VOL. Ill, NO. 28 • $1.00 A YEAR "-spot I Ifill JUNE 19, 1958 • TEN CENTS 4,000,000,000 GALLONS OF WATER IN NEW RESERVOIR OPEN HOUSE AT NEW FILTRATION PLANT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, JUNE 21 AND 22 Scoffers and sidewalk engineers who said it was a ncrazy place to build a dam for a reservoir and a waste of the tax­ payers' money to follow it up with a filtration plant that would never have any water to filter., ••• these critics would do well to visit this new water supply either Saturday or Sunday, June 21 or 22, when Water Disuict No. 1 will be host to the people of the Town of Bethlehem at an open house to be held at the new Filtration Plant. To reach the Plant, drive out New Scot• land Road to approximately 500 feet past the Indian -Ladder Drive-In and turn left. This .week the Spotlight was invited to a preview tour of in· spection of the new Water Supply. The first place we went was to the reservoir 1tself. We took our first picture from the top of the dam (Upper, left), showing a part of the water which stretches back through the valley more than 2~ miles. It was Howard Blair, Filtration Plant Supervisor, who volunteered the information on the 4 BILLION gallons ••• and then he backed his statement with the complicated method of figuring the total. From the dam we went to the the maze of Pipes and valves to Filtration Plant, middle picture, Ruth Westervelt and John Oliver. where our guides posed in front of In the Gallery the water enters the the new building; from left to right, building; is routed through clari.. Howard Blair, Ruth Westervelt, fiers, then is chlorinated and Deputy Town Clerk; Harold Bark.. finally finds its way into the huff, Superintendent of Water mains which take it to the con.. District No. 1; and John Oliver, sumer. Supervisor, TOwn of Bethlehem. This weekend, Saturday and Inside the building, Howard Sunday, you are invited to see this Blair explained that the new Plant latest accomplishment which has is the only one in this country that been brought about by the careful can be walked through without planning. followed by months of crawling over htmdreds of pipes. hard work, by those in whose In the Pipe Gallery, (Bottom hands the welfare of our township picture) Harold Barkbuff explains has been placed. Exclusive Spotlight Staff Photos Notes at Random on Preview and Reception at Kuhn Show BY PEGGY O'BRIEN Governor and Mrs. Averell of the four other Kuhn paint­ Harriman entertained in their ings loaned by the HalTimans and home with a buffet supper be­ at the moment hanging at the fore the preview for visiting Albany Institute of History and dignitaries and out of town mu­ Art. seum officials. The Governor's -O- mansion was too full of people Folio wing the trail from the to be able to miss the "White Mansion to the Institute for the Clown 11 which ordinarily hangs preview was not difficult despite across from the staircase nor (Continued on Page 4) r PAGE 2- JUNE 19, 1958 THE SPOTLIGHT IS EUROPEAN EDUCATION BETTER? BYRON S. 1-!0LLINSI-IEAD This article is reprinted from theEDU· why the more intelligent are say­ CATIONAL RECORD of Apdl 1958 by ing what they are. The training permission of the American Council on of the second or third echelon of Education. workers and citizens who can un­ PART II derstand what their leaders are A first-class illustration of bet- saying is desperately important ter quality where there is quan- in all fields of ende.avor if a tity is textbooks. Publishers can civilization is to advance. This afford to produce for many a means quantity, It is precisely quality book that they cannot this lack in numbers which re­ produce, at least withoutprohibi- tards social, economic, and po­ /1 tive expense, for a few. Partly litical development in what we Sure we'rt! proud our reputation for prompt forth is reason American textbooks call the underdeveloped countries. payment of claims! are the envy of the world. The leaders are there. It is the Another value of quantity is trained followers who are lack- that it provides a broad base for ing. ROSE & KIERNAN the selection of quality. In- But comparisons, disquieting to INSURANCE AND SURETY BONDS telligence seems to be distributed us, h::~ve been made, so further 163 DELAWARE AVENUE, ELSMERE, N. Y. fairly equally among social colnments may be useful. A­ Opposite Delaware Plaza Shopping Center Phone 9-4961 ~roups, and one certainly cannot side from the difference in phil­ discover it if members of some osophy I have been discussing, social groups have little chance the difference in geographical to appear. Futhermore, talent location explains much in mo- is of various kinds and appears tivation and intereSt. For ex­ at various stages. One cannot ample, from where he lives, the decide for life, at the age of French boy, of course, has a {gf;~u..tel eleven, as the English try to do, different view of the importance who has academic talent and of Latin. He can go to Provins ALL Electric Razors 25% OFF who has not. Therefore, op- and see the tower of Caeser, he portunities to display talent must can see ancient Roman churches ALL Cameras 20% OFF be provided at more than one as far north as Pa•'•,..__ he can see stage of development. Nor is old Roman arenas at Nimes and ALL Parker "Sl" Pens 1/3 OFF academic talent the only type to Arles. His own mother tongue he nutured. Society has an e- is very close to Latin and probably he goes to a Roman Catholic THE qual stake in providing leaPning CARROLL PHARMACY church every Sunday where he PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS opportunities f or those who h ave, hears a Mass in Latin. In near­ 4 Pharmacists for example, a high degree of ly every French town he can see Arthur Starman Ph G. William R. Warner B.S. Phar. social, artistic, or manual in- Albert D. Womer Ph G. Joyce Nautel B.S. Phar. relics of European history left by telligence. 372 Delaware Avenue, 4 Corners, Delmar - Phone 9-1769 Again, as Sir Richard Living- the Romans, Franks, Visigoths, FREE DELIVERY Germans, English, ~tch, Moors, stone has said, we educate people to use their reason and for the Spanish, or others, as they have less intelligent this should de- fought up and down his fair land. One cannot expect an American Called For Delivered velop the ability to understand --------------I boy to have the same interest Our Readers include the people as the French boy in Latin and who live in: European History. YOUR BEST LAUNDRY BUY Or take modern languages. Delmar Elsmere Slingerlands Voorheesville The Dutchman is usually no more Sheets 25~ New Scotland New Salem than fifty miles from the nearest Westerlo Ren sselaervi lie border on the other side of which Pillow Cases s~ Glenmont Van Wies Point few speak Dutch. To survive, Feura Bush Clarksville he studies languages almost from Meads Corners Union vi lie birth so that he can understand Shirts 23~ South Bethlehem Selkirk Ravena Lawson Lake the German language to his east, Beckers Corners Bethlehem Center the French to his south, and the YOUNG'S LAUNDRY Cedar Hill South Albany English to his west. The Swiss SPOTLIGHT is published by Spot• boy has to learn languages to 226 ELK STREET, ALBANY light, Inc., 187 Roweland Avenue, get along within his divided state Delmar, New York; Charles E. Walsh, of German-Swiss, French-Swiss, Jr., President; Tracy F. Walsh, Sec• Phone 5-3138 retary•Treasurer. Mailing Address: and Italian-Swiss, not to speak L...---------------------------'11 Delmar, New York. of the need to make a living ' THE SPOTLIGHT JUNE 19, 1958 -PAGE 3 by understanding the tourists who speak English. L EJ J ER s MAIN BROTHERS OIL CO., Inc. The American youngster, on 1----=__:=-_.::____ _.::__=----1 ANNOUNCES the other hand, can go three HURRAH! ..• for Ha ircutsl thousand miles on land east and The Spotlight, west and at least one thousand Three cheers for the teenage miles north and south without girls who defended "Those hair­ any concern about another lan­ cuts" June 5 issue. guage, so why should he worry I write as a mother of five to provide their customers with the finest heating about it. Isn't English, he says, boys, two of whom arc old e­ service available in the Capital Drstrict becoming the great international nough to have their own ideas language anyway? Or at least about· how they prefer to wear 1930 - Printed Meter Delivery Tickets the great second language? their hair. Please do not misunderstand As long as the boys keep it 1933 - Automatic Weather-Watching Delivery Service me. I believe everybody is clean, combed and cut at all greatly enriched by speaking at there Should be no quarrel about 1943- Guaranteed 24-hour Burner Service Contract least one language other than how it's cut. That's between his own. I also wish American the boy and his barber. It's the diplomats were better trained in boy, not his mother, that is the 1946- Yearly Burner Service Contract foreign languages. All I am costumer. saying is that necessity and geo­ I wouldn't presume to adv.ise graphical location play a large any licensed barber on how to 1950- Vent Alarms installed part in language learning. Even cut hair or embarrass my sons FREE of charge to INSURE SAFE deliveries of the larger countries in Europe­ by doing so.
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