Founded A.D. 1874 by John Singenber9'er SOLOS IN THE LIGHT OF THE CATHOLIC LITURGY WHEN THE CHOIR SINGS OUT OF TUNE ANALYSIS OF SOME ORGAN WORKS OF VIERNE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GUY WEITZ-COMPOSER CHAlDEAN CHURCH IN CHICAGO APRIL 1936 No.4 Entered as second class mat.. ter, October 20, 1931, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Formerly, published in St. ar4t <!Tattilia Francis, Wisconsin. Now issued Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Music monthly, except in July. Subscription: $3 per year, pay.. able in advance. Single copies Vol. 63 April, 1936 No.4 SOc. Honorary Editor OTTO A. SINGENBERGER Managing Editor WILLIAM ARTHUR REILLY Business and Editorial Office 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Contributors • REV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.}. Buffalo, N. Y. DOM ADELARD BOUVILL.. IERS, O.S.B., Belmont, N. C. V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE, IN THIS ISSUE O.S.B., Conception, MO- REV. CARLO ROSSINI, OPPICE NOTES 156' Pittsburgh, Pa. REV. J. LEO BARLEY, Baltimore, Md. SOLOS IN THE LIGHT OF CATHOLIC LITURGY REV. JEAN RIBEYRONt San Francisco, Calif. By Roland Boisvert 159 REV. F. T. WALTER, St. Francis, Wise. REV. JOSEPH VILLANI, S. C., WHEN THE CHOIR SINGS OUT OF TUNE­ San Francisco, Cal. SOME CAUSES AND CURES REV. P. H. SCHAEFERS, Cleveland, Ohio. By Clifford Roberts 161 REV. H. GRUENDER, S.J., St. Louis, Mo. ANALYSIS OF SOME OF LOUIS VIERNE'S SR. M. CHERUBIM, O.S.F. Milwaukee, Wise. ORGAN WORKS SR. M. GISELA, S.S.N.D.• By Dom Adelard Bouvilliers 165 Milwaukee, Wise. SR. M. RAFAEL, B.V.M., Chicago, III. OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH 170 M. MAURO..COTTONE, New York, N. Y. ELMER A. STEFFEN, QUESTION AND ANSWER Box Indianapolis. Ind. Dom 'Gregory Hugle, O.B.B.. 183 RICHARD KEYS BIGGS, Hollywood, Cal. MARTIN G. DUMLER, M. M., GUY WEITZ - Oomposer. 187 Cincinnati. O. JOSEPH J. McGRATH, Syracuse. N. Y. ROLAND BOISVERT, Michigan City. Ind. W. A. HAMMOND. Fort Wayne. Ind. ARTHUR C. BECKER, Chicaqo, Ill. FREDERICK T. SHORT, • Brooklyn. N. Y. ACHILLE P. BRAGERS. New York, N. Y. Contents of each issue, Copyright, 1936 Published by McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO., 100 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. 156 THECAECILIA OFFICE NOTES MOST PROMINENT AMERICAN Special Masses were said in all Buenos CATHOLIC ORGANISTS AND Aires churches. COMPOSERS OF ORGAN With a population of 2,500,000, Buenos Aires is the world's largest Spanish...speak... MUSIC ing city, the largest city in South America Recitalists and Composers whose per... and the third largest in the Western Hem... formances or ,compositions are regularly re... isphere.--Pittsburgh Catholic. cording in published programs of Catholic and non... Catholic Churches and in public re.. ORGAN THREE-.-HUNDRED YEARS citals. OLD REOPENED IN ROME Melchiorre Mauro... Cottone Pietro Yon The great organ in the Church of St. John Charles M. Courboin Lateran, constructed by Pope Clement VIII Caspar Koch in 1600 for the 16th Holy Year is in work... Richard Keys Biggs ing order again after two centuries of Rene L. Becker silence. Philip G. Kreckel It was used during the celebrations of the Frederick W. Goodrich 14th anniversary of Pius XI election to the Edgar Bowman Papal throne. The reconstruction work has W. J. Marsh taken just two years time, having been be... W. J. L. Mey.er gun in the first week of February. Norbert E. Fox John Macdonald Lyon NEWS OF CATHOLIC-.- ORGANISTS AND CHOIRS IN THE DIAPASON In Memoriam tt The March issue of uThe Diapason con... Humphrey J. Stewart tained several items concerningwell...known J. Lewis Browne Catholic Organists and Choirmasters which F. S. Palmer we are taking the liberty of reprinting be... low: CATHOLIC PRESS-.-CONFERENCE Gregorian Program at H,art£ord, Conn. IN DETROIT, MARCH 8~15 A program of Gregorian music was pre... sented to the Hartford Chapter (A.G.O.) by D'Avignon Moret Chairman of the Plain the choir of St. Thomas' Seminary under di... Chant Section. rection of the Rev. Thomas F. Dennehy in A successful Catholic Press Conference the auditorium of the seminary Feb. 17. was held in Detroit, from Mar,ch 8th to 15th. Father Dennehy recounted the early rise By appointment of His Excellency the Most of plainsong in the first centuries, its rapid Rev. Bishop of Detroit, D'Avignon' Morel. achievement in the Ambrosian liturgy, the was appointed Chairman of the Plain Chant subsequent attainments of the Gregorian Section. chant codified by Pope Gregory and its Mr. Morel has been active in the promo... eventual supplanting by polyphonic music. tion of liturgical music for some time. In The revival of Gregorian music in the addition to the teaching of chant to his own nineteenth century was also described. choir, Mr. Morel, has lectured on the Art of Father Dennehy told how the Benedictines Gregorian, to the American Guild of Organ... had always had the liturgy much at heart, ists, Detroit Chapter. and that further to pursue it, Dom Prosper Geranger had established the Abbey of Sol.... MASSES IN BUENOS-.- AIRES MARK esmes in that century. 400th ANNIVERSARY GUMPRECHT-.­RESUMES CHOIR Buenos Aires, Feb. 2 -- The 400th anni... ' versary of the founding of Buenos Aires WORK IN WASHINGTON, D. C. was celebrated today with a re...enactment Armand J. Gumprecht, a charter mem'" of the landing Feb. 2, 1536, of a Spanishex.­ ber of the District of Columbia, Chapter A. pedition, headed by Pedro de Mendoza. G. 0., has been appointed organist at St. THE CAECILIA 157 Mary's Catholic Church. We should say ALBERTUS MAGNUS COLLEGE uappointed again," for Mr. Gumprecht has New Haven, Conn. held this same post before. A native of Boston, the son of a charter member of the The feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pat... Boston Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Gum... ron of Schools, was -celebrated with Rtting precht carn,e to Washington many years splendor on Saturday, March 7. ago, after two years at St. Vincent's, Bos... At 9 o'clock the Student Body sang the ton, to accept the position at Holy Trinity, beautiful Gregorian Mass of Our Lady, G'eorgetown. From there he went to Sacred Cum jubilo, and after the Mass, Adoro te Heart, St. Mary's, Sacred Heart again and Devote by St. Thomas Aquinas. back to Holy Trinity, wher.e he has been for The College Choir sang the Proper of the nearly nine years, and now to St. Mary's Mass according to Gregorian notation. again. Mr. Gumprecht was secretary of the At 10:30 ,the Very Reverend Doctor District of Columbia Chapter for nine years Francis O'Neill, O.P., Prior of St. Mary's and director of the Washington Sangerbund Church, New Haven, addressed the Student for nearly fourteen y1ears. Mr. Gumprecht Body during a programme held in the Stu... has numerous compositions to his credit, dents' Building. His subject was "Saint many of them in manuscript, including fOUf Thomas, the Saint and Scholar." masses. The College Gle,e Club rendered two very -e­ beautiful choruses, Halleluia by Schubert MAURO~COTTONE AS SOLOIST and Ave Maria by Brahms. WITH NEW YORK SYMPHONY -e- Performance with New York Philharmonic PROGRAMS Rouses Enthusiasm PIUS X SCHOOL CHOIR IN CONCERT! Before an audience which thronged Car... The Pius X School of Liturgical Music York~ College of the Sacred Heart. New York negie Hall in New Melchiorre Mauro Town Hall-February 18. 1936 ...Cottone, noted organ'ist...composer, appear... ed as soloist with the N ew York Philhar... PROGRAM monic Orchestra Thursday ,evening, Feb. 6, Pax in terris (from a Nativity Play of the XIII performing Handel's Seventh Organ Con.. Century) Gregorian Chant certo in B flat major. Mr. Mauro..Cottone Salve Virgo (Hymn sung during the Nativity Play) Gregorian Chant scored an enthusiastic and genuine success. Kyrie--Clemens Rector--Mode I Gregorian Chant At the end of his performance he was re... In Quacumque die (3 Voices) called four times. His own cadenza to the Orlando de Lassus (1520,.,1594) concerto, composed in Handel's style, and Commovisti Domine--Mode VIII Gregorian Chant (Tract for Sexagesima Sunday) with the brilliance whi'ch marks Mr. Mauro... Confltemini Domino (4 Voices) Cottone's performances, was beautifully im... Palestrina (1525,.,1594) pressive. The orchestra, under the direction of Hans Lange, played sympathetically and was at its best. Olin Downes in the New York Times CATHOLIC CHURCH MUSIC wrote: "The soloist was Melchiorre Mauro.. With uS t Church MusiQ is not merely Cottone, a brilliantly ,equipped performer, a side issue. Music is our sole specialty who also played his own fine cadenza in the and our Catholic Department has been Rrst movement." Lawrence Gilman in the New York H,erald...Tribune, said: uThe ac­ founded for the purpose of giving a complished organist Melchiorre Mauro..Cot... highly specialized service in Catholic tone played with excellent taste and Church Music. musicianship." Our latest complete catalogues will be forwarded on request and all en­ At the close of the concert Mr. Mauro... quiries will receive immediate and care­ Cottone was complimented by Maestro and ful attention. Mme. Toscanini, who were present at the performanc,e, and by many well...known or­ J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. ganists, including Dr. T. Tertius Noble, 11 Great Marlborough Street, Archer Gibson, Pietro Yon, Walter Peck London, England Stanley and others.-Diapason. 158 THB CAECILIA Alma Redemptoris......... Mode V. Gregorian Chant SEVENTH WORD: "Father, into Thy Hands I (Antiphon to Our Lady) commend My Spirit." Tu exsurgen (3 Voices) Orlando de, Lassus Sermon. Judilate Dee-Psalm 65-Mode VIII Meditation. Gregorian Chant Hymn-In the Shadow of The Cross. Introit: for Third Sunday ,after Easter) Combined Chorus Sederunt principes.........Mode V Gregorian Chant VENERATION OF THE CROSS.
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