Reg. No. GR/RNP/GOA/32 RNI No. GOAENG/2002/6410 Panaji, 16th February, 2012 (Magha 27, 1933) SERIES III No. 46 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Note:- There is one Supplementary and one Extraordi- Now, Therefore, in exercise of the powers nary issue to the Official Gazette, Series III No. 45 conferred on me under Sections 112 and 116 of the dated 9th February, 2012, as follows:— Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (Central Act 59 of 1988) 1) Supplement dated 9-2-2012, from pages 1391 to read with Government Notification No. 5/28/88/TPT 1402, regarding Notification from Department of (Part) dated 26th September, 1989, I, Sandip Jacques, Finance, Revenue and Expenditure Division, District Magistrate, South Goa, Margao do hereby Directorate of Small Savings & Lotteries (Goa notify in public interest 11 Hump Type Speed State Lotteries). Breakers at Taleband & Devote-Loutolim internal 2) Extraordinary dated 15-2-2012 from pages 1403 road to proceed to Verna-IDC as indicated in Column to 1404 regarding Orders from Department of 2 and 3 of the below mentioned Schedule and also Home (Home—General Division), Office of the direct that it is mandatory on the part of the District Magistrate, North Goa. installing authorities to install cautionary signboards demarcating the location of the speed GOVERNMENT OF GOA breakers for the visibility of the road users clarified in Column 3 of the Schedule for the purpose of Department of Transport regulating Motor Vehicle Traffic. Office of the District Magistrate, South Goa SCHEDULE ___ Notification Sr. Name of the Type of No. of No. public place Signboards traffic No. 37/89/2010/MAG/Sp.breaker/1055 Signboards 12 34 Read: 1. Report No. DYSP/TRF/MRG/133/2011 dated 21-02-2011 from Dy. Supdt. of 1. At Taleband Loutolim in Hump Type Two Police, Traffic, South Goa, Margao. front of Baptista Lake Speed Breakers view 2. Report No. SG/ADT(Enf)/South/Sp. 2. At Taleband Loutolim in Hump Type Two breaker/F-60/2011/2381 from the Asst. front of Dr. Mrs. Mavis Speed Breakers Director of Transport (Enf), South Goa, Faleiro Margao. 3. At Taleband-Nacorda Hump Type Two Whereas, the Dy. Supdt. of Police, Traffic, South junction on Taleband Speed Breakers Goa, Margao and the Asst. Director of Transport road in front of House of (Enf), South Goa, Margao, vide report dated 21-2- Adolf Francis Noronha 2011 and 18-1-2011 respectively have recommended 4. At Taleband-Nacorda Hump Type Two 11 Speed Breakers at Devote & Taleband Loutolim junction on Nacorda- Speed Breakers on Loutolim-IDC Verna internal road. -Ashram road 10 mtrs. away from the junction And Whereas, being satisfied and taking into 5. On Taleband-Nacorda Hump Type Two consideration the continuous movement of heavy junction on Devote Speed Breakers and light motor vehicles and safety of the public in road at Electricity general, and to avoid major/minor M.V. accidents Pole No. NAC, A-1 and to cut the speed of vehicles it is proposed 6. On Taleband-Devote road Hump Type Two 11 Hump Type Speed Breakers at Taleband & at Electricity Pole No. NAC, Speed Breakers Devote-Loutolim internal road to proceed to A-3 near house of Verna-IDC. C. Araujo at Taleband Suggestions are welcome on e-mail: [email protected] 1405 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 46 16TH FEBRUARY, 2012 12 34Defendant Mrs. Reshma Chetan Jadhav @ Rekha Chetan Jadhav, d/o Anant Y. Kadam, aged 27 years, 7. At Devote junction on Hump Type Two married, housewife, H. No. 295/1, Vishwambhar Taleband road infront of Speed Breakers Nagar, Dhavali, Ponda-Goa, registered with the Civil Milmas Villa Registrar of Mapusa-Goa under at entry 8. On Devote junction on Hump Type Two No. 326/2010 of the year 2010 stands dissolved. Don Bosco road 10 mtrs. Speed Breakers Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, away from the junction this 7th day of February, 2012. 9. At Devote Junction on IDC Hump Type Two Verna road 15 mtrs. away Speed Breakers Vijaya Ambre, from the junction at Civil Judge, Senior Division Electricity transformer & J.M.F.C., Mapusa-Goa. 10. On Chalet Monteiro jun- Hump Type Two V. No. A-4665/2012. ction at Devote Loutolim Speed Breakers on Devote Taleband road ———¡——— 15 mtrs. away from the junction In the Court of the Civil Judge, Senior Division, ‘B’ Court at Mapusa 11. Infront of Chapel Monteiro Hump Type Two on IDC Verna road at Speed Breakers Matrimonial Petition No. 53/2011/B Electricity Pole No. DEV, C-2 Mrs. Vedha Naresh Pednekar alias The Executive Engineer, W.D. VI, P.W.D., Fatorda, Rashmi Rajkumar Naik, Margao-Goa, shall take necessary action and submit d/o Naresh Pedekar, compliance within 15 days. aged 27 years, married, service, r/o House No. 974/B, Costawado, Given under my hand and seal of this Office, on Siolim, Bardez-Goa. .... Petitioner. 7th day of February, 2012. V/s Margao.— The District Magistrate, Sandip Jacques. Mr. Rajkumar Dilip Naik, aged 31 years, married, ———¡¡¡——— private practitioner, Advertisements r/o House No. 280, Raj-Niwas Funskool road, In the Court of the Civil Judge, near PDA, Corlim, Ilhas-Goa. .... Respondent. Senior Division at Mapusa Notice Matrimonial Petition No. 92/2010/A 2. It is hereby made known to the public that by Mr. Chetan Chandrakant Jadhav, s/o Chandrakant Laxman Jadhav, Judgement and Decree dated 29-10-2011, passed aged 31 years, by this Court, the marriage between the Petitioner H. No. 1407/5, Abhinav Housing Complex, Mrs. Vedha Naresh Pednekar alias Rashmi Rajkumar Alto-Porvorim, Bardez. .... Plaintiff. Naik, d/o Naresh Pednekar, aged 27 years, married, service, r/o House No. 974/B, Costawado, Siolim, V/s Bardez-Goa and the Respondent Mr. Rajkumar Dilip Mrs. Reshma Chetan Jadhav @ Naik, aged 31 years, married, private practitioner, Rekha Chetan Jadhav, r/o House No. 280, Raj-Niwas, Funskool road near d/o Anant Y. Kadam, PDA, Corlim, Ilhas-Goa, registered before Civil aged 27 years, married, housewife, Registrar of Tiswadi, Ilhas-Goa, under entry H. No. 295/1, Vishwambhar Nagar, No. 114/10 dated 17-2-2010 of the Marriage Dhavali, Ponda-Goa. .... Defendant. Registration Book of the year 2010 stands annulled. Notice Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, It is hereby made known to the public that by this 13th day of February, 2012. Judgement and Decree dated 22-09-2011 the Cholu Gauns, marriage between the Plaintiff Mr. Chetan Civil Judge, Senior Division, Chandrakant Jadhav, s/o Chandrakant Laxman “B” Court, Mapusa. Jadhav, aged 31 years, H. No. 1407/5, Abhinav Housing Complex, Alto-Porvorim, Bardez and the V. No. A-4662/2012. 1406 OFFICIAL GAZETTE — GOVT. OF GOA SERIES III No. 46 16TH FEBRUARY, 2012 In the Court of the Civil Judge, marriage between the Petitioner and the Senior Division at Panaji Respondent registered before the Office of the Civil Matrimonial Petition No. 71/2010/B Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar of Ponda, registered under entry No. 557/03 dated 5-5-2003 stands Lidya Nazareth, dissolved. The Civil Registrar-cum-Sub-Registrar of major, Ponda, is directed to cancel the said marriage residing at House No. 185, registered between the Petitioner and the near Anthony Chapel, Respondent on 5-5-2003 under entry No. 557/03 of Bhatio Vaddo, Nerul, the Marriage Registration Book. Bardez-Goa. .... Petitioner. Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, V/s this 19th day of January, 2012. Domaciano Joaquim Vas, Kalpana V. Gavas, major, IInd Addl. Civil Judge, residing at House No. 354, Senior Division, Margao. Amaral, Taleigao, Tiswadi-Goa. .... Respondent. V. No. A-333/2012. Notice ———¡——— 3. It is hereby made known to the public that by Judgement & Decree dated 22-6-2011 passed by In the Court of the IIIrd Addl. Civil Judge, this Court, it is ordered that the petition shall stand Senior Division at Margao allowed with costs and the marriage between the Marriage Petition No. 76/2010/III Petitioner and the Respondent shall stand dissolved and the registration of the marriage under entry Smt. Sailee Kalangutkar, No. 239/07, in the office of Civil Registrar at Ilhas, aged about 36 years, Panaji, is hereby ordered to be cancelled. d/o Shri Pandurang Shridhar Massurkar, c/o Smt. Nutan Patnekar, Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, Milroc Temple Tower, on this 24th January, 2012. opposite Shri Swami Samarth Temple, Kshama Joshi, Merces, Tiswadi-Goa. .... Petitioner. Civil Judge, Senior Division, V/s Panaji. Shri Surendra Kalangutkar, V. No. A-4656/2012. aged about 42 years, ———¡——— resident of House No. 178, In the Court of the IInd Addl. Civil Judge, Chinchalwado, behind Flyower, Senior Division at Margao Margao, Salcete-Goa. .... Respondent. Marriage Petition No. 116/2010/II Notice Ms. Berencie Fernandes, 5. It is hereby made known to the public that by aged 28, unemployed, Judgement and Decree dated 10th August, 2011 daughter of Manuel Fernandes, passed by this Court, it is ordered that the petition resident of Salemaddem, Cuncolim, filed by the Petitioner stands decreed. The Civil Salcete-Goa. .... Petitioner. Registrar of Margao, Salcete-Goa is directed to V/s cancel the marriage registered between the Mr. Armstrong Rego, Petitioner and the Respondent under entry aged 39, service, No. 1232/96 in the Marriage Registration Book for son of Nazareth Rego, the year 1996. resident of Rosy Rego, Given under my hand and the seal of the Court, Nasrosa Mansion, this 8th day of February, 2012. near Jagdish Saw-Mill, Ponda-Goa. .... Defendant. Devidas M. Kerkar, Notice IIIrd Addl.
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