INDEX Aberdeenshire, 80 185, 189, 191, 199, 207-8 Aberystwyth, 98 Balfour, A. J. (Earl), 50-51, 57, Acland, (Sir) F. D., 190 71, 76, 80-84, 87-8, 134, 149, Acland-Troyte, Lt-Col., 207 150 Adamson, William, 175 Balfour, Gerald, 125-6 "Agrarian outrages", 26 Balfour, J. B., 64, 66 Agricultural Holdings Bills, Acts: Balfour Land Purchase Act (1891), (1875), 17, 42; (1883), 43, 65, 83-5 97; (1900), 122; (1906), see Balfour, Lord, of Burleigh, 119, Land Tenure Bill, Act 149, 165 Agricultural Land (Utilisation) Bill Ballot Act (1872), 97 (1930-31), 199-200 Banbury, Sir Frederick, 169 Agricultural Marketing Act (1933), Barclay, J. W., 55 209 Barvas, 89 Agricultural Rating Bill, Acts: Ben Lee, 62 (1896), 122, 188; (1923), 184, Bessborough Commission, 32-3 188-9; (1925), 189 Bethn4 Green, 45 Agriculture Act (1937), 209 Beveridge, Sir William (Lord), 190 Aignish, 89 Bewdley, 191 Albert Hall, 135 Birkenhead (1st Earl; F. E. Smith), Allotments, 103-6, 108, 122, 130, 149, 177-8, 188 139, 159, 172, 194 Birmingham, 48 Allotments Act (1887), 104, 106, Birrell, A., 136-8 130 Blackie, J. 5., 66 Allotments & Smallholdings Act Black Isle, 67 (1907), 139 Blaenau Festiniog (Ffestiniog), 99 America, 26-7, 29, 34, 43, 136 Bornaskitaig, 88 Anti-Tithe League (Welsh), 100- Boycotting, 31, 34-5 101 Bracedale, 91 Argyll, 67-8, 71, 86 Bradlaugh, Charles, 28 Argyll, 8th Duke of, 50-1, 67-8 Braes, 63-4, 72 Armistice (1918), 171 "Bright Clauses", 25 Arnold, Sydney (Lord), 156 Bright, John, 18, 25, 135 Arrears Act, 35 Britain's Industrial Future, 95 Ashbourne Act, 52-3, 55-6, 82 Broadhurst, Henry, 45 Asquith, H. H. (1st Earl of Oxford Brown, A. C., 112 & Asquith), 142, 144, 155, 157, "Brown Book", 192-3 160, 170-78, 180, 182, 192-3 Brown, Ernest, 203, 205 Attlee, Clement (Earl), 212 Bryce, James (Viscount), 136-7 "Buckshot Forster", 30 Baldwin, Stanley (1st Earl), 165-6, Budgets: (1894), 116; (1908), 231 142; (1909), 134, 138, 143-9, Church of Wales, 96-9, 102 155-6, 179, 180; (1914), 166; Churchill, (Sir) Winston, 141, (1923), 184; (1924), 187; 160, 188, 212 (1931), 202-5; (1932), 207; Clanricarde, Marquis of, 80-83 (1933), 207; (1934), 208 Clanronald, 61 Budget League, 145-6 Clarke, Dr G. B., 68-9, 99, 118 Budget Protest League, 145 Clashmore, 88 Bull, Sir William, 184 Clwyd, 99, 100 Burns, John, 139, 147 Coal, 198-9 Butt, Isaac, 27, 29 Coal and Power, 199 Coalitions: (1915-22), 170-73, Caernarvonshire, 98, 100 182; (1940-45), 210-12 Caithnessshire, 68, 99, 111 Cobden, Richard, 18, 21, 135 Cameron, Donald (Lochiel), 70 Coercion Acts (Ireland), 30-31, Cameron, MacDonald, 69 34-5, 78-9 Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry, Coigach, 90 134-5, 140-42 Collings, Jesse, 56, 65, 104, 150, Capital Levy, 181 165 Cardiff, 117-18 Commons, 17-18 Cardiganshire, 98, 100-101 Commonwealth Land Party, 176 Carmarthenshire, 98, 100 Community Land Bill (1975), 215 Carrington, Earl, 138-9 Compensation for Disturbance Catholics, 22, 31, 65, 79, 129 Bill (1880), 30, 50 Cattle, 19 Congested Districts, 56, 81, 84-6, Cave Committee, 171 92, 124, 126, 128, 137-8 Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 35-6 Connaught, 21, 82 Central Land and Housing Coun- Conservatives, 29, 51-7, 64, 67-9, cil, 160, 164 76, 101-5, 114-22, 125-6, 129- Chamberlain, (Sir) Austen, 149, 30, 134-8, 144-50, 157-8, 164- 150, 158, 179, 180, 184, 187 6, 169-73, 176, 179, 184-8, Chamberlain, Joseph, 16, 18-20, 191, 195-6, 199-200, 203-8, 34-5, 48-57, 65, 69-72, 77, 83, 214 86, 98, 103-4, 134, 149, 150, "Constructive Unionism", 125 184 Cornwall, 164 Chamberlain, Neville, 184, 205-9 County Agricultural Committees, Champion, H. H., 47 195 Chaplin, Henry (Viscount), 105- County Councils, 105, 177 6, 121-2 Channing, Francis (Lord), 121 Cowper Report, 30-31, 82 China, 26 Cox, Harold, 135 Christian Socialist, 47-8 Crewe, 158 Church of England, 22, 96-7, 99, Crewe, Marquis of, 147 102 Criccieth, 99 Church of Ireland, 22 Crimes Act (1887), 79 Church of Scotland, 72 Cripps, Sir Stafford, 204 232 Crofters' Bill, Act, 67, 86, 90-91, Education Act (1870), 29 140 Edward VII, 134, 148 Crofters' Commission, 70-71, 88, Edwards, Enoch, 157 91-2 Egan, Patrick, 34 "Crofters' Party", 68-71, 86, 99 Elibank, Master of (Lord Murray). Crofters' Relief Bill (1887), 86 157 Croke, Archbishop, 31 Elland, 173 "Cultivating Tenure", 191 Ellis, Thomas E., 99 Cumberland, 40 Ellor Estates, 80 Cwrs y Bud, 98 Emigration, 21, 25 Enclosures, 17 Daily Herald, 156 Daily Telegraph, 145 Encumbered Estates, 17, 22 Dartmouth, Earl of, 170-71 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 16 Darwin, Charles, 46 Entails, 18 Davies, David (Lord), 193 Ernle, Lord. See Prothero Davitt, Michael, 21, 27-8, 31, 33, Evictions, 77 36, 43-7, 53-4, 78, 97-9 Ex-servicemen, 171, 176-7 Death Duties, 116 Deer Forests, 61, 88-91 "Fair Rent". See "Three Es" De Forest, Baron, 161 Famine, Irish, 21, 84 Denbighshire, 99 Farmers' Alliance, 42 Derby (15th Earl), 17, 33, 55 Fawcett, Henry, 18 Derbyshire, 99-100, 146 Fenians, 27-8 Development Charge, 213-15 Fermanagh, Co., 128-9 Devon, 164 Finance Bills, Acts. See Budgets Devonshire, 8th Duke of. See Finney, Samuel, 157 Hartington, Marquis of "Fixity of Tenure". See "Three Dilke, Sir Charles, 18, 55-6 Es" Dillon, John, 77-80 Flintshire, 98-100 Dillon, Lord, 85 Ford, Patrick, 28, 36 Dingwall, 77 Forster, W. E., 29-31, 34-5 Distraint, 100 Fortnightly Review, 49 "Double Taxation", 144, 204-5 Fowler, H. H. (Viscount Wolver- Dublin, 30, 36, 65, 128 hampton), 115, 121 Dudley Commission, 137-8 "Frankfort Tax", 144 Dumfermline, 173, 175 Fraser, Major, 66 Dumfries, 192 Free Church of Scotland, 61 Dumfriesshire, 117 Freeman's Journal, 54 Dundee, 118 "Free Sale". See "Three Es" Dunraven, Earl of, 128 Free Trade, 16, 18, 134-5, 145, Dustan, Dr, 176 164 Dunvegan, 64, 66-88 Gaelic, 60 East Anglia, 102 Galway, Co., 80,126-7 Edinburgh, 66, 112, 145, 204-5 Gee, Thomas, 100 233 General Elections: (1868) 97; Harcourt, Lewis (Viscount), 144 (1874), 27; (1880), 29; (1885), Harcourt, Sir William, 61, 67, 70, 31, 50, 53, 67-8, 72, 98; (1886), 116-17, 144 56; (1892), 115; (1895), 117; Hardie, J. Keir, 115 (1906), 134-6, 141; (Jan., Dec. Harrington, T. C., 77 1910), 148; (1918), 171-2; Harris, Isle of, 89 (1922), 182; (1923), 185; Hartington, Marquis of (8th Duke (1924), 187, 189; (1929), 195- of Devonshire), 25, 35, 50, 55- 6; (1931), 206; (1945), 212 7, 77, 83, 120 General Strike (1926), 193 Hawick, 112 George, Henry, 43-9, 51, 66, 72, Headlam, Stewart, 45 106, 111-14, 117-18, 134-5, Healy, Bishop, 80-81 145 Hemmerde, E. G., 156, 175 George, D. Lloyd (Earl Lloyd- Henderson, Arthur, 185 George), 42, 99, 102-3, 134, Henderson, H. D., 190 138, 141-5, 155-6, 170-71, Herbista, 88 174-80, 185, 188-91, 194, 198- Hesiod, 217 9, 204-5 High Peak, 146 Germany, 144 Highland Clearances, 61 Gladstone, W. E., 21, 29, 32-4, Highland Land Law Reform As- 42, 47-8, 50, 54-6, 61-2, 78, sociation, 64-6, 91, 111 86, 99, 114-17, 124, 136, 142 Highlander, 61, 65 Glasgow, 47, 71-2, 113, 117-18, Hirst, F. W., 185 135, 139, 162, 173 Holbourn, J. G., 117 "Glasgow Bill", 139 Holmfirth, 116-18 Glendale, 64, 67, 90 Holywell, 98 Glengarry, 61 Home Rule, 53.6, 70, 76, 78, 99, Gordon, General C. G., 26 124, 136, 164 Gorst, (Sir) John, 66 Horsham, 159 Goschen, George (Viscount), 55 Housing, 159, 160, 162, 165, 187, Goulding, K. A., 149 210-11 "Green Book", 191-2, 193, 195 Housing Act (1924), 187 Gregory, St, 111 Housing and Town Planning Bill Grey, Sir Edward (Viscount), 146- (1909), 147 7 Humphreys-Owen, A. C., 17, 101 Ground Game Act (1880), 42 Hutchison, Sir Robert (Lord), Ground Rent. See Land Value 203, 205 Taxing, Site Value Rating Guild of St Matthew's, 45 Illingworth, Percy, 160, 164 Gwynedd, 97 Independent Labour Party, 72, 118, 174-5 Habeas Corpus, 31 Inverness, Invernessshire, 61, 64, Haldane, R. B. (Viscount), 114, 67, 69, 71 186 Irish Church Act (1869), 24-5 Hanley, 157-8, 165, 169, 175 Irish Labourers Act (1906), 136 234 Irish Land Bills, Acts: (1870), 25, Lancashire, 164 82; (1881), 32-5, 51-2, 55, 68, Land Acquisition Bill (1919), 117- 70, 78, 82, 125, 217; (1887), 18 78-9, 82; (1909), 137-8 Land Bank, 150 Irish Land Question, 45, 47 Land Bonds, 194 Irish Local Government Board, 85 Land Campaign (1913-14), Irish National Land League. See 160-66 Land League Land Commission (1965), 215 Irish National League. See Na- Land Courts, 34, 36 tional League Land Enquiry Committee, 158-66 Irish National Party, 27-32, 53-6, Land and Labour League, 18, 107 76, 83-4, 115-16, 119-20, 135- Landlord and Tenant Bill (1927), 6, 141, 148 194 Irish Republican Brotherhood, 77 Land League (Highland).' See Irish Times. 26 Highland Land Law Reform Irish World, 28-9, 36, 44 Association Ivory, Sheriff W., 63, 67, 87 Land League (Irish), 28-36, 44-5, 63-4 James, Sir Henry (Lord), 55 Land League (Welsh), 99, 101 Jones, Rev. Evan (Pan), 98 Land and the Nation. See "Green Jones, Rev. Michael Daniel, 98 Book" Kennet, See Young, E. Hilton Land and Nation League, 192-4 Kerr, Hugh, 88 Land Nationalisation, 45-6, 106-7. Keynes, Maynard (Lord), 190 118, 161, 163, 191, 218 Killerton, 190 Land Purchase, 33, 52, 55-6, 68, Kilmainham Jail, 34-6 83-5, 106, 124-30.
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