ltttorblf of §ott ~t. ~torgt LETTERS FROM FORT ST. GEORGE 1756 (VOLUME No XXXI) MADRAS RINTED BY TR'E SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRESS I - 19U 1\ttorln:S of JFort ~t. ~torge LETTERS FROM FORT ST. GEORGE 1756 (VOLUME No XXXI) MADRAS PRINTED BY TRlll SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRESS 1942 PREFATORY NOTE Tlus volume contams the letters sent from Fort St George ill 1756 a.nd 1S the th~rty first volume ill the senes of records known as Letters from Fort St George The or1gmal manuscript volume has been mended and lS m a fa1r state of preservatiOn CHITTOOR B S BALIGA 27th July 1942 Curatm' MadmB Rermd Ojfice RECORDS OF FORT ST GEORGE LETTERS FROM FORT ST GEORGE 1756 (VOLUME No XXXI) No 1 To RICHARD STARKE EsQ" DEPUTY GoVERNOUR &c• CouNCIL AT FORT S• DAVID GENTLEMEN The President havmg acquamted us you are m want of a supply of money We now send you twenty Thouqand Pagodas by forty Peons The Select Committee havmg commumcated to us a Letter transmitted to them by M Starke from MaJOr Lovat on behalf of himself and the other Gentlemen of the Regiment who sat on Colonel Herons Court Martial repr[e sent 1 that the expences they have been at on that Account amount to two hunared and sixty one Pagodas but submittmg e1ther to be allowed that sum or the Usual Batta You may pay MaJor Lovatt the above sum and acquamt him fthat] 1t IS not usual to allow Batta on any Occasion except [on thel Nabobs serVIce You wxll also deme Colonel Bagshot [hisl acceptance of one l!:undred Pagodas on the same a[ccount] for hunself We are J!ORT S• GEORGE GENTLEMEN THE 15m JANUARY 1756 Your Afiectxonate Frxends GEORGE PIGOT STRINGER LAWRENCE HENRY PowNEY RoBERT ORME - ALEXANDER WYNCH No 2 To RICHARD STARKE EsQ" DEPUTY GoVERNOUR &cA CoUNCIL AT FoRTS DAVID GENTLEMEN In answer to vour Letter of the lOth Instant we are sorry to observe that a defiCiency has happen'd m your Cash The Companys orders are positive that m such cases the Cash keeper shall be answerable and we are tlierefore under a necessity of dnectmg that on receit hereof the Deputy Governour pay m the sum that IS wantmg to Compleat the true Ballance We must add that his havmg entrusted the Shrofi solely wxth the Charge of the Cash as you men t10n m your Letter was very wrong The shroff Is properly no more than a Teller and If the Cash Keeper entrusted hxm further 1t must be at h1s own risk not the Companys M Massey your Surgeons Mate havmg represented that thro want of health he 1s become mcapable of gxvmg due attendance m your Hosp1tal and havmg requested our Indulgence that he may reside here sometxme to endeavour his recovery you ~11 acquamt hxm that he has our permiSSion to do so and that 2 Records of Fort St George you may not want proper assistance We have appomted Mr Stephen Brtgs a Surgeons Mate 1n the Hon.ble Companys Semce who IS to supply Mr Mas seys place m bts absence We are FORT ST GEORGE GENTLEMEN 2()m J.umy 1756 Your Affectionate Fr1ends GEORGE PIGOT STRINGER LAWRENCE HENRY PowNEY RoBERT 0RME ALEXANDER WYNCH lfo 3 ro THE HONBLE RICHARD BoURCHIER EsQ" PRESIDENT & GoVERNOUR &c' CoUNCIL AT BOMBAY HonLE Sm & Sms We have bad the pleasure of rece1Vlng your two favours of the 27th ~ov ember & 2<1 Deer the former came to hand the 1st Instant but the latter not till the 16th We congratulate Your Honour &c on the safe arrival of the four shtps Cons1gn d to you from Europe The Doddmgton has not ;ret appear d and as the season 1s so farr advanced that she mtght wtth safetv have ventured on the Coast for some ttme past We begm to be m pam for her The Gentlemen at the Bay m consequence of our Advtces have a!Jpomted the East court to take m her for Loadmg here for Europe we hope to dtspatoh her before the end of February her arrnallS dally expected Our last Letters from thence mform us that the Duke of D[orset] was mtended to load on the Malabar Coast the ans[ ] to fill up at Fort "-farlbro and the London was under dtspatch for Europe the begmmng of November By Letters from St Helena v1a Fort Marlliro we are adVIsed that our Hon.ble Masters shtp Norfolk was a.rrtved there and preparmg the lSth Aprd to sa.tl for England The Bnta.nUla from thts Coast and the Prmce George from Europe had been at Marlbrough and were dtspatch d from thence to Canton the latter the 4th and the former the 12th June We are FoRT s~ GEoRGE HoNBLE SIR & Sms Tl!JI24TU JANRY 1756 Your Most Obed1ent Servants GEORGE PlGOT STlUNC'ER LAWRENCE HENRY POWNEY RoBERT ORME ALEXANDER WYNCH Letters from Fort St George 1756 s :N 4 To Foss WESTCOTT EsQ" RESIDENT AT INGERAM SIR Smce we last wrote you we have rece1ved your several letters of the 20th December 9th Instant With your Beeteelas by the },ancy Sloop and 21 t Instant wtth the Remamder of your Investment Agreable to your desire we have laden and consign d to you ten Candys of Iron by the Nancy sloop wh1ch sailed a few days ago the Inv01ce and Bill of loadmg are enclosed We are sorry that we have any occaston to Contradict what we satd of your Cloth m your Letter of the 23d November We were wlllmg at that ttme to g1ve you some account of It for yom future Guidance and as there had been no opportumty of sortmg It one Bale was taken from the '\'~~hole examur'd and found very Good but havmg ~mce sorted the whole we were surpriz d to find very httle of that Quahtv the greatest part verv mdliferent and some so bad that no less than E1ght Bales have been totally reJected a much larger proportiOn than of e1ther of the other Settlements but ac; we hope what you have now sent us Will make amends we shall say no more till1t lS sorted FORT S' GEORGE We are THE 29m JANRY 1756 SIR Your Afiect1onate Fr1ends GEORGE PxooT &c CoUNCIL lfo 6 To RxcHARn STARKE EsQ DEPUTY GOVERNOUR &cA COUNCIL AT FoRTS DAVID GENTLEMEN We have rece1ved your Letter of the 27th Jaiiry The Redwood P1les shall be forwarded by the first opportunity but we ne1ther have nor can procure any Angelee and Mango Plaitk you must there fore endeavour to get as much as you want from the Southward the other Art1cles of your Inaent or such of them as we can supply you w1th shall be sent as oocas1ons offer We have not at present any means of supplymg you With a Conveyance for your Bales We would therefore have you dispatch the Dragon sloop Immediately with as many as she can carry and should any other opportumty offer at :your Place make use of 1t m the mean ttme should we find any means of ass1stmg you we shall give you tmmedi&te ad nee We shall consider the address of your Md1tary Storekeeper more fully at :present we shall only speak of such arttcles as reqmre Imxnedtate dtrect1ons It 1s our Intention the officers should keep a Dtary of the Expence of Stores and the Select Committee have allready [no] given dtrectlons for that purpose The method proposed to make the seapoys more carefull of theu arms Is practtsed here and no repa1rs are to 'be made on the Com:panys account but such as become necessary by real service or Unavoidable accidents All stores expended by the Seapoys must be Lharged to the Nabobs account but great Care should be taken to prevent waste We must here observe that the Indents to the Storekeeper aile> no Vouchers at all a Receit should be taken for such art1eles 17116-lA Records of Fort St George of the Indents as are delivered from the officer or person to whom they are delivered If the European armorer IS so mauned as to be mcapable of any Labour he ought by no means to be contmued on the storekeepers Books but put on the Penswn Ltst As to the Articles remammg m the Import Warehouse let the double col oured Broad Cloth be sent htther sell at outcry such of the other ArtiCles as are Damaged for the most they will fetch and let the rest remam m the Ware house unless they Will go off at outcry on the usual terms You should not have omitted to mentwn m your last whether the Ballance of the Honble Companys Cash had been made Good agreable to our directtons Give us timely NotlCe when you shall want a further supply of Cash We have been m expectatiOn some time of receivmg your annual Papers the shlp for Europe 1s now under dtspatch therefore you must not delay send 1;ng them any longer FORT g., GEORGE We are THE 3D FEBRY 1756 GENTLEMEN Your Affectionate Fr1ends & Servants GEORGE PIGOT STRINGER LAWRENCE HENRY POWNEY RoBERT 0RME ALEXANDER WYNCH WILLIAM PERCEVAL No 6 To RicHARD STARKE EsQ" DEPUTY GoVERNOUR &c CoUNciL AT FORT 8 DAVID GENTLEMEN I am dxrected by the President and CounCil to send you the Enclosed In votce and Rece1t for sundry stores laden and Consign d to you on the Snow Allah Dowlat Thomas Holmes Commander who refusmg to stgn a Btll of load mg as he carrys the Stores Fretght Free ts the reason that lits officers Rece t IS now forwarded 1 FORT S" GEORGE I am THE 5TB FEBRY 1756 GENTLEMEN Your Most Obedtent Humble Servant Joss DuPRE Sec '!I Letters from Fort St George 1756 5 No 7 To RICHARD STARKE EsQa DEPUTY GOVERNOUR &cA CouNCIL AT FORT S• DAVID GENTLEMEN Some Mthtary Stores bemg laden and Constgn d to you by the Sloop Chance Peter Carstatrs Commander I am dtrected by the President and Connell to send you the enclosed Invoice and Bill of Ladmg FoRT S• GEORGE I am 7 FEBRY 1756 GENTLEMEN Your Most Obedtent Humble Servant I Jo.., Du PRE Sec'11 No 8 To RICHARD STARKE EsQa DEPUTY GoVERNOUR &c CoUNCIL GENTLEMEN In complyance w1th your request for a supply of Rupees and Pagodas \'\ e now send you by the Fanny Schooner Fifty Thousand (50 000) Rupees and Ten Thousand {10 000) Pagodas by the same conveyance you will also receive the several Stores ment10n d m the accompang InvOice and Bill of Loadmg the whole 1s to be dehvered to you fretght Free and we have agreed w1th the owners of the Vessell that she 1s to be Immediately fretghted back to us w1th Bales you wtll therefore w1th as much Dtspatch as possible put as many Bales on board as she can carry and return her directly to us AS the Schooner has no European belongmg to her we have sent a Matross by Name Damel Grove to take (.
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