Zakopane Conference on Nuclear Physics “Extremes of the Nuclear Landscape” August 31 – September 7, 2014 Zakopane, Poland ORGANIZED BY: The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN Committee of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) BOARD OF CONVENERS: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Dieter Ackermann (GSI) CHAIRMAN: Piotr Bednarczyk Angela Bracco (Milano) CO-CHAIRMAN: Wojciech Królas Jolie Cizewski (Rutgers) SCIENTIFIC SECRETARY: Bartłomiej Szpak Bogdan Fornal (Kraków) Jerzy Grębosz Sydney Gales (ELI-NP) Łukasz Iskra Witold Nazarewicz (MSU) Marcin Jastrząb Tohru Motobayashi (RIKEN) Mateusz Krzysiek Berta Rubio (Valencia) Katarzyna Mazurek John Simpson (Daresbury) Małgorzata Niewiara Tomasz Pawłat Bogdan Sowicki Cecylia Szklarz Barbara Wasilewska Jacek Wrzesiński Mirosław Ziębliński Table of Contents PROGRAM 7 ABSTRACTS OF TALKS 25-137 Sunday 31.08 25 Monday 01.09 28 Tuesday 02.09 48 Wednesday 03.09 70 Thursday 04.09 92 Friday 05.09 104 Saturday 06.09 134 LIST OF POSTERS 144 ABSTRACTS OF POSTERS 150-200 Experiment 150 Instrumentation 173 Theory 185 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 204 Conference Program Sunday, August 31st 15:00 – 17:30 Arrival of Conference participants 18:00 – 19:30 Dinner Welcome and Opening Talk 19:30 – 20:30 19:30 Marek Jeżabek Welcome address 19:45 Bradley Sherrill, Michigan State University Prospects for exploring the extremes of the nuclear landscape 20:30 Welcome reception 7 Monday, September 1st 7:30 Breakfast Nuclear Theory 08:30 – 13:00 Convener Witold Nazarewicz 8:30 Nicolas Chamel, Université Libre de Bruxelles Recent developments in the modeling of neutron-star crusts 9:00 Stefano Gandolfi, Los Alamos Microscopic calculations of nuclear and neutron matter, symmetry energy and neutron stars 9:30 Nils Paar, University of Zagreb Nuclear energy density functionals and neutron star properties 10:00 Hans-Werner Hammer, TU Darmstadt Three-body forces: from cold atoms to nuclei 10:30 Coffee Break 11:00 Richard Furnstahl, Ohio State University Effective field theory and density functionals 11:30 Ionel Stetcu, Los Alamos National Laboratory Nuclear structure and dynamics with density functional theory 11:45 Gianluca Colo, University of Milan and INFN The nuclear symmetry energy and other isovector observables from the point of view of nuclear structure 12:15 Anatoli Afanasjev, Mississippi State University Nuclear structure theory of the heaviest nuclei 12:45 Hamidreza Moshfegh, University of Tehran The symmetry energy of hot asymmetric nuclear matter 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Mountain Trip 8 18:00 Dinner Nuclear Reactions 18:45 – 21:10 18:45 Valeriy Zagrebaev, JINR Dubna Production of exotic nuclei in low-energy multi-nucleon transfer reactions 19:10 Tea Mijatović, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb Pairing correlation study in the 40Ar + 208Pb multinucleon transfer reaction 19:25 Diego Ramos, University Santiago de Compostela Fission yields of minor actinides at low excitation energy through multi- nucleon transfer reactions of 238U with carbon 19:40 Daniela Fabris, INFN Padova Pre-equilibrium particles emission and its possible relation to alpha- clustering in nuclei 19:55 Rakesh Kumar, IUAC New Delhi Low energy incomplete fusion and the role of input angular momenta 20:10 Izabela Ciepał, Jagiellonian University , Kraków Experimental studies of the Coulomb force effects in deuteron-proton breakup reaction at medium energy regime 20:25 Sukhjit Kaur, Panjab University Structural effects on the peak production of fragments 20:40 Jelena Vesic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana Effect of electron screening on nuclear reaction rates 20:55 Justyna Marganiec, TU Darmstadt Coulomb dissociation of 27P 9 Tuesday, September 2nd 7:30 Breakfast Nuclear Structure at High Spins - New Developments and Perspectives 08:30 – 10:30 Convener John Simpson 8:30 Ingemar Ragnarsson, Lund University Theoretical overview of exotic shapes at the highest spins 8:55 Adam Maj, IFJ PAN Kraków Studies of very elongated nuclear shapes in hot nuclei at very high spins - status and new opportunities with RIBs 9:20 Eddie Paul, University of Liverpool Recent results at ultrahigh spin: terminating states and beyond in mass 160 rare-earth nuclei 9:45 Yang Sun, Shanghai Jiao Tong University High-spin physics with the projected shell model 10:00 Navin Alahari, GANIL First steps towards accessing the high isospin-spin frontier 10:30 Coffee Break New Results and Opportunities at Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities 11:00 – 13:00 Convener Tohru Motobayashi 11:00 Magdalena Górska, GSI The last PreSPEC– AGATA campaign 11:25 Peter Doornenbal, RIKEN Overview of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy at the RIBF 11:50 Paweł Napiorkowski, Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warszawa Coulomb excitation for quadrupole moments measurements 12:15 Thomas Henry, University of York Mirror Spectroscopy in the upper fp shell with GRETINA 10 12:30 Bondili Nara Singh, University of York A shape study of 72Kr using the REX-ISOLDE/Miniball set-up 12:45 Ivan Budinčević, KU Leuven Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of francium isotopes towards the limits of stability 13:00 Lunch Collective Excitation Modes 15:00 – 17:40 Convener Angela Bracco 15:00 Maria Kmiecik, IFJ PAN Kraków GDR width evolution at extreme temperatures 15:25 Remco Zegers, Michigan State University Studies of Gamow-Teller strengths at NSCL and applications in astrophysics and neutrino physics 15:50 Konstanze Boretzky, GSI PDR and dipole polarizability studies at GSI 16:15 Fabio Crespi, INFN and University of Milan Isospin character of low-lying pygmy dipole states via inelastic scattering of 17O 16:40 Ann-Cecilie Larsen, University of Oslo Upbend and M1 scissors mode in neutron-rich nuclei – consequences for r-process (n,γ) reaction rates 16:55 Sunniva Siem, University of Oslo Statistical properties of warm nuclei – observation of a first order pairing phase transition in atomic nuclei 17:10 Simone Ceruti, University of Milan Isospin mixing in 80Zr at finite temperature 17:25 Nikolay Arsenyev, JINR Dubna Effects of phonon-phonon coupling on properties of pygmy resonances in 124-132Sn 18:00 Dinner 19:30 – 21:00 Poster Session 11 Wednesday, September 3rd 7:30 Breakfast Direct Reaction Studies with Radioactive Ion Beams 8:30 – 10:30 Convener Jolie Cizewski 8:30 Jolie Cizewski, Rutgers University Overview of theoretical and experimental nuclear reaction studies with radioactive ion beams 8:45 Wilton Catford, University of Surrey Migration of magic numbers: structure of 26Na via a novel technique using (d, p) with a radioactive 25Na beam 9:15 Kate Jones, University of Tennessee Recent direct reaction experimental studies with heavy-mass radioactive ion beams 9:45 Francesca Renzi, KU Leuven Spectroscopy of 7He by 6He(9Be, 8Be) transfer reaction 10:00 Guillermo Ribeiro, IEM CSIC Madrid Study of the unbound 13Be resonance in a (p, 2p) reaction at GSI 10:15 Pavel Sharov, JINR Dubna Population of 10He continuum in knockout reactions 10:30 Coffee Break 12 Super-heavy Nuclei 11:00 – 13:00 Convener Dieter Ackermann 11:00 Yuri Oganessian, JINR Dubna Nuclei at the end of the Periodic Table 11:30 Kosuke Morita, Kyushu University and RIKEN Research on superheavy element at RIKEN: status and perspective 12:00 Andreas Türler, Paul Scherrer Institute and University of Bern Recent results from the field of superheavy element research 12:30 Dariusz Seweryniak, Argonne National Laboratory Spectroscopy of very heavy nuclei at ATLAS 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Mountain Trip 18:00 Dinner Super-heavy Nuclei and Fission 18:45 – 21:10 18:45 Adam Sobiczewski, NCBJ Warszawa Theoretical description of decay chains of the element 115 19:10 Mikael Sandzelius, University of Jyväskylä Prompt in-beam conversion electron and γ-ray spectroscopy at the limit using the SAGE spectrometer 19:25 Lorant Csige, ATOMKI Debrecen Transmission resonance spectroscopy of the doubly odd 238Np in (d, pf) reaction 19:40 Michał Kowal, NCBJ Warszawa Configuration constrained calculations of the potential energy surfaces (PES’s) - search for superheavy K-isomers 13 Super-heavy Nuclei and Fission (cont.) 18:45 – 21:10 19:55 Anna Bezbakh, JINR Dubna Level densities of heaviest nuclei 20:10 Andreina Chietera, IPHC Strasbourg Neutron emission anisotropy in fission 20:25 Katarzyna Mazurek, IFJ PAN Kraków Spontaneous fission of 238U from the self-consistent collective action 20:40 Eugeny Ryabov, Omsk State University Analysis of experimental data from fussion-fission reactions within four-dimensional Langevin dynamics 20:55 Jean-Francois Lemaitre, CEA/DSM/Irfu Saclay Nuclear fission modeling with SPY 14 Thursday, September 4th 7:30 Breakfast New Results and Opportunities at Radioactive Ion Beam Facilities II 8:30 – 11:15 8:30 Tomohiro Uesaka, RIKEN RIKEN RIBF overview 8:55 Marek Lewitowicz, GANIL GANIL/SPIRAL 2 – status and future 9:20 Fabiana Gramegna, Legnaro Status of the SPES facility: technological challenges and first day scientific program 9:45 Magda Zielińska, CEA Saclay Deformation of 97Rb studied by low-energy Coulomb excitation 10:00 Tom Alexander, University of Surrey Coulomb excitation of 206Hg with AGATA at GSI 10:15 Malin Klintefjord, University of Oslo Shape transition and coexistence in 140Sm 10:30 Jack Henderson, University of York First spectroscopy of excited states in the drip-line nuclide 74Sr 10:45 Philipp John, University of Padova and INFN Shape evolution in the neutron-rich Osmium isotopes: prompt γ-ray spectroscopy of 196Os 11:00 Callum Shand, University of Surrey Structure of 207Pb populated in deep-inelastic collisions 11:15 Coffee Break 12:00 – 22:00 Conference
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