The Daily Register VOL.99 NO 127 SHREWSBURY, N. J. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1976 15 CENTS Eatontown stores may test blue law By JULIE MCDONNELL and Middlesex prohibit the stores In the mall would alto sary we will make purchases sale of clothing, furniture, follow the lead of the large on that Sunday to be vtcd as EATONTOWN - Bamber- and several other categories stores and stay open. evidence. If tbe stores open " ger's is "seriously con- of Items on Sunday. Paul Morton, executive di- Eatontown Police Ch*f WU templating" opening Its Mon Robert Austin, a spokesman rector of the Red Bank Area Ham Zadorotny said Ms de- mouth Mall store here on the for Hahne'i in Newark, said Chamber of Commerce, said partment "hasn't had a Sunday before Christmas, in his store "would probably fol- he would immediately protest chance to assess tie situ- defiance of the county's blue low suit" and open Its Mon the mall's opening ation" yet. laws. mouth MaU store on Dec II If "We will ask the Eatontown "But 1 would say we will Paul Kastner, public rela- Bamberger'i Is open police and the county prose- probably Issue summonses tions spokesman for the shop- And Mr Kastner predicted cutor to see that the law Is agalntt any stores that open ping center, said yesterday that most of the smaller enforced," he Mid "If neces- Illegally," he said afternoon that he had re- Thousands of shoppers look ceived word that Bamber- advantage of the Sunday ger's would be open Sunday, openings in shopping centers Dec. lt, from noon until 10 around the state this week- p.m. Stores face end. Later, however, he said the Bernard Seeman, co-owner store's spokesman In Newark of The Marketplace, on Rt. M had amended that statement north of Malawan. said his to say that opening on Sunday center was "absolutely jam- was still being considered and summonses med" with thoppen on Sun- day that no decision has been OLD BRIDGE — Owners of three stores in The Market- made. place, located on Rt. J4 north of Matawtn. are scheduled lo The Marketplace, so far, It A decision by Bamberger'a appear in court here at I am Dec 16 lo answer summonses the only shore area shopping CAUGHT ON THE GROUND — Destroyed before IBS American planes lost Dec. 7,1941. The scene Is to defy the Sunday blue laws for defying the county's blue laws which prohibit tale of cer- center lo openly defy the Sun- and open its Monmouth Mall tain Hems on Sunday! day blue laws, and has been they could take off In the Japanese sneak attack on the Naval Air Station at Pearl Harbor. lamed summonses for dotag Pearl Harbor 35 years ago, these are some of the store would be In keeping Lt. Joseph Strtffolino of the township detective bureau In with its policy of the last this Middlesex County community said three summonses were to. week to open more and more issued yesterday morning to The Clothes Closet. Jutl Men. la New York City, when of Its suburban shopping mall and Cogito shops the blue laws were struck branches on Sunday for the He said detectives from the department went to the stores down this summer, and sev- Christmas shopping season Sunday, and made purchase's which will be used as evidence en! large department stores 35 years ago today: Bamberger'i first opened in the case. have begun opening on Sun- ill downtown Newark store Bernard Seeman, co-owner of The Clothes Closet and 4e• days. Fifth Ave will be on Nov. 28, and then opened veloper of The Marketplace, said yesterday that, despite the turned into a pedestrian mall several suburban branches summonses, the shopping center will be open again next Sun- for the next two Sundays this past Sunday, to huge day. The court hearing la scheduled for one week from In addition. Lord and Tay- crowds of shoppers. Thursday lor, toe city's oldest major de- Attack that backfired "We will open whenever we feel like It," Mr Seeman partment store, will open on The Sunday blue laws, in ef- fect in 11 of the state's 21 said Sundays for the tint time In today among a sampling of area War World II veterans See Ota Bridge, MS* » Itt I5tyear history By BOB BKAMLKY that the conflict was totally justified. counties, including Monmouth "Pearl what? Oh, Pearl Harbor. Where's that? "Of course I feel it was justified. I do, I really do, Hawaii? Oh, year ... The Japs? You're kidding. They because I'd hate like hell to live with another power wouldn't dare." over me. And sure: I'd fight the war again for the same But they did dare, 35 yearn ago today at 7:55 a.m. reasons." - . Asbury Park man suicide Honolulu time, Dec. 7, 1M1, and before the impossible This is the comment of LI. John B. Kelly, com- nightmare ended four battleships, were sunk and four mander of the traffic and safety division of the Middle- more were damaged; two destroyers were demolished; town police department, a Navy veteran of both the Pa- 188 American aircraft were destroyed, many of them on cific and the European theaters. the ground, and more than 1,000 Americans died. On Dec. 7, 1M1, Lt. Kelly was in the Carlton The- in bizarre murder case ater In Red Bank seeing a Sunday afternoon movie. It took nearly four years of bitter warfare and per- Suddenly the film was stopped, the house lights went By ANN BRENOFF and transported to Monmouth Mlis David and Reynolds David inhale more THC haps a million casualties on both sides to convince the up, and the late Tony Hunting, manager of the theater, Medical Center where he was found no one at home to the through a straw. Japanese that they shouldn't have dared, that their announced that Pearl Harbor had been attacked. ASBURY PARK - A pronounced dead young woman used her key lo THC, tald police, la Ike fac- beautifully executed sneak attack was a blunder that "I don't remember what the movie was, but about scorned lover committed sui- Police later dltcovered the house to let them In andtor In marijuana responsible spelled the doom of their Greater East Asia Co-Prospe- cide in the police detention 65,000 worth of stolen goods In they proceeded to wall for for the mind altering effects rity Sphere and ensured their proud Island country its 14 of us went down to the post office right away to enlist in the Navy. We had to come back the next day," Lt. room yesterday after he alle- the Holmes residence Holmes lo return It can be produced synthet- first wartime defeat. gedly raped and tortured his According to Detective ically for stronger potency Americans of the time were stunned, incredulous, Kelly recalled Detective Ceintki said Sworn Into the Navy Jan. 10, IMS, Lt Kelly rose girlfriend and murdered her Ctpt. David Celnskl, who Holmes returned and the Police tltnbute Reynolds' but not, as the Japanese warlords hoped, daunted. In- new boyfriend by forcing him heads the city's Investigation death to an overdow of this stead of the knockout punch they planned, the Japanese through the ranks from apprentice seaman to chief war- pair's "attempts lo talk to rant officer. He was wounded In the. Pacific when the to swallow an overdose of unit, Holmes' girlfriend, iden- him failed " chemical found they had stuck a needle into a slumbering tiger — • narcotics, police here report- tified as Kim David, 20, pick- According to Dr Stanley a large and powerful tiger who forthwith became ex- heavy cruiser Quincy was shot out from under him and his shipmates. ed. ed up Mr Reynolds at the "Holmes became angry and Becker, county medical ex- ceedingly angry. aminer, an autopsy report After serving In the European on the second Quincy, Police said that Clarkson G Little Silver railroad station began brandishing a pistol," There was no doubt among nearly all Americans 35 Holmes, a Bell Laboratory on Friday. said the officer. Holmes lists "pulmonary congestion years ago that we had no choice but to fight Japan and another heavy cruiser, ^support of the invasions of and edema pending to«- See U years, page 2 draftsman in the Holmdel The two had met while Rey- forced the pair Into the cellar Germany until their total defeat; there is no doubt branch, was charged with nolds was in the army Miss of the house and "put them icological examination" at suspicion of murdering James David Is from Oregon through a bizarre night of tor- the cause of death The toxic Reynolds. II, of Sweet Grass, Miss David and Mr Rey-ture and bondage." Detective laboratory reports will not be Mont. nolds spent the weekend to- Ceintki said completed for a few weeks, Holmes was handcuffed and gether, said police. On Sun- Specifically, police said that tald Dr Becker, although po- placed In the detention room day at 12:30 p.m. they de- Holmes tied Miss David to a lice are expected to requett State freezes premium to await further questioning cided to tell Holmes that Mist post in the cellar and raped quicker processing of these He managed to free his belt David wanted to leave him her twice, forcing Reynolds to reports and string it through the win- They went to 820 Protpect watch the assault After Inducing both Rey- dow bars on the room's only Ave., here, where Holmes He alto forced Reynolds to nolds and Mitt David to take door lived Police tald that Miss drink a mixture of Orange the drug.
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