Patented July 17, 1934 1,966,460 ' UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE - \‘ . 1.966.460 MANUFACTURE or mLx-conmmmd monuc'rs. Herbert E. Otting, Welter-ville, Ohio, aaaignor to M. & R. Dietetic Laboratories, Inc» a corpora tion of Ohio No Drawing. ‘Application August :8, 1931, Serial , No, 560,050. Renewed October 11, 1933 13 Claims. (01. 99-—11) The present invention relates to improvements in the manufacture of milk-containing products While I may employ lipase in the treatment and more particularly in the manufacture of of the butter-fat containing material in accord confections such as milk chocolate, butter-cream ance with this'invention, I prefer to employ a 6 candies, various bakery products and the like, in suitable lipolytic enzyme which is-more readily which a distinctive and permanent butternut. commercially available, such as steapsin, derived 60 milk-like ?avor is desired in the ?nal product, from the pancreatic glands of edible animals. and likewise in the manufacture of milk prod I have found the following procedure suitable ucts for use in the preparations of such mate for use in e?ecting the lipolysis of the butter-fat l0 rials. ' containing material.- - > > ‘In the manufacture of milk chocolate and A separated cream, suitably containing in ex- 65 other confectionery in which a distinctive milk cess of 15% butter-fat and preferably about or butter ?avor is desired, there has been con 40%, is heated to 190° F. for a short pe siderable variability in the ?avors developed in riod to reduce as far as is possible its content 15 the ?nal product when using milk solids or other of bacterial organisms, particularly of the non butter-fat-containing materials from different spore forming type. The cream is then cooled 70 sources, or even different lots from the same to between 100° and 110° F. and is inoculated source. Furthermore, in some cases, when the with a suitable proportion of powdered 'steapsin,z chocolate or other material is ?rst made and has previously thoroughly dissolved in a small quan 20 the desired distinctive milk or powder ?avor, the tity of water._ The proportion of steapsin used latter is found to be unstable or evanescent in is determined to secure the desired extent' of 75 character, and to disappear after a short time. I lipolysis. In general, from 0.05% to 0.2 %' is suf have found that, by operating in accordance ?cient, and I have found about 0.1% of an aver with the present invention, the development of age commercial product to be adequate in the 25 the desired milk or butter ?avor may be con treatment of 40% butter-fat cream. The cul- I trolled, a' substantially constant product se tured cream is maintained between 100° 'and 110° 30 cured, and the desired ?avor characteristics F. for a period su?icientvto secure a develop stabilized in the final product. ment of at least 5 to 6%, and preferably about In accordance with the present invention, I 12 to 13% of free fatty acids (calculated as oleic so employ in the preparation of the chocolate or acid). Ordinarily. a culture period of about 7 other material a milk product containing at twenty-four hours is su?icient to secure the de- 85 least part of its butter-fat content in lipolyzed sired development of free ‘fatty acids. It is form. The lipolysis of the butter-fat may be readily apparent that when a higher proportion eifected by bacterial action or preferably by the of free fatty acids is desired to be secured, the 35 use of lipolytic enzymes. While the lipolytic period of lipolysis maybe extended or the pro action may be carried-out on'th'e whole milk portion of the lipolytic enzyme increased. 90 or other liquid milk product which is to be used After the desired proportions of free fatty ither'as such or in evaporated or desiccated form ' acids have been developed, the treated cream, as a constituent in the manufacture of the choco preferably after dilution to about 20% fat ,con-_ 40 late or other confection or food material, I pre tent, is heated to a temperature such that the fer to carry out the lipolysis upon a more con lipolytic enzyme is destroyed. ' This may be ab- 95 centrated butter-fat-containing material, such complished by heating to a temperature of 150° as cream or an arti?cial emulsion of butter-fat to 160° F. for about thirty minutes. The‘ lipo which is later incorporated in any suitable man lyzed material is then ,cooled to about 120° F. 45 nor with the milk ?uid to be used, either in its or lower, and may then be incorporated with original or desiccated form; or the lipolyzed but milk, skim milk another milk ?uids‘to secure a 100 ter-fat containing material may be separately desired ?nal product which may be incorporated evaporated or desiccated and the resulting prod uct admixed with other milk ?uids, or- evaporated into the chocolate or other constituents of, the 50 or desiccated products therefrom. The desired ?nal product as such; or it may be evaporated or dried, to ya powder, and the evaporated‘ or proportion of the lipolyzed butter-fat containing 105 material may be incoi‘poratedon such a basis dried product may be mixed with thevother con with respect to the total of milk solids as to stituents of vthe food product such as chocolate, secure, to any desired extent, the characteristic butter-creams, or the like. “In general, the vmill: as milk or butter ?avor in the ?nal product. ?uid constituents combined with the lipolyzed butter-fat product are proportioned so that the ‘no 2 1,966,460 latter constitute from 5 to 10% of the milk solids milk, as set forth more fully in my prior ap in the ?nal product. pllcation above referred to. For example, such The following example sets forth a speci?c a product is particularly desirable in the manu \operation in accordance with this invention, it lecture of chocolate, as thereby a more et 5 being understood that the details set forth are iective blending of the fat constituents of the not intended to be regarded as limitations upon milk solids and 01 the chocolate is secured on the scope of the invention, but as merely illus- ' conching. For example,_ a milk chocolate batch may be trative thereof. 325 pounds of 40% butter-fat cream are heat prepared by conching 12 to 25% and suitably 15 10 ed to a high temperature for destruction of bac to 16% of the powder product above described. teria, say 190° F., for approximately thirty min containing about 26.5% butter-tat, with 9 to utes and are then cooled to from 103 to 105° F., 10% cocoa mass, 45 to 50% sugar and 22 to 28% cocoa butter. The mixture is subjected to the and are inoculated with 151 grams of steapsin usual mixing and re?ning operations in the man dissolved in a small amount of water. The tem 35 perature is maintained for a period sufficient for ufacture of chocolate and is round to have a the development of the desired amount of free definite and slightly accentuated milk, or butter fatty acids. At the end of twenty-two hours, ?avor which is permanent and stable and does not disappear in the further handling of the titration showed the content .of free fatty acids milk chocolate, for example, in casting, dipping, (calculated as oleic acid) to be 13.1%, the cream or in storage of the ?nal product. It will be 95 20 at this time having a highly penetrating, ac readily apparent that the lipolyzed butter-fat centuated, butter-like odor. The _ lipolyzed material may be incorporated into the chocolate cream is then diluted with 50% of its weight in mixture or other alimentary product in its origi water and heated to 155° F. for thirty minutes to destroy the enzymes and cooled. nal form, without concentration of its solids, and The admixture of the solids of the lipolyzed if the removal of part or all of its water content 100 cream andithe other milk solids which are de is desired, it can be e?ected during the prepara sired to be incorporated in the ?nal elementary tion and mixing of the chocolate or other mate rial, as is frequently customary. product may then be e?ected in any desired In" carrying out the lipolysis in accordance manner. For example, the lipolyzed cream prod with the present invention, it is preferred that 1915 uct produced as above described may be cooled the butter-fat containing ?uid be subjected to somewhat, say to about 120° F. and mixed with the action of the lipolytic enzymes while in non a concentrated or evaporated skim milk (con alkaline state, as I ?nd that thereby the develop densed 31/2 to 1) containing 2,220 pounds of ment of foreign or undesirable ?avors such as solids, the resulting fluid then being dried in soapiness or tallowy ?avor may be avoided. no any desired manner, for example, in a centrifu The butter-fat containing ?uids subjected to gal or pressure spray drier, to a powder. The total yield of the powdered product amounts to lipolysis in accordance with this invention may be, instead of a cream of other natural fat-con 2,370 pounds of solids containing 5.4% butter taining product, an emulsion prepared from but fat. The resulting low fat powder is then uti us lized in the formation of a composite milk pow ter-fat, or it may, if desired, contain varying der having its butter-rat and total solids in sub proportions of other fats as well.
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