S8184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE December 20, 2017 The following named officer for appoint- IN THE AIR FORCE PN1275 ARMY nomination of Vernice K. ment in the United States Air Force to the The following named officer for appoint- Favor-Williams, which was received by the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the Senate and appeared in the Congressional 624: grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section Record of November 27, 2017. To be brigadier general 12203: PN1300 ARMY nomination of Heather M. Lee, which was received by the Senate and Col. Sharon A. Shaffer To be brigadier general appeared in the Congressional Record of De- The following named officer for appoint- Col. Mitchel Neurock cember 1, 2017. ment in the United States Air Force to the The following named officers for appoint- IN THE NAVY grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section ment in the Reserve of the Air Force to the 8069: grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section PN1245 NAVY nominations (50) beginning WILLIAM L. ARNEST, and ending KAREN To be brigadier general 12203: J. WOOD, which nominations were received Col. Robert J. Marks To be major general by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- The following named officers for appoint- Brig. Gen. Hubert C. Hegtvedt sional Record of November 14, 2017. ment in the United States Air Force to the Brig. Gen. Timothy P. Kelly PN1301 NAVY nomination of Sharif H. grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section Brig. Gen. Albert V. Lupenski Calfee, which was received by the Senate and 624: Brig. Gen. Samuel C. Mahaney appeared in the Congressional Record of De- To be brigadier general Brig. Gen. John B. Williams cember 1, 2017. NOMINATIONS PLACED ON THE SECRETARY’S Col. Ronald G. Allen, Jr. f DESK Col. Mark R. August LEGISLATIVE SESSION Col. Charles E. Brown, Jr. IN THE AIR FORCE Col. Joel L. Carey PN1296 AIR FORCE nomination of Arianne The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Col. Brenda P. Cartier R. Morrison, which was received by the Sen- ate will now resume legislative session. Col. Darren R. Cole ate and appeared in the Congressional f Col. Heath A. Collins Record of December 1, 2017. Col. Douglas S. Coppinger PN1297 AIR FORCE nomination of Richard THE CALENDAR A. Hanrahan, which was received by the Sen- Col. Matthew W. Davidson Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Col. Todd A. Dozier ate and appeared in the Congressional Record of December 1, 2017. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- Col. Peter M. Fesler ate proceed to the immediate consider- Col. Eric H. Froehlich PN1298 AIR FORCE nominations (2) begin- Col. Michael A. Greiner ning ALECK A. BROWN, and ending JOHN ation of the following bills en bloc: Cal- Col. Andrew P. Hansen D. RITTER, which nominations were re- endar No. 124, S. 117 and Calendar No. Col. Michelle L. Hayworth ceived by the Senate and appeared in the 56, S. 501. I further ask unanimous con- Col. Thomas K. Hensley Congressional Record of December 1, 2017. sent that, where applicable, the com- Col. Stephen F. Jost IN THE ARMY mittee-reported amendment be agreed Col. Jeffrey R. King PN1142 ARMY nomination of Jennifer A. to, the bills, as amended, if amended, Col. Leonard J. Kosinski Mahoney, which was received by the Senate be considered read a third time and Col. Thomas E. Kunkel and appeared in the Congressional Record of passed, and the motions to reconsider Col. Laura L. Lenderman October 16, 2017. Col. Rodney D. Lewis PN1143 ARMY nominations (2) beginning be considered made and laid upon the Col. Robert K. Lyman YON T. CHUNG, and ending MICHAEL B. table, all en bloc. Col. David B. Lyons PAYNE, which nominations were received by The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Col. Michael E. Martin the Senate and appeared in the Congres- objection, it is so ordered. Col. Joseph D. McFall sional Record of October 16, 2017. f Col. David N. Miller, Jr. PN1265 ARMY nominations (2) beginning Col. Christopher J. Niemi NATHELE J. ANDERSON, and ending ALEX DIEKMANN PEAK Col. Clark J. Quinn BRIAN R. HORTON, which nominations were DESIGNATION ACT OF 2017 Col. George M. Reynolds received by the Senate and appeared in the The Senate proceeded to consider the Congressional Record of November 27, 2017. Col. Douglas A. Schiess bill (S. 117) to designate a mountain Col. David W. Snoddy PN1266 ARMY nominations (2) beginning Col. Adrian L. Spain THOMAS W. GREEN, and ending KENNETH peak in the State of Montana as ‘‘Alex Col. Ernest J. Teichert, III M. KOOP, which nominations were received Diekmann Peak,’’ which had been re- Col. Alice W. Trevino by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- ported from the Committee on Energy IN THE ARMY sional Record of November 27, 2017. and Natural Resources, with an amend- PN1267 ARMY nomination of Adam R. ment, as follows: The following named officer for appoint- Liberman, which was received by the Senate ment in the United States Army to the grade (The part of the bill intended to be and appeared in the Congressional Record of stricken is shown in boldface brackets indicated while assigned to a position of im- November 27, 2017. portance and responsibility under title 10, PN1268 ARMY nomination of Michael E. and the part of the bill intended to be U.S.C., section 601: Steelman, which was received by the Senate inserted is shown in italics.) To be lieutenant general and appeared in the Congressional Record of S. 117 Maj. Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli November 27, 2017. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- PN1269 ARMY nomination of Gerald D. The following named officer for appoint- resentatives of the United States of America in Gangaram, which was received by the Senate ment in the United States Army to the grade Congress assembled, and appeared in the Congressional Record of indicated while assigned to a position of im- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. November 27, 2017. This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Alex portance and responsibility under title 10, PN1270 ARMY nomination of Brian R. Diekmann Peak Designation Act of 2017’’. U.S.C., section 601: Johnson, which was received by the Senate To be general and appeared in the Congressional Record of øSEC. 2. FINDINGS. ø Lt. Gen. Stephen J. Townsend November 27, 2017. Congress finds that Alex Diekmann— ø(1) was a loving father of two and an ador- IN THE NAVY PN1271—1 ARMY nominations (18) begin- ning SCOTT T. AYERS, and ending TYESHA ing husband who lived in Bozeman, Montana, The following named officer for appoint- L. SMITH, which nominations were received where he was a renowned conservationist ment in the United States Navy to the grade by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- who dedicated his career to protecting some indicated while assigned to a position of im- sional Record of November 27, 2017. of the most outstanding natural and scenic portance and responsibility under title 10, PN1272 ARMY nomination of Peter J. Arm- resource areas of the Northern Rockies; U.S.C., section 601: strong, which was received by the Senate ø(2) was responsible during his unique con- To be vice admiral and appeared in the Congressional Record of servation career for the protection of more Rear Adm. Nancy A. Norton November 27, 2017. than 50 distinct areas in the States of Mon- PN1273 ARMY nomination of Ali S. Zaza, tana, Wyoming, and Idaho, conserving for The following named officer for appoint- which was received by the Senate and ap- the public over 100,000 acres of iconic moun- ment in the United States Navy to the grade peared in the Congressional Record of No- tains and valleys, rivers and creeks, ranches indicated while assigned to a position of im- vember 27, 2017. and farms, and historic sites and open portance and responsibility under title 10, PN1274 ARMY nomination of Phillip T. spaces; U.S.C., section 601: Buckler, which was received by the Senate ø(3) played a central role in securing the To be vice admiral and appeared in the Congressional Record of future of an array of special landscapes, in- Rear Adm. Richard A. Brown November 27, 2017. cluding— VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:42 Dec 21, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20DE6.022 S20DEPT1 December 20, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S8185 ø(A) the spectacular Devil’s Canyon in the tain segments of East Rosebud Creek (2) OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES.—The fact that an Craig Thomas Special Management Area in in Carbon County, Montana, as compo- otherwise authorized activity or use can be the State of Wyoming; nents of the Wild and Scenic Rivers seen or heard within the boundary of the ø (B) crucial fish and wildlife habitat and System, was considered, was ordered to river segment designated by paragraph (213) recreation access land in the Sawtooth be engrossed for a third reading, was of section 3(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Mountains of Idaho, along the Salmon River, Act (16 U.S.C. 1274(a)) (as added by sub- and near the Canadian border; and read the third time, and passed, as fol- section (a)) shall not preclude the activity or ø(C) diverse and vitally important land all lows: use outside the boundary of the river seg- across the Crown of the Continent in the S. 501 ment. State of Montana, from the world-famous Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- f Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to Glacier resentatives of the United States of America in National Park to the Cabinet-Yaak Eco- Congress assembled, ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, system, to the recreational trails, working SECTION 1.
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