MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN FOR THE YEARS 1773-1 828. VOLUME I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. MASON AND G. LANE, FOR THE METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBERRY-STREEt. J. Collord, Printer. 1840. Minutes for 1824. 419 MINUTES OF CONFERENCES for i&u. BISHOPS OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. WILLIAM M'KENDBEE, ENOCH GEORGE, ROBERT R. ROBERTS, JOSHUA SOULE, ELIJAH HEDDING. OHIO CONFERENCE. Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial ? Quest. 8. Who are the superannuated or morn-out ? Sylvester Dunham, George Waddle, preachers Ira Eddy, Alex. Cummins, Moses True Pattee, John A. Baughman, Robert Crume, Michael Ellis, Spencer, Job Wilson, Thomas Beacham, Robert W. Finley, John C. Brooke, — Alfred M. Lorain, Thomas Huson, Elijah Henry Baker, John Sale 8. Field, James M'Intyre, Isaac Ellsbury, Quest. 9. Who have been expelled from Robert Hopkins, Silas Colvin — 14. the connection this year ? None. Quest. 2. Who remain on trial ? Quest. 10. Who have withdrawn Billings O. Plimpton, John Crawford, from the connection this year ? Albert G. Richardson, Solomon Manear, None. John Jayne, Thomas Roe, George Gatch, James C. Taylor, Levi White, James T. Quest. 11. Were all the preachers' cha Donahoo, John Pardo—-11. racters examined ? This was carefully done, by calling Quest. 3. Who are- admitted into full over their names before the Conference. connection? Quest. 12. Who have died this year ? Whitefield Hughs, Richard Brandriff, Charles Trescott, —a native of Shef M. George Mealey, John Walker, William field, Massachusetts, who was born in Tipton, William H: Collins, Henry S. 1794, of — respectable parents, and early Fernandea 7. instructed in the principles of the Chris Quest. 4. Who are the deacons ? tian religion. At the age of eighteen he was awakened to a sense of the necessity Those marked thus (*) were ordained this year. of experimental piety, and some time in Whitefield Hughs,* Richard Brandriff,* the year following he was enabled to re George M. Mealy,* John Walker* Wm. joice in the hope of salvation, and became Tipton,* Henry S. Fernandes,* Charles a member of the Methodist Church. He Thorn, in William Simmons, James Collord, remained the church, first as a mem James Jones, Daniel Limerick, Henry ber, then an exhorter, and afterward as a Knapp, Zarah Coston, James Murray, local preacher, until 1820. Having re Nathan Walker— 15. moved to Ohio in 1818, he was received at the Ohio Conference in Quest. 5. Who have been elected and or Chilicothe, 1S20, as a preacher, and dained elders this year ? travelling ap pointed to Beaver circuit. In 1821 he Isaac C. Hunter, James Gilruth, Thos. was appointed to Erie circuit ; and in 1822 S. Hitt, William H. Raper, John P. Dur- he was admitted to deacon's orders, and bin, Abraham Lippet, T. R. Ruckel, appointed to Brunswick circuit, where he elect— 7. soon ended his days. He reached his Quest. 6. Who have located this year ? circuit on Saturday, the 22d of Septem Josiah Foster. ber, which was a few days after the Con ference, and on sabbath following he Quest. 7. Who are the supernumerary preached his first and last sermon to the preachers ? people of his charge. He was immedi Truman — Bishop, Thomas S. Hitt ft. ately seized with illness, but was not ap 420 Minutes for 1824. prized of his approaching dissolution. Whites. Col. Whites. Col. Having received some medical assistance, Brush Creek 814 3 Indian mission 202 he proceeded to the house of a friend in Burlington 345 StraightCreek6SO 7422 43 Brunswick, where he arrived on the fol Miami District. lowing Wednesday. Here he received 6638 44 Cincinnati 722 42 all necessary attention, and was supplied Miami 764 Lebanon District. Hamilton and with medical aid ; but his disorder, which Lebanon 183 Rossrille 95 the became was of bilious kind, inflamma Paint Creek 6U0 Oxford 875 tory, and it was soon perceived that his London 573 Greenville 426 illness would be severe. He bore his af Mad River 1162 32 White Water 825 fliction with Christian fortitude and pa Piqua 920 Lawrenceburg702 Milford 1255 Madison 968 tience, and much of his time in passed Union 1055 10 Connereville 357 1 prayer and praise. A few days before he " White Oak 1221 expired, he said, If I die I shall go to Detroit 161 5754 50 glory." He made all necessary regula RECAPITULATION. tions respecting his temporal concerns, Whites. Col. gave directions about his funeral, left Members in society this year 36348 193 several messages for his parents and last year 36193 179 friends, and said, " There is victory in death, and death in victory." At three Increase this year 155 14 o'clock on sabbath October 6, morning, Travelling preachers this year 122 1822, he expired, in full hope and confi last year 111 dence of eternal life. On Monday follow ing his remains were committed to the Increase this year 11 dust, and a sermon preached, according to Quest. 14. Where are the preachers sta his previous request, by Rev. Ezra Booth, tioned this year? to a large and affected congregation, on Martin Ruter, book agent, Cincinnati. Num. xxiii, 10 : Let me die the death of Ohio Dist. Cliarle* Elliott, P. Elder. the righteous, and let my last end be like Erie, John Summerville. his. During the short time he was a tra Mercer, Henry Knapp. velling preacher he applied himself to Grand River, Brunson, Robert study and labour, which rendered him Alfred useful in the vineyard of the Lord. He Hopkins. Youngstown, Samuel Adams, Sylvester was systematic in his preaching, and the Dunham. applications of his sermons were ener Hartford, Charles Thorn. getic and effectual. He rests from his Deerfield, Dennis Goddard, labours, and his works follow him. Elijah Field. Beaver, Ezra Booth, Albert G. Richard Quest. 13. What numbers are in Society ? son. Ohio District. Whites. Col. Newcastle, Thomas Carr, Job Wilson. Whites. Col. Zanesville Erie 262 town 206 12 Portland Dist. William Swayze, Mercer 533 — P. Elder. Grand Rivet 530 5986 20 Hudson, William H. Collins, Orin Gil- Youn^stown 777 Muskingum District. more. Deerfield Steubenville 285 Brunswick, Manear, Par Hudson 415 Cross Creek 949 Solomon John Jo. Brunswick 440 West-Wheel- Black River, Zarah Coston. Beaver 729 27 ing 865 9 Huron, True Pattee, James M'Intyre. Newcastle 452 Bamesville 1039 Wayne, John Graham, Isaac Elsbury. — Duck Creek 879 Canton, William Tipton. 4143 27 Marietta 419 Lancaster District. Athens 780 Mansfield, Shadrach Ruark, John Craw Hockhocking 324 Letart Falls 488 ford. Muskingum 760 Tuscarawas 701 Knox, Abner Goff, James C. Taylor. Fairfield 1130 MM _ Granville 690 6405 9 Lancaster Dist. Jacob Young, P. Elder. Knox 553 Scioto District. Fairfield, James Gilruth, Isaac C. Hun Mansfield 727 4 Columbus 1128 ter. Wayne 376 Pickaway 900 3 Hockhocking, Nathan Walker. Huron 334 2 Deer Creek 1123 0 Muskingum, John Stewart, Thomas Delaware 308 2 Scioto 974 24 Zanesville Salt Creek 422 Beacham. circuit 578 Chilicothc 252 8 Zanesville circuit, William Cunningham. Minutes for 1824. 421 Zanesville station, Leroy Swormstedt. Paint Creek, Benjamin Lawrence, George Granville, Edward Taylor, Henry S. Fer- Gatch. nandes. London, James Collord, Richard Brand- Columbus, Charles Waddle, Alfred M. riff. Lorain. Mad River, William Lamdin, John P. Delaware, Thomas M'Clary, James Roe. Taylor. Athens, Joseph Carper, Curtis Goddard. Piqua, George W. Mealy, John A. Baugh- Musjcingum Dist. John Waterman, „ man- P. Elder. Union, Arthur W. Elliot, Burroughs Steubenville, Henry B. Bascom. Westlake. Cross Creek, Archibald M'llroy, Samuel Milford, Samuel Baker, James Smith. Brockunier. White Oak, Daniel D. Davidson, Samuel West Wheeling, John M'Mahon, John West- Walker. Wilmington, Nehemiah B. Griffith. Barnesville, James M'Mahon, Thomas Miami Dist. John Strange, P. Elder. Ruckle. Cincinnati, Russell Bigelow, Truman Monroe, Abraham Lippet. Bishop, sup. Duck Creek, William Knox. Miami, Allen Wiley, William J. Thomp Marietta, Daniel Limerick, Philip Green. son. Tuscarawas, George Waddle. Hamilton and Rossville, Thomas S. Hut. Scioto Dist. Greenbury R. Jones, Oxford, Peter Stephens, James Jones. P. Elder. Greenville, James Murray, Silas Colvin. Pickaway, William Stevens, James T. Whitewater, John Everhart, Levi White. Donahoo. Lawrenceburg, William H. Raper, John Deer Creek, Zacariah Connel, James T. Jayne. Wells. Madison, John F. Wright, Thomas Hew- Chilicothe, Cornelius Springer. son. Scioto, James Havens, William Simmons. Connersville, Aaron Wood. Straight Creek, Andrew S. M'Lean. Detroit, Elias Pattee, Billings O. Plymp- Brush Creek, James Quinn, Robert Spen ton. cer. Conference missionary, David Young. Burlington, Whitefield Hughes. Wyandot mission, J. B. Finley, Jacob Letart, John P. Kent. Hooper. Salt Creek, William Page. Quest. 15. Where and when shall our Lebanon Dist. John Collins, P. Elder. next Conference be held ? Lebanon, John P. Durbin. At Zanesville, September 2, 1824. KENTUCKY CONFERENCE. Quest. 1 . Who are admitted on trial t Thomas Joiner, Richard D. Neal, James William M'Commas, Daniel Tevis, Browder, Lewis Parker, Laban Hughey, Richard Duncan, Nelson Dills, Thomas Presley Morris, Thomas Atterbury, Caleb Holliman, David Wright, Daniel Black, Crane, Jno. H. Power, Green Malone—17. Clement Clifton, H. H. Kavanaugh, New Quest, i. Who are the deacons ? ton G. Berriman, John S. Barger, George Those marked thus (*) were ordained this year. Richardson, Abraham Long — 13. Milton Jamison, Isaac Reynolds, James Quest. 2. Who remain on trial ? Avis, Francis Wilson, Amos Smith, Geo. Edwin Ray, George W. Robbins, Jas. Locke, James Biowder,* Henry Gregg, Milligan, Uriel Hawe, John Jones, John Lewis Parker,* Hervey Sawyers,* Peter P. Finley, John James, Henry W. Hunt, Akers,* Simon L. Booker,* Obadiah Har ber,* Major Stanfield, George Stephens — 10. Thos. Joiner,* Stephen Harber,* Wm. Chambers,* Edward Stevenson, Quest. 3. Who are admitted into full Esau Simmons, Blachley C. Wood, Luke connection ? P. Allen, Thos.
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