ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT 173‐215 Paradise Road & 204 Learoyd Rd, Willawong Client: Uniland Pty Ltd Ref: S50033ER001 Ecological Assessment Date: 19th of August, 2015 Table of Contents ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................. ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................... 1 1.1 Site Description ........................................... 1 1.2 Review of Historical Aerial Photography .... 4 1.3 Proposed Development .............................. 4 2.0 METHODOLOGY .......................................... 6 2.1 Proposed Vegetation Survey Methodology10 3.0 ECOLOGICAL FEATURES ............................ 11 3.1 Geology and Topography .......................... 11 3.2 Flora .......................................................... 12 3.3 Fauna ......................................................... 29 3.4 Threatened Species ................................... 32 3.5 Significant Flora Species ............................ 32 3.6 Significant Fauna Species .......................... 35 3.7 Pests Plants ............................................... 49 3.8 Pest Animals .............................................. 52 4.0 ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION ............................ 53 4.1 Local Site Habitat Values ........................... 53 4.2 Regional Functionality and Corridor Connectivity 56 4.3 Water Quality Buffering ............................ 59 4.4 Oxley Creek Impoundment Erosion .......... 59 5.0 LEGISLATIVE AND PLANNING OVERVIEW . 60 5.1 International Agreements ......................... 60 5.2 Federal legislation ..................................... 61 5.3 State legislation ......................................... 62 5.4 Local Legislation ........................................ 69 6.0 POTENTIAL IMPACTS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 75 7.0 DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS ............ 81 8.0 REFERENCES .............................................. 83 Figures – Place Design Group RoL Plan (Drawing number 1115014_07 Rev C, 3rd August, 2015) Appendix A – EPBC Protected Matters Search Appendix B – Wildlife Online Search (DEHP) Appendix C – State Government Matters Appendix D – Local Government Matters Appendix E – Floristic Inventory Appendix F – Fauna Inventory Quality Control Prepared for: Uniland Pty Ltd Prepared by: S5 Consulting Pty Ltd (ACN 600 187 844) PO Box 602 Lutwyche, QLD, 4030 T 0481 367 555 www.s5consulting.com.au Date: 19/08/15 Version Description Date Author Verifier Approver 01 DRAFT 06/08/2015 Rikki Pieters Mary Timms Rob Siddle 02 FINAL 19/08/2015 Rikki Pieters Mary Timms Rob Siddle S5 Consulting Pty Ltd has prepared this document for the sole use of the Client and for a specific purpose, each as expressly stated in the document. No other party should rely on this document without the prior written consent of S5 Consulting Pty Ltd. These materials or parts of them may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose except with written permission from S5 Consulting Pty Ltd. Subject to these conditions, this document may be transmitted, reproduced or disseminated only in its entirety. ABBREVIATIONS AHD Australian Height Datum BAL Bushfire Attack Level BCC Brisbane City Council BONN Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals 1991 (or the BONN Convention) CAMBA China/Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 1988 CBD Central Business District CE Critically Endangered Cwlth Commonwealth DAF Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Qld) DBH Diameter at Breast Height DE Department of the Environment (Cwlth) DEHP Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (Qld) DIP Department of Infrastructure and Planning (Qld) DNRM Department of Natural Resources and Mines (Qld) Draft Koala SPRP Draft South East Queensland Koala State Regulatory Planning Provisions DSDLGP Department of State Development, Local Government and Planning (Qld) E Endangered EC Emerging Community EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cwlth) ESD Ecologically Sustainable Development EVNT Endangered, Vulnerable and Near Threatened FMP Fauna Management Plan ha Hectares HES High Ecological Significance IPA Integrated Planning Act 1997 IPR Integrated Planning Regulation 1998 IR Information Request JAMBA Japan/Australia Migratory Bird Agreement 1981 KADA Koala Assessable Development Area Koala SPRP South East Queensland Koala Conservation State Planning Regulatory Provisions KCA Koala Conservation Area KSA Koala Sustainability Area LGA Local Government Area M Migratory MLES Matters of Local Environmental Significance MNES Matters of National Environmental Significance MSES Matters of State Environmental Significance NALL Natural Assets Local Law 2003 NAPSP Natural Assets Planning Scheme Policy NC Act Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Qld) NT Near Threatened PMAV Property Map of Assessable Vegetation REF:S50033ER001 Paradise & Learoyd Road, Willawong Ecological Assessment QPWS Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service RoL Reconfiguration of a Lot RE Regional Ecosystem RMP Rehabilitation Management Plan ROKAMBA Republic of Korea Migratory Bird Agreement 2007 RU Rural QH Queensland Herbarium QLD Queensland SARA State Assessment and Referral Agency (Qld) SDAP State Development Assessment Provisions SL Special Least Concern SLT Significant Landscape Tree SNV Significant Native Vegetation SPA Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (Qld) SPP State Planning Policy SPR Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 (Qld) SPRP State Planning Regulatory Provisions TPZ Tree Protection Zone TRP Tree Retention Plan UKA Urban Koala Management Area V Vulnerable VC Vegetation Community VMA Vegetation Management Act 1999 (Qld) VMP Vegetation Management Plan WoNS Weeds of National Significance REF:S50033ER001 Paradise & Learoyd Road, Willawong Ecological Assessment 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION S5 Environmental as the Environment Services arm of S5 Consulting Pty Ltd was commissioned by Uniland Pty Ltd to conduct a detailed Ecological Assessment for the proposed development at 173-215 Paradise Road and 204 Learoyd Road, Willawong over 15 subject lots being Lots 1 and 2 on RP87500, Lots 5 - 10 and Lots 12 – 17 on RP75165 and Lot 18 on RP69231. The site has a total area of 54.11 hectares (ha) and will be herein referred to as the ‘Site’. This Ecological Assessment has been compiled as environmental supporting documentation for the Development Application over the Site. It is understood by S5 Environmental that the current proposal is for a Reconfiguration of a Lot (RoL) to accommodate a 324 lot subdivision with open space and parkland. The proposed subdivision lot boundaries are shown on the Place Design Group RoL Plan (Drawing number 1115014_07 Rev C dated 3rd of August, 2015) attached in the Figures Section of this report. The Development Application was lodged with Brisbane City Council (BCC) on 23rd of December 2008 and was ‘properly’ made on 4th of March 2009 (Reference No: A002229617). BCC issued its Acknowledgement Notice on 19th March 2009 and subsequently an amended Acknowledgement Notice was issued on 5th of May 2009. An Information Request (IR) was received on 30th of March 2009. The Development Application has been in an extended information request period since 2009. The purpose of this report is to provide: A description of the ecological condition and values of the Site; Investigate the presence and/or absence of Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NC Act) and Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) listed species and ecological corridor connectivity across the site and regional surrounds; and Identify the conservation planning constraints which apply and the measures which should be implemented in order to mitigate any adverse impacts of the proposed development (refer to Section 6.0). 1.1 Site Description The Site is located in the suburb of Willawong, which is within the Local Government Area of Brisbane City and is approximately 17 kilometres (km) to the south of the Brisbane CBD. Willawong is predominately comprised of detached residential dwellings, rural residential allotments and several large parcels of land historically used for agriculture and extractive industries. Land directly to the east of the Site and also fronting Paradise Road maintains a Light Industrial designation and is comprised of various associated uses. The BCC Willawong Waste Transfer Station is located approximately 1.5 km to the west of the Site and the Sydney-Brisbane Rail Corridor is located approximately 500 m to the west of the property. Other nearby amenities include schools, commercial outlets, parks and recreational facilities and transport and infrastructure corridors. REF:S50033ER001 Paradise & Learoyd Road, Willawong Ecological Assessment 2 The Site is bound to the east by Paradise Road; to the north by Learoyd Road and by greenfield areas associated with Oxley Wedge1 to the south and west. The Site is located in the easternmost corner of the Oxley Wedge and is surrounded by industrial and residential activities. Primary road frontage is to Paradise Road, with secondary road frontage provided from Learoyd Road. Historical uses of the Site include low intensity agriculture as well as a period of extensive sand mining which occurred between the early 1950s to the mid-1970s. A series of water bodies located in the western and southern portions of the Site are remnant indicators of former sand extraction in this area of the Site. The thirteen smaller parcels have previously been used for larger residential lots. The
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