Alternative classes Fashion show Is Cameroon coup] help reverse bad habits strictly forever Is crushed ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 4 Cloudy today; Manchester, Conn. sunny Sunday * Saturday, April 7, 1984 — See page 2 anrlf^atFr Mmlh Single copy: 254 Preschool Diablo testing abuse said to backed By Robert Sangeorge hurt hundreds United Press International WASHINGTON — An advisory panel of top nuclear scientists is Bv Michael D. Harris molesting 18 youngsters and pro- recommending that California’s United Press International ^cutors said at the time of the troubled Diablo Canyon nuclear arrests last month that more than power plant be allowed to begin LOS ANGELES — Ten years o( 100 children may have been abused test operations, the Nuclear Regu­ torture and sexual abuse at a in the last 10 years. latory . Commission announced beach city preschool scarred “a Citing the transcripts, George Friday. whole generation of children” revoked bail for teachers Babbette 9 Following a highly technical during hundreds of gruesome Spitler, 36, and Peggy Ann Buckey, all-day session, the NRC ’s Advi­ molestations, according to new 28. sory Committee on Reactor Safe­ allegaUons revealed Friday by Raymond Buckey, 25, who is guards agreed to recommend that prosecutors and grand jury charged with 75 counts; his the commission allow low-power testimony. mother. Peggy McMartin Buckey. testing at Diablo Canyon’s Unit 1 “ This school was not in the 57; and Betty Raidor, 64, were reactor, ^n NRC spokesman said. business of caring for children, but ordered held without bail. Miss The advisory panel, made up of was in the business of orchestrat­ Raidor and Miss Spitler pleaded leading nuclear scientists and ing clear and unequivocal child innocent Friday to the charges. engineers, was asked by the abuse,” Deputy District Attorney The others will enter pleas April 20. commission on March 27 to review Lael Rubin said during a bail The school’s owner, Virginia serious new doubts about the hearing in the case. McMartin. 76, and teacher Mary safety of the $4.9 billion facility’s Superior Court Judge Ronald Ann Jackson, 57, remained free on massive piping system. George divulged during the bail. UPI photo "They concluded their meeting lengthy hearing that grand jury George said there was evidence by agreeing they would send a transcripts showed numerous bru­ of ” a vast conspiracy (by the Raymond Buckley and his mother, other defendants are- charged with letter to the commission saying tal incidents against children — defendants), whether or not (they Peggy Martin Buckley, listen during a having sexually molested hundreds of they think authorizing a low-power some as young as 2 years old — were) formally charged” with the license for Diablo Canyon would be including threats that family additional molestations. bail hearing in Los Angeles Friday children at the pre-school they oper­ OK,” said NRC spokesman Frank homes would be bombed and Rubin said that one child told her afternoon. The Buckleys, who with five ated, were held without bail. Ingram. parents would be shot. mother that, ” ’A good day at The five commissioners have The judge said one child at the school, mom, was a day when scheduled a meeting for next McMartin Pre-School in Mahattan Raymond left us alone.’” Friday, at which they are expected Beach was buried up to the chest in District Attorney Robert Philib- Appropriations committee passes to debate and vote on the issue. sandy soil and forced to dig his way osian, who was in the courtroom, The advisory panel, with an out, that drugs were given children said later said he did not know if informal show of hands, over­ and the children were raped. formal charges would be filed in whelmingly agreed to draft a letter Before sealing the transcripts, the 397 additional incidents re­ hospitai cost containment pian this weekend to NRC Chairman the judge also revealed a large vealed during the hearing. Nunzio Palladino recommending knife was drawn across one child’s Among the seven defendants, By Bruno V. Ranniello hospital charges under which Hospitals will be allowed to keep low-power start-up of the plant. chest. Ms. Rubin said, Peggy'McMartin United Press International hospitals rates are set in advance. the difference in payments if they Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Ms. Rubin, who said some of the Buckey, daughter of the school’s Only New York. New Jersey, can complete treatment for less owner of the plant, was pleased children were injected with drugs owner, was responsible for 163 HARTFORD - The Legisla­ Massachusetts and Maryland have than the prescribed rate or absorb with the advisory panel recom­ before being taken from the school separate uncharged acts and her ture’s Appropriatitpis Committee adopted the plan to contain costs the loss if it exceeds the reiburse- mendation. The company, the to be molested, revealed there son, Raymond, was responsible for voted 38-2 Friday to approve through incentive regulation. ment level. largest privately owned utility in were up to 397 additional incidents 100 uncharged acts. landmark legislation designed to The compromise approved Fri­ The committee voted 24-13 on a the United States, admitted last that were not listed in the original Security was extremely tight control spiraling hospital costs in day was the result of lengthy and proposal to establish an annual week that each day of delay has llS-count indictment. during the hearing. Spectators Connecticut. intense bargaining between law­ five-month legislation instead of cost it $1 million in interest on The elderly owner of the Manhat­ were screened by a metal detector makers, the Connecticut Hospital the current three months in even loans. tan Beach nursery school and six and the well-guarded courtroom The committee agreed to send to Association, third party insurers years and five months in odd ” We feel now that the commis­ teachers were formally accused of was locked. the Senate the sweeping proposal and the state Commission on years. sion will have enough information requiring hospitals tocontain costs Hospitals and Health Care, which Republican members, citing a to vote next Friday and we expect a under a pre-set rate structure for will administer the program. $500,000 price tag for extending favorable vote for low-power test­ rooms and surgical procedures The negotiated measure calls for sessions in even years, criticized ing.” said Pacific Gas spokesman beginning in October 1985. a 14-member task force represent­ the proposed referendum as Richard Davin. The spending committee also ing hospitals, doctors, insurers and costly, foolish and inefficient. A low-power operating license Ford says Meese would allow the utility to start a approved for debate a measure legislators who will work out The Democrat-controlled com­ raising salaries of state lawmak­ controlled fission reaction at the details of the prospective payment mittee rejected amendments to ers and approved a proposed Unit 1 reactor and test it at up to 5 system by Oct. 1. make annual sessions only three constitutional amendment to leng­ percent of full power. should withdraw The containment plan of pre-set months or four months long. then even-year legislative sessions ...fees, modeled after federal legisla­ But an anti-nuclealr group that from three months to five months. tion, will provide incentives to The proposed constitutional has opposed any start up of the plant vowed Friday it will chal­ By Mark A. Dupuis the investigation is complete. Connecticut would become only keep costs down because hospitals amendment must receive a three- lenge the NRC in federal court if it United Press International Meese failed to list on his federal the 5th state to establish a will know in advance what their fourths vote in botirchambers to be approves the low-power testing. financial disclosure form a 315,000 prospective payment system for fees will be. placed on the November ballot. ” We still intend to pursue this in FARMINGTON — Former Pres­ interest-free loan made to his wife court,” said Louis Clark, executive ident Gerald Ford suggested Fri­ by a man who later got a director of the Washington-based day that Edwin Meese should government job. Critics called for Government Accountability Pro­ vvithdraw as President Reagan’s a full investigation of Meese’s Shuttle chases Solar Max ject. ”lt would be foolish for nominee for attorney general. finances, noting that a number of anyone to assume that Diablo Ford, asked about Democratic people who provided financial help ' Canyon is safe just because the criticism of Reagan appointees, got government jobs. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. an unprecedented attempt to re­ cargo bay work frame called a NRC says it is.” said he had similar problems Critics also want to determine (D P I) — Challenger blasted off to trieve, repair and redeploy the Flight Support System. The NRC advisory committee during his presidency. what, if any, role Meese had in a higher orbit than ever Friday and spacecraft. Crippen reported that the arm, a was asked to examine a key He recalled how Agriculture obtaining information purloined the astronauts fine tuned the NASA said Crippen and his crew new replacement since an identi­ dispute among the NRC ’s own Secretary Earl Butz offered to from Jimmy Carter’s 1980 shuttle’s course for a two-day of space rookies — Dick Scobee, cal boom failed o n the last flight, engineering staff over whether the resign because of an uproar over a campaign. chase peross space after a broken Terry Hart, James van Hoften and looked “ super.” The Flight Sup­ plant’s piping was properly built racially derogatory joke he told. Ford was somewhat critical of satellite that needs an overhaul. George Nelson — were right on port System also checked out and meets government safety Ford accepted the resignation.
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