Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 9-10-1997 The BG News September 10, 1997 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News September 10, 1997" (1997). BG News (Student Newspaper). 6201. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/6201 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Directory SPORTS OPINION 2 TODAY Switchboard 372-2601 Classified Ads 372-6977 Volleyball Natalie Miller loses her religion Display Ads 372-2605 Editorial 372-6966 YSU 7 4....16....12 A Sports 372-2602 F.nlertainmcnt 372-2603 BG.. 15... 15 ....14.... 15 INSIDE 4 Story idea? Give us a call Falcons hold off Penguins after Showers weekdays from I p.m. In 5 pm., or dominating first two sets . University Faculty Senate held first e-iruiil: "bgnews<3bgnel.bgsu.edu" meeting Tuesday High: 99 Low: 99 WEDNESDAY September 10,1997 Volume 84, Issue 10 The BG News Bowling Green, Ohio "Serving the Bowling Green community for over 75years" & Noe case settled out of court By DARLA WARNOCK AND Three separate lawsuits pur- ■ The University will pay under the University's sexual University employee working for October that no University offi- BRANDON WRAY sued by Noe are included under $95,000 to Noe in exchange for harassment and discrimination then-Vice President Phil Mason cial acted maliciously in their The BG News the agreement which ends all ending all lawsuits. policy. in University Relations. treatment of Noe or their han- further legal action concerning ■ Noe agreed not to sue the The agreement was made Noe claimed that Mason sexu- dling of public documents. The University will pay any of those issues. University again in any related while the University has been in ally harassed her. She also al- Noe said that the settlement $95,000 to Bernadette Noe, a Claims still actively pursued matters. preparation to make an appear- leged that then-University Presi- was satisfactory to her. former employee who sued for by Noe in the Ohio Court of ■ Noe also agreed not to seek ance in the Wood County Com- dent Paul Olscamp and Affirma- "I am pleased by the outcome," sexual harassment and discrimi- Claims, Wood County Common employment at the University mon Pleas court to present evi- tive Action Director Marshall Noe said. "This case wasn't about nation, the Board of Trustees de- Pleas Court, the United States any time in the future. dence against Noe's request. Rose destroyed public docu- money, it was about a public cided Tuesday. District Court in Toledo and the ■ Acknowledgement was made A trial to decide if there was ments pertaining to the in- document that was destroyed. It A 90-minute meeting in execu- Ohio Civil Rights Commission that all parties involved in the any truth in Noe's allegations vestigation of her allegations. was about doing something that tive session allowed the Univer- were agreed to be dismissed. lawsuits acted in good faith and was to begin Sept. 29. Olscamp and Rose were never was right." sity to settle an out-of-court Under the terms of the agree- deny violating any of Noe's The lawsuits were originally charged with any crime. The agreement with Noe. ment: rights, including those arising filed in 1995 while Noe was a Ohio Court of Claims ruled last • See NOE, page four. Groups Budget allows featured The big squeeze at today's improvements bilitation will also begin, requir- □ Upon approval, ing a total of $4,025,000. fair nearly $16 million will Rehabilitation and asbestos □ Campus organiza- go into building and fa- removal will be completed in the Psychology Building for tions show students cility upgrades at the $1,875,000. what they have to offer University. Phase I of the network infra- at event in Lenhart structure throughout the campus By DARLA WARNOCK was also recommended for ap- Grand Ballroom. The BG News proval at $4,500,000. By MAUREEN BARRY At the Firelands campus, a new The BG News University trustees are looking University Community Center forward to next year when the was requested for a total of Students interested in becom- Ohio Board of Regents arid state $2,031,960. ing more Involved at the Univer- legislature approve the next Waddle said each of the up- sity can explore their options at capital budget. grades would better serve stu- the Organizations Fair from 11 That's because tied into the dents. am. to 3 p.m. today in the Len- budget is their recommendation Once they are approved by re- hart Grand Ballroom. for nearly $16 million in building gents and legislature, they will According to Deb Helm, coor- and facility improvements to the be funded during the 1999-2000 dinator for the Student Organiza- University campus. fiscal year. The capital requests tions Fair, the 1997 fair will fea- They approved the proposed are included in the state's bien- ture 127 organizations, making projects Tuesday in their first niel budget. this the largest fair in the Uni- regular board meeting of the University President Sidney versity's history. year. Ribeau said the addition of these Representatives from a wide Bob Waddle, director of Capi- improvements to campus will range of student organizations, tal Planning, proposed the cam- make a definite improvement to including multicultural, service pus upgrades to the trustees at the campus community as a and intramural organizations, the committee of the whole meet- whole. will be available to talk to stu- ing Monday. "Completion of these projects dents, Helm said. He said a number of projects will greatly improve the quality Helm said that because so are well underway and with the of our instructional environment, many different organizations additional funding from the benefitting both our student will be in the same room, the fair state, the projects will be able to learning community and faculty provides a "one-stop shopping" be completed. who teach and have offices in experience for students. Topping the list of five capital these buildings," Ribeau said "The fair is essentially for new requests for the fiscal year Ribeau spoke specifically to students and continuing students 1999-2000 is the central heating the use of increased technology to find out how they can get in- plant replacement, which is in its across the campus. He said stu- volved," she said. BG Newt Photo by Amy Strieker third phase. The cost of the dents have asked and the Univer- Organizations will have the op- project is $1,594,920. sity has responded to the desire portunity to "spotlight" them- Ben Thompson, 20, of Bowling Green, gives Sarah Neumann, 2, of Luna Pier, Mich., a hug yesterday Next on the list at $3,900,000 is for increased technological ad- selves by performing or speak- while working at the Merchant's Fair. Phase III of University Hall Re- vances. ing at the fair as well, according habilitation. Moseley Hall Reha- • See TRUSTEES, page four. to Helm. Students can talk to members Saturday, September 13,1997 of a specific organization to find out how to Join and when meet- BGSUand OSU share coaching ties ings are scheduled, Helm said. According to Jae Margetson, we all wanted to play at OSU," he Sport Management Alliance co- □ OSU defensive ends Though Simms graduated from chair, the Organizations Fair is Falcon country, don't expect him said. "I think the players are BG vs. OSU coach Shawn Simms is a competitive enough that they be- beneficial for the organizations to convince his players to go easy INSIDE TODAY lieve they can play with OSU." and the students who attend. BGalum. on BG. He still is coaching the ■ A look at this year's Buckeyes Many of the players from both TOMORROW "It is good for the organization Buckeyes to do one thing -- win. ■ How students and fans are getting And he says he isn't looking past teams are familiar with each because it gives them an oppor- By TOD McCLOSKEY other. Both teams scout heavily ready for the game tunity to introduce themselves to The BG News the Falcons. ■ Falcon senior linebacker Kevin "It feels funny to see and play in Oliio and a few high school O'Neill featured the student body," she said. reunions of sorts will be evident. Organizations benefit because Bowling Green and Ohio State BG again," Simms said. "But the ignore everything else." are separated by over 120 miles, competitor "Many of those kids played the fair offers the opportunity to with each other in high school," Ohio State coach John Cooper reach students outside of their but both universities share a few comes out in brought the 34-year-old Simms football kinships. me, no matter Simms said. "All of those kids circle, Margetson said. For ex- will want to do their best, espe- into the fold last February, and ample, students in a certain Ohio State's defensive ends who we are cially with old peers on the other expressed satisfaction with major may not travel beyond the coach Shawn Simms is one of playing. Ohio Stadium • Columbus side of the line." Simms' work. buildings where their classes are those connections. A 1986 BG "It shouldn't "It's my job to find a quality sistant to Jacobs, played football held and may not know about graduate, Simms played line- matter that I Students and fans from both schools may think that this will coach whenever I need to replace and graduated from BG.
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