5392 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN~ttTE NOVEMBER 9 TO AIR CORPS Second Lieut. Robert Falligant Travis, Field Artillery (de­ Second Lieut. Albert Lea Alexander, jr., Corps of Engineers tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. (detailed in Air Corps) , with rank from June 9, 1928. Second Lieut. William Henry Tunner, Field Artillery (de­ Second Lieut. Forrest Gordon Allen, Infantry (detailed in Air tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. .second Lieut. Robert Williams Warren, Infantry (detailed in Second Lieut. Alvord VanPatten Anderson, jr., Cavalry (de­ A1r Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Second Lieut. Harry Edgar Wilson, Infantry (detailed in Second Lieut. Frederick Lewis Anderson, jr., Cavalry (de­ Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Second Lieut. Roscoe Charles Wilson, Field Artillery detailed Second Lieut. Samuel Egbert Anderson, Coast Artillery Corps in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. ' (detailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. · Second Lieut. Emmett Felix Yost, Infantry (detailed in Air Second Lieut. George Raymond Bienfang, Field Artillery (de­ Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. tailed in Air Corps)", with rank from June 9, 1928. PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY Second Lieut. Bryant LeMaire Boatner, Field Artillery (de­ To be colonels tailed in Air Corp ) , with rank from June 9, 1928. Second Lieut. Samuel Robert Brentnall, Field Artillery (de­ Lieut. Col. William Remsen Taylor, Cavalry, from Novem· tailed in .Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. ber 2, 1929. · Second Lieut. Harold Brown, Infantry (detailed in Air Lieut. Col. John Patrick Hasson, Quartermaster Corps, from Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. November 4, 1929. Second Lieut. James Wilson Brown, jr., Infantry (detailed in To be lieutenant colonels Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Maj. Everett Darius Barlow, Quartermaster Corps, from Oc- Second Lieut. Joseph Arthur Bulger, Coast Artillery Corps tober 31, 1929. (detailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Maj. Felix Emmanuelli, Infantry, from October 31, 1929. Second Lieut. Howard Graham Bunker, Coast Artillery Corps Maj. PascW:ll Lopez, Infantry, from November 2 1929. (detailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Maj. William Albert Johnson, Corps of Engine~rs, from No- Second Lieut. Frank Jerdone CQleman, Signal Corps (detailed vember 4, 1929. · in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. To be majors Second Lieut. Robert James Dwyer, Field Artillery (detailed Capt. Edwin Mack Scott, Quartermaster Corps, from Octo­ in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. ber 31, 1929. Second Lieut. Frank Fort Everest, j'r., Field Artillery (de­ · Capt. Paul James Dowling, Infantry, from October 31, 1929. tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Capt. Otis Porter, Cavalry, from November 2, 1929. Second Lieut. Nathan Bedford Forrest, jr., Cavalry (detailed Capt. Hermann Charles Dempewolf, Infantry, from Novem­ in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. ber 4, 1929. Second Lieut. Charles Grant Goodrich, Field Artillery (de­ PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Second Lieut. NoiTis Brown Harbold, Field Artillery (de­ Naval Constructor George H. Rock to be Chief Constructor tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. and Chief of the Bureau of Construction and Repair in the De­ Second Lieut. Robert Scott Israel, jr., Field Artillery (de­ partment of the Navy, with the rank of rear admiral, for a term tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. of four years. Second Lieut. Paul Harold Johnston, Coast Artillery Corps Commander Herbert E. Kays to be a captain in the Navy (detailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. from the 13th day of March, 1929. Second Lieut. August Walter Kissner, Infantry (detailed in Lieut. Commander James B. Will to b.e a commander in the Air Corps), with 'rank from June 9, 1928. Navy from the lith day of October, 1929. Second Lieut. Ralph Edward Koon, Cavalry (detailed in Air Lieut. Francis A. Smith to be a lieutenant commander in the Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Navy from the 1st day of July, 1929. Second Lieut. Stuart Glover McLennan, Field Artillery (de­ Lieut. Douglas A. Spencer to be a lieutenant commander in tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. the Navy from the 1st day of October, 1929. Second Lieut. Alfred Rockwood Maxwell, Coast Artillery Lieut. Baroltl F. Ely to be a lieutenant commander in the Corps (detailed in Air Corps) , with rank from June 9, 1928. Navy from the 11th day of Octobet·, 1929. Second Lieut. Arthur William Meehan, Infantry (detailed in Lieut. (Junior Grade) Whitaker F. Riggs, jr., to be a lieu­ Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. tenant in the Navy from the 6th day of June, 1929. Second Lieut. John Stewart Mills, Field Artillery (detailed Lieut. (Junior Grade) William S. Campbell to be a lieutenant in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. in the Navy from the 1st day of July, 1929. Second Lieut. John Jordan ~rrow, Coast Artillery Corps Lieut. (Junior Grade) George W. Snyder, 3d to be a lieu­ {detailed in Air Corps), with ra from June 9, 1928. tenant in the Navy from the 2d day of August, 1929. Second Lieut. George Warren Iundy, Field Artillery (de­ Lieut. (Junior Grade) Vernon Huber to be a lieutenant in the tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Navy from the 22d day of October, 1929. Second Lieut. John Thomas Murtha, jr., Infantry (detailed Lieut. (Junior Grade) Peter J. Neimo to be a lieutenant in in Ai.r Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. the Navy from the 1st day of November, 1929. Second Lieut. Thayer Stevens Olds, Coast Artillery Corps Lieut. (Junior Grade) Boward B. Hutchinson to be a lieu­ (detailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. tenant in the Navy from the 4tn day of November 1929. Second Lieut. James Francis Olive, jr., Infantry (detailed in Lieut. (Junior Grade) Horace B. Butterfield to' be a lieuten­ Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. ant in the Navy from the 8th day of November, 1929. Second Lieut. Roger Maxwell Ramey, Infantry (detailed in Lieut. (Junior Grade) John P. Cady to be a lieutenant in the Air Corps), with rank from .June 9, 1928. Navy from the lOth day of November, 1929. Second Lieut. Allen Wilson Reed, Infantry (detailed in Air The following-named ensigns to be lieutenants (junior grade) Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. in the Navy from the 3d day of June, 1929: Second Lieut. John Alexander Samford, Field Artillery (de­ Samuel M. Tucker. tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. John H. Simpson. Second Lieut. LaVerne George Saunders, Infantry (detailed John D. Sweeney. in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Medical Director Norman J. Blackwood to be a medical Second Lieut. Edgar Alexand·er Sirmyer, jr., Infantry {de­ director in the Navy, with the rank of rear admiral, from the tailed in Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. 11th day of February, 1921. Second Lieut. Frank Leroy Skeldon, Infantry (detailed in Medical Inspector Joseph A. Biello to be a medical directol' Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. in tbe Navy, with the rank of captain, from tbe 1st day of July, Second Lieut. George Ferrow Smith, Infantry (detailed in 1929. Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. The following-named pharmacists to be chief pharmacists in Second Lieut. Thomas Webster Steed, Infantry (detailed in the Navy, to rank with but after ensign, from the 5th day of Air Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. November, 1929: Second Lieut. Robert Frederick Tate, Cavalry (detailed in Daniel W. Heagy. Frederick 0 . Ball. Air Corps), >litb rank from June 9, 1928. Leo A. Duncan. John P. T. Bennett. Second Lieut. Robert Kindler Taylor, Infantry (detailed in Robert N. Cheetham. Jefferson 0. Forte. Ail: Corps), with rank from June 9, 1928. Edmond D. Harrison. 1\Iartin Buff. l.D29 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE for 20 years, since which time, during the last seven years, he has been SENATE with the Tariff Commission. MoNDAY, November 11, 19~9 In the course of the hearings before the majority members of the Ways and Means Committee he gave some testimony or information (Legislative day of Wednesday, OctGber SO, 1929} concerning which he was somewhat sharply questioned by certain mem­ The Senate met at 10 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the bers of the committee. The next morning one Willlam F. Burgess, here­ recess. after to be referred to, preferred charges against him to the chairman DESIGNATION OF PRESIDING OFFICER of the Tariff Commission. He later appeared in a like capacity at the open hearings conducted by the Senate Finance Committee, when Bur­ The Chief Clerk read the following communication, which gess, accompanied by one Wells, a pottery manufacturer, his son, and was ordered to be pla~ed on file : one Duffy, said to be the head of an organization of laborers in the UNITED STATES SENATE, pottery industry, made further complaint to the chairman of the Tariff PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Commission, the substance of their complaint being that Koch had Washington, D. a., No1Jember 11, 19!9. exhibited _before the committee in such <wen hearings a partiality in To the Senate: favor of the importers of P<?tte17 and was on terms o.f friendly intimacy Being temporarily absent from the Senate, I appoint Hon.
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