MAILS From San Francisco Mexican, July 22. For San Francisco rrV Sierra, July 15. From Vancouver: Makura. Aug. S For Vancouver: Makura, Jul 2L Mill 7 V Evening Bulletin, Est 1S82. Na 6531 14 PAQES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1916. 14 PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTO Hawaiian Star. VoLTXXIV. No. 7572 STEVEDOKES ARE KETUMWG $0 STkIKE T!aS0 . 1 mm U. S. Troops Not RES!EM0:i OF Dissension In Late News At A Glance derun claims To Bo Withdrawn mm m G. 0. P. Cllllfflull HUGHES CALLS ON FACTIONS TO GET TOGETHER. West (ItweitM riM 8rU by rdral WiMlcu) m is Bane 19 A lr From Mexico Now wmm Coast Unions NEW YORK, N. Y., July declaration that factional fighting iti national Republican councils must cease was made today by Candidate kgi;:g air Charles E. Hughes. He told callers at Republican headquarters that the Counsellor Polk Denies Rumor; (AMcUt4 Trt by Fdrl WirrlMt) dissension among his supporters must be ended. He expects all factions SLAVS LOSSES SAN. FRANCISCO, CaU July 19. to get together, subordinate petty differences and work for the election of the Militiamen Shot at Across SUFfERJlEAVY Unless Republican Committees Eighty striking stevedores went back national ticket to work today and it is expected that Border Near El Paso; Return Are Reorganizea, ne in- other. will join them, in spite of the GOVERNMENT ARMOR PtATE PLANT RETAINED. tends to Quit votes of coast port onions against re- WASHINGTON, D. C, July 19. Py a vote of 51 to 17, the motion of Fire Effectively Von Hindenburg's Positions South of turning to work at the old scale. by senate today, among Senator Geo. T. Oliver of Pennsylvania was rejected the Because of the dissension moved to the government armor plate plant section from ( A.icwitril Pr by Fedrrl Wittiest) Sub- "PROGRESSIVES" HOLD to a when he strike Riga Under Strong Attack the locals there Is reported be bill. He to get the armor plate question referred to the . CHIHUAHUA CITY, Mexico, July riggers the naval tried THEY HAVE BEEN DUMPED possibility that the local and federal trade commission. He is a Republican. 19. A score of Villistas today at- Deutschland Prepares to stevedores will break from the district tacked a Mexico & Northwestern train marine organization. in Late Con- TWINS FROM SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTED IN COURT near Santa Ysabel but were beaten Leave Say Reactionaries Cordon and Terence Desmond, little Irish twins 19 months old, are off. Eight were captured and brought Eleventh-HourDe- ai today. They in a big, new double carriage in here. vention Put Over gloriously happy nestled hy Federal WirlM) NEW YORK STOCK Judge Whitney's court at 2 o'clock and chirped and laughed at all (Auocitd Prta Swtlf Circuit 19. a in who passed, for they had just been adopted by .Mrs. Ethel M. Scholefield, (Associated Press ly Federal Wireless) VIENNA, AUSTRIA, July There has been Russian reverse th MARKET TODAY by WASHINGTON, D. C., July 13 e Gailcia foothills of the Carpathian mountains. reorganization! who found them in the San Francisco slums practically abandoned Resignation or parents aud on the verge or starvation. The United States policy toward Mex- Southwest of Deiatyn the Austrian drove the Russians across the river developed late Following closing prices of their no ThesV alternatives are the is well known here, having been a at St. An- ico has not been changed and , Pruth, capturing 300 prisoners. today Ha new to- Mrs. Scholefield teacher yesterday and early tbe stocks cn the New Ycrk marekt drew's Priory. The youngsters were baptized at the cathedral and Dishop plans are on foot to withdraw (the - ' : and Press over 19. A Republican . territorial central day, ssnt by the Associated Henry Bond Restarick is their godfather. troops from the other side- of the BERLIN, Germany, July bombardment by German naval aircraft executive committees, named at the the Feoeral Wireless. - border. at the Russian harbor of Reval, Gulf of Finland, Is announced. Bombs Mon- Yester-- close of the platform convention OBJECTIONS TO HIS COMPANY CHARTER REMOVED This statement was formally made were dropped on Russian cruisers and other warships and numerous hits day night. Today. day. Although the mystery of who Inserted several clauses in the Hilo by Counsellor Polk of the state de- observed. One submarine was hit four, times. A. Berndt, new party chair- Gold 17 18 partment today. followed the re- EmU the Alaska --Traction Company bill was not solved by the public utilities commis- It vergeot presenting his 93 Con- man. Is on the American Smelter . 92'2 sion this afternoon, a letter from Robert W. Shingle, president of the com- ceipt of news here yesterday that LONDON, Eng., July 1U. Following their victories in JJuko? v.; resignation, believing that: the Pro- American Sugar Rfg.... 109 109 pany, a copy of bill as approved by the commission was for- sular Agent Rcdgers in Mexico. City com- said the wina, between Czernowitz and the Roumanian border, the Rnisians gressive members on the central American Tel. A Tel. T29' 129', warded to tbe delegate at Washington. had informed the Mexican minister of mittee are so outnumbered by . the Anaconda Copper ...... 81 78! 2 gone changes carefully," let- war, Gen. Alvaro Obregon, that the have crossed the Carpathian mountains and penetrated a day's march -- "Mr. Ballentyne has over these adds the ; other side" that he is not Justified Atchison 104 1047s ter, "and advises me he does not find anything objectionable in them. In U. S. troops would be withdrawn. into Hungary, says a Petrograd despatch. The despatch addi, that - . t..-.- . -- in trying to handle tbe territorial Baldwin Loco. ........ 68', fact he Is Inclined to believe they are not only in the interest of the Counsellor Polk emphasized today, the Russians are threatening the Austrian rear in some. of the moun- : . ealtimdfe & Ohio 89 Rodger8 had no authority to make campaign. 89, public but possibly in the interest of the company as well." Commission- that re-- Gen-i- t Wilder, tain passes. Gen. Letchitzky is leading the Russian forces in this Friends of . P. the Bethlehem Steel t A. J. Gignoux said if the traction company was satisfied and had ac- such a statement 18 er . new party treasurer, wno was elected Calif. Petroleum 17!2 cepted the changes' there was nothing further to do. He moved the cor- after his departure for Maul Monday Canadian Pacific . ." 180 , 178 respondence be filed. Acting Chairman J. N. S. Williams agreed with him. MEXICANS SHOOT. outlining 97 96 afternoon, are writing him. P. (St Paul) . ft i D. 19. St 1 AV WASHINGTON, C, July The (Note. On several previous occasions rumors that; the Russians : and Intimating that he, Colo. Fuel A Iron. 42'2 VICE-PRESIDEN- the situation TUAN Kl SAI TO BE NEXT first clash between Mexicans and the had invaded Hungary liave proved erroneous. ) ; too, may wish to resign. Crucible Steel 68 66 (Special Marconigram to Liberty News). O militia troops stationed at the bor- v ' Only the hope i that a wholesale Erie Common ........ 357s 35 SHANGHAI, July 19. Tuan Ki Sal, premier of China, will! be the next der was reported late last night from so-call- ed 165 163 vice-preside- resignation . on tho; part of the General Electric nt of the Chinese Republic according to the report from Pe- El Paso. Men of Com pap y L, 9th Mas- 0 "'reActlonaries"' will allow a re- General j Motors 465 king today. It is thought that the Parliament will elect him at the first sachusetts Infantry, while on patrol Teutons in Desperate Fighting organization of the committee has Great' Northern Pfd... 118'2 118 meeting. Enough votes have already been pledged to insure his election. yesterday were fired - along the border kept the "progressives", from a state-- Inter. Ha rv N. J 117 115 Yi be new premier of China, according to well in- of from - Kong TEao will the upon by a ban! Mexicans ment, through Chairman Berndt, Kennecott Copper 45 45 formed reports received from Peking. He is a Cantonese, and his elec- across the Rio Grande. Retake Positions From DHil 5U which will crystallize their attitude. , Lehigh R..R;V,... ... 78'2 78 tion te the premiership would tend to bind the warring 'factions together. : The militiamen immediately were 'a r given , out . yesterday . 103' 103i2 a statement New York Central. .... Kong Tsao Yl was at one time ambassador tt the United States. deployed returned the fire at afternoon by Alfred V. Cooper, vchair- - Pennsylvania 56 57 and range 300 yards. The Mexicans LONDON, Eng., July 19. The German forces on the wesl . luve man of the late platforjn committee, Ray Consol. 22'. 21 of 97 97 kept on shooting until one of; their recaptured a portion of Delville wood and obtained a footing Hi the and published id the second edition Southern Pacific wound- ss LETTER BIG number was killed and several Stxr-Bulletl- n. un-le- 128 126 KAUAI MILL outskirts Longueval. ;;. - 'J V"' of the Indicated that Studebaker v STUART'S re- northern of ",of "i ed by the Americans. Then they would reorganization; Tennessee Copper 24 24'2 .lias been directed by Germans against the new Brit. there a tired. There were no casualties among An attack the .'' ' committee there, would be om 138'4 137', the Union Pacific the American' troops, who are said ish positions east of Baaentin, the jGernnnSi being jeinfprcel to make resignations of, the "progressives;" U.V8-Steel- . 5H 84 mo 117 to have Dehaved well their first ti thts effective s , Cooper said today .that he has .
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