Cronfa - Swansea University Open Access Repository _____________________________________________________________ This is an author produced version of a paper published in: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Cronfa URL for this paper: http://cronfa.swan.ac.uk/Record/cronfa51509 _____________________________________________________________ Paper: Häckl, K., Li, H., Aldous, I., Tsui, T., Kunz, W., Abbott, A., Warr, G. & Atkin, R. (2019). Potential Dependence of Surfactant Adsorption at the Graphite Electrode / Deep Eutectic Solvent Interface. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01968 _____________________________________________________________ This item is brought to you by Swansea University. Any person downloading material is agreeing to abide by the terms of the repository licence. Copies of full text items may be used or reproduced in any format or medium, without prior permission for personal research or study, educational or non-commercial purposes only. The copyright for any work remains with the original author unless otherwise specified. The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holder. Permission for multiple reproductions should be obtained from the original author. Authors are personally responsible for adhering to copyright and publisher restrictions when uploading content to the repository. http://www.swansea.ac.uk/library/researchsupport/ris-support/ ajs00 | ACSJCA | JCA11.1.4300/W Library-x64 | research.3f (R4.1.i3 HF01:4938 | 2.1) 2018/08/24 11:08:00 | PROD-WS-120 | rq_1759448 | 8/21/2019 10:14:29 | 7 | JCA-DEFAULT Letter pubs.acs.org/JPCL 1 Potential Dependence of Surfactant Adsorption at the Graphite 2 Electrode/Deep Eutectic Solvent Interface †,‡ ‡ § ‡ † § 3 Katharina Hackl,̈ Hua Li, Iain Aldous, Terrence Tsui, Werner Kunz, Andrew P. Abbott, ∥ ,‡ 4 Gregory G. Warr, and Rob Atkin* † 5 Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Regensburg, Universitatsstraßë 31, D-93053 Regensburg, Germany ‡ 6 School of Molecular Sciences, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth, WA 6009, Australia § 7 Materials Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, U.K. ∥ 8 School of Chemistry and University of Sydney Nano Institute, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia 9 *S Supporting Information 10 ABSTRACT: Atomic force microscope and cyclic voltammetry are used to 11 probe how ionic surfactant adsorbed layer structure affects redox processes at 12 deep eutectic solvent (DES)/graphite interfaces. Unlike its behavior in water, 13 sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in DESs only adsorbs as a complete layer of 14 hemicylindrical hemimicelles far above its critical micelle concentration 15 (CMC). Near the CMC it forms a tail-to-tail monolayer at open-circuit 16 potential (OCP) and positive potentials, and it desorbs at negative potentials. 17 In contrast, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) adsorbs as hemi- 18 micelles at low concentrations and remains adsorbed at both positive and 19 negative potentials. The SDS horizontal monolayer has little overall effect on 20 redox processes at the graphite interface, but hemimicelles form an effective 21 and stable barrier. The stronger solvophobic interactions between the C16 22 versus C12 alkyl chains in the DES allow CTAB to self-assemble into a robust 23 coating at low concentrations and illustrate how the structure of the DES/electrode interface and electrochemical response can 24 be engineered by controlling surfactant structure. 7−15 25 eep eutectic solvents (DESs) are a promising new electrolyte preparation and to produce well-defined 50 16,17 − 18,19 26 D solvent class prepared by simply mixing an organic salt nanoparticles, metal organic frameworks, porous 51 20,21 22 27 with a molecular hydrogen-bond donor (HBD). Properties nanocarbons, and colloidal materials. The extensive 52 28 comparable to ionic liquids (ILs) and large melting point exploration of the use of DESs in electrochemical applications 53 29 depressions of the individual components are realized by is a consequence of many having a wide electrochemical 54 30 exploiting strong H-bond interactions between the compo- window. In this context, a deep understanding of the DES 55 31 nents in order to stabilize the liquid state, but with the liquid nanostructure at electrode interfaces is critical for 56 32 advantage of utilizing a wide range of inexpensive, environ- optimizing electrochemical processes. While the liquid 57 33 mentally benign constituents. DESs are exemplified by a 1:2 nanostructure of ILs at solid interfaces has attracted much 58 23−32 34 mole:mole mixture of choline chloride (mp 302 °C) and urea research interest, to date only a few studies of the double- 59 35 (mp 132 °C), which has a melting point below 30 °C and even layer structure of DESs have been reported. Our group has 60 1,2 − 36 lower in the presence of small amounts of water. Other used atomic force microscopy (AFM) force distance curves to 61 37 widely examined DESs use glycerol or ethylene glycol as the probe the structure of DESs at solid and electrode interfaces. 62 38 HBD. The DES cation has low symmetry but, like the Hammond et al. and Chen et al. examined the formation of 63 39 molecular component, the ability to form a range of hydrogen layered, molecularly segregated DES nanostructures at 64 40 bonds. This wide variety of possible interactions between the platinum and graphite interfaces as a function of surface 65 33−35 41 liquid constituents produces a high entropy state and low potential. At both interfaces a counterion-rich Stern layer 66 3−6 42 melting points at the eutectic composition. was found in contact with the electrode, followed by a second 67 43 Like ILs, DESs have high ionic strength, low volatility, layer rich in molecular HBD component. For Pt electrodes, the 68 44 nonflammability, and high thermal stability and can be viewed interfacial nanostructure extended further into the bulk DES 69 ∼ 45 as designer solvents because of the wide range of potential upon water addition up to 40 wt %. This is surprising, as 70 46 ionic and HBD constituents. DES research is currently focused 47 in six main areas: electrochemistry, material preparation, Received: July 8, 2019 48 synthesis, catalysis, separations, and bioapplications. DESs Accepted: August 20, 2019 49 have been used for electrodeposition, electropolishing, and Published: August 20, 2019 © XXXX American Chemical Society A DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01968 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Letter 71 generally addition of even small amounts of water diminishes 36−38 72 liquid nanostructure at IL interfaces. 73 Recent studies have investigated methods of controlling the 74 morphology of electrodeposited films by optimizing conditions 39−43 75 and adding brighteners and levellers. Surfactants are 76 commonly employed in conventional electrochemical systems 77 to widen electrochemical windows, control the crystal size of 78 deposited metals, and reduce the surface tension of electro- 79 plating solutions to facilitate bubble detachment and prevent 44 80 pitting. Two studies investigating the use of anionic and 81 cationic surfactants for the electrodeposition of Zn and Ag in 82 DESs found that surfactants had negligible effect on deposition 45,46 83 rates and only minor changes in morphology. Conversely, 84 compounds known to specifically interact with the surface had 47 85 a more marked effect on deposit morphology. Surfactant 86 adsorption at solid/liquid interfaces depends on the relative 87 magnitude of solvent−surface, solvent−surfactant, surface− 88 surfactant, and surfactant−surfactant interactions. In aqueous 89 systems, oppositely charged surfactants adsorb and form 90 admicelles or bilayers on hydrophilic surfaces, but on 91 hydrophobic surfaces like graphite, surfactant alkyl chain− 48 92 surface interactions dominate, and hemimicelles form. In 93 both cases, the resulting interfacial aggregates can be imaged in 49−55 94 situ using AFM. Similar hemimicellar structures have fl 56 Figure 1. AFM de ection images for the (A) 25 mM and (B) 132 95 been reported in nonaqueous solvents, including formamide mM SDS at the graphite/ChCl-EG interface, (C) 21 mM SDS at the 54 96 and the protic ionic liquid ethylammonium nitrate. To date, graphite/ChCl-Gly interface, and (D) 2.5 mM CTAB at the graphite/ 97 surfactant adsorption at DES/solid interfaces has not been ChCl-Gly interface. The deflection height scales are (A) 0.3 nm, (B) 1 98 studied. nm, (C) 0.5 nm, and (D) 1 nm. The image insets show the adsorbed 99 Here we investigate the adsorbed layer structure of sodium surfactant structure in each system: (A and C) a tail-to-tail horizontal 100 dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide monolayer and (B and D) a fully formed hemimicelle. 101 (CTAB) at DES−graphite electrode interfaces using AFM soft- ff 102 contact imaging and cyclic voltammetry (CV). The e ect of circuit potential (OCP), where the graphite is negatively 123 34 103 the DES type, surfactant concentration, and surface potential is charged, both cationic and anionic surfactants displace the 124 104 probed. Details of the DES preparation and the AFM and CV strongly bound choline cation from the surface in order to 125 105 experiments, are provided in the Supporting Information. achieve such a highly ordered adsorbed layer structure. 126 106 Previously reported CMCs for CTAB in 1:2 choline In aqueous solution, surfactants first adsorb onto graphite 127 107 chloride:ethylene glycol (ChCl-EG), and SDS in ChCl-EG with their alkyl tails parallel with the surface, in a tail-to-tail 128 108 and 1:2 choline chloride:glycerol (ChCl-Gly), are presented in 129 48 arrangement, producing a horizontal monolayer at concen- t1 109 Table 1, alongside their values in water. The CMC of SDS in trations around 0.1 × CMC. These tails are epitaxially aligned 130 along one of the three graphite symmetry axes.
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