BELMAr PUB. LIBHARY 10TI ME., HX1AK ,N.J. 07719 THE COAST ADVERTISER Official Newspaper For Belmar, South BAmax, Wall Township, Spring Lak* Height*, Avon^by-the-Sea Seventh-sixth year — No. 11 — H Pages BEI.MAR, NEW JERSEY, 07719, THURSDAY, JUNE 1,1, 1!»«8 Ten Centa Recreation Commission Planning Belmar Sets Up Citizens Group Wall Township Committee to Fight Gala Fourth of July Celebration Beach Rulings Petitions Board Reported Contractor Bridge Action WA1J. TOWNSHIP - The Rec- skw, Municipal Building, Wall BELMAR - The Committee for WALJ. TOWNSHIP - There are ment would cost $96,200 a year to reation Commission Is completing Township. tiie Concerned Citizens of Belmar umors around that someone is operate, $129,500 for trucks, and For 1968 Season has written the Belmar Board of oing U> build a temporary bridge •limit $8,700 for landfill use, or plans for the Township's first BELMAR - With the opening Fourth of July Jubilee which will Preliminary judging for Miss Education asking what action has over the upper Manasquan River abiut $134,000 to purchase land- Wall will be held Wednesday, of the beachfront on June 22, the been taken regarding the deci- to haul gravel from Brick Town- fill property. begin with a parade and wind-up Belmar Board of Commissioners June 26, at 7 PJK in the Circle sion of Dr. Carl L Marburger, ship for the Route 35 Freeway in The heavy rains yesterday with a gala fireworks display Tuesday night set up rules for the Plaza Auditorium. state Commissioner of Education, Neptune, and Wall Township of brought out drainage complaints. Other scheduled events include operation of the beaches, both A $100 Savings Bond and a in 1967 on the division of students irijils are prepared to battle the George Seeley, Valley Drive, a contest for Miss Wall, an art ocean and river. trophy will be awarded Miss Wall. between Manasquan arid Asbury move in court. complained that the storm drain and a photo contest, costumed The Wall Township lions Chi) is The official bathing beaches are Park High Schools. Mayor John J. Goasner said the on his street was overflowing and square dancing and displays by donating the first place trophy. the 8th, 10th, 12th, 19th, 18th and "Subsequently, in March, a pe- Township Committee had investi- unable to carry off the water, military, business and civic organ- Second place in the contest will 20th Avenue areas, at the river tition indicating the opinion of gated the reports, had instructed causing flooding on his property izations. receive a $75 bond and trophy do- beach was set as the area at over 1.000 Belmar residents con- rownship Attorney William and Dr. Robert Doe, Bailey Road, cerning this situation was pre- The day-long series of events is nated by the Wall Township Kl the foot of L Street The river Nowels to investigate, and were complained of drainage problems sented to the Board. We expressed expected to become an annual af- wanis Club The Wall Wranglers beach also opens on June 22. prepared to seek an injunction if n his area. confidence in the ability of, the fair, according to Robert Fisk, are sponsoring the third place necessary. Mayor Gassner said the Com- The beaches will be open from Board to follow through on, the Jubilee coordinator, and a mem- trophy. A $25 Bond will be award- The report. Mayor Cassner said mittee planned on meeting with 9 a.m. until 5:il5 p.m., and the matter, since time was growing ber of the Recreation Commission, ed the third place winner. All st night, was that (iallo con- fogineer Thomas Birdsall to Commission set up rules govern- short. It was also decided aMbst Ihe official sponsor of the cele- bonds are to be awarded by the struction Co., involved In the con- check drainage problems and map ing the use of beach mats and surf meeting that a new legal counsel bration. Township Recreation Commission. struction of the Route 35 Freeway, out correctional work. The Red Oak Women's Club is boards. Surf mats may be used would be appointed by the Board. tod obtained property in Brick Mr Krumm also reported, at In past year, Township officials making Miss Wall's robe and will only in the area north of the 8th "In the two months that fol- Township from which to mine he request of Mrs. Ross Stauffer, and residents have participated in donate the Crown. Avenue beach and the area south lowed it does not appear that any jravel. Collingwood Park, on a wholesale Jury 4th activities in neighboring of the 18th Avenue Beach, and progress has been made, nor is Mayor Gaasnet said the con- bakery there using water without communities, but many resident* From 3 until 5 p.m., a Girl's only when posted for such use. there any indication that a legal raotor apparently was going to meter He said Ihe company have expressed a desire to start Talent Contest is scheduled for Surf boards may be used in the counsel has been selected. •aul it through Wall Township to nad been summoned, fined $60, a local celebration in Ihe inter- girls between the ages of 13 and area from the northerly line of the "Gentlemen, many parents, es- he Neptune site, and he said, "we charged $28 for the water, and ests of patriotism and civic pride, 19. 8th Avenue beach, north to Sth pecially those with children in the Lave ordinances against that." $30 for a meter. Mr. Kisk said. Avenue, and also only when past- 1968 Class, are awaiting this word The public will be invited to Because there is no bridge cap- He said municipal workmen ed for such use. and depending on your combined able of carrying the weight In the check twice a year to find per- The parade is scheduled to be- participate along with costumed efforts to settle this affair. Beach tags for the Shark River area, Mr Gassner said, he under- sons using water without a meter. gin at 12 noon. square dancers from clubs from "We can appreciate that legal beach will be $1 for the season, stood that the contractor was go- James McNamara, Mianesmk Lakewood to Asbury Park as advice is necessary to take what- Girls between the ages of 14 and the same price will be ing to construct his own "tem- Road, questioned the operation of Glenn Cooke's calling of the ever action is required to settle and 19 are eligible to enter the charged residents of South Bel- porary" bridge. And, said the iwo ice cream shops on Route dances will be from 5 P.M. until this issue to the satisfaction of competition for Miss Wall. En- mar and 'Wall Township desiring mayor, he can't find where any 35, opposite each thcr Mayor 7 P.M. A demonstration of wheel- all concerned. Time Is of the es- trants must be Township residents to use the beach. ik has been granted — lassner said he saw no objection, chair dancing wrll also he pre- sence! ! and single Information and entry sented. either from Wall, Brick, or theand felt "competition was good." blanks may be obtained by call- When only one bid, from Fred "It is, therefore, respectfully re- tote. He also noted they had been there The 'Recreation Commission ing 4484670, or by writing to McDowell, Wall Township, was re- quested that you expedite your But, whatever, said the mayor, for two years without previous said events planned for the young- "Miss Wall" Recreation Commis- ceived (or road maintenance and consideration of this important Wall Township isn't going to per- complaint . sters include pony rides, games, repair materials, the Commission problem in behalf if the current mit the hauling of gravel under Mayor Gassner said the Town- a band contest and a kite flying decided to reject the bid and re- Graduating Class." such circumstances. ship was filing a request with the contest. The next Board meeting will be advertise. SWORN IN - Spring Lake Heights Municipal Clerk Robert K. The Township Committee grant- state Department of Conservation Pride in local activities and in- on June 20, and, the committee Event to Honor Notice of a petition by the Morris, right, administers Ihe oath to Police Chief Robert Worth- ed a constract to Fred McDowell, and Economic Development for dustry will be the informal theme said, "this Is the last opportunity IInc. , here, to supply road main- Green Acre funds to develop of exhibits sponsored by local Coast Cities Coaches to Ihe Pub- Ingtoa. Chief VVorthlnglon had been acting In the post since the to persuade the Board to pursue tenance and repaiir materials fof r recreational areas hi the town- clubs, businesses and civic or- lic Utility Commission, seeking retirement of former Chief George Newman. Chief Newman re- Mrs. Cubbon the action necessary to settle the the Township on its low bid of ship. ganization. an increase in bus rates, was re- tired In May after 20 yean Berries. BELMAR — Plans are under- situation to the satisfaction of $2».20B«5. There were two other Because of construction work Featured will be displays by the ceived. The Belmar Board will way by the Belmar Elementary of the parents." bidders on the Township Hall — apparent- Army, Navy, National Guard, Civ- take up tlie matter with the Board School and community leaders lor The J. DeLisa add Son Company ly much needed as the roof leaked il Defense, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts of Education and confer on joint a dinner honoring Mrs. Anna Cub- was granted the contract to col- all through last night's meeting — and the local fire companies and action.
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