Campbell Interurban Press. Fourteenth Year. CAMPBELL, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1907. No. 10. C AMRBELL ¡NTERURBAN PRESS CIIAS. W. DAVISON Practical Sympathy. Attorney at Law PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY Dr. Edward Everett Rale called up­ Room 10 City Hall, San Jose. Phone, Brown 632 ELGIN C. IIURLBERT Editor and Proprietor on the editor of a paper In a small New England town. In the course of Subscription. $1.01 a Year in Advance Advertising Rates. .Vic. an Inch per menth conversation tl^e editor told how he GEORGE W. WALDORF Locals, .it' a lino each insertion Resolutions of respecl and condolence,5c a lino. was worrying about his wife, how he Attorney at Law Cards of thanks, 50c. Notices of entertainments, where a charge is made, 5c a line. had sent her to the country for her Telephone—Office Main 271 health, how she was growing worse The Rea Building San Jose, Cal. Entered as second-class nAtter September 30. 1904. at the Postofflce at Campbell, California, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879 rather than better, how his heart urg­ ed him to go to her and how the neces­ JOHN F. DUNCAN sity of grinding out his editorials day Notary Public The Agricultural Department of the United States is constant­ by day was keeping him from her bed­ Office: Batik of Campbell Hot Weather Foods ly increasing the variety of food stuffs and medicines of the coun­ side. Dr. Hale returned to bis hotel and called for writing materials. After F. B. BROWN Full line cereal foods, Just try by the introduction of new plants from foreign countries to several hours he returned to the editor Attorney at Law i the thing for hot weather, sections adapted to them, says the Morgan Hill Times. A few and threw on his desk a pile of manu­ Phone Main 539 —already to eat. Call at years ago the eucalyptus tree was introduced into California from scripts. Room 54, Porter Building San Jose, Cal. “There!” he said. “Go and see your the store and inspect our Australia. As a wood for manufacturing purposes, railroad ties large stock of “every thing wife. I’ve scribbled off enough arti­ and fuel it promises to be of great value to the State. DR. P. C. HARTMAN good to eat.” cles of contemporaneous human inter­ Eucalyptus oil has been used for about forty years, but only est to feed your paper for a week.”— D entist The very best of everything Woman's Home Companion. Graduate Dental Department ol the University ol in groceries. during the past ten years hasit been employed in medicine very ex­ Calilornia Prompt delivery, courteous tensively. Its use is now constantly increasing as its properties Telephone—Office, Red 103 treatment, right prices. SOCIETIES. Residence, 94 and medicinal value become better known. Campbell, California Telephone orders solicited. Masonic Notice : ! The fact that it is lion-poisonous and non-irritant makes it Charity Lodge, No. 362, F. & A. M., Campbell, Cal. Stated meet We are agents for H unt’s especially safe arid valuable. As much of it as a fourth of an ings held on the second Monday of Fresh Milk and Cream Choice Candies, and you each month. ounce has been taken internally without injury and it may be free­ S. R. W A d k , M a s te r. F O R S A L E . know what that means. G korgk S. R obson, S e c re ta ry . ly applied to the ffiost delicate tissue. Notwithstanding the fact Delivered anywhere in Campbell that it is neither dangerously poisonous nor irritating to the Independent Order of Odd fellows HENRY YUUNC1, . M o rn in g L ig h t L o d g e, N o. 4-2, OllR GROCERIES human system, it is a very effective antiseptic and disiniectant and ^ 1 meets every Thursday evening in Budd Avenue. Odd Fellow's Hall. Sojourning Phone, Farm ers 173 are “ Goods of Quality” has come to be used quite extensively for dressing wounds, ulcers ' ' brothers are cordially invited to i attend the lodge meetings. and other diseased tissues. It enters into the composition of sev­ W . L. D ow to n , Noble Grand. WALDRON WASHER R. E . O aths, S e c re ta ry . Farmers Union Branch eral antiseptic preparations. STOP RUBBING CAMPBELL SAVE TIM E—SAVE LABOR. E asy to him - The oil is also a well.known remedy for malarial and other Rebekahs die; no machinery; no gearing; nothing to Ada Rebckah Lodge, No. 223, I. O. O. P., t out of order. So simple a ch ild can run fevers and is used in treating diseases of the hair and skin and of meets the first and Third Tuesday evenings Every machine demonstrated and guar- the stomach, kidneys and bladder, and is especially valuable for at Odd Fellows Hall. Sojourning sisters and teed for 3 years. Buy no other. You can brothers are cordially invited to attend. buy it on installments. W aldron W a’sh b r M rs. \V. W . Du n h a m , Noble Grand Co., 1 2th and Tavlor Sts., San Jose. P h o n e affections of the throat, bronchi and lungs. M iss E t h e l H il l s, S e c re ta ry . R ed 1474. Patrons of Husbandry t t Orchard City Grange, No. 333, meets on 9 9 The telegraphers strike again suggests the advisability of the the second and fourth Tuesday evenings at Odd Fellows Hall. Sojourning members are Get the Habit Government taking over the telegraph business of the country and cordially invited to attend. O F S A V I N G . A u making it a part of the postoffice department, or of establishing A. C . K e eslin g , Worthy Master. It’s a good habit to get into. It will on­ M rs. O. A. P utn a m , Worthy Secretary. an independent system in competition with the Western Union ly take one dollar of your ruonev and one minute of your time to lay the founda­ Woodmen of the World Company. When a company like the Western Union will charge ip Moorpark, No. 671, meets on the tion stone of independence for your de­ rates which produce a net annual income of 67 percent on the first and third Saturday evenings of each clining years. onth in Odd Fellow- Hall. All sojourning GARDLM CITY BANK AND I BUS I COMPANY, value of its plant, the government is under no moral, nor legal neighbors are invited to attend Al f r e d B ulmor Council Com. San Jose, Calilornia. obligations to keep out of the business. It is in the business ol L. W . H u t c h in s , C lerk . WE TRAIN YOU-WE PLACE YOU. transmitting messages, and common business sagacity would dic­ fraternal Aid Association EAT AT Palm Leaf Council, No. 560, meets on the tate that it make use of the most modern methods, like the tele­ second and fourth Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows Hall. Sojourning members are cor­ Be graph and the telephone. Particularly would this seem to be the dially invited to attend. WHEELER’S case when the new features would be the best paying part of the M r s . M . J. W ilson, P re s id e n t M rs. H . E. B ra n d en bu rg , S e c re ta ry . 86-88 EAST SANTA A pacifie Çoa 5t business and that with little expenditure of money or increase of Degree of Honor CLARA STREET help.—M organ H ill Times. Wide Awake Lodge, No. 114, meets the first and third Monday evenings of each LOR AGENTS— AN OPPORTUNITY ! And just as long as we have the public service corporations as month in Odd Fellow s Hall. Somebody B ü 5i r j e s 8 Ç o l! e < § e M r s. G e r t r u d e A. B e r r v , Chief of Honor. now existing, just so long may we expect to have the scandals Miss RuBYiC. F o r e , Recorder. that we are now being treated tjpyn San Francisco and elsewhere ‘The Old World Ancient Order of United Workmen » throughout America. There is so much money involved the temp­ Pride Af th e Valley I^odge, No. S 1C, m eet* th e first aiud third M o n d a y ev en in g s o f each Big School—First Class—Lots of tation for graft is too great. It may be that out of all these labor m o n th in (Jdd Fellows Hall. AM sojourning b r o th e r s cordially invited to attend. Students-Expert Teaehers—Good troubles and graft exposures will come government ownership, N. A. B l a k e , Master Workmann |I C. H. W h it m a n , Recorder. William Jennings Bryan Salaries for Graduates.—CALL. which is apparently the only solution. Dr. Mark F. Hopkins, dd“NOW READY' FOR SOLICITORS-fc* 57ft Imperial Octsvo Pages. Over 200 Superb Physician and Surgeon, Engravings from photographs taken The report in San Jose that the Western Pacific may build its by Mr. Biyau. Office and residence, 38 N. Second St., San Jose. 59 South Market St. SAN JOSE, CAL. depot in the southern part of that city may become true, but in all Recounts his trip around the world and his vis­ Office Hours: 11-12 a.
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