MAJOR PROJECT REPORT On “IMPACT OF AIRCEL ON THE OTHER COMPETITORS OF TELECOM INDUSTRY” Submitted in the partial fulfillment of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (2010-2013) Under the guidance of Mr. ANIL (Assistant Professor, FIMT) SUBMITTED BY AKASH Enrolment No.-05290101710 BBA (G) 5Semester DECEMBER, 2012 Fairfield Institution of Management and Technology, Kapashera New Delhi-37 (Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) STUDENT’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that the project entitled “IMPACT OF AIRCEL ON THE OTHER COMPETITORS OF TELECOM INDUSTRY” under the guidance of “Mr. ANIL” submitted to the department of management in the partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (General) from “Fairfield Institute of Management and Technology, New Delhi” This my original work and this project has not formed this basis for award of any degree to the best of my belief and knowledge. AKASH (05290101710) SIGNATURE OF STUDENT PLACE: NEW DELHI DATE: 2 CERTIFICATE BY THE GUIDE This is to certify that the project entitled “IMPACT OF AIRCEL ON THE OTHER COMPETITORS OF TELECOM INDUSTRY” is an original work of AKASH of Bachelors of Business Administration (General), 6th semester and has been duly completed under my guidance and supervision. This work has been done in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BBA from “Fairfield Institute Of Management and Technology (affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University) Delhi” and has not been submitted anywhere in any other university for the award of any degree to the best of my knowledge. (Mr. ANIL) Signature of the guide Department of Management FIMT, Kapashera, New Delhi. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is a pleasure to acknowledge many people who knowingly and unwittingly helped me, to complete my project. First of all let me praise god for all the meanings which carried me through all those years I am particularly indebted to Dr. R. k. Garg, Director of College, which included in me utmost respect for human values and groomed me up in the field of management to take on the challenges of the competitive world. First and foremost, I would like to express my regards to Mr. Anil (Assistant Professor), for her constant encouragement and support. I would also like to express my immense gratitude towards all the lecturers of our collage for providing the invaluable knowledge, guidance, encouragement extended during the completion of this project. I extent my sincere gratitude to all my teachers and guide who make unforgettable contribution. Due to their sincere efforts I was able to excel in the work entrusted upon me. Last but not the least I am grateful to my Parents, my siblings, my friends and all well wishers for their moral support and encouragement during the entire period of my time. AKASH (05290101710) 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Student declaration 2 Certificate by the guide 3 Acknowledgement CHAPTER-1 6 -7 Objective of the study CHAPTER- 2 8-11 Research methodology CHAPTER-3 12-17 Introduction of the industry 1. Introduction of the telecommunication 13 2. Telecom industry in India 14 3. History of the India telecommunication 16 CHAPTER-4 18-45 Company profile 1. Company profile 19 2. SWOT analysis 30 3. Milestones of aircel 32 CHAPTER-5 46-67 Data analysis & interpretation CHAPTER-6 68-70 Conclusion CHAPTER-7 72-73 Limitation & suggestion CHAPTER-8 74-75 Recommendation CHAPTER-9 76-79 References & questionnaire 5 CHAPTER-1 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 6 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The major objectives of my research projects are as follows: To analyze the impact of Aircel on the other telecom industry. To analyze the satisfaction level of customers from Aircel. To study the factors which influence the customer to use Aircel. To identify the major problems faced by users of Aircel in Delhi. To study the features of different brands that gives a good idea of various products and services offered by the company. To understand the competitive environment in which the company is operating and is desired to meet customer need and satisfaction. To provide useful information to the company about the product features of various competing companies. I have tried to take a view on the topic in a practical manner, so that the feedback can be provided to the organization 7 CHAPTER-2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 8 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MEANING OF RESEARCH & DEFINITION Research refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research is an art of scientific investigation. Systematized effort to gain new knowledge [Redman and Mary] It is a voyage of discovery METHODOLOGY Methodology can be defined as- “The analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline”. “The systematic study of methods that are, can be or have been applied within a discipline”. “A particular procedure or set of procedures”. Methodology includes a collection of theories, concepts or ideas as they relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry: Methodology refers to more than a simple set of methods; ] rather it refers to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study relative to the scientific method. This is why scholarly literature often includes a section on the methodology of the researchers. This section does more than outline the researchers‟ methods might explain what the researchers‟ ontological or epistemological views are. Another key (though arguably imprecise) usage for methodology does not refer to research or to the specific analysis techniques. This often refers to anything and everything that can be encapsulated for a discipline or a series of processes, activities and tasks. Examples of this are found in software development, project management and business process fields. This use of the term is typified by the outline who, what, where, when, and why. In the documentation of the processes that make up the discipline that is 9 being supported by “this” methodology that is where we would find the "methods" or processes. The processes themselves are only part of the methodology along with the identification and usage of the standards, policies, rules, etc. Researchers acknowledge the need for rigor, logic, and coherence in their methodologies, which are subject to peer review. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Marketing research is the process of collecting and analyzing marketing information and ultimately arrived at certain conclusion. Management in any organization needs information about potential marketing plans and to change in the market place. Marketing research includes all the activities that enable an organization to obtain the information. This research is very important in strategy formulation and feedback of any organizational plan. RESEARCH DESIGN: The research design which has been used in the project report is descriptive research. This is right in nature & focuses attention on the following: Formulating the objectives of the study. Designing the method of Data collection. Selecting the data. Collecting the data. Processing & analyzing the data. Reporting the findings. Suggestions & modification if any. Conclusion. 10 DATA COLLECTION: METHOD OF DATA CIICOLLECTION Primary data was collected through Questionnaires Personal observations Secondary data was collected through Newspapers Magazines Internet RESEARCH LIMITATIONS Time and cost constraints dictated the size of the sample selected. A large sample would have been more representative of the population.. Some of the interviews may not have led to accurate responses. Interviewers‟ biasness could have been introduced during personal interviews. Sometimes the respondent was unwilling to reveal some data (e.g. frequency of changing connection in a year) Many of respondents did not agree to personal interviews because of lack of time. 11 Chapter 3 Introduction of the Industry 12 INTRODUCTION OF TELECOMMUNICATION TELE COMMUNICATION - The word telecommunication was adapted from the French word telecommunication. It is a compound of the Greek prefix tele, meaning 'far off', and the Latin communicates, meaning 'to share'. Telecommunication is the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. In modern times, this process almost always involves the sending of electromagnetic waves by electronic transmitters but in earlier years it may have involved the use of smoke signals, drums or semaphore. Today, telecommunication is widespread and devices that assist the process, such as the television, radio and telephone, are common in many parts of the world. There is also a vast array of networks that connect these devices, including computer networks, public telephone networks, radio networks and television networks. Computer communication across the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging, is just one of many examples of telecommunication. The basic elements of a telecommunication system are: A transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal for transmission. A transmission medium over which the signal is transmitted. A receiver that receives and converts the signal back into usable information. Often telecommunication system are two-way and devices act as both a transmitter and receiver or transceiver. For example, a mobile phone is a transceiver. Telecommunication over a phone line is called point to point communication one transmitter and one receiver, telecommunication through radio broadcasts is called broadcast communication because it is between one powerful transmitter and numero or receivers. A collection of transmitters, receivers or transceivers that communicate with each other is known as a network. Digital networks may consist of one or more router that route data to the correct user. An analogue network may consist of one or more switches that establish a connection between two or more users. For both types of network, a repeater may be necessary to amplify or recreate the signal when it is being transmitted over long 13 distances. This is to combat attenuation that can render the signal indistinguishable from noise.
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