The Ithacan, 1972-04-06

The Ithacan, 1972-04-06

Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1971-72 The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 4-6-1972 The thI acan, 1972-04-06 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1972-04-06" (1972). The Ithacan, 1971-72. 24. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1970/71 to 1979/80 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1971-72 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. I LAWS: We 1<now what they arc and what they arc worth' They arc ~p1der~wcbs for the rich and mighty steel chains for tnc poor and weak. F1sh1n9 nct!I in the hands of the government. e I ICID Proudhon Vol. XLVI - No.,!: lthac.i. New York. April 6. 197:! Holy Week In Harrisburg .. Bring Your Rage. Bring Your <r.ilfr, .111,·r~ k.id111).! 111!" Ilic- ( .1p1l<ll Love". So rL'ad one of over a dozen \I.ill. 111,· 1.dl~ ,111d,111>,,·q11,·111 ,pl'l·,h,·, papers and pamphkt:,, <11stributed .lftr,1,·1,·d .1 11 rd,· r.i11µ,· ,,1 rndl\ 1d11.1h throughout Easter Weck 111 llarrisburg. Onl' ,r,·11-,·ut .!lld 11h1,J..,·rcd \'1e1n.1111 Pcnnsyfv,rnia, site of the politkal trial of \'l"!,·r.111. Juh.111 (.r.11,·11,l-,.1 a11d .1 11at1n· seven individuals committed to the of lt;tly. luni.·d u111 1., h,· 1h,· .1111hnr ,,1 immediate termination of the war in ,I II I I· \\ ,I r !'> h o rt , ( ll 11 ,. , \\ (i p h ,I d Southeast Asia. It urged men. women t'Olllllhllll'd I<> /1h,·1a/lu11 111.1µa11nl' bla1.:ks. whites, Mexican-Americans and ·\notht•r ..1 1111ddk ,l).!l'd 1,,,m.111 11110IH·d Vietnam Veterans among olhL·r~ 10 join \\ ii h I hl' 11H>\'t'llll'111 ,111,,. ] 'lh~. h.1d in hdping to .. Turn ThL' Trial Around", L"Olllt' ,9' ,I .. \\lllll'" (t>I lht• lbrri,btlll! whi1.:h (in tlw words of the Harrisburg lll•f,•t1ll.lll!, .. \I/ th,·11 \llll\'IL!l<lll~ Defense ('ommlllL'el meant .. the joh of .1g.11ll,I th,· w.11 l'l'rh.q" lhc 111.,,1 exposing reprl'!'>Mon. of driving home the 1111fnrgl'lt.1bk lq:111,· t\." .1 µ,·11tk111a11 Ill fach a bout the war and of bringing t hL' hi!'> la1,· <,(}', 1, h11 h.,d ''"' '11, l,· 0 11l!ht1lll! A mcric,m peopll' lo ,1 confrontation aga1n,1 l·tallL<> 111 1"3'1 ~11i1 111:, with their conscience!'>," :\hr,lh,1111 [ 111L'<>ll1 i3rll!,Jtk. ,I dl\'hl011 1l( Palm Sunday. Monday and Tuesdav lh,· I ;_s -\rm~ D,·d1,·.,i.-d ,., .. ,.,r,t· 1h,· were primarily day:,, of reflection. I t'lc',hl' <>I !'Pl! I IL·.11 p I 9'llllt" I, III ~ p,1111 ... l'nlightenmen1 and organ17.alion: ht· g.tll;111th kd 111, ,·t>11l1ng,·111 .llt>nµ 1h,· work:,,hop:,,, ll'cturc:,, .ind the r1,., m,k ,1,,·1,h '" 111<· t ,lf'''"I <>n coordination ot vanou:,, cont111gl'111.:ie!'>, l 0 it1ld1L', ,\t the !'>,111\C 11111c that the trial jury \\a!'> I h,• r.ill~ 11,h J,~ 11., 111,·.rrh "rrl(>lj ,11111·\\,II. ( t>llllll!,'.l'Jll, 111,ill<kd \\1>111,•11\ reL·c1vmg ib ··i1btrlldiom" from Judge I. 1ht·ra11<>11 .111d \\'11111,·11·, \111!..r t u1 R. Dixon llerrn;111 m the Fedl'ral l't•,1,·,·. 1h,· '\ \\,·IJ.11,· H1).!hh Building. lknny Pr,111 was 1a\king abo111 Orµ.r1111,111u11. 1h,· \11µ,·l.1 l>.111, lll'h'r1s,· rnediL·al aid lo I nt.h>d1ina and (;b wcrl' Co111111111,·,·. 1h,· \11111'1,•11 <"hri,11.111 di!'>L'Ussing mohill;:al1on in I hl' YWCA Lc,1lkr ... l11p < \lllkt,·th·l' ..111,l 1n1111e1.,l\o. JUSI around lht· corner. Alternallw olhcr,. 111stit11tiom werl' dJhoratl'd upon hr F.1111.1 Jlltd.111 . ..,,waJ...111µ t>I hl'r ,1,1,·1 such individuals as Norm Fru.:hll'r form ,\111,!l'l.1 1>.1v1,. ,,,,, 111,1 111 .1 Ion!! 1111v ul thl'_ Newark. New Jcrscv Free School ~pcak,·1, wl1<> ,c•lc•h1,1ll'd Ille ,'1011 oJ and Bill Davidon. a former Justi.:e ,upporl 'lro 111 .ill I h,· p,·opk \\ hll De pa rtnwn I mdud L'l' and 1-faVl'rford College professor. who spokl• on L"<>lllt' '" ll.1rr1,h11rg ·· I h,· pc,iplc· h,11·,· ,·rt•at,·d lhl' co11d111011, !or hl'r rl'k,tsc ·· "Sl'ience For The People". A panel on Conµr..:,,\\,>111,1n lkll.1 -\!>111µ.. thl' Tuesday evening he..ird Harri~burg R..: Vl' 1..: 11 d ph .-\ hl·rn.11 In. ,\\' l{O dcfend;mt Eqbal Ahmad, Algl'r tfo.~ 1 a L'o1>rd111ator l:kul.1h S.111d,·1, ;;nd l'n11nt victim of Congressman Rid1ard Nixt111 ·!', Farm Workt'r!'> Or!!.1n1/ll1!! <"0111111111,·t· in the Ml·Carlhy ·'wrlch hunt,;"1 and nwmber Richard I rt'J<>. all ,pof...c aho11t others discussing "lndod1111a and thl' disi11t,•grat1on of govc111111c11t;il Nixon's China Policy". interest for lh..:rr l'<>ml1t11,·111s ,rnd 1ht· In keeping with Wednesday's theme, irnportance nf co11111111111g l'mph,r!'>ts 01, "The Religious Community: A Force lhl' lndod1ina For A Change", a group of seminarians Photo by Mike Levine Thl' man who fl'Vl'akd I hl' l'l'nlagon and other church related men and Paper~. Daniel l:IJsbcrg. urged the women built a symbolic ·•wall of Yt•staday, tht• 1/arrisburg 111r_1·. afkr Jfr11r1· h iSJillgt'r, blow up hmti11g a ll d i e 11 c· l' t O • ' i; 0 11 f r O 11 I ,I Jl d conscience" around three sides of the a solid wee/, oj dclihaat1<111 and 1w111<'l.1 111 Wasl1111xt1m and dt•.1·1rm· draJ I l'xpose ... lhl!'> 1111moral and dl'n"rtful Federal Building preventing entrance. prodding by Judge //crma11. fo1111tl record., in scrcra/ t'tJSlt'rn n1ies. !he JI/Tl' war." Sd1edull'd lo takl' lhl· ... 1a11d 111 This act resulted in approximately 166 Fatha l'hillip l1<'rriga11 and S1st<'r \VtJJ h1111g. Tl1t· jury hud rt'/JL'at,:d/y June. ho: added. "'I hl'_ purp,N· of the,t· /:"I i;abt•th /lfr,1 //1st er g11il 1_1· 011 thre<' asked Juclgt• Jkr111a11 f11r dariJirntum oj arrests: Th~rsday saw the final stages of lpollt1..:al1 tri i~. Ill ., WJY. a organ1zat1on and mobilization cou1111· each o.f transporting il'll<'rs in what in 1frje11.1t· tJlllJr/lt'_I' Terry L·omphmcnt lo th." maintallllll!! tilt' education take pla.:c in preparation for a11d 0111 oj /,cwisburg Jail (each d1arge /\fr11akt·r·.1 \\'ord.1 were .. 1·ax11c and govt'rnment h:ar!'> ralhl'r than wl'!uin1111g what would turn out to be the final two carries a maximum tt•n year sentence J a111b1g11011s" co11spir11t:v laws und wu~ dissent. lk expre~:,,ed d1\pll'a,urt· with major events of the week-the New where Phil had been incarcerated at the 1111ahle lo ]'incl the cl<'fend11111.1 I hl' u nlort unate cnd re ... ult ol \lll"h Cumberland demonstration and the tim,· of the .rn ca/it'd conspiracy. This ,·ategorical/y gui/ly of a11y of lilt· mass rally April I. co111'icti1>11 11·as unpren•de11tecl a11d will charge.1. Judge lfrrmun lhl'll d1~11mH·<i demonstrations a\ thl'!'>l' co111111,·n1111g. ··For Christ·~ sake, another year lw:,, To some observers, the "assault" on bt• app(•a/C'd 1111 the grounds thut the j11r_1·. The pmhahility of select111g come and gone and the war conlinu,·~ ... the New Cumberland Army Depot on Berrigan Wal discriminatt·d agamst in another jury to deliht•ra1t• 011 t/Jo.H' Good Friday (that brought over · SO prison dllt' to his political ht'lfrfs am/ charges appear.1 highly unlikely. For With thirteen 111d1viduab spcakmg arrests) was the high point of "Holy thereforl' tht• e1•iclenct• was illl'gally deJi·11da11ts /:ghal Ahmad, Father Nt'i/ over the cour.;c ol' the aftern,>on. manv Week." Assembling at noon, the ohtaim•d. Normally a prisoner ,·0111-icted Mc/.aughlin. Father lo.H·plr Wenderoth, of them older and cs.~entially rhl'toriL;1i. demonstrators, including a contingent of such a charge woulcl r,:ceil•t• litllt• Tony u11d ,\fary Sn1hlit'k, yesterdays one rould understand the li11111ed from the Vietnam Veterans Against The mort• than a wrist s/appi11g from pri.1on dt•cisi,m brought u momellt oJ re/iej. aucntion !'>pan of many ml'mhcf!'> of Lht· War, had come to plant a ··tree of life" ojjicia/s. For Phil and /.i:: the ordeal 1.1 1101 yet audience. William Kunstlcr. a!lornl'y tor On the murt• important charge 11} "''t.•r. on the army grounds. Tension ran high the Chi.:ago 7 and the Catonsville 'J. and as the dissidents on one side of the C()!ISpiring /() kidnap presidential advisor J veteran of numerous rallie\ such a.., fence surrounding the depot faced off Harrisburg: .. rc..:ognw.:d this prohll·m a, with the somber Military Police he eloquently re,1d poetry by thl' assembled on the other side.

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