t r 4 Me 1 Maine t fiI PADUCAU MVKHItfG sUN wATtrnnAV MAV ft 1 L I I L 1 r L adI4ll1 I I IJrL I Will Start the ti of Are a Few of the Centers Attractions in This Sale A o = 1 T C 10 r 1 f MALI nv xuv BIIKSoL Ttllt HAM OK MMW MOIIAIH AM- terns for only IBc Theyll help you 2 These dross skirls nro fresh from Till sizes aro 3 12 3 112 d4 I InfllNIt IWICWH CiOODS 1M greatly tie beAt D r AX RivingYou the maknrs They are not only 117and Wo bollevn that mostt tnndn possible through the nhxloty of OTIIKIt tKNTKItI Ol ATTIIA 1Se VOIM AT I0c rnrlmcnt ono of extraordinary Intor right In every other way but ore par mothers will like theso shoes rTillI eat Ypu will It stocked with llcularly right In n price way ii nnd ft silk firm to get our future buslnnsa TlOV IN OUR MAYI HAM It happened thin way They were UMtfWAMY IliKAT Roods and assortments that am not A MAYI OK HIIOKM- t gelling shipped us by mistake They came n HAM HUMMCU MKNH HUITH We hnvo been nnd tire now fig great lIRA been the demand tot found elneVhere You will not only V1tdittii MaySaleAM OVhOltns FOIl UOMK- onlyryou silks nt under prices Every path stylish up to goods flout It weaves Made oft materials are now date dress that with fashionable and Nciiiinituv ANDMIIV that lean la the very newest The quail wo count ourselves fortunate In get payfreight colorings but with thin lowest prlcei arid attractive Them materials arms persuaded tin with n very low price to Time nre guaranteed Tho must denlra ting these new stylish unit new lasts In brown and tan the latest and newest Myles In wraVH+ tlfs things for this take them Tho caso comprises best rfiliins ever given t bio width Isl 30 Inches because wldn sale They are elbowing shoes and Oxfords are here Womens unit color mlxliUes hero nnd vlo InJcF colors nnd ovonlntc shades ittiAtty ix wiJAit HKIIITH ioie These mans J width cuts to such good ndvnntngo log with pretty now nnd mens dressy shoes are here suits arc exceptionallyI well tho silks for They a great bargain lOc TIII MAY HAM Wo nro selling these wide of your recognition Uesldhs Aro at nnd Womens extraordinarily ftoxlbld Nowhere else will you llnd s widths then are we you will give thn such t guaranteed 98c to scores hope that them or In sole shoes and Oxfords with different IlInllct at of aunrltlea f 1a other dress goods bargains appreciation1 their rent value merits There are hundreds skirts WOIIIi yard Such prices put silk In rench In this nnle this big stock and more thnii n limn Inca and heels made especially for everybody Tide la n allk oppor ¬ TIII TiAiuiKST MiiowiNti ANn tired to home comfort wear arc hero j of MOAlilfl RTVMHII 1ATTIWXH styles from which choose Its tunity that should not bo thrown MOST VrtltlMI AHSOIlTMKNTrt nn extraordinary collection of skirts An OrwlKsburg mnnufactnror Inns away This great assortment Includes In connection with Iho sale ot OK KHALMUIt MAHII IWKHH of superior workmanship perfect fit tent Us n big lot of Infant flexible compare our nnd MSGO J LV I I guaranteed blacks and the most sty ¬ silks woolen and wash dress goods HTUITM IAimtttll ting anti that has stylo anti dash turned sole Micros made with patent 7f0tf0 changeable we you bo riOt n lish effects and checks offer McCalls stylish pat Ate horn anti nt prices that make about thorn leather tips to sold nt pair jIttrntI t Ji North Third Streetfwhere I HALF SQUARE FROM BROADWAY I I Department Harbours Store r I + 1 ImII1I IIOAItl The board desires that they work In ¬ And More Beautiful Than Ever KEEP POSTED cessantly and clean lii tho city nil Tim following ne iinori tlcllt creel to tiny part of the rllyr No ttra HiiM MwllitK nml ThniikN Pity Of soon as possible and they are In Millinery Bought Way i tidal rust Other especially for the Great Sale structcd to report all failure to IiiNew Herald St Louts Chronicle m dimply with the requirementsI of lime J Louis nioboDemocrat limo hoard of mol last night St health law so tho board may prosecute Scll1lllnrI end adopted1 resolutions big concessions Memphis CommercialAppeal of thanks Pondley Mrs Harbour had been notified of some that were to be made in prices ItrI nod appreciation to tho legislative President wilt attempt to Hearsts Chicago American hnvo the nnd street depart stylish fashionable millinery made a hurried trip to market spent May 2d in buying boards Mayor Yolsnr time newspa ¬ mnor on I Kxnmlner Louisville livening Times mcnl olDclals meet with of for- pers and nil who have the board some big lots of attractive millinery at less than half what it has been made to sell rillunoI Nashvlllo American assisted the pad Bomothlng hoard In any way In Its work health have done Wo nboyj newspapers your ¬ t Then purchases are here and will go to you at a great saving in the price MrsHar are prepared to deliver any or the to door about tfurfaco dralnngo In some por I purchases included the largest assortment we have yet shown of chiffon hats I every day Should the newsboy miss you call up rIf It old phone Dud Tho resolution wore ndopled to bours lucky paper will be sent by special show tho appreciation to tho boards fine and hairbraid hats In addition to her big purchase of dressy messen- Tuscan hats and satin gerWIUHBLJVI and mayor for placing the control stop thorn up resulting In standing hats she made a arge purcha e of shirtwaist and tailor made hats for street wear s There FERRIMAN of sanitary officers In time Mantis of water 311 Broadway KAK Old Pliotie of fheavy hats indeed and in such profusion and variety that it would seem that the board health and In other are here so many ways aiding time board In bettering Ho report every taste could be suited We are showing larger number of hats from our own work tho Military conditions of the city who started the matches nro matte In heaven willbath Tho toome> than ever before hats that vie in beauty and are often preferred to the original pattern sanitary Inspectors tool with tho board anti wore given moro In ¬ probably never got n harp unit > If you want a dressy hat we can supply it if you want a hatt with Individualstyle hats structions relative to their work crown and character about it we can supply it if you want a hat that possesses charm and beauty we can supply it If you prefer a hat that is a perfect masterpiece workmanship we are i if only modest plain street hat then too we have your iurs to supply it but Its a wants tIt Ladies Telephone It May Sale will be a great saving to our customers 315 > < T Prices Tlic simplicity Bi lur L B OGIL toco yntds of t7 + of VIE I Uuttetlck Vatt Iticlm P II A 1r ft ItJ A term Miures the Iawu lit 2fc- very I + heat remit peryanl I4 Old CO I t 0- PhoneI ft J Jl 0 HARBOURS f D M E NT AT E PA R T + I i STORE Tailored Suitst REDUCTIONSGREATII no x m f 11- 44 I Electric Chandeliers IY l Those who have not yet selected their spring t r Electric Chandeliers and fixtures large dig P costumes will find remarkable opportunities wait i 3 ing themt I hereI thist I week vVe can I play Call and see our new display room t posttlve J Unusual Offer 1you that at the prices quoted below vr arc offering I4- a An ¬ I of on the styles and ideas that cannot be reproduced any We give you a course TwentyFive Lessons Guitar or 4 Co IIIi p Foreman Bros Novelty in II y a selection of for where the itl Mandolin and choice of line most excellent instruments 1250Ir c n payable 300 cash down when you take the instrument and 300 eachmonth 122 INCORPORATEDPhone 24 Brnarlwav 757 i Ladles 2000 Walking Suits i until paid tji Reduced to I CttyI TO 25O WHAT THIS OFFER MEANS r YOU j Ladles 2500 Walking Suits I Reduced to 1 d very fine trout ItYI get a tone qnaiterBawel oak Guitar wets are and are worth JS 50 to io oo Ilnt You tine I 1500 t anywhere You get them by paying price t + bound trout and back edge and around soaud bole with t of I y I white celluloid and Inlaid purging or uipnfbThird from one neof beat y the and Mandolin rib CITY TRANSFER COI l SecondYou get a fine Rosewood 23 most experienced leacheia iu Iaducah at practically no f with n rich tone There Insitu cost to you Economical Wash Goods 444 a beautiful instrument + Now located at It II- f Ir 1 t Glaubers Stable- Eloquent ValuesGreatest Wash Goods Bargains Ii City 49- L We are ready for Ml Kinds of hauling in the H TELEPUONF 499 t s I II t Sea Island Cotton Bleached Cotton o m t nI 40 Niche wide goo rjunll 2000 VlM extra qunlhy ltieaclied i I 7 I r + cotton 7c Cotton 36 Indira DepartmentIi jww 1mI1iW11IlI1tAllrvxuyyyyyy uwJV ww> i WWWW ytybrown Amoskaeg Ginghams m byt entorprlso i Arnolds J i 1UQCKSSION omploycd the immense vention and tremendous volume and I trJ IUIMIU t f II time Taffetatrt I cages bo tuldean floats with pId II re qua rt- E Allwidenew njirnij I ntternn Many of the animal will J i I ¬ COlLS- a KroiiplnKfl of racial typos alit a hun r 7c nullI shaded 1 t Tlirec Mlles ot fJlltttrliiK Tinsel mid open and the little folks will have V checks in all color 1cJ1IrII Auld Koivi UKliHIU Bpeclalj division tar delight tired and one other Items nine of Vf With the thor 1 ii- t CjrcUH anti borlhboned ponies and which are familiar and many moro jUlti Fend Port g Silk Mull graven conntcrfolts of fairyland refreahlngly novel and fanclnatlng r l ifjooynrdi Ii Ilcnutliul of colors I tfancy which Tho Great Ideals with roily = poly clowns aro era woven Into tho three mllea of lint iprlog Wr and 1 rho parade with tr+ ONPlumbing z5c 10c sr nonfljilciiotia In procooHloiml RlorleH Moro on Vodi colon Adam KorpjmtiRh rural Soils Hrothers faclora this unction S liesday May 10th Euoniiciii 81if W8 will begin la nn
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