HYDROGEOLOGY OF THE LAWRENCEVILLE AREA, GEORGIA Melinda J. Chapman1, Thomas J. Crawford2 and W. Todd Tharpe3 AUTHORS: 1Hydrologist and 3Hydrologic Technician, U.S. Geological Survey, 3039 Amwiler Road, Suite 130, Peachtree Business Center, Atlanta, Georgia 30360-2824; and 2Professor of Geology, Emeritus, State University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia. REFERENCE: Proceedings ofthe 1999 Georgia Water Resources Conference, held March 30-31, 1999, at the University of Georgia. Kathryn J. Hatcher, editor, Institute ofEcology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia. Abstract. The population of the Atlanta Metro­ igneous/metamorphic-rock terranes, are extremely vari­ politan area of northern Georgia continues to grow at a able and can range from zero to several hundred gallons rapid pace, and as a result, the demand for water supplies per minute (gal/min) within a few hundred feet (ft) or steadily increases. Exploration for ground-water less. Thus, there is imminent need to improve methods of resources, as a supplement to surface-water supplies, is ground-water resource evaluation in these complex igne­ being pursued by many city and county governments. ous, metamorphic-rock hydrogeologic settings. ·The application of effective investigative methods to characterize complex igneous and metamorphic METHODS OF INVESTIGATIONS fractured bedrock aquifers of the Piedmont The investigation of ground-water resources in the physiographic province is essential to the success of Lawrenceville area has included geologic mapping; these ground-water exploration programs. The U.S. compilation of well information; and collection and anal­ Geological Survey, in cooperation with the City of ysis of borehole geophysical logs, well cores, ground­ Lawrenceville, Ga., began a study in December 1994 to water-level data, and ground-water-quality samples. Data evaluate the applicability of various investigative (geology, well characteristics, topography, hydrography, techniques for field characterization of fractured and roads) were digitized and incorporated into a spa­ crystalline-bedrock aquifers near Lawrenceville. tially oriented database for geographic information sys­ tem applications. All well-construction information is INTRODUCTION stored in the USGS Ground-Water Site Inventory Availability of water for public supply, industrial use, (GWSI) database for subsequent retrieval. irrigation, and other uses is a major factor in the econ­ omy and quality of life in large urban areas of the south­ HYDROGEOLOGY eastern United States. Water resources in fractured Five major lithologic units were mapped in the crystalline-bedrock aquifers are becoming more impor­ Lawrenceville, Ga., area as part of an ongoing study of tant in the Atlanta Metropolitan area as the need for ground-water resources--amphibolite, biotite gneiss, water supplies escalates because of increased develop­ button schist, granite gneiss, and quartzite-aluminous ment and rapid population growth. schist. These units generally are thin in outcrop width, The City of Lawrenceville, Ga., a northeastern suburb have low angles of dip (nearly 0 to 20 degrees; dip rever­ of Atlanta (fig. 1), includes several of the fastest growing sals occur over short distances), and exhibit some shear­ industrial and residential areas in the metropolitan area. ing characteristics. The most productive unit, on the The average demand for water ranges from a low of basis of subsurface data collected through 1997, is the about 1.5 million gallons per day (Mgal/d) in the winter, amphibolite. Historically, two wells drilled into this unit to a high of about 2.9 Mgal/d in the summer (E&C Con­ are recognized as having possibly the highest yields in sulting Engineers, Inc., written commun., 1995). A small the Piedmont region of northern Georgia. The City of percentage of the city's public water supply, about 10 Lawrenceville refurbished one well at the Rhodes Jordan percent, currently (1998) is obtained from ground-water Well:field in 1990, and has pumped this well at an aver­ sources, and projects have been initiated to expand age rate of230 gal/min since 1995. ground-water development. The city is investigating the Data collected from wells drilled into the amphibolite possibility of using ground-water supplies to provide a in the study area suggest that the amphibolite is more primary water source to serve an estimated 20,000 peo­ fractured at depth than are other lithologic units. These ple (Mr. Mike Bowie, City of Lawrenceville, oral com­ fractures constitute the secondary porosity and perme­ mun., 1998). Well yields in this area, as well as in all ability that transmit ground water. Tectonic stresses, and 566 CUMBERLAND PLATEAU --- ------------ GEORGIA COASTAL PLAIN 0 10MILES I I I I I I I I I 1 0 10 KILOMETERS Figure 1. Location of study area in Gwinnett County and physiographlc provinces in Georgia. later erosional unloading, probably produced the closely porosity atJ.d is1 virtually impermeable, except where sec­ . spaced fractures in the amphibolite. The apparent ondarily formed fractures are present. The fractures gen­ increased presence of fracturing in the amphibolite may erally are discte~ and discontinuous, having little be related to the location of that unit at the .crest of an storage cap,~ity for ground water. However, when con­ apparent antiformal structure. Stress related to the fold­ nected as a "network", together with the overlying ing may have enhanced fracturing potential of the regolith, which has large available ground-water storage amphibolite unit In addition, well-developed composi­ capacity, these fractures can provide significant and sus­ tional layering has produced zones of weakness, which tained quantities of water to a well, and the encompass­ were vulnerable to both tectonic stress and weathering, ing rock unit is considered to be an "aquifer". The which also enhanced ground-water movement. With this amphibolite unit maJ>Ped in Lawrenceville, Ga., is such compositional layering and a fracture network; subse­ an aquifer. HistoriCal municipal supply records span sev­ quent unloading by erosion of broad valleys, could have eral decades of reliable, high yieldS, and reeent (1995- resulted in "stress release" and opening of the fracture present) pumping has a sustained rate of more than 200 system. The "stress release" discussed herein is n:ot a gal/min.... release of inherent stress associated with deep-seated Subsurface information and lithology and :fracture igneous intrusions. Rather, it is more comparable to the data are available at four sites in the study area: (1) upward expansion of the rock as a result of the removal Rhodes Jordan Park Wellfield; (2) Maltbie Street; (3) of overlying rocks in broad valleys (elastic rebound). Pike Street; and (4) the Gwinnett County Airport.· In Large rock fragments noted during air-rotary drilling and some areas, natural gamma logs can be used to distin­ frorn cote samples often have fractures partially filled guish: rock types and litholOgic units. Geologic core Was with minerals. Zeolites (stilbite} are· the most abundant eolleeted from wells at the Rhodes Jordan Park (14FF26, inilleral, although epidote and itOn sillfide minerals also fig. 2) and Gwinnett County Airport (14FF42), .and cut­ are common. The presence ofopenings partly filled with tings were collected frorn the Pike Street well (14FF27). mineral groWth indicates tbkt sorne <>f ·the stress·ielief The lithology in the Maltbie Street well (14FF08) was fractures have been open for considerable time. interpreted from borehole geophysical logs. As a result of the intense heat and pressure during Of these four sites, the larger yielding wells, Rhodes metamorphism and structural deformation, bedrock of Jordan Wellfield {14FF10, -16, -17, -18, -39, fig. 2) and the Piedmont Province contains little or no primary Maltbie Street (l 4FF08), mainly penetrate the amphibo- 567 Gwinnett County Airport Well14FF42/ 2miles Base modified from U.S. Geological Survey 0 500 1,000FEET Lawrenceville, Georgia; 1:24,000, 1992 I EXPLANATION I I I I 0 125 250METERS 14F':7 Well and 02208118.&. Stage recorder number and number Figure 2. Location of the Rhodes Jordan Wellfield and observation wells in Lawrenceville, Georgia. lite unit (fig. 1). Production at the Rhodes Jordan Well­ flowmeter, video camera logs, and single-borehole radar field averages about 230 gal/min. The Maltbie Street surveys. Subsequent to fracture zone identification, the well (14FF08) has been tested at 350 gal/min. Originally orientation of each zone was interpreted from acoustic projected to yield 100 gal/min, the Pike Street well televiewer logs and directional borehole radar surveys (14FF27) penetrates five lithologic units; however, sub­ (Chapman and others, 1999). sequent aquifer testing suggests a much lower overall RESPONSE OF AQUIFER TO PUMPING yield. The Gwinnett County Airport well (14FF42) pene­ trates three lithologic units, and has an estimated yield of A major objective of this study is to evaluate the about 10 gal/min. In resistive crystalline rocks, such as effects of ground-water withdrawal on the bedrock those in the Piedmont of northern Georgia, fractures can aquifer in Lawrenceville. Continuous water-level data-­ be identified as distinctive anomalies on borehole geo­ recorded in wells at 30-minute intervals--were collected physical logs. Typically, fractures are recognized most from March 1995 through the present. Analyses of readily as an increase in borehole diameter on the caliper continuous ground-water-level
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