L~N COLN LORE Bulletin of the Lincoln National Life Foundation • • • • • • • - • - · Dr. Louis A. Warren, Editor. Published each week by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Number 425 FORT WAYNE, INDIANA May 31, 1937 LINCOLN PILGRIJ\IS An increasing number of people each year make their brations of this event are being arranged in a simultane­ way to the memorials associated with Abraham Lincoln. ous seriel! o! programs which it was hoped would be pre­ As the shrines themselves become more impressive sented at the places in seven different states where the through carefully planned improvements and road condi· ancestors of President Lincoln are known to have located. tions make accessible practieally a ll of these historic It now appears as ii other celebrations, possibly of equul places, the urge will be felt to visit the more important importance, would not make it advisable to set up the con­ sites on one continuous pilgrimage. templated special commemorative programs in Indinna There should be some tangible recognition for those and IUinois but the Colonial and Wilderness Pilgrimages whose interest in Lincoln P.rompt them to follow in the will be conducted as scheduled. Those making the pilgrim­ tracks of the Lincoln fam1ly on their many migrations ages, however, may want to continue on to Lincoln City, westward, and then return to visit the places in the Nn~ Indiana, Decatur, New Salem and Springfield, Illinois on tion's Capitol so closely the dates noted in this associated with the schedule which follows: President. The Lincoln The first special pro­ National Life Founda­ gram will be a Lincoln tion, which has often LINCOLN SHRINE TRAIL Breakfast on the morn­ been approached with ing of June 20th at Bos­ reference to pilgrimage Stations On Selected Route ton, and in the afternoon recognition, has worked The Colonial Pilgrimage a reunion of the New out the following plans Engl and Lincolns at of proceedure: Sl8tion One.. _,,,,_, Old Ship Church, Hlnghnm, MMe.. St.atlon Two.-- Mord~ai Lincoln Dome Site. Monmouth County, N. J. Hingham, Massachusetts. A pilgrimage route to St..aUon Tb.rf't'. __,.Lineoln Homo ncnr Boyertown, ll~rks Count,., Pa. The dates and places of be known as the ,.Lincoln St:t.Uon Four_ ,____ Site where Gettyl!.burg Address wu delivere-d, Ccttya.. other anniversary celc· Shrine Trail" is mapped bursr. Pn. St.atlon F1ve.. ___Jaeob Ltneoln Home. near Lynnv i ll~. RockingbRrn brations are so arranged out whlch contains twen· County, Va. that those making the ty important sites to be pilgrimage may enjoy all The Wilderness Pilgrim a ~~:e known as Stations. These Stat.ion Slx..__ , r..ong ltun Church on Lineoln lAnd, JeftertOn Coun· of the special programs. Stations are arranged by ty. Ky. '!'be itinerary follows: communities into four StnLion Seven..--··· Widow l.lncoln Het>onatruet.cd Cabin, Wrus.bingt.on different groups so that Count.y, Ky. Sunday, June 20-Bos­ Station Efa:ht........ ... Llneoln Memorial Bridge, EliuOOtbtown, Ky. ton, Salem, Hingham, it will be possible to Station Nlne__ Linco ln BirthpiR(:e Memorial, La Rue County, Ky. make "The Colonial Pil­ Station T~n. ______ ,Reeonatruct.ed Knob C~k ~bin, LA Rue Count)', Ky. Mass. grhnagc," 11The \Vilder­ The Prair'ie Pilgrimage Monday, June 21 - ncss Pilgrimage," "The Station Eloven,_,,,,Nnney Hnnlc'A Lincoln --park. Lincoln City, Ind. Monmouth County, N. J. Prairie Pilgrimage" or Station Twelve -.Sit.<- of Firllt Illinois Lincoln Home, ne-nr Oeentur, Ill, Station Thltt.ee'I'•--New Snll.'lll State Pnr)l:, New Saltm. Ill, Tuesday, June 22 - "The Capitol Pilgrim­ Stn.tlon Fourt..een- Home or Abrahnm Lincoln, S~rl.nafleld, Ul. Berks County, Gettys· age" as convenience per­ Station Flrteen...-. Llneoln'a Tomb. Sptinrfield, Ill. burg, Pa. mits. The Capitol Pilgrimage Wednesday, June 23- The participants in Stat.ion Sixte<".n.._W hiLe Hou.&e. Wuhlngton, Rockingham County, Va. these pilgrimages will be Station Sevent.«n ..Anderaon Cot.t.oge, Llncoln'a Summer Hom~. Wuh· known as Lincoln Pil­ lngton. Thursday, June 2•1- grims and their names StAtion Elsth\A.'en . ...Ford"• Theatre where IJneoln waa aa&A~alnated , Wll.lh· Cumbcrland Gap, Tenn., inRton. Lexington, Ky. are to be recorded in the Stntlon Nlnete<>n P<>ll~r.on HOU80 where Llneoln died, WMhlngton. archives of the Lincoln Station 'l'went7--Llncoln Mt-:morlal. Washlna:ton. Friday, June 25--Jef­ National Life Founda- ferson Count y, Ky., tion. Miss Ida M. Tarbell, Washington County, Ky. author of "In The Foot-- Saturday, June 26- steps of The Lincolns" and the first Lincoln student to go Elizabethtown, Ky., Hodgenville, Ky. over the complete itinerary in a thorough and appreciative •Sunday, June 27-Lincoln City, Ind. manner has accepted the honor of becoming Pilgrim Num­ •Monday, June 28-Decatur, Ill. ber One. Prof. Rexford Newcomb, author of "In the Lin· coln Country" and Fred L. Holmes, author of "Lincoln •Tuesday, June 29-New Salem, Dl. Traveled This Way," &J.lpear as Pil~rims Two and Three, • wednesday, June 3~pringfield, Dl. respectively. Other Lmcoln Pilgnms wiU be enrolled In Indiana, the Lincoln Pioneer Village at Rockport fs upon advising the Foundation that they have completed preparing a celebration on July 4th and the Boonville any one of the four above mentioned pilgrimages. Press Club will hold its annual picnic at Nancy Hanks After enrollment by completing one pilgrimage, a num­ Lincoln Park on July 11th. Both of these celebrations will bered certificate will be forwarded and after all !our of be open to the public. the pilgrimages have been made an impressive award The Univer-sity of fllinois, Art Extension Trip. this will be issued properly inscribed in recognition of the year will be a Lincoln Pilgrimage touching in its four day achlevement. itinerary from June 15 to 18, bosidcs other points, tho Colonial and WildernC!IS Pilgrimages cities mentioned in the contemplated SOOth Anniversary The Lincoln Memorial Highway projects in Kentucky, Pilgrimage. Those desiring to make the Art Extension Indiana, and Illinois have done much to foster an interest Trip shoUld communicate with R. E. Hieronymous, 110 in Lincoln home sites situated in these states. This year Umversity Hall, Urbana, Illinois. marks a significant anniversary, the arrival in the country Those interested in learning more about the Colonial of Samuel Lincohl, first American ancestor of President and Wilderness P ilgrimages should communicate with the Lincoln bearing the name Lincoln. Be was an immigrant Director of the Lincoln National Life Foundation. from England, and disembarked at Boston, Massachusetts, on June 20, 1637. The three hundredth anniversary cele- •No speelal Dr'Oitl'll.Ola arran~<d.. .
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