2nd CONFERENCE OF THE VISEGRÁD GROUP SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 2 – 5 September, 2021, Szeged, Hungary IN THE ORGANIZATION OF THE V4 SOCIETY FOR DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (V4SDB) AND THE HUNGARIAN GENETICS SOCIETY (MAGE) ABSTRACTS ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS ABSTRACTS | ORAL PRESENTATIONS 3 chromatin remodelling. In most animal, a characteristic feature of ABSTRACTS this change is the replacement oocyte/early embryo specific linker ORAL PRESENTATIONS histone by somatic histone H1 variants. To uncover the specific role of this alternative linker histone in early Drosophila embryogenesis, we established fly lines in which domains of embryo specific linker histone, BigH1 have been replaced partially or completely with that T1. KEYNOTE TALK 1 of somatic H1. Analysis of this mutant Drosophila lines revealed that Cytoplasmic forces functionally reorganize nuclear conden- H1 can substitute BigH1 under normal conditions, however at low sates in oocytes temperature, globular and C-terminal domains of BigH1 are nec- Marie-Hélène Verlhac 1 essary for proper development. We showed that in the presence 1 CENTER FOR INTERDISciPLINARY RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY, COLLEGE DE FRANCE, of BigH1, nucleosome stability increased compared to H1 however PARIS, FRANCE core histone exchange during replication is more dynamic. Based on our results we propose a model explaining how BigH1 ensures fast Abstract was not received. paced replication cycles before zygotic genome activation. T1. KEYNOTE TALK 2 T4. Understanding changing architecture of the mammalian p38-MAPK-mediated translation regulation primes blastocyst embryo development and is required for primitive endoderm differen- 1 Berenika Plusa tiation in mice 1 UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY AND Pablo Bora 1, Lenka Gahurova 1,2, Tomáš Mašek 3, MEDiciNE, UNITED KINGDOM Andrea Hauserova 1, David Potěšil 4, Denisa Jansova 2, Andrej Susor 2, During mammalian preimplantation development, cells reduce in Zbyněk Zdráhal 4, Anna Ajduk 5, Martin Pospíšek 3, size and the architecture of the embryo changes significantly. Such Alexander W. Bruce 1 changes are accompanied by dynamic adjustments in gene expres- 1 LABORATORY OF EARLY MAmmALIAN DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY (LEMDB), sion and specification of the first three embryonic lineages. Two of DEPARTMENT OF MOLEcuLAR BIOLOGY & GENETicS, FAcuLTY OF SciENCE, UNIVER- them, the trophectoderm (TE) and the primitive endoderm (PrE) SITY OF SOUTH BOHEmiA, BRANIšOVSKÁ 31, 37005 ČESKÉ BUDěJOVicE, CZECH will give rise to extraembryonic tissues such as placenta and part REPubLic; 2 LABORATORY OF BIOCHEmiSTRY AND MOLEcuLAR BIOLOGY OF GERM of the yolk sac respectively. At the same time, a group of cells, the CELLS, INSTITUTE OF ANimAL PHYSIOLOGY AND GENETicS, CAS, RumbuRSKÁ epiblast (Epi), needs to be protected from the differentiation signals 89, 27721 LiběCHOV, CZECH REPubLic; 3 LABORATORY OF RNA BIOCHEmiSTRY, to assure development of the foetus. Dynamic crosstalk between DEPARTMENT OF GENETicS AND MicRObiOLOGY, FAcuLTY OF SciENCE, CHARLES the gene regulatory networks and the evolving architecture of the UNIVERSITY, VINičNÁ 5, 12844 PRAGUE 2, CZECH REPubLic; 4 CENTRAL EURO- mammalian embryo are notoriously difficult to study and currently, PEAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, MASARYK UNIVERSITY, 62500 BRNO, CZECH no easily accessible open-source tool exists that would allow for REPubLic; 5 DEPARTMENT OF EmbRYOLOGY, INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY large-scale, quantitative assessment of the changes in the cell AND BIOMEDicAL SciENCES, FAcuLTY OF BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, MIEC- microenvironment. With this in mind, we developed the quantifi- ZNikOWA 1, 02-096, WARSAW, POLAND cation pipeline IVEN (Internal Versus External Neighbourhood), an Keywords: mouse blastocyst, primitive endoderm differentiation, open-source and user-friendly software that can be used in con- regulation of translation junction with existing open-source image analysis software like ImageJ, as well as commercially available programs like IMARIS. Successful specification of the two mouse blastocyst inner cell mass With the use of IVEN, we studied the changes in cell neighbour- (ICM) lineages (the primitive endoderm (PrE) and epiblast) is a pre- hood architecture that accompany self-organisation and lineage requisite for continued development and requires active fibroblast formation in the mammalian embryo and revealed how modulation growth factor 4 (FGF4) signaling. Previously, we identified a role of signalling pathways can alter embryo geometry. for p38-mitogen-activated protein kinases (p38-MAPKs) during PrE differentiation, but the underlying mechanisms have remained T3. unresolved. Here, we report an early blastocyst window of p38- Is bigger also better? Functional comparison of somatic and MAPK activity that is required to regulate ribosome-related gene larger, embryo specific linker histone during early Drosophila expression, rRNA precursor processing, polysome formation and embryogenesis. protein translation. We show that p38-MAPK inhibition-induced László Henn 1, 2, Anikó Szabó 1,3, Balázs Vedelek 3, Imre M. Boros 1, 3 PrE phenotypes can be partially rescued by activating the transla- 1 INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEmiSTRY, BIOLOGicAL RESEARCH CENTRE, SZEGED, HUNGARY; tional regulator mTOR. However, similar PrE phenotypes associated 2 INSTITUTE OF GENETicS, BIOLOGicAL RESEARCH CENTRE, SZEGED, HUNGARY; with extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway inhibition 3 DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEmiSTRY AND MOLEcuLAR BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF targeting active FGF4 signalling are not affected by mTOR acti- SZEGED, HUNGARY vation. Moreover, we identify and verify translation related can- didate p38-MAPK effectors/ substrates and confirm their role in Keyworlds: Chromatin, linker histone, embryogenesis blastocyst maturation. These data indicate a specific role for p38- The earliest steps of animal development are driven by maternally MAPKs in providing a permissive translational environment during deposited gene products since transcription program is still inac- mouse blastocyst PrE differentiation that is distinct from classically tive. The zygotic genome activation is accompanied by a general reported FGF4-based mechanisms. 4 ABSTRACTS | ORAL PRESENTATIONS T5. and cell fate of rabbit isolated ICMs. Our study points to significant The detachment of the blastoderm-vitelline envelope interac- inter-species differences, most notably en extended period of ICM tion and blastoderm chirality potency to differentiate into TE lineage. Giulia Serafini 1, Marina Cuenca 1, Pavel Tomančak 1,2 We first identify GATA3 as an early marker of rabbit TE and CDX2 1 MAX PLANck INSTITUTE OF MOLEcuLAR CELL BIOLOGY AND GENETicS – as a marker of more mature TE, as CDX2 expression is initiated at MPI-CBG, DRESDEN, GERMANY; 2 CENTRAL EUROPEAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY mid-blastocyst stage. We then analyse developmental potential – CEITEC, BRNO, CZECH REPubLic of rabbit ICMs isolated by immunosurgery and subsequently cul- tured in vitro. ICMs originating from early- to mid-blastocyst stage Keywords: gastrulation, attachment, embryonic chirality embryos are able to re-form a blastocyst-like structure, with a func- Gastrulation is a complex and well-coordinated process that, tional TE, and an ICM containing both SOX2-positive epiblast cells through a precise combination of tissue rearrangements and cel- and SOX17-positive primitive endoderm cells. We further observe lular migrations, leads to the segregation of the germ layers in the that rabbit ICMs isolated form later blastocyst stages lose the ability developing embryo. Its principal issue is movement: both single cells for TE specification. Instead, these ICMs form a halo-like cavity with and tissues change dramatically their relative positions over time, an outer layer of SOX17-positive cells, indicating that the potential being strongly influenced by the interaction with their surround- for TE differentiation gives way to formation of a different type of ings. Of particular interest to us is the role played by the vitelline epithelial extraembryonic layer. envelope, the innermost layer of the eggshell. Our group recently described that integrin-mediated attachment of the blastoderm T7. to the vitelline envelope is required for the proper gastrulation of The role of activin A in the regulation of preimplantation both Drosophila melanogaster and Tribolium castaneum. The dis- development of mouse embryo ruption of the attachment dramatically alters gastrulation in both Eliza Winek 1,2, Katarzyna Szczepańska 1, Aneta Suwińska 1 organisms and in Drosophila the defect is scoreable as a twisted 1 DEPARTMENT OF EmbRYOLOGY, INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY AND BIO- gastrulation (TG) phenotype. Exploiting this, we searched for addi- MEDicAL RESEARCH, FAcuLTY OF BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF WARSAW, WARSAW, tional molecular players involved in the attachment besides integ- POLAND; 2 DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF EXACT AND NATURAL SciENCES, WARSAW, POLAND rins. Surprisingly, when quantifying the TG phenotype, we detected Keywords: activin A, mouse, blastocyst, cell lineages a bias in the handedness of the twist. This led us to hypothesize that the attachment could have the role of keeping the embryo Activin A, encoded by InhbA gene, is a protein belonging to the symmetric, preventing the germ band from following the intrinsic transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) family, which is known for its chirality of the tissue during germ band extension. Since the ear- involvement in the patterning of
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