QUQUQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64, No. 182 THURSDAYTHURSDAY,, JANUARYJANUARY 3,3, 20120199 50¢50¢ LILI LawyersLawyersEx-Counselor Charged Charged UEENS WithWithSues DefraudingDefrauding Employer Q ClientsClients for for Millions Millions ByBy Jonathan Jonathan Sperling Sperling For DiscriminationQueensQueens Daily Daily Eagle Eagle TheyThey were were hired hired to to practice practice the the law law — — not not breakbreak it. it. ODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a TODAY InNow twoFederal recently disbarred Court lawyers from a T former Long Island law firm are facing multiple former Long Island law firm are facing multiple — JANUARY 3, 2019 — grand larceny Bycharges David and Brand a scheme to defraud — JANUARY 3, 2019 — grand larceny chargesQueens andDaily a Eaglescheme to defraud chargecharge for for allegedly allegedly pilfering pilfering more more than than $7 $7 million million ««« fromAn the ex-employee settlements of dozensa Long ofIsland clients, substance Queens ««« from the settlements of dozens of clients, Queens FARPARENTS ROCKAWAY IN DISTRICT MAN STABBED 30 ARE TO abuseDistrict rehab Attorney facility Richard is suing A. hisBrown former announced employer on FUMING OVER SCHOOL BUS ISSUES DistrictforThursday. disability Attorney Brown discrimination Richard was appointed A. Brown — ato announcedyear the aftercase asonthe a DEATHFUMING IN LAST OVER REPORTED SCHOOL MURDER BUS ISSUES OF 2018 Thursday. Brown was appointed to the case as a NumerousA 21-year-old problems man with was school stabbed bus drivers to death have facilityspecial prosecutorsettled an byage the discrimination Office of Nassau suit County with Numerous problems with school bus drivers have specialDistrict prosecutor Attorney by Madeline the Office Singas of Nassau in orderCounty to parentsoutside anda Far school Rockaway children McDonald’looking for sanswers on New in another ex-employee. Longparents Island and schoolCity. The children incidents looking were for so answersbad for thein Districtavoid any Attorney conflict Madeline of interest. Singas in order to Year’s Eve. It was the last reported murder in avoid Nicholas any conflict Elgar of interest., a Certified Alcohol residentsLong Island of DistrictCity. The 30 incidents and PS 384Q,were so they bad heldfor thean andThe Substance defendants Abuse— 60-year-olds Counselor-trainee Mitchell 2018. Devonte Brandon, of Falcon Avenue, LenchnerThe defendants and Corey Kaye,— 60-year-olds both of Long Mitchell Island — emergencyresidents of Districtmeeting 30 withand PSthe 384Q, Department they held anof (CASAC-T), filed a lawsuit against Seafield wasemergency found withmeeting multiple with stabthe woundsDepartment to theof Lenchnerwere served and Coreywith criminal Kaye, both complaints of Long Islandstemming — Education, according to ABC7. In addition to Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory Center Inc. in Brooklyn Federal Court in skippingchestEducation, around stops, according 9:30 leaving p.m. kidsto on ABC7 atMonday, school. In andpoliceaddition dropping said. to werefrom served allegations with thatcriminal they defraudedcomplaints 29 stemming clients be- Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory January 2018 accusing Seafield of violating the offBrandon,skipping kids at stops, the21, wrong wasleaving taken stops, kids toparents at St.school John’s tell andstories Hospitaldropping of a 5- fromtween allegations January 2010that they and defrauded May 2018 29 at clients the since- be- year-oldwhereoff kids heat giving the was wrong hispronounced bus stops, driver parents dead.directions, tell storiesRead multiple ofmore a 5- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tweenAmericansshuttered January law with 2010 firm Disabilities and of MayKaye Act2018 & of at Lenchner.1990. the since- If driversaboutyear-old the heading giving murder histhe on buswrong page driver 2.direction directions, on one-waymultiple FromLasak left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shuttered convicted,Elgar. law theywho firm faceis ofdiagnoseda minimumKaye & with ofLenchner. one Attention year toIf a streetsdrivers andheading one driverthe wrong refusing direction to help on kids one-way buckle FromJustice left, Gregory Administrative Lasak; Presiding Judge of Justice, the Supreme NY Supreme Court, Court, Civil Division, Appellate Jeremy Division, Weinstein; Randall NYS Eng; Supreme Queens County Court convicted,Deficitmaximum Disorder,they of 25 face years wasa minimum inallegedly prison. ofdemoted, one year denied to a seatstreets belts. and “This one driveris a crisis refusing for any to parent help kidswhose buckle child JusticeSurrogate Gregory Court Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter Kelly. Justice, See NYmore Supreme coverage Court, on pages Appellate 15 and Division, 16. Randall Eng;Eagle Queens photo by County Andy Katz maximumovertime ofpay 25 yearsand confrontedin prison.Continued with on“unequal page 7 is affected, and the city of New York and the mayor terms and conditions” of employment, according seat belts. “ThisEAGLE is POLLa crisis REVEALS for any parent HOW whose child Surrogate Court Judge Peter Kelly. See more coverage on pages 15 and 16. Eagle photo by Andy Katz Continued on page 7 andis affected, the DOEREADERS and need the city toPRONOUNCE beof Newhandling York LIRRthis and asthe if mayor it’s a to court documents. He was ultimately fired. crisis,” said City Councilmember Jimmy Van andIs the it DOE“El Eye,need toDouble be handling Are,” this“El asEye if it’sAre a Elgar named Seafield Outpatient Executive Bramer.crisis,” Parentssaid City said Councilmemberthat at their emergency Jimmy meeting Van Eastern District for New York Judge Joseph Bianco presides over a lawsuit EmptyDirector Lynn Doris Courthouse as a defendant in the suit. ThursdayAre” or “Lerrrrrr?”night, it was That’sestablished what that the any Queens school alleging that Long Island rehab facility Seafield violated the Americans with DailyBramer. Eagle Parents sought said that to atfind their out emergency last week meeting when Empty Courthouse withThursday persistent night, issues it was would established get a new that busany service.school Disabilities Act of 1990. Eagle file photo by Rob Abruzzese Continued on page 13 Thewe askedcurrent our service, readers Grandpa’s on Twitter Bus howCompany, they with persistent issues would get a new bus service. Full of History releasedpronounced a statement the abbreviationapologizing for forthe incidentsthe Long and By Clarissa Sosin assuringIslandThe current Rail that Road service,there (LIRR). is aGrandpa’s zero-tolerance After moreBus Company, policythan 100 for Full Queensof History Daily Eagle lawbreakingvotes,released the a statement results and leaving apologizingare in: children 43 forpercent inthe danger. incidents of voters They and Inside the ByQueens Clarissa County Sosin Courthouse in Long assuring that there is a zero-tolerance policy for Queens Daily Eagle alsosay Elset Eye up Aretelephone Are, while hotlines 39 percentfor any reported parents Island City a janitor cleaned the second floor bathroom, experiencinglawbreaking andissues: leaving 718-475-7585, children in 718-475-7586, danger. They Tragic Traffic Deaths Mara loneInside security the Queens guardNew watched County the Courthouse frontYear’s door in while Long his saying “El Eye, Double Are.” In last place, also set up telephone hotlines for any parents Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat andwith 718-475-7587. just 18 percent of the vote, was “Lerrrrrr.” experiencing issues: 718-475-7585,««« 718-475-7586, a chattinglone security with guardvisitors watched on the the empty front doorbenches while of his his Followand 718-475-7587. the Eagle on Twitter at @QueensEagle colleaguescourtroom. took their lunch breaks and a judge sat for moreQUEENS polls TURNS and Queens««« RURAL communityTHIS WEEKEND news. In Jackson Heights and chattingElsewhereThe withdark hallways,visitors on normally the empty bustling benches with ofpeople, his FOR THE COUNTY FAIR courtroom.sat mostly empty during a lull Wednesday, leaving signs TheQUEENS annual TURNS Queens RURAL County THIS Fair WEEKEND is coming to of theThe building’s dark hallways, richBy historyDavid normally out Brand bustlingin the open with for people, visitors Floral Park Sept.FOR 22-23, THE COUNTY and they’re FAIR bringing a jam- satto mostlyadmire empty duringQueens a lull Daily Wednesday, Eagle leaving signs FIREFIGHTER CUFFED The pillared façade of the English Renaissance- packedThe schedule annualFOR Queens FATALof family-friendly HIT-AND-RUNCounty Fair rural is activitiescoming toto of the Despitebuilding’s arich record-low history out in numberthe open forof visitors traffic the city. Hayrides, pie-eating, corn husking contests, tostyle deathsadmire building in 2018, sits overlookingNew York CourtCity streetsSquare remainPark in FloralA Parkveteran Sept. 22-23,firefighter and they’re was bringing arrested a jam- on Long Island City near the intersection of Jackson and carnival rides, blue ribbon competitions and much The pillared façade of the English Renaissance- Sundaypacked schedule for leaving of family-friendly the scene of an rural accident activities that to Thomsona dangerous Avenues. place According for pedestrians to a plaque and outside cyclists the morethe city. will Hayrides, be available. pie-eating, “[The faircorn is] husking great for contests, all ages style— buildinga bleak
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