THE BRIDGE ISSUE 4 The Bridge JUNE 2014 MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS . MALTA. Inauguration of the International Institute of Justice and the Rule of Law On the 18th June, at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the International Institute of Jusitce & Rule of Law was inaugratated with the participation of all the founders and partners of this initiative. THE BRIDGE | Issue # 2 Malta is not only hosting this International Institute but is also one of its co-founders together with Algeria, France, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Morocco, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States. The mission of this institute, which will collaborate closely with the United Nations and other relevant international and non-governmental organizations, is to provide rule of law-based training to lawmakers, police, prosecutors, judges, corrections officials and other justice sector stakeholders on how to address terrorism and related transnational criminal activities within a rule of law framework. The IIJ will initially focus on countries in North, West, and East Africa, and the Middle East, paying particular attention to supporting countries in transition. The Government of Malta has offered a historic building to be used by the Institute as a permanent home, which will be refurbished into a modern training facility. In the meantime, the Institute and its Interim Secretariat will be hosted within the University of Malta, Valletta Campus, which will facilitate the development of an enduring partnership between the new centre and Malta’s oldest university. In commenting about this development, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Dr. George W. Vella referred to Government’s satisfaction at having been entrusted with the hosting of the Institute. This was a clear endorsement of Malta’s constructive regional role. The Minister added that Malta would be taking active steps to ensure that the vision and goals of the Institute are fully achieved.Minister Vella also welcomed the focus being placed by the Institute on the establishment of rule of law and judiciary reforms in countries undergoing wide-ranging changes. Prime Minister of Malta Dr.Joseph Muscat attended the inauguration event. THE BRIDGE | Issue # 3 d THE BRIDGE | Issue # 4 Malta tilħaq ftehim mas-Somalja għall- ewwel darba. F’Ateni hekk kif kien qed jattendi għall-laqgħa Ministerjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Lega Għarbija, il-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin Dr.George Vella ħa l-opportunita’ u laħaq ftehim mas-Somalja fid-dawl tal- immigrazzjoni rregolari, hekk kif il-maġġoranza tal-immigranti rregolari li jidħlu f’Malta ġejjin minn dan il-pajjiż. Il-Ministru Vella ffirma l-ftehim mal-Ambaxxatur Somalu Ali Said Faqi. Din hija l-ewwel darba li Malta ffirmat ftehim mas-Somalja, u permezz ta’ dan il-qbil Malta se tkun tista’ tikseb għajuna minn esperti Somali biex jiġu identifikat jekk l-immigranti rregolari li jaslu Malta humiex verament mis-Somalja. Fil-passat Malta kienet wegħdet li tgħin finanzarjament lis-Somalja, u permezz ta’ missjoni tal-Unjoni Ewropea għenet fit-taħriġ ta’ uffiċjali militari Somali fid-dawl tal-azzjoni kontra l-piraterija lil hinn mill-kosta Somala. THE BRIDGE | Issue # 5 Il-Ministru Vella f’missjoni diplomatika fil- Golf Għarbi. Fis-26 ta’ Mejju, il-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin Dr.George Vella beda ġimgħa ta’ missjoni diplomatika fil-Golf Għarbi, liema missjoni bdiet mill-Bahrain fejn ltaqa’ mal-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin Sheik Khalid Al Khalifa, kif ukoll mal- Prim Ministru tal-pajjiż, l-Altezza Tiegħu l-Prinċep Khalifa Bin Salman al Khalifa. F’Manama il-Bahrain, id-dikussjonijiet ffukaw fuq it-tisħiħ tar-relazzjonijiet bejn Malta u l-Bahrain, fosthom fl-oqsma politiċi, kummerċjali u soċjali. Il-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin tal-Bahrain esprima l-apprezzament tiegħu għaż-żjara tal-Ministru Vella li se tkompli twitti t-triq għall-futur fit-tisħiħ tar-relazzjonijiet bilaterali. Il-Ministru Al Khalifa wera interess li pajjiżu jaħdem qrib ma’ Malta, anki fl-irwol li tgawdi Malta mal-pajjiżi ġirien tagħha. Wara l-Bahrain, Dr.Vella żar l-Emirati Għarab Magħquda fejn mal-Ministru għall-affarijiet barranin Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan iffirma Memorandum of Understanding għal kooperazzjoni politika li se tkun il-qafas għal iktar skambji bejn iż-żewg Ministri. Wara dan il-pajjiż, Dr.Vella mar f’Oman, fejn iffirma żewġ Memoranda of Understanding, wieħed dwar Kooperazzjoni Politika, u ftehim ieħor għal tneħħija ta’ Visa fuq Passaporti Diplomatiċi. THE BRIDGE | Issue # 6 F’Muscat Oman, Dr.Vella ltaqa’ mas-Segretarju Ġenerali fil-Ministeru għall-Affarijiet Barranin ta’ Oman li min-naħa tiegħu ddeskriva l-laqgħa mal-Ministru Vella bħala żvilupp importanti fir-relazzjonijiet bilaterali. Iż-żewġ naħat ddiskutew oqsma li għandhom potenzjal għal kooperazzjoni fosthom l-edukazzjoni, is-servizzi finanzjarji, dak bankarju, s-settur marittimu, l-avjazzjoni u l-qasam tal-enerġija. Is-Segretarju Ġenerali Badel Al-Busaidi qal li l-kooperazzjoni ma’ Malta għandha prospetti tajbin ħafna u li għalhekk hemm l-intenzjoni li jkun hemm żjarat ta’ familjarizazzjoni fuq diversi setturi. L-ahhar pajjiż li żar fil-Golf Għarbi kien il-Qatar, b’Dr.Vella jiltaqa’ mal-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin tal- Qatar, l-E.T. Khalid Bin Mohamed Al Attiyah. Waqt il-laqgħa li saret f’Doha, il-Ministru tal-Qatar tkellem dwar l- importanza li pajjiżu jsaħħaħ ir-relazzjoni tiegħu ma’ Malta, fejn issemmiet ukoll iż-żjara li kien għamel l-Emir tal-Qatar f’Malta, f’April tas-sena 2012. Iż-żjara li għamel il-Ministru Vella fil-Golf Għarbi ngħatat prominenza THE BRIDGE | Issue # 7 qawwija mill-mezzi tax-xandir ta’ dawn il-pajjiżi, b’rapporti fuistazzjonijiet televiżivi u fuq il-ġurnali. “A Golden opportunity for our Diaspora...Malta is and will be on the Move.” Dr Raymond Xerri, Director, Directorate for the Maltese Living Abroad 2014 is half way through, but from a marketing point of view this year is one of a kind usually a once in a generation occurrence. Furthermore, with national calendar of events of importance which commenced this year – 35 years since National Freedom, half a century Independent and four decades as a Republican democracy - stretching well into the next decade so far is unique in our history. Subsequent years will see big events such as the 4th World Convention for the Maltese Living Abroad and the 100th Anniversary since the Gallipoli conflict (April); Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (November) all in 2015. The following year will see a number of large scale conferences such as the World Conference of Catenians Association expected to attract hundreds of delegates from around the world. Malta’s first Presidency ever of the European Union will dominate the first half of 2017. The jewel in the crown of European cities will shine to the world as Europe’s Cultural Capital 2018 and a century from the end THE BRIDGE | Issue # 8 of World War I in November. Other such events will follow stretching to 2022 when Malta will sit as Member of the Security Council of the United Nations Organization. It is a golden opportunity for our permanent Diaspora to visit Malta. It is a great chance for subsequent generations of Maltese and Gozitan to come and explore their family history, their motherland and their very rich heritage. A heritage which goes miles in reinforcing a strong personal and Diaspora group identity which is essential in today’s globalised often confusing world for the younger generations. Come immerse yourselves and explore the rich archaeological, social, cultural, religious and historical heritage your forefathers came from. You will be amazed what new dimensions these experiences can bring into your life, in the life of your family and friends! If we as a nation can manage to market well these upcoming events the yields can be enormous. The momentum is there in front of us, it is up to all of us, Maltese whether in Malta or elsewhere around the world, the message should be one...Malta is on the move. In synergy, our Foreign Diplomatic Representatives, companies and entities should use to the maximum the tools available to increase and turn this opportunity into a unique and enriching economic and national experience. Fi Franza, il-Maltin iqabbdu l-aptit bit- tjubija tal-ħelu Malti. ‘Malte La Douce’ THE BRIDGE | Issue # 9 The variety of Maltese traditional cakes was the main theme of the participation of the Embassy of Malta in France, at this year’s Planête du Gout. This event, which has become an annual culinary Parisian rendez- vous, provides participating countries with a golden opportunity to present their traditional cuisine. 24 countries participated at this year’s event, which was held under the high patronage of the Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. Stéphane Le Foll, and hosted by the Embassy of Switzerland. This year the Embassy wanted to show off the Maltese “sweet tooth”, and that Maltese tradition includes a cake for each and every occasion. Guests had the opportunity to taste Qaghaq tal-Ghasel, Figolli, Kwarezimal, Prinjolata, Biskuttini tal-Lewz, Imqaret, Qubbajt, and Helwa tat-Tork. Most of the products were prepared by the Embassy's staff. Malta’s stand was the only one to include just sweets, and was a great success with guests, especially towards the end of the event. The taste of pure almonds married with orange, lemon zest and cloves of the Kwarezimal went down extremely well. At the end of the event some guests came to our stand to discreetly ask for a doggy bag! On the stand we also served Maltese liquers, beer and kinnie. The Swiss Ambassador, who until a few weeks ago was serving in Italy and was accredited to Malta was one of the most enthusiastic visitors of our stand – he admitted that nothing beats a fresh Cisk. Experts in the culinary world had words of praise for the Maltese products and even encouraged the export of such products to France.
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