20— MANCHESTER HERALD, Monday, April 23, 1990 ISTORE/OFFICE SPORTING I CARS FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS f q ^ CARS I MOTORCYCLES/ 1 FOR RENT FLOORING GOODS FOR SALE [ ^ C A R S 1 ^ FOR SALE FOR SALE MOPEOS SOUTH WINDSOR- J Sulllvan Avenue. 1,200 1 CAR GARAGE-Storage DJD. TILE WORK/ln- DODGE - 1986. ‘ISO’, 318 HRYSLER 1987 Pride Closer w CID, automatic, bed Phoenix square foot office. Call only. $40 per month. stall/replace various END ROLLS CONQUEST-31,000 tile and marble. Qual­ liner, tool box, 50K, 521-1744 or 644-0165. Rose 647-8400 or 646- 2Tti' width — 50« miles, dark red, leather CARDINAL Motorcycle Insurance 8646. __________ ity work. Reasonable $5500. 742-8669. MANCHESTER-300 fo 13" width — 2 for 509 Interior and loaded BUICK, INC. Many comjxieSve companies prices. Free Estimates. CHEVY 1979- Camaro- with extras. Excellent 1800 square feet. Cen­ STORAGE/WARE- 646-3455. Newsprint end rolls can be 1989 Olds Calais Sed $8,995 Ca/f^FfBeOuolB Regional center wants i>ruins one win away trally located. Hloh HOUSE Space- picked up at the Manchester Black good condition Condition, $8500. Call Apartments to rise $3000. 528-1098 after 649-6680 between 9:00- 1989 Buick Regal Coupe $10,980 AutomobOe Assodalet traffic area. Call Ken, Commerclal. 34x46 Herald ONLY before 11 a.m. ofVefnon 643-1442._____________ available soon. Central Monday through Thursday. 6pm. 11:00am or after 1988 Chevy Cavalier $8,990 to offer diploma/3 froin ousting Montreal/9 Manchester location, 7:00pm. 1988 98 Reg Brougham $13,490 8 7 0 ^ on L’Ambiance site/4 STORE FOR RENT-460 ^ABY (Lr ib , Carriage, CHRYSLER 1971 New- security fenced. Call FURNITURE stroller, high chair. port Royal, Good run­ 1986-MAZDA-626. 2 door 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $8,980 Main Street, Manches­ 228-3863 evenings. ter. Please call 646- Girl's clothing, to size ning condition. $600. delux. Automatic, Al- 1988 PonliacSunbird Coupe $7,895 2426, 9:00-5:00 CHAIRS-2 Colonial style 3. 649-3671.___________ 643-5047. r,AM/FM Cassette. 1987 Bukk Cent LTD Sedan $8,280 ] WANTED TO swivel rockers. Perfect weekdays.__________ Now Is the time to run an NEIL DIAMOND CHEVY 1987 Nova- Only 26,000 miles. $6300. 1987 Buick RwKAve Coupe $11/490 BUY/TRAOE condition. SISOforpaIr, 4DR,FWD,AT,PS,AM- 657-2625._____________ VERNON-Form er bonk ad In classified to sell that 645-8274. memorblla-records, 1987 Mazda B-2000 Pickup $5,995 branch with drive thru camera you no longer pictures, clippings, FM, 27k, gray. $5850. 1981 Datsun 210, 5 speed, 289-2087 after 5:30. 1987 Buick Somerset Cpe $7,480 We buy clean, late model for sale. On Route 83; use. etc., call for more Info hatchback,$800 or best 1987 Olds Clera Mbg $8,280 649-9409. TOYOTA -Late 87 offer. 646-8468 or 649- used cars and trucks. Top 5,800 square feet plus 1986 Buick Skyhawk Cpe $5,980 prices paid. 3,400 square feet. Base­ [^SPORTING SUPRA-1 Owner. 1285. 1986 Buick Century Cpe $10,980 Mr. Duff • Carter Chevrolet ment suitable for of­ 1 ^ GOODS Targa Roof. Balance HONDA-1989-ACCORD | 3g | ROOMMATES BOATS/MARINE 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix $8,250 1229 Main Street fice, retail or restau­ I WANTED extended Warrenty LX1, 5 speed, loaded rant. Call Bill Bourque, I I EQUIPMENT $13,900. 646-5270 low miles $13,200. 645- 1985 Olds Cutlass Sup. 4 Dr. $5,895 ManchMter, CT The Farley Company, 0409. 1985 Ford Tempo $3,995 646-6464 525-9171. ROOMATE, Female to GOLF CLUBS Used. Star­ FOR SALE-14 foot wood 81 Adams Street share 3 bedroom home, ter and full sets with boat and trailer, steer­ NISSAN-1986-300 ZX iHanrhpHtpr Hrralfi Glastonbury. 565-1787 bags from $35.00 649- ing wheel and forward Turbo, leather, loaded I CARS I INDUSTRIAL OUTTOBECOME $9,400. 645-0409. Manchester days. 1794. controls. 5'/j horse 649-4571 FOR SALE PROPERTY THE SKI MACHINE AL­ power motor con­ MANCHESTER'S PINE TRACKER, New, verted to unleaded GLASTONBURY- GENERAL assembled. 569-1973,$90 fuel. $700 or best offer. #1 Warehouse space or best offer.________ _Coll after 6Dm.6ao-oiic available near center SERVICES Tuesday, April 24, 1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents, of town. 1’/2 miles from H GOLF CLUBS-Complete WANTED TO USED CAR highway. Rooms from main street set. 3-Sand Wedge, I 2600 sq feet to 5500 sq MANCHESTER-2 Irons 8i Metal Wood 1, IBUY/TRAOE DEALER feet with access to room Apartment for 3, 5. Includes bag. Ex­ 82 El D orado 2 D oor $5,995 loading dock. Call rent. 529-7858 or 563- cellent condition. $125. WANTED: Antiques and clean, used furniture. 83 Reliant Wagon $1,995 SPRING CLEANING SALE Kevin days 633-9474. 4438. 646-1194. Pollution 84 Grand Marquis $ 6 3 5 Please call 645-1174. ’■ > ■- ' "• -jl-nnUL.' j:, 84Camry5Door $ 4 3 5 [g ^ C A R S 84 Charger 3 Door $ 1 3 5 Super telescope j ^ C A R S [ ^ C A R S 8 5 6 0 0 0 4 D oor $ 4 3 5 FOR SALE CARS 85 Grand Marquis $ 7 3 5 FOR SALE FOR SALE ALL a1990 costs town FOR SALE 85 Town Car 4 Door $10,295 ^VOLKSWAGEN 85 Colpari< W agon $ 6 3 5 NEW ’ 85 Tow n C a r 4 D oor $10,995 1990 VW FOX 85 F ie ro 2 D o o r $ 3 3 5 two wells ctYogcNCvrotir 8(//ca g 85 B M W 3 2 5E $10,895 PASSAT $ -| 4 9 9 9 pgp i^oNTH 85 E s o x t 4 Door $ 2 3 5 blasted into space C LYD E CARS 86Audi5000S $ 8 3 5 86 Tow n C ar 4 D oor $14,995 86 Cougar 2 Door $ 7 3 5 Others face * ..# • lite. 86 GMC Jimmy $ 8 3 5 By Marcia Dunn The Uip to orbit was not entirely routine. Commander 86 Rrebird 2 Door $ 5 3 5 86 Rivera 2 Door The Associated Press Loren J. Shriver told Mission Control that “on the way New 1989 Century New 1989 Electra 3 /4 9 5 $ •272“ similar threat New 1990 Storm GSI New 1989 Chevy 86 Escort Wagon $ 4 3 5 PCR MONTH uphill” the shuttle’s windshield was splattered with 3 Seat Wagon Luxurious 4 Door Sodwi. Fully 2+2 Sport Coupe 86 Sable Wagon 3 ,6 9 5 ia B 3 3 Equtppod WItfi A l Luxury Foafursi. Suburban 4 Wheel 193 VW CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Discovery blasted into a 3.3 VS, Fu« Power Equiptnem, 86RX72Door $ 7 3 5 debris. HO Suspension tnd kikjch More. S iLfiso Drive Silverado 1990 VOLKSWAGEN CORRADO JETTA GL record-high shuttle orbit today with the $1.5 billion Hub­ '’Pdr/locf Ymar^Round 87SableGS4Door $ 7 3 5 By Dianna M. Talbot He said he and pilot Charles Bolden “noticed several Sikssss 8 7 S able GS 4 D oor . • 1 0 5 6 B , ble Space Telescope, an astronomical marvel that will Vmemtion Vmhlctm^ $ 7 3 5 .'1M** Ha MONTH 1 Manchester Herald flecks of things impacting the forward windscreen. They stk. #381 87 Cougar LS Coupe 3 3 5 enable man to peer deeper into the universe than ever seemed to be a little soft and impacted and just left little s 87 C o u ^ LS Coupe 3 3 5 before. 87 B2200 Pickup $ 4 3 5 ‘16 6 8 8 Manchester is about to lose two streaks.” tegNy Aflordeble. Feeture Pecked. 87Tempo4Door $ 4 3 5 of its municipal wells because, ac­ The shuttle roared through a thin bank of clouds into a Shriver also said that when the spent booster rockets M 4 ,9 9 5 Slyle t.eedei, Hl-Pertonnence engine, 8760004Door 3 3 5 M 6 ,9 9 5 5 Speed, A/C, Slereo Caetene. clear blue sky on a 700-foot column of flame almost fell off trailing smoke, “they put a pretty good little cloud 87 Taurus 4 Door $ 7 3 5 cording to new government stan­ . 87 Dakota Pickup $6,595 dards, the level of organic con­ three minutes late at 8:34 a.m. The ship carried five on all the windows.” o VERY LIMITED SAVE OVER $5000 87 Grand Marquis - n Center and Rear Seat, Rear Healer, 3 3 5 taminants in them is too high, a astronauts and NASA’s most complex and costliest Hubble has been waiting to take its place in space PRODUCTION 87 Pulsar 2 Door 350 V8. Arc. HD Trailanng, SpeciW $ 7 3 5 USED CAR SPECIAI.S town water and sewer official said payload. since 1983, delayed by technical problems and the 1986 - H U R R Y - Equipment and Too Much kfera To I iai. 87RX72Door $ 1 2 ,3 5 I 88 VW JETTA GL 86 JEEP CHEROKEE 86 AUDI 40003 88 FOX GL ^ F '3 0 8 * 87SableGS4Door $ 7 3 5 1 tt(M4Auk>.arr LlMrTED*0981 •0M7 Auto WAGON Monday night. “Liftoff of the shuttle Discovery with the Hubble Challenger accident. >355“ Originai List 87 Calais 4 Door PER MONTH PER MONTH A sk for Stk. #158 $?s.ssa ’ 1 9 ,9 9 5 $ 7 3 5 Although closing those wells will Space Telescope, our window on the universe,” an­ Discovery’s first launch attempt two weeks ago was 87 Somerset 2 Door $ 7 /1 3 *8388 >17288 <6488 *4998 not significantly affect the town’s nounced NASA launch commentator George Dillcr.
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