/07 06 2010 / 10 volume 65 Seeing red Disqualified mayoral candidate fights to get back on the ballot NEWS page 3 Red Road Lodge Local rooming house seeks charitable status to better serve residents news page 4 Red hair, red lips, red shoes Local alt-pop duo Ash Koley debut with Inventions ARTS & CULTURE page 11 02 The UniTer OctOber 7, 2010 www.UniTer.ca Looking for LisTings? Two turntables and CAMPUS & COMMUNITY LISTINGS AND Cover ImAge can you burn the VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES page 6, "At Dettifoss, Iceland" a microphone MUSIC page 12, by CInDy Titus Qur'an in canada? FILM & LIT page 14, Photo taken August 2010 in Jökulsárgljúfur Mama cutsworth talks DJing GALLERIES & MUSEUMS page 14 & 15, national Park in northeast Iceland. THEATRE, DANCE & COMEDY page 15, see more of Cindy's work at NEWS page 4 ARTS & CULTURE page 13 AWARDS AND FINANCIAL AID page 18 www.flickr.com/photos/cindytitus News UNITER STAFF ManaGinG eDitor Monthly campaigns from the serious to the ridiculous Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer From special interests to Geoffrey brown » [email protected] health awareness, there is a 2010 PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Ayame ulrich » [email protected] 2 month for everything 1 cOPy anD styLe eDitor OCTOBER britt Embry » [email protected] ArLeN Kasdorf Photo eDitor SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Cindy Titus » [email protected] volunteer 9 8 newS assiGnMenT eDitor 7 Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] October is Vegetarian Awareness Month, 6 newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor Canadian Library Month, Islamic History 5 Kristy Rydz » [email protected] Month, Autism Awareness Month and Car 4 Safety Month, just to name a few. With so many 3 16 arts anD culture eDitor awareness campaigns, it’s often tough to tell 15 Matt Preprost » [email protected] which are legitimate charitable causes and which 14 cOMMents eDitor aren’t. 13 23 Andrew Tod » [email protected] Kelly Keith, a spokesperson for Manitoba 12 22 Listings cO-OrDinator Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors, stated that 11 J.P. Perron [email protected] there is an official process that must be under- 10 21 » taken if an organization wants their campaign to caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer be recognized by governmental departments. 19 30 Karlene Ooto-stubbs » [email protected] “Requests are generally received by the min- 18 29 BeaT rePOrTer ister's office ... (then) referred to a departmental 17 28 Ethan Cabel » [email protected] specialist in the appropriate area who has to as- 27 sess them,” Keith said. BeaT rePOrTer “A proclamation has to be prepared and 26 sonya Howard » [email protected] signed by the (appropriate) minister. The min- 25 BeaT rePOrTer ister often reads the proclamation at an appro- 24 Lauren Parsons » [email protected] priate event.” Minister Jim Rondeau read one of these proc- culture rePOrTer Robin Dudgeon » [email protected] lamations at the Winnipeg Convention Centre Ayame Ulrich to help kickoff Seniors’ and Elders’ Month on is BCAM. It was started in 1985 to create more teaming up with other agencies to bring aware- Friday, Oct. 1. awareness of the disease as well as the need for ness to child abuse. CoNTrIBUTORS: Not all are endorsed by the Manitoba gov- early mammogram testing. It has now grown to According to Tony Zerucha of the Red Cross, ernment, but Keith said that she has a couple become an international event. the month-long tactic is about more than just Matt austman, Brandon Bertram, money. ezra Bridgman, Justin charette, October is Vegetarian Awareness Month, Canadian Library “It is more to call attention to the issue than a Michael chiasson, Kelsey clifford, ellie einarson, Shosana Funk, Sam Month, Islamic History Month, Autism Awareness Month and fundraising campaign,” he said. As many organizations strive for identifica- Gallagher-Bishop, robert Galston, Car Safety Month, just to name a few tion in this pool of awareness, many do not have will Gibson, Jordan Janisse, ryan the resources to wage national campaigns and Janz, adam Johnston, arlen of bowls full of pink ribbons in her depart- Tracy Sopkow of the Canadian Breast Cancer instead turn to social media. On Facebook alone Kasdorf, alex Krosney, esma ment ready for Breast Cancer Awareness Month Foundation recognized that even though this is a there are hundreds of pages dedicated to all types Mneina, adara Moreau, Sagan Morrow, andrew Podolecki, Sarah (BCAM). major worldwide occasion, keeping a local focus of interests. reilly, chloe rew, Sara Shyiak, These events may last all month, as in the case is central to maintaining such a sizeable event. Even though larger associations usually get aaron Snider, Jon Sorokowski, of BCAM, or may be just one day, like World “An increase in community or third-party media attention for official campaigns, October catherine van reenen, J. williamez Food Day on Oct.16. events helps to maintain a heightened aware- is also the time to recognize pretzels, stamp col- Even though numerous campaigns occur in ness,” she explained. lecting, spinach-lovers and toilet tank repair. October, the one garnering the most attention Also this month, the Canadian Red Cross is The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership based organization in which students and community members are invited to participate. For more BY ADARA MOREAu information on how to become a member go to www. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter Q: noW THAT THErE ArE onLY FOUr MAYorAL CAnDiDATEs in THE ELECTion (rAV giLL, BrAD is a member of the canadian University Press and GROSS, sAM kATZ AnD JUDY WAsYLYCiA-LEis), Do YoU THink THErE is EnoUgH CoMPETiTion? campus Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week kristina H. Maia scholfield Michelle Hyduik before publication. Deadline for advertisements is “Competition wise, the “The competition seems “I don’t think there’s noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter other two candidates really fierce, especially much competition left reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The Uniter will not print submissions that are not as publicized between sam and Judy.” after the four that just are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we as sam and Judy. so, dropped out. I think that also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. there’s really nothing all that is left on the there. Judy is adorable competition aspect is and I’ve lost hope for between sam and Judy.” cONtACT US » sam.” General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 Advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOcAtION » Jenna Hamm room OrM14 Jordon sadowy Michael Chomiak University of Winnipeg “no, I don’t think “There are 700,000 “There doesn’t seem 515 Portage Avenue there’s any competition people in this city. All to be a lot of competi- Winnipeg, Manitoba r3b 2e9 left seeing as half of you need is one mayor tion left just (because them didn’t make it. I to do the job, so the of) the fact that think sam Katz is going competition isn’t that there’s only four left, to win, because we’ve heated in my opinion.” and only two have been in the scene Mouseland Press Board of directors: already had him. And Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney people don’t really like really, and that’s sam and Judy.” Berthelette, clayton winter, alex Freedman, change.” Shannon Sampert, Brian Gagnon, Kelly ross, caroline Fisher, Ben wickstrom and Fabian Suarez. For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] News 03 www.UniTer.ca OctOber 7, 2010 The UniTer Fighting to get back on the ballot Disqualified mayoral have no right to see the final voters list. Without the final list, Thomas feels that candidate takes the city there is no way of confirming whether she or Ackerman are truly disqualified. to court “The onus should be placed on the city to prove that I am not eligible to appear on the ballot,” Thomas said, adding that she has eThAN CABeL found at least 12 discounted signatures on the Beat reporTer preliminary list and believes she is well over the 250 signatures required. “I asked for the (final) list, or at least to see Ed Ackerman, a local filmmaker and for- it, but I wasn’t permitted,” she said. mer mayoral candidate, marched into the Jack claims that access to the final voters Winnipeg Law Courts building on Friday, list is just rhetoric, particularly in Ackerman’s Oct. 1 on a mission. case. Clutched in his one hand was the Charter “(In Ackerman’s case) the number of valid of Rights and Freedoms. In the other, a large names found on the preliminary list and the sign proclaiming in bold letters: “Back on the final voters list was identical,” he said. Ballot.” Many of Ackerman’s signatures were dis- Ackerman was one of four mayoral candi- qualified because there had been a change dates that were disqualified for not providing in name or address. In some instances, the the 250 valid signatures necessary to appear printed name may have been simply illegible on the municipal election ballot. to the senior election official, Jack said. In response to his disqualification, “For this reason, all candidates are encour- Ackerman filed a legal motion against the aged to get more names than just the 250 City of Winnipeg requesting that his nom- because these issues are bound to occur,” he ination papers be reviewed and at least 109 added.
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