University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1977 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 4-22-1977 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 080, No 139, 4/ 22/1977 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 080, No 139, 4/22/1977." 80, 139 (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977/66 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1977 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -r-·"' • c r: f '·•d <ill" ' . ,. ,~. ~ \'I'' ~ ): '. I 'i C:.Ofttii'.J ~·cc l' . .' I 37ca- ." '1 ~~· . ( ! ·uV\3~vJ · BEF, ACHE Review .. Academics ~: I f. I ~~~~~-UN :pr -· ·· · Reevaluated O()'f>._ '3> . The..{irst 'iriterion . Por.. 1976, efforts by .UNM were con- ByRo~~~lm~ what it is going to do and do well.· ' . Sixteen. academic programs ;.u-e .numbetof.raduales ydegreelevel tuguese IU)d ~omparalive literature· centrated ·on reviewing the We have to limit our scope. ~nder revaew at UN~ ~o detennme ~o! each . program i . the .last liiiD~tMr ~viewed at the mas~c:rs .. duplication of programs .. • A report ·Educational quality · is just as · ; 1f they should be contanued. years. The .second itedon is-Mt'~lft- •rot· having .. three or , l~ss to .the legislature was .prepared by important as fiscal responsibility," ~t the reques~ of the · s~ate. ,average numbpr ..J stlJdents . &(aduates per )'ear. and nine or les~ ~CHE and BEF in November of' Travelstead said, uNo instituti<tn · will delete a program. just because ~r~~~:~f:~t~r~;r::Yc;· 'rJJI.)ar:· ,.:i:o~er~!ne:'r:~ :,~j--~programs are ~so ::!i~~ic:Y e~~~hs~~ ~~:u~~n:. there are not enoush majors. \. ot•h I ·i! cooperation- with . ~he Academic . At the baccaJauJe · e level, UNM beins examined. These programs · stitutions. No final ·decision bas Courses and people can support I • Council · on Hishet Education . · is studying seveO. Pl'otw~s ·wbicb which did not meet the same criteria been made. · other programs and cut across r (ACHJ3)'. besan . a ·program · had four or less gptduates per year as the masters level are counseling 'Provost Chester C. Travelstead, other areas. Also., we may .not have j evaluation ·in New Mexi~o•.s· · in- · · and J2 or ·Jess majors' per year~ and guidance,· and curriculum and UNM's member of. ACHE, said, · full information at one time; as I ' stitutions ofhigherleaming. · 'These seven pro.srams are Russian instruction~ . ''It does not ma](e sense to have all some students have not declared i ·· ·.. ~CJ:IE, which' is made up of'th~ ·· stpdies, mathematics · education, .At the doctoral level, the same . program~ at every institution. Each their majors.'' I chief ac&demic o.fficers fr(!m t~~ sb(. ~ r.nusicology, cl1$5ics, · P9~uau~se, two· proarams are under review for institution must have· productive· !· New Mexico universities sel~ted comparative literature and having two o.r less ·graduates per programs . that· match needs to Both UNM and New Me,Uco r tWO ~rite~ia to be used to identify economics-philosophy. year. andsix or Jess majors per year. resources. No institution can meet Highlands are reviewlng 16 progl'ams reqUiting further revie"'. ' Mush: . education, chemical In the spring and summer of every need. UNM has to decide programs. ~ . ' ~~New ·Mexico . ~ . • ... - ' . ' ' • _-. ~ ~ • •. 1- ' . ' ¥' . The final exam for hiotory IJ• 102 of J. Marrone sections, will be given duri"•a all ·· classes next week. At· • DAI.LV. ·. ~" - ·, -- - . tendancels mandatory. .. I :.friday~ Aprll22, 1977 • .. • U .. Duck Conce.ives .. ·And· Leaves ... \ UNM's first native ducks may be the resul~ of· unwanted pregnancy. · \\ These three duck eggs, apparently. .. abandoned, were found' under a .... tree near the duckpond Wednesday ... ~ . by Cliff Mills, a biology student . Mills plans .to have the eggs in­ cubated at· a local ~reed company, which should take about 28 days, . tbert •t1v_~n_t~a.!h:J:et.~~·: t~~· ··lj~*: · bastards to the pond.. · · ' · .. .. ' Is UNM Complying WA'£!!~p~~!cJ.!.~ !~e~d ~,:~2~(.~l!!os••m With. Minority Quotas? about four per cent of the more sharply since the first few days of before becoming eligible for . A team of Dept.· of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) in­ ·than 432,000 Vietnam-era veterans - the program, when they neared educational ·and other be~efits. A · · vestigators will arrive on the UNM campus Monday to see if the elisible to apply for President · 3000 daily at one point. During the Pentagon spokesll)an said there had. University is complying with its affirmative action plan adopted in Carter's discharge .. upgrade past week they· averaged less than been some concern about the . Aprill9~6. · program made inquiries during its lOOO each day, dipping to about 150 decrease in inquiries. The HEW group from Dallas will also be looking into first . two weeks, · according to daily over the weekend. discrimination charges against the Family Nurse. Practitioners Unit, defense department figures. Defense officials said they ex- .. the Native American program at the College of Engineering, and a The figures show that in the 16 •pected that a large number of the Carter approved the upgrade class action filed by a woman doctor in New York on behalf of the days since the program was an- 2S9,S24 veterans eligible for the. program for those who were booted Women's Equity Action Leaaue. · nounced Apr•. 5;. a total of 16~972 . program who hold "general" out of the service for unauthorized Prof. Tony Hillerman. special aide to UNM President William E. veterans called toll-free numbers at discharges might not apply because · absence, drug abuse and other non­ Davis, said the group's main reason for the trip is to look into UNM's a liaiSon office set up in St. Louis to they are already able ~o get full violent offenses as the second stage compliance with the lengthy affirmative action plan. "Basically, handle inquiries. An additional 240 veterans benefits. of the Vietnam amnesty ·he they're here to see how we're living up to our plans_," Hillerman said. military -deserters wbo never . But the remaining 173,Q06 who promised during his campaign. 'The flillerman said the group would meet with Personnel Director recch·ed discharges have also. have · · categorized as first sla$e ·was .his pardon of draft Phillip M. .Alarid and Affirmative Action representative June Wooliver Tuesday to discuss the compliance review. · The investigation of the Family Practitioners Unit is in (esponse to a discrimination complaint filed by a former woman employee. Fur­ . ther information about that complaint as well as the other two was ·not available. · - .Pave Paradise - ~ .. .Put Up A. Parking Lot .. ·. .... By Garr GlasgoW . hearing o~ the third T~ursd~y of At a heating before the city's May. Until then, no actiOn Will be Environmental. Planning Com.. taken on the re.ctuest. mission Thursday morning, .. Twelve ·re"stdents, . of the area residents of· the University. com.- attended the hearmgs .and .sub· munity on .Harvard SE won- a 30· mitted a pet~~ion signed by o.ver one day deferment on a request .by hundred ne1ghbor~ protesung the Food way to put a parking lot on the req.ues~. for. a zomng .ch~nge .. The three hundrec:J block of Har-vard, res1dents say they .don t want a The proposed lot would service. the parking lot i~ their neighborho~d - Food way store c;n the cornet of an'd they don t want to deal Wtth ·. Yale and Coal. · any more traffic problems from the Foodway wants to change the alre~dy mucb f~~quente~.store. All zone code of two lots on Harvard parues ot the ~hspute agree that the Koren Panagakos from a residential are"- to reserved store· must expand .to. adeq~ately ,. Residents ne•r th• Foodwav on Vale and coaltlte.pror,stinga.move by lite supermarlcet parking. The commission ordered serve the ·. areaJ but . the .. res1d~nts to enlarge 'Its parfdnolot~ Residents contend that It will Increase the par~~ng ~~ob/em near the Foodway eompany to sub(llit , contend that there are. other opuons ~ alternative plans at Ute ilelt zoning. {( onllnu,.:oJ,)I! Paae II) campus. · ..;. \ i' ' .. ·~ . •/ I • ' .. l • ,· ,, "~ ' ' •• .I" .... ' ' Studeots imercsled in taking Ftqsh french; an Morlimer Arias will.~pea~ on 1fl'lbcrntiQn In L.ntin r:;::;.::;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;; iri!Cnslve IS~hour French course, should comact AIT!cric~ and t.he Church'' ,Apr. 21 anct 22 _at 7 p.m. ill Trueu Book at either hili office or home. Umvers.uy UnHcd ,Mdhod1s1 Church, Silv<:r nnd Yp,lc SE. § Carter Favors Turkey Pact Application$ for the New Me}(ico Clinical • , .W~lOO.JD • EducaHon Program are available p.t the NCHO office New Mi:xkans for hnprovcme:nt -or the Judicial N Ride N in. Chi~ano StUdies. for mpre· information ·calJ '1,77 .. S~stems (NMIJS) i!> sppn$prins a cltizensr conference The 'l> 4731.. - ' on the Cn\.l~ts Saturday, Apr. 231n the Jury Lounge or ~ --~- =6. 1-"' ' l-~1._,-.. • the llernahlto -CQy.nty Co1Jrtl1ousc. For illformalion, ~L!:\ll~ A Native American Studies mcedng wiiJ be held :ontact David Gardner, P.O. Box 4007 1 Albuq 01 ·< Nuclear Breeder Dumped Monday April 25 a~ 3:30 p.m. nt Native Am~r!cM \-1.87106 or Saru Wnk~Jand 1 277~241Q • Studies. Re_glslcr for non-.~;redit yoga clas$ to ·he held .8 WASHINGTON nuclear spending, including. the addition to SSS · million Carter Mor1day throu$h Friday, June lJ.Ju/y 8, See ·Dr.
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