170 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW APRIL,1926 Finley, John P. U. S. Bureau of standards. Bibhography of the professional papers, books, monographs, Relations between the temperatures, pressures, and densities of articles, charts,. graphs and lectures on the subjects of gases. Washington. 1926. 85 p. figs. 25: cm. (Circ. meteorology, chmatology, weather, crop and social insur- Bur. standards, no. 279.) ance from 1880 to 1925. New Pork. 1925. 43 p. illus. [U.S. Chief coordinator.] 163 cm. Preliminary report of committee appointed by the chief CO- [Great Britain.] Dept. scientific & industrial research. Food ordinator for the coordination of government meteorological investigation board. work. [Washington. 1926.1 20 p. 27 cm. U. S. egg society. Measurement of humidity in closed spaces. London. 1925. Monthly variations from mean vi, 54 p. illus. plate. 241. cm. (Spec. rep. no. S, by the Century of Chicago weather. normal tenipersture for 96 years, showing the long-time Engin. comm. of the board.) swings between warm and cold periods. Compiled from Great Britain. Ministry of agriculture and fisheries. U. S. official meteorological tables and from unofficial data Agricultural meteorological scheme. Instructions to ohserv- used by the Weather Bureau for years prior to 1871. ers [with various special instructions and specimen forms.] Chicago. n. d. 1 sheet. chart. 25 x 65 cm. [London. 1925.1 v. p. 34 cm. [Manifolded.] Verhandlungen der klimatologischen Tagung in Davos 1925. Hibbard, R P. Veraiistaltet vom Schweizerischen Institut fu: Hochge- Frost protector for early planting. no. 2 . p. 137-141. birgsphysiologie und Tuberkuloseforschung In Davos. illus. 234 cm. (Mich. agric. exper. sta. Quart. bull. Basel. n. d. vii, 576 p. illus. plate. 25 cm. v. 8, no. 3, Feb., 1926.) Wallbn, Axel. Hoek, Henry. Nils Gustaf Ekholm. Minnesteckning. Upsala. 1925. p. Wetter, Wolken, Wind. Ein Buch fur jedermann. Leipzig. 273-285. port. 22 cm. (K. Svenska vetenskapsak. Lrs- 1926. 253 p. plates. 194 cm. bok, 1925.) Kerben, J. Till kinnedomen om Norrlands lokdklimat. p. 368-378. On the dependence of the harvest upon the temperature in illus. 233 cin. (Ymer, TJdskrift Svenska sallskapet for the foregoing winter and Map. Helsinki. 1925. 8 11. antropologi och geografi. Arg. 1925. H. 3 0.4.) 243 cm. (Mitt. met. Zentralanst. finn. Staates. N:o 15.) Watson, W. & sons, lid. Klein, Paul, & Sanson, Joseph. Watsona’ scientific instruments, being a catalogue and work MBt6orologie et physique agricoles. Paris. 1925. 464 p. of reference combined, invaluable to the user of instruments illus. 18) cm. of this class. London. 1926. v. p. illus. 21+ cm. Kolhtirster, Werner. Wegener, Kurt, S- Robitzsch, Max. Weitere Messungen der durchdringenden Strahlung am Jung- Ergebnisse der Fesselaufstiege wihrend der tfberwinterung fraujoch. p. 120-125. plate. 25) cm. (Sitzungsb. preuss. 1912/13. Braunschweig. 1916. 20 p. plates. 20 cm. Akad. Wissensch. 7. 1925. Sitaung phys.-math. Kl. 26. (Veroffent. Deutschen observ. Eheltofhafen-Spitzbergen. Feb.) Heft 4.) Koschmieder, Harald. Wiedemann, Eilhard. Die Ergebnisse der deutschen Hohenwindmessungen in Palas- uber Erscheinungen bei der Damnierung und bei Sonnen- tina 1917-1918. Frankfort a. M. [1924.1 30 p. figs. finsternissen nach arabischen Quellen. p. 43-52. 23 cm. plates (fold.) 234 cm. (Zum Iiliina der Turkei. Ergeb- Sonderab. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med. Bd. 15.) nisse dreijahriger Beobachtungen 19 15-1 9 18. H . 3.) Wiley, Harvey W. Leighly, John B. Air we breathe. Does motion alone purify it? Is “washing” Graphic studies in climatology. 1. Graphic representation of satiqfactorp? p., 89, 272, 2i4, 276, 278. illus. 30 cm. a classification of climates. Berkeley. 1926. p. 55-71. [Good housekeeping, v. 6’3, Apr., 1926.1 figs. 274 cm. (Univ. Cal. pub. geogr. v. 2, no. 3, Feh. 24. 1926.) I RECENT PAPERS BEARING ON METEOROLOGY Lindholm, F. VLra vaderleksforutsagelser. Stockholm. 1926. 16 p. figs. The following titles have been selected from the con- 17 cm. (Tidens kalender, 1926 ) Lw6w. Universite. Institut de gsophysique et de mdt6orologie. tents of the >eriodicnls and serinls recently received in Communications. Nos. 1 B 18 des rBsultats des rechcrches de the library oi the Weather Bureau. The titles selected Henryk Arctowski et de ses collaborateurs ... faites B la apers and other communications bearing on SociBtB des naturalistes polonais et publihes dans la revue meteor0are l? ogy and cognate branches of science. This is “Kosmos”: v. 46-50. 1922-1925. 11. p. n. d. v. p. figs. 223 cm. [Polish text: French abstract.] not a complete index of nll the journals from which it Maurain, Ch. has been compiled. It shows only the articles that Sur la propagation des ondes aeriennes. (ExpBrienres de La appear to the compiler likely to he of articular interest Courtine.) Paris. 1926. viii, 49 p. illus. 311 cm. in connection with the work of the eather Bureau. (Annales de 1’Inst. de phys. du globe.) 4 National underwriter. Bkrophile. Paris. 34 annee. $vril 1996. Hail and tornado insurance number. [New York.] 1926. C., H. Une remarquable 6tiide du lieutenant Thoret. 36 p. illus. 341. cm. [Contains article by John P. p. 110-111. [Describes motion pictures of air currents Finley Tornado occurrence and distribution. p. 2%30, made visible by silk threads in a wind tunnel, illustrating 32-33.j effects of surface topography on winds.] Negro, Carlo. American niefeorologhcal society. Biilleltn. Worcester, Mass. v. 7. Elettricith atmosferica ... Milano. 1926. xvi, 299 p. illus. February, 1956, 24 cm. Alter, Dinsmore. Application of Schuster’s periodogram Peppler, Albert, & Peppler, Wilhelm. to rainfall periods hetween two and a sixth and nine years. Beitrage zum Strahlungsklima Badens. (1. Teil.) I. Rles- p. 22-23. [Abstract.] sungen der Intensitat der direkten Sonnenstrahlung in Barron, William E. Climatic aspects of cotton growing in Karlsruhe, St. Blasien und auf dem Feldhergobservatoriuin southern Illinois and hlissouri. p. 24-25. [Abstract.] im Schwarzwald. 11. Der Sonnenschein in Baden. Iiarls- Belden, W. S. Floods in the middle Missouri river. p. 29. ruhe. 1925. 50 p. figs. 28 cm. (Veroffent. der Badischen [Abstract.] Landeswetterwarte. Nr. 7.) Humphreys, Willian J[ackson]. A critical examination of Pfeifier, Robert. the alleged effects of the planets on the weather. p. 24. Die Verteilung der Jahreszeiten im tropischen nordaqua- [Abstract.] torialen Afrika. [3 p.] diagr. 33 cm. (1naug.-Dissert. Humphreys, W[illiam] J[ackson]. An unusual display of the Hessisch Landesuniv. zu Giessen.) mammato-cummulus. p. 23-24 [Abstract.] Roth, Rudolf. Jensen, J. C. Potential gradient observations on a typical Ueber die Beziehungen zwischen Niederschlag und Abfluss im Nebraska thunderstorm. p. 25-26. [Abstract.] Reussgebiete. Basel. 1923. 127 p. maps (fold.) 22 Jensen, J. C. Some relations between radio reception and cm. (1naug.-Dissert. Univ. Basel.) weather conditions. p. 26-27. [Abstract.] Spencer, H. A. Laskowski, B. R. Exposure of rain gages. p. 28. [Ab- Sub-tropical meteorology in the Transvaal. p. 100-104. stract.] illus. 28 cm. [Discovery, v. 7, March 1926.1 Lindgren, G. S. Fire westher in the Adirondacks. p. 30-31. Sutton, L. J. Marvin, Charles F. The value of pyrheliometric readings Climate of Helwan. Cairo. 1926. 82 p. plates. 28 cm. alone for investigations on solar radiatjoq and weather (Min. pub. works, Egyptq Phys. dept. paper no. 2OJ forecaetiag. p? 21-22, [Abstract.] Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/28/21 01:34 AM UTC APRIL,1926 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 171 American society of heating and renti1ati;ig engineers. Journal. Meteoroloaia”~ pratica. Montecassino. Anno 7. Gennaio-febbraio New York. v. SI. May, 1996. 1926. McConnell, W. J., & Yaglou, C. P. Work tests conducted Alippi, Tito. Per una grande organizzazione meteorologica in atmospheres of lorn temperatures in still and moving italiana. p. 3-7. air. p. 375-386. Borriello, Luisa. La distrihuzione dei temporali sul globo. Annalen der Hydrogrnphie und niarititnen Meteorologic. Berlin. p. 7-11. 64. Jahrgang. Februar 1996. Paoloni, B. Metodo per osservare gli atmosferici della Georgii, Walter. W. Koppen und A. Wegener: Die Klimate radiotelegrafia e primi risultati ottenuti. p. 20-43. der geologischen Vorseit. p. 33-36. Af eteorological magazine. London. v. 61. April, 1986. Paulus, A. Schifffahrt und Eis. p. 42-54. B., E. W. The aurora of March 9th. p. 66-68. Brooks, C. E. P. The weather of the past winter. p. 56-60. Annalen der Physik. Lei izig. Band 79. 1926. Dines, L. H. G. Remarkably low base of the stratosphere Schneider, Ernst. dher die Wiirmeleitung von Luft uiid during t,he passage of a depression. p. 68-70. Wasserstoff. p. 177-203. (No. 3.) Gold, E. The travel of depressions. p. 53-56. Vegard, L. Das Leuchten verfestigter Gase and seine Bezie- Aleteorologische Zeitrchrijt. Brauitschweig. Band 4.3. April 1966. hungen zu kosmischen Vorgangen. p. 377-441. (No. 5.) Defant, A. Die statistischen Untersuchungeh uber die Association frangaise pour l’aaancement des scienccs. C‘onjerencm. Anomalien der allgenieinen Zirkulation der Atmosphare. 48, session. Lidge. 195’4. p. 121-133. Chaptal, L. La diffusion des nvertissements agricoles dans Erochin, Peter. uher die Beziehungen zwischen Niederschlag le midi de la France. D. 351-353. und Abfluss im Flussgebiet des oberen Dons in den Jahren Henry, A. Sur l’actinombtre d’Argo pendant l’eclipse par- 1900 his 1911. p. 149-154. tielle de soliel, du 8 avril 1921. p. 371-377. Kalitin, N. N. Zum Studium spektraler Polarisation des Jaumotte, J. Determination du poids de vapeur d’eau par Himmelslirhtes. p. 132-140. kilog. d’air en fonction de la tempCrature, de le pression Svensson, Aron. Zur Psychrometerfrage. p. 140-146. et de l’humidit6 relative. p. 355-361. Tichanowsy, J. J. Zur Frage nach der Einwirkung von Stsub Maureiin, Ch. Propagation dans le sol et dans l’air des und Feuchtigkeit auf die Himmelspolarisation. p. 154-155. ondes produites par de fortes explosions. p. 362-364. Wolfer, A. uber die Beschleuhigung und die Lage der Iso- Saint-Paul, F.
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