S4400 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE April 28, 1999 procedures can often be tragic, and I ask that the article from our local countless members who would not be they are always preventable. To pre- newspaper, The Times Argus, be print- making tremendous contributions to vent more tragedies on the job, we've ed in the RECORD. the Agency if not for her help, encour- got to make sure workers can join The article follows: agement, and motivation along the unions without employer interference [The Times Argus, April 8, 1999] way. or intimidation, we must help protect VILLA TRAGARA HONORED BY ITALIAN Mr. President, I am proud and hon- whistleblowers who call attention to ACADEMY, GOVERNMENT ored to ask my colleagues to join me in dangerous working conditions, and WATERBURY CENTERÐThe Villa congratulating Ms. Ruby McMillen on above all we've got to fight back Tragara Ristorante of Waterbury Center has her retirement from the Federal Civil against attempts in Congress to weak- been awarded ``Insegna Del Ristorante Service.· en OSHA laws. Italiano'' meaning ``The Emblem of Excel- f I do not understand the yearly as- lence'' in Italian Cuisine. The award has been presented by the pres- TRIBUTE TO THE AMERICAN sault on worker safety in Congress. GATHERING OF JEWISH HOLO- Again this year, the Safety Advance- tigious Italian Academy of Cuisine, located in Rome. CAUST SURVIVORS ment for Employees Act, or SAFE Act Villa Tragara chef/owner Antonino · Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I rise has been introduced. This legislation DiRuocco, born in Capri, Italy, and his part- to have printed in the RECORD, the re- takes away a worker's right to an on- ner and wife, Patricia, are scheduled to fly to site inspection to investigate a hazard, Rome for festivities that include presen- marks made by Benjamin Meed, Presi- or permitting OSHA to issue warnings tation of the award April 10±12. dent of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance instead of citations. This bill isn't Festivities include a trip to the Vatican, Organization, on the 56th anniversary OSHA re-form, it's OSHA de-form. This the Italian Senate and the ``Quirinale,'' of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Mr. bill would more appropriately be home of the Italian president. Meed made these remarks to the Con- DiRuocco will be presented his award April named the ``UNSAFE'' act. gregation Emanu-El in New York City. 12 by Signor Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, Italy's The material follows: Mr. President, I will work with my president. REMARKS OF BENJAMIN MEED colleagues to fight back any attempt Restaurants throughout the world are to weaken the protection of Wiscon- judged on authenticity of the culinary art, Governor Pataki, Senator Schumer, Mayor sin's workers. It's time to move the creativity and presentation. A separate Giuliani, Comptroller Hevesi, Members of the U.S. Congress, Ambassador Sisso of workplace forward to the 21st Century, award is presented for wines and spirits. Villa Tragara will be one of 80 restaurants Israel and Members of the Israeli Consulate, not back to the dark ages. State and City Officials, Members of the New worldwide to receive the award.· I am proud to stand with this coun- York Legislature, Boro President, Distin- try's workers in the fight for the dig- f guished Guests, fellow survivors, and dear nity, respect and safe workplace they TRIBUTE TO MS. RUBY B. friends. Today, Jews gather to pay tribute to the deserve. I urge my colleagues to join MCMILLEN me in this important and worthy bat- memory of our Six Million brothers and sis- · Mr. WARNER. Mr. President, I rise ters murdered only because they were Jew- tle. ish; We gather to honor the fighters of the I yield back the remainder of my today to pay tribute to Ms. Ruby B. McMillen, a native of Virginia's Albe- Warsaw Ghetto; to grieve; and to continue time.· marle County, who is retiring from the asking the questions: Why did it happen? f How could the civilized world allow it to Defense Logistics Agency, Fort happen? Why were we so abandoned? Six mil- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF Belvoir, Virginia, this month after a lion times, why? LETTER CARRIERS distinguished civilian career spanning This year's national Days of Remembrance more than thirty-six years. Ms. theme is dedicated to the voyage of the SS · Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I would McMillen, who currently directs the St. Louis. It is a story of refuge denied; it is like to bring to your attention the Na- Agency's business management office, a tale of international abandonment and be- tional Association of Letter Carriers has devoted her professional life to sup- trayal. Why were they refused entry into Food Drive Day. On Saturday, May 8, this country? How can we ever understand porting the logistics needs of military why this was allowed to happen? Today, it is letter carriers from around the country men and women assigned around the will collect nonperishable food items inconceivable to us just how that ship in world in defense of our freedom. Her those days was turned away. placed near their customers' mail accomplishments are many and her Today 54 years ago the American soldiers boxes. The food will then be given to reputation for innovative, visionary came across Nazi Germany slave labor camps local food pantries for distribution to leadership is unparalleled. Her con- and liberated Buchenwald and saved many of those in need. The National Associa- tributions to the National Defense will us who are here present today. Our gratitude tion of Letter Carriers in Alabama col- be missed, so as she transitions to new will remain with us forever. We will always remain grateful to these soldiers for their lected more than 500,000 items last year opportunities, I want to say thanks to alone, and I would like to encourage kindness and generosity, and we will always her on behalf of a grateful nation. remember those young soldiers who sac- my colleagues to support the letter Ms. McMillen's career is noteworthy rificed their lives to bring us liberty. carriers' food drives in their States, for many reasons, but her remarkable Today, wherever Jews liveÐfrom Antwerp districts, and hometowns in order to rise through the civil service ranks to Melbourne, from Jerusalem to Buenos make this worthy event a success.· speaks to the real value of the work Aires, from New York to BudapestÐwe come together to remember to say Kadish collec- f she has done for our warfighters over tively. the years. Starting as a GS±3 clerk in THE VILLA TRAGARA Remembering the Holocaust is now a part Richmond's Defense General Supply of the Jewish calendar. We are together in · Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I was de- Center, she soon transitioned into pro- our dedication to Memory and our aspiration lighted to see that the Villa Tragara in fessional and leadership positions, but for peace and brotherhood. Yom Hashoah, Waterbury Center, Vermont has been never lost her appreciation of the the Days of Remembrance, time to collec- awarded the ``Emblem of Excellence'' unique challenges faced by junior-level tively bear witness as a community. in Italian Cuisine. employees. With each assignment came And what lessons did we derive from these horrible experiences? The most important I am not the least bit surprised. My additional responsibilities and a rep- lesson is obviousÐit can happen again the wife and I enjoy going to this res- utation for cutting through business- impossible is possible again. Ethnic cleans- taurant more than any other. The own- as-usual obstacles. Over the years her ing, genocide, is happening as I speak. It can ers, Tony and Patricia DiRuocco are abilities developed, her contributions happen to any one or any group of people. special friends of ours and have grew, and she rose to the top of her ca- The slaughter in Kosovo and in other places brought the highest of culinary excel- reer field. For all the challenges she must be brought to an end. lence to our state of Vermont. I count successfully met, Ms. McMillen's en- Should there be another Holocaust, it may be on a cosmic scale. How can we prevent it? among my most enjoyable experiences during contribution will be all those All of us must remain vigilantÐalways meals in their superb restaurant and I employees to whom she served as an aware, always on guard against those who wanted the rest of the country to have active mentor. The next generation of are determined to destroy innocent human notice of this great honor. DLA's professional logisticians has life for no other reason than birthright..
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