! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Olive Downs Moselle Hilltop Kalboona Mona Ellington Binkar Broadleigh Benean Marathon Wantima Neworra Vale Park Ashbrook Lauderdale Merriula Tweedsmuir Downs Hilltop East South Dunluce Penrice Julia Park Downs Patroy Hughenden Loddon Nosnillor Lucindale Morvada Thornhill Nocoleche Mount Emlyn Cannonball Station RAPAD QFPI Round 1 and 2 Fencing ApplicationDsevon Station Afton Walker Mount Iona Lyons Creek Railview Park Cannum Devlin Coton Vale Torryburn Glenalvon Rowen Downs Woodbine Longreach Wild Dog Exclusion Fencing Scheme ApplicationsEgera Downs Etna Oakley Clare Lynn Warianna Torryburn Lynwood Killarney East Leslew Downs Valley Hazelwood Western Queensland Erap May Downs Ophir Redcliffe Launceston Illalong Moondah Maitland Elmeera Lonsdale Clareborough Cheltenham Wolston Reay Bunuro Taemas Tamworth Wilfred Downs Arrara Balcomo Arjuna Teewarrina Myuna Bareeba Como ± Whitewood Mokana Charlie Creek Moonby Downs Saint Rita Curragilla 0 12.5 25 50 75 Terranburby Merlin Essex Downs Southern Gulf Mugwee Thurso Wagstaff Wogadoona Catchments Dalmuir Station Peronne Kilometres Longton Wick Elba Station Timaru Station Limbri Loana Sayah Park Winchester Stirling Exmoor Downs Star Downs Canesby Woura Park Natal Downs Weanbah Ashton Coleraine Wyoming Abbotsford Saranac Zara Malakoff Hopewell! Park Towns LGA Boundary Stockroutes LWDEFS Applications RAPAD QFPI Round 1 Successful Applications* Sarre Eldorado Ewen Plains Melinga Hanworth Ingleounda Strathroy Bora Watercourse NRM Regional Boundary Primary LWDEFS Proposed Fence RAPAD QFPI Round 2 Successful Applications Bindi Vacquera Richmond Cassilis Nottingham Lammermoor Downs Stanley Downs Braemar Shire Elton Downs Stamford Minor Road Tarella Property Names as at January 2012 SeconCdahryarters ToWwilde Drsog Existing Fence QLD Protected Areas Plainby Stamford Barragunda Marionvale Station Downs Flinders Redpath Regional Kingle Narellan Minor Dundee Glenlyon Cameron Ventcher Principal Road South Tambo CAM Wild Dog Planned Fence Private Fences Shire Downs Moorrinya Station Bernborough Tiverton Vuna Cranford Downs Maranie National Tumut Unused Minerva Secondary Road Vale Proposed fence RAPAD Mirtna Panama Bogunda Park Downs Elvira Ensay Jireena Maryron Disclaimer: Mundoo Bluff * Clifton Cluster is jointly funded between RAPAD and SWNRM and managed by SWNRM. Vellum Downs Aireworth Kentle Downs While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this product, the State of West West Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines) 2017 Kiriwinia Cracrin Katandra Evandale Keen-Gea Wetherby Sesbania and AgForce Queensland make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, Station reliability, completenAetshse orrf iseulditability for any particular purpose and disclaims all Albion Downs Aireworth responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for Nunkumbil Bingeringo Waihaorunga Sandalwood Sutton Downs Evandale Holmleigh all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and Landsborough Vellum Eyrie costs which you might incur as a result of the product being inaccurate or Downs incomplete in any way and for any reason. Raelee Downs West Moreena Date: 2 May 2017 Conamore Anrod Downs Tiree Hyde Park Clio Glenelg Barenya Elabe Waterview Thirlestone Yarrowmere Banjoura Station Blairmoor Naroolah Ballater Blairmore Balmoral Koondi Jindaroo Uanda Antrim Aberfoyle Mentone Coorabelle Waverley View Hill Ingle Downs Roseburn Elwell Broadford Corfield McKenzie Ludgate Hill Downs Manuka Eversleigh Ronlow Park Brooklyn Corfield Tangorin Reserve Woolfield Janeville Bannockburn Wirilla Griffo Beauley Prairie Vale Werna Cairnhope Truro Bowie Belfield The Ranch Dooyne Coralton Snake Gully Rockwood Moonoomoo Apache Birricannia Downs The Hut Casterton Knapdale Bundella Wyora Weeba Burnside Silverdale Lilford Cooinda Cressy Catumnal Corinda Moray Downs Claydon Scott Springs Bernfels Talkara Lanifer Station Harwood Luckham Thornville Elis Rainsby Nq Dry Carmichael Orielton Gue Tancred Ayrshire Lana Downs Enryb Downs Dunrossie Inveresk Tropics Downs Kyong Eyriewald Inverdoone Burslem Malboona Hexham Tower Hill Wogra Webb Maroomba Eastfield Ulcanbah Myrall Caledonia Isaac Bonnie Downs Belmont Culloden Thorton Forest Den Regional Ashfield Daintree National Barcaldine Park Corunna Hardington Regional Leeson Camara Bibil Thornton Doongmabulla Lucella Eskdale Lerida Fleetwood Nargon Corella Narangie Marengo Winton Shire Sumana Oondooroo Kittyvale Labba Kywong Carraward Mahrigong Glenullin Levuka Thistlebank Teviot Hillview Pastoria Lake Huffer Bimbah East Rangelands Dahlia Gelebele Aldingham Potosi Marie Downs Llorac Jabiru Albion Vale The Ten Marita Downs Bede Jochmus Mile Grove Balranald Reedy Creek Nadjayamba Randwick Bromvil North Carusoe Beryl Penlan Downs Woolthorpe Crewkerne Winton Leswalt ! Apsley Fairymead Northern Lou Lou Park Emu Wando Bengal Wirralee Kollareena Aramac Goolma Colane Windermere Ingleside Lillarea Stockholm Eastmere Verastan Adelong Swanlea Tragowel Maylands Glen Culladar Bungoona Carinya Caber Feidh Overton Avon Hazelmere Kensington Lydia Birdwood Lake Dunne Mountain View Drumlion Downs Everton Scrubby Downs Lillianfels Tooleys Tijuana Tatoo Angora Blandfield Maynard Creek Park Tyrone Cotswold Lockanbar Hills Brompton Blue Lorraine Abrach Vindex Kenya Gate Girrahween Suprise Mount Cronulla Ellendale Morago Muttaburra Boorameel Barcoorah Suvla Landsborough ! Bowen Downs Gordon Coorabah Mount Brook Widgeman Cornish Athelstane Luthrie Hypatia Weewondilla The Lake Clunie Vale Dunrobin Newlands Pauralos Ardno Woodleigh Bladensburg Ashra Downs Cherhill National Park Tucson Park Rosehearty Glanagh Creek Rankin Ballyneety Clare Wilton Rosebery Warrandaroo Highbury Kingsborough Colston Clyde Weewondilla Downs Dudley Fortuna Kellys Springdale Park Bude Richfield Edgbaston Creek Westward Ho Muyong Downs Fysh Rea Glenrobin Selwyn Nalemba Scotstoun Park Boongavinia Melrose Acacia Downs Stagmount Station Lennox Thymania Aviemore Willean Namarva Llewellyn Stainburn Beldevere Kismet Hartree Ambo Merino Myross Maranthona Hexam Tuaburra Downs Darr Arranmore Baratria Cudmore Haven Warnambool Werite Hereward River Ballygar Downs Downs Downs Crossmore Glenample Brendallan (Limited Depth) Elmore Leebrook ! Glen-Kyree National Park Forrester Merriwin Winhaven Tatong Yarraman Darriveen Dalmar Wantalyana Ravenswood Boongoondoo Happy Old Euston Westbury Jalloonda Highfields Denton Tandara Myrtle Gracevale Valley Vera Park Gray Rock Kanandah Westbury Farm Cudmore Talaheena Shadyside Blairgowrie Camoola Park Summer Hill Powella Resources Politic Speculation Reserve Belle Burra Ravensbath Strangfords Dalmore Camoola Texas Summer Hill Breedon Manfred Strasburg Evesham Park Glenaras Fermoy Corona Talleyrand Yanburra Wendouree Euston Leichhardt Ivyleaf Weona Illabunda Taree Farms Outamorella Dillulla The Rand Eka Mundah Unthank Yambacollie Deballada Dillulla Shandon Neenah Park Marchmont Murrabit Alice River Vale Goodberry Willoughby Goomeda Auteuil Bexley Hills Fairfield Cannons Hotspur Manningham Dahra Bellara Don East Redbank Fairfield La Mancha Mount Goodberry Pendine Maranda Springton Carrigeen Victoria Rodney Hobartville Inverclaud Hills Kia-Ora Dundonald Bellabad Garfield Strathdarr Macsland Downs Springvale Byron Park Daunton Hathaway Kapunda Mt Victoria Hollywood Strathfinella Strathdarr Orange Downs Bristol Wirryilka Adalonga Padua Leander Bimbah Hulton Locharnoch Colanya Fairmount Bardell Bimbah Balonne Grant Old Longway Beaconsfield Bareeda Charlton Tawarra Moonya Mildura Marmboo Old Mayfair Dahra Ascot Coreena Milngavie Spring Creek Wammadoo Arundel Downs Beaconsfield Kialla Hillalong Kia Ora Longreach Culburnie Tanamera Nogo Currane Norbert Park Lagoon Minnamoora Hanley Edwinstowe Cavendish Regional Camden Angledool Kateroy Park Creek Margot Yolands Glen Kateroy ! Balfern Saltern Longreach Kelso Eurolie Innes Creek Elton Valley Downs Silsoe Parkdale Newstead Glenferrie Richmond Inverurie Eureka Maneroo Hills Riverie Lambton Avro Audreystone Lakeview Elmsdale Accord Garches Braeside Meadows Bothwell Parkdale Dundee North Ashgrove Dalkeith Rio Glenferrie Avonslea Hamlet Jordan Mayneside Eureka ! Elmesdale Dunblane Downs Ightham Avon Spoilbank Strathmore Rosebank Elmsdale Glenstar Barcaldine Busthinia Station Coombemartin ! Barmutha Griffdale Rosefield Spoilbank Katherine Corn Top Campsie Avoca Cumberland Tara Byanda Creek Ernistina Barsdale Marie Vale El Kantara Mohill Willowie Lochnagar Jericho Coombemartin-Barsdale Woolahra ! Toarbee Avondale Upshot Glendon Glouster Booloo Clovelly Mernoo Lochinvar Wattlevale Burgoyne Spring Hill Toobrack Whitehill Rotherfield West Alice Colorado ! Arndale Station Fernhurst Rosedale Devonshire Lyndon Dunraven Iandra Rocklea Betanga Lovat Toobrack_Glouster Road2Road Jaccondoll Bellview George Park Acheron Ck Park Arrilalah Spring Plains Glenthomson Clovelly North Delta Hiddenvale Merida Vergemont Cecil Evanston South The Patrick Benares Langdale Park Tonga Glencoe Dangaraga Kyneton Spring Plains Oxenhope The Block Newark Station Loongana 12 Mile Tocal Barcaldine Blendon Rosabel Westfield Corban Bandon Valoak Gordonvale Eagle Navarre Killara Park Downs Mafeking Slygo Downs Delta Mundaroo Armagh Grove Nereena Farm Pegasus Summerdell Tulga Belmore Stroud East South Bandon Balaclava Willowen Joycedale Grove Rosemount Allanard Withywine Belmore Draught Nimaloola Clover Hills Dandaraga McGavin Jubilee Station Horse Ramona Pumpa Wellshot Park Gregory Park Parkgate Way Out West Stormhill
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