechosolvakia, May 25 __ United A ir Lines slilp, bound from pitals. n rs t reports Indicated no der, to Inspect Federal troops and interstate Industry, starting at 25 which “gave a very false and ; (A P )— F ifty thousand Sudeten Ger. Newark to Chicago via Cleveland. one was killed. that direction. cents on hour and Increasing to 40 Advisability Of Petition curate Impression” of WllUde'ai mans lining the streets of this an Among the paaaengers was John The 24th Infantry battalion waa cents after three years. Maximum aitton. dent town today bowed In silent Brostuen, Republican state chair- ordered from Toluca In the State of hours would start at 44 a week and TO BATTLE JAfS tribute as coffins at two o f their "The news release was an i TRUCK-LOAD OF E\1DENCE Mexico northward to the strife-torn drop to 40 in two years. Following Crowd’s Con- falsification, the natural result i fellows, killed in laat Saturday' (UoDtlaDed 00 Page IWo) area, making seven battalions ol In- Under the Benate bill, an Inde- border shooting, passed In solemn Waterbary, May 36—(A P) — A which was to deceive the public] truck-load of ewMence and exhibits fantry, seven regiments of Cavalry pendent administrative board would a vital issue, to engender inert procession—each coffin bearing and special units ordered to the war have power to fix minimum w-ages duct Which Booed Hayes.
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